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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 02-24-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

Today I patroled our Motherland (omega 52 system) when I got another message from our defence systems and other patrolers. Another tresspasser entered though Omega 50 Jump Hole and headed to 7c sector. I catched him up almost near Zvezdny. It was an ''Arrow'' Interceptor class ship with name Shining.Wisp.

I began my usual thing: talking with him and collecting all information about that ship and pilot. He sayed that he is Freenalcer Explorer and he was on his way to Omega 5. Scanning showed that he had 2 Cannonball missle launchers and 2 our pilots in hold. I asked him to drop them and he did. Now pilots back and safe on Zvezdny.

He refused to surrender however, so I angeged him and blowed his ship In Omega 50 near Boa Vista. Need to be sayed that Zoners did not let him land, so it seems they dont wanted problems with me. Thats good... Sending proof of his death and main part of our dialogue with that message.

For our Ikon Alvin Katz!
Dubovik out.

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:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Akura - 02-27-2012

--< New Message >--
[color=#ebbc01]Comm ID: Lieutenant-Doctor Matilda Brown
Freeport 9, Omicron Theta
Subject: Patrol
Encryption: Medium

[Image: MatildaCommsscra.jpg]
Dr Matilda Brown

I paid a visit to Omicron Alpha to make my mark on the fabled Hispania, to make my mark on it's hull.


I found an Outcast bomber, but he just ran away when I tried to destroy him.


In Tau-37, I met a certain Silver Reaver. After a rather lengthy conversation, we shot at each other for a while.


My patrol ended in Omicron Gamma, where I encountered a rather large fleet of Guild Core Cruisers, decimating Corsairs.


That is all.

- Dr Matilda Brown
[color=#ebbc01]--< Message Ends > --

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 02-28-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: Zvezdny Gorodok ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Priviet, comrades!

Today, comrade Lieutenant Stukov and I decided to pay Gamma a visit. On the way there, we found a Corsair Pirate Transport. He was silent when we asked him to stop, and wanted to flee at all cost. Well, he chose a bad place to eject. In Gamma, we took a Praetorian down in the Orbit of Crete and when the Corsairs brought the heavy weaponry as usual, we retreated to the Omega-41 system. There, we managed to kill two titans.

I have attached the guncam shots.

Long live the Coalition and our Glorious Premier!

Attached files:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 02-29-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Subject: Target of Opportunity Killed

"Comrades of the Coalition, today I stumbled across a battle taking place between elements of the Red Hessian Army and the Corsairs, mostly comprised of The Brotherhood. I slipped into the battle and started to cause as much havoc as I possibly could, unfortunately the Corsairs kept slipping through the Omicron Gamma Jumphole to resupply at an enemy Osiris parked on the other side so it was annoying to fight them, eventually we started to withdraw towards the Omega-11 Jumphole where I alongside a Hessian Pilot managed to take down their only Bomber, unfortunately the enemy brought in multiple capital ships not long after so I had to retreat after slowing down the Osiris' with Cruise Disruptor fire.

As I fell back with a kill under my belt I was spotted by several of the Corsairs in battle and they hounded me all the way to the Omega-52 Jumphole, four ships and they couldn't kill one...little...Insurgent. They chased me across the Omega-11 System and the Omega-5 system before I got through the Jumphole to home, they unfortunately did not follow or I would've given them a proper Coalition welcome consisting of the Kurt Eisner's weaponsfire and my own Insurgent.

But still the Coalition has not been defeated today, I shot down a Corsair, I got out alive all the while making a mockery of the Corsair's marksmanship.

Today was a good day to be a Coalition Snub-pilot."


Corsair Bomber Shot Down

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 03-01-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: Zvezdny Gorodok::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Priviet, comrades!

Today, I ordered Comrade Orlov to do some propaganda in Liberty space. I decided to escort him. In Omega-50, a Barge was waiting for us named Phlegethon. I asked him about the laws of the Coalition and he did pretty good. I was surprised, to be honest. We mostly meet people who don't even know what the Coalition is and yet they tresspass our home. Luckily, this one wasn't like that. He told me that he is warning every vessel entering the system. Telling them the laws and such.

In Omega-49, I found a lone corsair Correo freighter. It was armed with Salamancas and Loberas. I halted him and started questioning the one about his intentions. He said that he was going home, so I thought about making that easier for him. I offered a chance to surrender and leave his ship before it gets destroyed by my Kalashnikovs. He refused to do that, so I unloaded at him. After a short fight, he tried to dock at Lanzarote, but I managed to destroy his ship on the way there. Luckily, his ejecting system worked perfectly, so the pod was far from the ship when it went down in flames. A nearby zoner vessel tractored the pod and delivered it to the nearest corsair base.

Our destination was Pennsylvania. On the way there we haven't met anyone and unfortunately, the system was very silent. They didn't answer Orlov's propaganda broadcasts. I told him to stay there and keep trying in every two hours. I'm sure he will have someone to talk with, there. The Jr-Lt will send the logs to the main database as soon as he gets them.

I have attached the guncam record of the corsair.

For a Red Dawn, and for our great Premier!

Attached file(s):

:: End of Transmission ::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 03-02-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: Omega-52 ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Priviet, comrades!

Guess what. I have received a sensor scan log from the CPW-Kurt Eisner that someone has breached our defenses and flying around in our system. I took my Insurgent out for a patrol. I've visited the Omega-50 jumphole and all the stations but there were nothing but our drone patrols. So only one place was left on my list, the jumphole to Omega-5. I broadcasted a system-wide message that he is in restricted space and ordered him to state his intentions and the coordinates of his ship.

Luckily, he was cooperative. He told me where he is and he was "minding his own business", shooting our patrols. Farming our pilots. I gave him a chance to leave the system, but he started shooting at me instead. Bad luck for him, I shot back. He drifted right into my mine.

I've recovered and delivered the pilots back to Zvezdny Gorodok for medical examinations.

Attached file(s):

For a Red Dawn, for the Coalition and for our Great and Glorious Premier!

:: End of Transmission ::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dejavu - 03-05-2012

[font=Courier New]
FROM: [color=#FFFFFF]John Shaw
RE: The Dirty 'sairs!
DATE: 04/03/818 24:00


Good Day, Comrades.

What an adventure myself an Mr. Warner had in Gamma. First off we found a very unresponsive vessel sitting right outside our new rental Planet of Crete. So what did we do? That's right. Made him feel the airlessness of space. We're such a friendly bunch.

A few moments later a second 'sair came out to play. So I opened fire, exchanged a few words.... Meanwhile the 'sair hoard arrived. They were much less fun than the rest! Mr. Warner managed to get another kill whilst we were pulling back. 'sair's spacial awareness to mines isn't that good you know.

By now I had nine vessels on my arse alone, things were getting pretty desperate so we fell back all the way to our home. And what did they do? Tried to follow us. Gave the Eisner a bit of target prctice mind. For another was sent flying through space... Without a ship...

Until next time.

Shaw out.

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 03-05-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Subject: Operation: Slap the Bull

"As my comrade explained we did indeed play with the Corsairs, I would like to add another recent strike today by Comrade Nowell and myself this time.

We attacked a Corsair transport vessel carrying goods to Crete as well as a Benitez vessel on the other side of their Jumphole. Both ships were destroyed, by that time the enemy hoard was stirred up so we initiated Phase II of Operation: Slap the Bull.

We fell back to Omega-52 being chased by several ships who unfortunately for them chased us into our home, the Kurt Eisner provided suppressing fire as we fought them, two of them ran back through the Jumphole while another yet again provided target-practice for the Eisner.

Operation: Slap the Bull was a astounding success and I am very proud to have flown with both Comrade Shaw and Nowell and am thankful that there were no casualties on our side."


Corsair Transport Destroyed

Benitez Ship destroyed

Kurt Eisner having Target Practice.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 03-06-2012

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commandante Aloysius Rhade
To: The Fighter Corps
Priority: HIGH
[Image: 1zbteg2.png]
[Message Begins]

Attention all pilots of the Fighter Corps,

I have recently been recalled from a classified operation in order to assume the position of Commandante as no one else seemed willing or capable of filling that role. As you all know, Premier Katz has ordered the activation of the Military Reserve, a move that many see as unnecessary or a waste of resources.

However, despite any misgivings you may have, it is not my place, or your place to question the decision of the Premier. These Reservists will be of varying experience, ability and skill. The Reserve is not the Fighter Corps, as such I forsee high casualties among them. Nonetheless, it is our duty as members of one of the most feared and skilled military in Sirius to train these Reservists and lead them into battle. We will set an example by personally showing them how it's done. Remember, they're reservists but they're still members of the Coalition. Treat them as such.

As per my first executive order as a Commandante, I hear-by proclaim the following:

Senior officers, you will create and lead a squadron composed of two lower ranking members, and two recruits. In this way each of you will learn valuable leadership skills which seem to be sorely lacking as it seems to be only myself and a handful of others assuming leadership. Now you will work and earn your rank as a senior member. Report in with the following information

Squadron Name:
Squadron Leader:
Squadron Members:
That is all Comrades.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Astennu123 - 03-06-2012

:: Incoming Transmission ::
:: ID: Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov ::
:: Source: Zvezdny Gorodok ::

[Image: arx1314999398x.png]

Privet Comrades!

I'm here to report that my wing is ready and here what it looks like:


Commissar-Major Aleksei Stroganov


Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko
Lieutenant John Shaw
Junior-Lieutenant Vladimir Orlov


Our ships will be Insurgent very heavy fighters. Our main role is to gather the required intel at all cost and provide data about fleet movements and take high-priority targets out with maximum efficiency.

People of the Coalition, my Ikon, I give you the Vympel Heavy Reconnaissance Wing.

:: End of Transmission ::