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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Spear - 08-25-2008

Com ID: Capt. Daniel Carpenter, Departmental Supervisor of Homeland Security
Callsign: =LSF=Fluid
Transmitted to: Director of Operations LSF, LN & LPI

Subject: Over-run

Further to Sub. Lt. Mike Ypsilantis report I must admit todays tour was a nightmare, it seeemed I was never out of combat today as NY and Liberty was over-run with hostiles. For a time NY was held hostage by a massive pirate fleet terrorised the lanes. We lost alot of ships today, I barely escaped with my ship in one piece on one occasion. It's a good job our resources can handle the repair costs, but I hope never to see another tour like todays.

Capt. Daniel Carpenter

End Transmission

Liberty Forces Message dump - Razr - 08-25-2008

Comm ID: Admiral Christopher Phelps
Target: Stephanie Malaign

Well seems its been a long time since you first joined the ranks of this fine military force. You've done great things, you've made mistakes as well, yet you're still here just the same. I'm sure you recall that day more than ten years ago when you lost your parents. Over the years in the academy you developed a one-of-a-kind character, and for that we value you.

As I've said before, you've done great things, and we feel you'll do greater in the future. It is for this reason we believe you will help lead the Liberty Navy onto a higher plain. Congratulations Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign.

Make me proud,


Transmission terminated.....

Liberty Forces Message dump - Blighter - 08-25-2008

[Incoming Transmission...]
[Comm ID: Commodore Sarah Willows]
[Source: Dreadnought Durango, Zone 21]
[To: All active Liberty Navy forces]
[Transmission begins...]

Due to his extensive involvement in several classified operations and his excellent performance shown during those,
Curtis Elwood is hereby promoted to the rank of Commander.

Also, due to his major role in the development and construction of the LNS Durango, Curtis Elwood is granted full command of the ship.
While doing so, he is to be seen and treated as a Captain of the Liberty Navy.

Furthermore, I am hereby resigning from my position as a Commodore of the Liberty Navy.
I will remain active in reserve until 1200 SMT the next Sunday in case of any possible emergency.
Afterwards, I shall continue to remain aboard the Durango as a military and research adivsor until the time comes for me to move on.

Willows, out.

[Transmission ends.]

Liberty Forces Message dump - MB52 - 08-25-2008

Comm ID: Admiral Phil Garner (Juneau)
Target: LN forces

Several hours ago, the LNX_ThunderBay disappeared from our scanners. She had been testing a new jumpdrive technology and we can only assume something went wrong and the jumpdrive triggered pre-maturely. As of right now we've received no messages nor have we picked up any debris of any kind.

Until further notice the LNX_ThunderBay has been declared lost and potentially destroyed. If any Liberty vessels detect her, or find any debris, please contact Juneau station immediately.

Transmission terminated.....

Liberty Forces Message dump - SevereTrinity - 08-25-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[To: Admiral Phelps]

Sir, thank you for the promotion, but, with new power, comes new responsibility, and I can only try my best to achieve what is best for the Navy.

[Transmission Terminated]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Turkish - 08-26-2008

[Incoming Message]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Subject: Honour]
[Begin Message]

Officers of the Liberty Navy.

It is with great sadness and great pride I write this message. I have served as your formal and informal superior officer. I have done my best to perform my duties as the greatest man I could be, but as of late I have not been that man. I have been lax, I have been disconnected and dislocated from my command duties. I have failed you miserably and I am sorry for that. You are the finest military force I have ever had the grace to lay eyes upon, and it has been my pleasure to serve with and for you, the people of Liberty.

I am hereby resigning my active commission as the Fleet Admiral of the now obsolete and dismembered Southern Alliance, and the newly reformed Liberty Navy. I will be assuming a position as a member of the faculty of the Westpoint Military academy, specialising in tactical and political warfare. Please my sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, my family I should say. Fare well, fly safely, and defend our borders as I have been honoured to see you do.

With great humility and great thankfulness I resign my post.

Richard Woolsey out.

[End Message]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 08-26-2008

[Transmission begins]
Doctor Howard here.

At approximately 2300 hours yesterday Seth Karlo managed to leave the Medical center.

I had seen him personally only 2 hours before hand and he seemed to be still in a coma. I have no idea how he has escaped.

I believe that he may be trying to return to active duty. If anyone see's him, please notify us immediatly.

Howard out.
[Transmission ends]

[Transmission begins]
[ID: San Francisco]

Sir, sad to hear your leaving. You have been a good influence, and a good man. I will visit on West Point whenever I can.

Steph, good to hear about your promotion. You deserve it.

And hello everyone. I've woken up. I'm going to stay low for a little bit however, the doctors want to put me to sleep again.

I'll see all of you soon.

[Transmission Ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Chipz19 - 08-26-2008

*Incoming transmission*
<Sender: Officer Bean of Liberty Law Enforcement>
<Target: All Liberty Forces and High Command>

Very early this morning, New York was attacked and taken over by a large number of Pirates consisting of Hackers, Outcasts and Liberty Rogues.

It started out when my vessel departed from Manhattan and 10 minutes later reports came in of a large number of hostile and unlawful forces heading our way. I quickly reported this information to LNS-Providence, who stood with me all the way through this unearthly period.

Finally the pirates entered the system, and my reports told me that 8 of them were in New York. The Providence and I took shelter at Fort Bush, and using long system comms, we tried to contact all Liberty Forces, but with no ado. It seems all the LN, LSF and other law upholders of Liberty had docked on nearby planets or stations to indulge themselves in planetary affairs. The Providence and I were lost, knowing it was not in our power to prevent such a large incoming force.

A Liberty Rogue pilot seemed to be in charge of this attack, and seemed to go by the name of Mr.Anthony.Crowley. He threatened to open fire on Manhattan unless the LN revealed themselves and came to meet them. The Providence called his bluff and stated he would do no such thing, and indeed, even the Rogue knew the impact that would have been caused upon firing upon Manhattan. Instead he set out to try and find The Providence and I.

5 minutes later, Gafwynn showed up, and we quickly updated him on the comms via secure methods as to the situation. We still knew 3 was not enough, as there were now 10!!! pirates in New York. We knew if we were discovered, we would be destroyed instantly. LNS-Providence then placed a 5mill bounty on each of the pirates.

If it were not for Suzanna of Darkwing to show up and join our team, we may have been in serious trouble. She relayed the sitution to 2 more Darkwing members, and with these 3 DW pilots we thought we might count for some resistance against this Pirate Invasion.

However, the pirates moved from Manhattan and stated they were coming to Fort Bush, so we had to move quickly. LNS-Providence made the quick decision of moving to Pittsburg and this is what we did, to await the 2 more Darkwing gunboats to aid us.

DW Crunch showed up shortly after DW Suzanna had relayed the comms to him, and we were awaiting DW Rev to appear, he took his time as he was coming from Bering. To our glee, the LNS-New.Jersey also undocked from a nearby station, and he was quickly swiped up and added to our resistance.

The pirates numbers had now increased to 11 according to my reports, and they were opening fire upon Fort Bush. We knew we had to wait just a few more minutes until the last ship arrived to aid us.

[Image: screen3.jpg]

Just as DW Rev arrived, Riku showed up on our Long Range Scanners, and we knew we had been found. We attempted to move to Planet Maine, but with the time delay of communications, all the pirates had turned up in no less than 30 seconds. We knew this was it, it was our time to fight for what is right.

[Image: screen4.jpg]

They were flying a collective mix of bombers, gunships and fighters. Our collective force of a Battleship, A battlecruiser, a cruiser, and 4 gunboats counted as strong resistance against such a force.

[Image: screen6.jpg]

[Image: screen5.jpg]

[Image: screen7.jpg]

However, Gafwynn our battlecruiser was taken down very quickly by lots of arrays of SuperNova's and torpedo's from their bombers..and we knew what we were up against. Not long after that, DW Suzanna fell to their bombers and gunships, and then also LNS-New.Jersey. It was at this point they turned their fire on me, and i knew i stood no chance. They popped 2SuperNova's into my shield, then opened fire with everything, and my ship was destroyed in seconds. The Providence tractored in my escape pod, and i listened to the remaining battle.

DW Crunch managed to take down a couple of their ships, great shooting by him. However all fire was turned to the LNS-Providence, and he knew he had a choice to make. He called a tactical retreat as it would take months to repair a battleship, and we know we couldn't do without the Providence in future skirmishes. I was dropped of at Manhattan. Many thanks to Darkwing for their assist and help. Even if it did prove to be futile in the end.

Bean finished off writing his report and signs it:

Officer Bean

*Transmission ended*

Liberty Forces Message dump - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-27-2008

**Incoming transamission**

Sender: Liberty S. Casper

Target: Liberty Navy Command

Subject: Encounters while on patrol

##Message reads##

Upon returning from baltimore ship yard I encountered several of the other recruits from equipment aquisition period a few days ago. We also engaged and succsefully destroyed a Lane hacker aligned fighter calling himself Null.Sector just outside of Manhattan. We successfully destroyed his hip but but the gravity well of Manhattan caused interference of both my tractor beam and video feed making me unable to record the said happenings I was also unable to recover the escape pod.

We resumed patrol with no significant delay. Although we did pick up a disturbing message reading than an order Osiris had been spotted near the station Newark how ever we were unable to confirm this due to an ion storm that occured moments after.

Afterwards I picked up the radio transmissions from two unidentified ships one was a Xeno terrorist under the alias of "-Spear-" and ther other was the same hacker ship from before. I assume he used the delay from the ion storm to grap himself another ship. However I bagan to realize the two were combating one another, I still thought it would be best if I wait for back up. Moments after I picked up the ship of the navyman Nevaeh Serenity, from there we exchanced secure channel links and prepared our selves to combat the extremeist and lane hacker scout. The were brash about our interference and quickly settled their differences knowing the only stood a chance by working togother as temporary allies. While I despise outlaws I still commended their wise choice and rare ability to acknowledge priority.

Serenity and I both engaged the hostiles putting everything our instructor taught us to good use. after a few moments of fighting, the Dreadnought Providence jumped in. My guess is one of our missiles disrupted it's criuise function. I asked the captain of the ship to stand down and allow us to handle it ourselves, believing it would be a most educational experience. With effective use of our cruise disruptor missiles we caused several of the hacker's mines to prematurely detonate causing moderate damage to his ship and weapons systems, he was down to only his hullbreacher weaponry and mine dispencer.

[Image: th_64908_L.S.Casper_-_01_122_1017lo.jpg][Image: th_64960_L.S.Casper_-_02_122_589lo.jpg]

The battle continute onwards with serveral rogue and police units moving into assist (//NPCs) As well as a mercenary, Stone Sentinel. Mike Ypsilantis, another LN member joined us in the attack and eventually the hacker ship's navigation gave out and finally became still enough to be completely destroyed...again. I was about to collect his escap pod when another fighter class vessel of excecutioner type believed to be a civiian {Dark}Shadow interfered and severely damaged my ship's tractor function allowing it to drift out of range. The civilian paid with his ship...and possibly his life when lasers and ordinance from my and fellow ships collided with his it is unknow wether his escape pod was tractored in succesfully or destroyed.

[Image: th_64992_L.S.Casper_-_03_122_1106lo.jpg][Image: th_64999_L.S.Casper_-_04_122_491lo.jpg]

Ater that we began to focus our attention on our Xeno friend. Shrewdly escaping out of the battleship's range he retreated into the debris field were he eventually made his way to a gravitational anomaly he ran at full speed towards it and was sucked in. I and Serenity pursured him but were too late as he had fallen out of scanner range From there we were ordered by a senior oficer to return to planet manhattan to fillout our report. I took that burden were I am writing this report at the local bar. I als--WHAT THE HELL Are you lookin at drunk!? *Ahem* as I was saying I also managed to tractor in some illegal equipment I believe belonged to the Lane hacker pilot. They range from civilian canons to weapons belonging to the bounty hunter's guild as well as some from te Xeno extremist group.

[Image: th_65009_L.S.Casper_-_05_122_60lo.jpg]

I will dispose of them at detroit munitions.

[Image: L_S_Casper.png]

##Message ends##

**Transmission ended**

Liberty Forces Message dump - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 08-28-2008

**Incoming transmission**

Liberty S. Casper

Subject: Encounters while on patrol

##Message Reads##

Immediately after I finished my report I was called on by a LSF member calsigned Fluid to have my ship refitted with a missile launcher. After that I returned to NY where an order vessel's comms could be heard clear as day while in the badlands (That idiot DeSol again). We where told to stand down and move ahead to patrol the California system. While on our way to the gate we encountered an unlicensed bounty hunter vessel carrying nomadic material. we followed him and asked him to drop his cargo. He complied without incident. We then continued our patrol through the entire California system, we encountered no enemy threats. Afterwards we made out way back to the planet Manhattan. And continued patrolling the area. A gunboat calsigned "Phosphate" was seen near Manhattan and pursued but quickly eluded our sensors. Shortly after I was asked to escort a civilian to the Bering jumpgate in the Texas system from Norfolk shipyard. I complied and successfully dropped the subject at his destination.

[Image: th_96815_L.S.Casper52s_2nd_report_-_01_122_436lo.jpg]

Immediately after, I was ordered to ##information classified## to aid in the search of 2 Order Osiris class capital ships that had been picked up by unmanned satellites in the area. The search was a frustrating one as the taunted us as we patrolled the entire system for nearly an hour even intercepting a distress signal from an LSF member who had an unfortunate run in with a hostile believed to be a member of the Phantom extremist group. Just when we going to call it quits the LNS-Ohio a liberty gunboat class vessel came with in scanner range of one of the order vessels the Asar believed to be a base carrier for the black squadron. The order vessel knowing that the Ohio's backup would arrive shortly if he decided to engage the tiny ship. In a smart and somewhat humiliating decision chose to escape the Ohio's sensors the battleship with rather commendable agility flew dangerously close to the star in the system before turning back.....running right into my cruise disruptor missiles causing the vessel to come to a violent stop. From there I along the Ohio with all it's ability did our best to stall the behemoth until a subtable beast came to match it, that beast was the dreadnought Anchorage. But it was too late for the small capital ship Ohio whom I watched crumble to the fire of the order battleship. Aware that the Anchorage was more than a match I was great motivation continued to fire on the massive ship constantly disrupting it's main engine now knowing full we it's predicament. The full force of the Anchorage was more than a match for the wounded battleship and eventually broke apart with the implosion of it's main reactor. Unfortunately the Anchorage's weapon systems had been damaged by the shock wave of the order ship's destruction and decided to not pursue the second warship. We instead headed back to NY for repairs and resupply.

-=Video feed restricted=-

##information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified####information classified##

-=Video feed restricted=-

Before long we received a distress signal from other liberty navy vessels in the Texas system who had engaged several outlaws consisting of 2 gunboats one which had been destroyed before we arrived on scene 2 bargest bombers ( I think) and one slipstream. We easily crushed one of the bombers following up with a combined assault on the capital vessel dubbed "Zamfir" which quickly disabled it's shields for a decisive bomber attack by (I believe) Valence Harper which did critical damage to the small vessel. The shield s were low enough to be taken out be conventional weapon and with a combined assault from from Fluid and myself we quickly annihilated the crippled vessel. Moving on Harper manged to take down the last bargest. My video feed with full at the moment and I was unable to record it's destruction. We then worked on the light fighter. After a while we were eventually asked to stand down and allow Eddy Loop to finsh him off, which he did less than 20 seconds after that. My video card was still unable to capture images and I have no visual footage of that either.

I'm taking this opportunity to ask that another LN or LSF member provide the evidence to fill in the gaps here.

[Image: th_99138_L.S.Casper73s_2nd_report_-_11_122_249lo.jpg][Image: th_99146_L.S.Casper12s_2nd_report_-_12_122_158lo.jpg][Image: th_99152_L.S.Casper68s_2nd_report_-_13_122_176lo.jpg]

Afterwards I realized the inefficiency of my currently equipped missile launcher and traded it in for a more agile missile. I headed back to planet Manhattan where I am once again finishing up another long and boring report of an exciting day.

[Image: L_S_Casper.png]

##Message ends##

**Transmission ended**