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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 03-17-2023


Rank Changes:

Ensign James Kent has been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant after his adequate performance and ability to adapt to quickly changing circumstances.

Good luck out there Lieutenant.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 03-29-2023


Rank Changes:

Ensigns Jack Ellis and Alex Clarke have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant for their outstanding performance in the field of battle.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 04-09-2023


Rank Changes:

Commodore Isaac Lance receives the position of Subcommander under Admiral Paul McKinley for Oversector North.

Commodore Henry Talbot is retired from the position of Subcommander and receives the position of Executive Officer.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-13-2023


Rank Changes:

The rank of Fleet Admiral is hereby redesignated into the rank of Admiral of the Fleet.

Captain Jacob McIntire is promoted to the rank of Commodore and receives the position of Oversector Commander for Oversector Center.

Captain Garret Joseph Winters is promoted to the rank of Sea Lord.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 07-14-2023

[Image: u7RetbH.png]
[Image: 1R7qFYD.png]

Message Class: Subject "Terra"
Encryption: Regional
To: Bretonia Armed Forces
From: Cmdr Robert Dzeferson

Esteemed ladies, gentlemen,

It is now after a very long time that I address you. Some time ago, and I will specify it is in fact 6 years that have passed, I parted ways with you for a certain reason. It is my privilege and obligation to inform you that I have spent this time to make our defence better and stronger. I will take my time explaining what exactly I mean.

In the beginning of my carrier I had fought with ground forces during the war, as you are aware from my biography. Later I did become a pilot of her Majesty the Queen, but I still felt the longing for infantry boots and good, solid ground and soil. So after debating with myself, I decided to withdraw from the air and try to be more earth-orientated for some period of time. As it turns out it was good for me, and in the end for Bretonia, as I see it.

Shortly after I left my Templar in the hangars I spent some time wandering trough Bretonia, until I stumbled upon an old friend of my fathers, Mr. Marcus J. Cofield the III. He is, at the moment, a professor at the Cambridge University and Royal Infantry Academy Sandhurst. We had a nice chat over some tea and biscuits. Also he made me a proposal to attend some of his classes, as a favour to an old friend, my father of course.

After attending some of his classes, I found myself back in the days when boots were my most important asset, along with my rifle, good eye and a steady hand. And then it occurred to me. We can fight as much as we want in space, with our snubs, capital ships and whatever, but until we find some good planet with plenty of plants, fresh air, nice and clear water, we will not find hundreds of systems enough for us. That said, I decided to join the Corps. I had luck to enlist with a good people, hardworking and just, which is the most important aspect for me. After joining and serving for several months, I got a call from my CO. He told me he is willing to send me to school and get me into infantry strategy course, due to my behavior and in honor of my rank in the Air Service in the Bretonia Armed Forces. I accepted.

In the course we had some really good classes, outstanding professors and outstanding but challenging drills and trials. It lasted for 4 years and in the end I managed to get my degree in Infantry and guerilla warfare, with masters degree in the Earths historical units and figures, more specifically Balkan Chetniks in the period of Balkan Wars and pre-World-War I period, with sub degree in World War I battles, command structures and units manoeuvrs.

Now I come to you as a tide, to help overcome the next hard periods of time, financially, spiritually and most importantly within the realm of military strategy.
If it is in fact one of the aspects you are interested in, please let me know in the communication channel.

And last but not least, I am requesting permission to be reinstated into active service, to be at your disposal with all my acquired knowledge as a former pilot and commander of the BAF and as a Captain of the Special Warfare Operations, SWO, 5th "Iron" Infantry Division.

With all due respect,
Robert Dzeferson
Bretonian Armed Forces, SWO 5th Iron Division

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gagadug. - 07-14-2023

- Message Class: Textual -

-= Strong Encryption =-

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Priority: High
To: Commander Dzeferson [only]
From: Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacob McIntire, BAF
Location: HMS Elephant, New London

Commander Dzeferson,

consider yourself reinstated, you will retain your former rank as Commander of the Bretonian Armed Forces spacebourne arm. Report for briefing at the HMS Elephant tomorrow at 0800 New London main time.
I value an officer who does not think he knows it all and is willing to improve and adapt to the changing challenges our great house faces. And while I am sure your tactical mind will be put to good use in the fleets I think your potential would be wasted deployed only in a theater you are evidently not feeling quite at home in. You will get your infantry division, but it will not be an active duty one for now.
I want you to develop it into a testbed for our ground fores modernisation. We used to yield a massive force of conscripted citizens in the gallic war, a necessity of defensive war of this scale and time. Now Bretonia needs these men and women to rebuild our nation.
While the process of downsizing and professionalising our ground forces is making good progress, we certainly have to take the opportunity to incorporate new tactics and doctrines that will give us a head start in the next conflict.
We will discuss the details of your assignment in the coming days, I eagerly await your arrival.

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacob McIntire

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Cybertron - 07-15-2023

[Image: u7RetbH.png]
[Image: 1R7qFYD.png]

Message Class: "Project Babunski"
Encryption: Total
To: Admiral Sir Jacob McIntire,
From: Cmdr Robert Dzeferson

Esteemed sir,

firstly I want to express my gratitude towards you and BAF as a whole. I am indeed honoured by warm welcome after my long absence from the force. I'll try to do my best not to let you all down. I hope I'll rise to your expectations.
Today, after a short briefing, I took the liberty to convey a meeting with few of my subordinates. We briefly discussed our tactics and tried to conclude what is the best way to proceed. The conclusion is as follows:
  1. in order to maintain the high level of combat effectiveness and still keep in mind the total defence budget we are in possession of, the requirements of our goal can be met by meticulous planning and properly executing our strategy;
  2. we must consider smaller units that are specialized in certain aspects of warfare and capable to be autonomous for certain amount of time;
  3. the concept of our progress must be specifically targeted with efforts to sustain a long term campaign in either land, water, air or space;
  4. in the case it is necessary to implement ground forces strategies, we must have prepared options for a lethal and lowest possible, men loss, type of risk for our cause;
Having that said, I have made some calculations in which I think you might be interested. It consists of:
  • number of soldiers required per regiment,
  • staff per categories included,
  • list of the criteria for possible candidates,
  • assignments for which the given regiment is capable of executing,
  • equipment required,
  • finances in terms of total expenses per month for one unit of said regiment,
  • logistical supplies required,
  • training facilities and training compound specifics,
  • training program and list of assignments per categories,
  • evaluation list for performance after the training period ends,
  • security details needed in place for securing the secrecy of the program,
  • list of possible projects with prospect details of missions success rate and
  • recommendations for possible deployments per teams of said regiments.

Please keep in mind that every single of those regiments will be made of dozens of teams specialized in versatile warfare, able for all kinds of missions, as already said, in different types of environment.
With meticulous planning I have developed a certain number of strategies which I cannot disclose to you at the moment, in regards of unit manoeuvers, weapon utilities, defence and offence positions depending on the terrain, etc.
I eagerly expect your answer and I am available for any clarification of my report, if deemed necessary. Until then, I will resume my duty towards the BAF and the SWO 5th Iron Division.

With all due respect,
Robert Dzeferson
Bretonian Armed Forces, SWO 5th Iron Division

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - monmarfori - 08-14-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Flag Officer Roy Howard

This is Flag Officer Roy Howard reporting,

I've recently returned to my duty within the Auxiliary Fleet. Aboard the gunboat HMS Strikethrough, I encountered a transport, flying under the callsign of RSL|Dowager.Countess and told the captain to halt near the Tau-31 jump gate in Leeds. The transport was found to be carrying around 2800 units of Black Market Light Arms, which are illegal under the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Laws. Fortunately, the captain proved to be cooperative throughout the encounter. After telling the captain to drop the contraband and pay a rounded fine of 5.6 million, the transport was let go without any further incident, with the contraband successfully confiscated.

Note that during the encounter, a Molly flew by, but unforunately, it retreated even though my attention was focused on the RSL ship.

Attached below are the logs relevant to the report:
Fine + Dropped cargo

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Roy Howard
Flag Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - monmarfori - 09-01-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Flag Officer Roy Howard

This is Flag Officer Roy Howard reporting,

After doing a routine patrol in Leeds aboard the HMS Exuberant, of which there was nothing interesting to report, I made my way to the Dublin system. Interestingly, my scanners read out a Barge-type ship of Outcast identification, under the callsign of HS>Gloria_di_Malta. While it carried nothing within its cargo hold, it was en route to Arranmore Base, a known Molly installation. As per the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Laws, the vessel's captain and its crew were detained following the Barge's destruction.

The HMS Exuberant made its way out of the system back to New London without incident, though a sizable Molly contingent was present immediately after. Fortunately, they failed to notice our presence from afar as the ships were focused on the wreckage left behind.

Attached below are the logs relevant to the report:
Scan 1
Scan 2

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Roy Howard
Flag Officer
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Victor Steiner - 09-02-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Alpine
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Commodore Edmund Steiner

[Image: XpbGmqn.png]

Ladies and Gentlemen
Having finished my leave and been cleared by the Medical board, I have taken up my previous position as Commander of the Norfolk in Cambridge. I continue until assigned elsewhere or additional orders have been recieved.

Edmund J.R Steiner
Bretonian Armed Forces
