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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kelby - 10-28-2023

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonia Armed Forces Command
From: Ex-Lieutenant Ian McRoy

[Image: ANPX467.jpg]

This is Ex-Lieutenant Ian McRoy, reporting in.

Since I am not sure if my encryption codes are still valid, there is a good chance my message will not reach you at all. In any case, I would like to express my deep desire to return to active duty in Her Majesty's Armed Forces. To my missfortune, I was badly wounded during my last encouter with a Corsair raiding party. Due to my injuries I was no longer able to perform my duties as an officer, nor as a sailor in Her Majesty's Navy, thus I had to retire. It has been 3 years since my departure and during that time I did my very best to recover from my injuries. I believe that I am now ready to undergo whatever tests to prove my fitness for service.

On a side note, during my trial flight today I encountered a LSF vessel near the Manchester Jump Gate in the New London system. The vessel in question was a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser with an ID code "Relevenger", and to my recolection, these vessels are no longer allowed to fly in Bretonia Space without authorisation since the end of the Gallic War. I tried to intercept the battlecruiser and ordered it's captain to cut the engines, but my calls were not heeted. Due to my fighter's limited capabilities and seeing the battlecruiser's turrets aimed at me, I had no choice but to let the vessel in question go.

You can find ID scans and communication logs in the attachment.

That is all. McRoy out.

Ian McRoy
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 03-06-2024


Rank Changes:

Ensign Sarah Kingston is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Your commanding officers say you show much promise, keep up the good work.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - esf349 - 05-13-2024

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Bretonian Armed Forces Command
From: Ensign Stella Skoja

[Image: 2Sa92OY.png]

Ensign Stella Skoja Reporting in,

On the date of May 6th of 834 A.S. during a patrol I encountered a Corsair convoy in the Cambridge system at the New London jump gate. Being outnumbered I retreated and the most they did was fire cruise disrupters, however they never engaged me with lethal force and instead broke off to jump to the New London system. I then received a message from Commander Ian Graham to meet him at New London, and from there I proceeded under his command to patrol from the New London system to the Coronado system. During the patrol we encountered a Gaian light cruiser that fled to an outlaw base in the Birmingham ice field in the Manchester system, we also encountered a corsair freighter at the edge of the Seirra Vista nebula, but we broke of the chase due to it being empty and Commander Graham's malfunctioning bomber craft. We returned to Battleship Somerset via the same route in reverse were the patrol was completed and I docked at the HMS Somerset for debriefing and R&R.

Stella Skoja
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies by Commanding Staff

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-13-2024


Rank Changes:

Ensign Stella Skoja is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. The Admiralty Board expects you to carry the rank with the honor and respect it deserves.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 05-23-2024


Admiralty Board Amendments:

In line with recent appointments of 830 AS era cadres and restructuring of the military to counter the Dublin Crisis, the Admiralty Board is hereby changed to better reflect the need of the Armed Forces for experienced officers, namely to:

Oversector Center - Commander Michelle O'Brian; Subcommander Harold Sommerville
Oversector North - Commander John Khatri; Subcommander Paul McKinley
Oversector South - Commander Sir Jacob McIntire; Subcommander Martin Beck

Her Majesty counts on us all to fulfill our duty in protecting Bretonia now and forever after against her enemies, be they the Mollys, Corsairs, or foreign state actors. God save the Queen!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Enko - 06-08-2024

From: BAF Royal Marines - Captain Samantha Reid - New London
To: BAF Admiralty
Topic: Reinstatement to BAF Space Fleet

To the Admiralty board,

After spending years serving under the Royal Marines and rising availability in fleet postings, I hereby put forth my request for reinstatement to the BAF Space Fleet and transfer from my Royal Marines posting.

Under my old post I was transferred to the Marines from my old Space Fleet position of Commander as XO of the HMS Intrepid. After the crippling of HMS Intrepid during the early stages of the Gallic war the Admiralty deemed it was required I was to transfer into the Royal Marines.

Due to my experience with the fleet I was posted on HMS Rodney under Assault Command Operations during the war and thereafter. Captain Peter Talbot has authorized this transfer request and has a performance review available upon request during my posting on HMS Rodney.

From there I was promoted to the rank of Captain in the Royal Marines for my service during the Gallic war, and most recently taken extensive leave until now. My experience with the Tau wars proved vital during this time and fighting Kusari, Gallia or any other enemy of the Crown thereafter will face equal conviction brought forth from this experience.

After my leave of absence I hope to return to the Bretonian Armed Forces with renewed vigor under any posting deemed fit.


Captain Samantha Reid
Royal Marines - HMS Rodney Assault Command Operations
Bretonian Armed Forces

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Briggsy19 - 06-09-2024

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF Admiralty
From: Ensign Kestoren Davidson, BAF

[Image: Vagaunto_Coptor_Token.png?ex=666665c0&is...y=lossless]

Communications Open with incoming after action report,

After action report as follows:
ISS Cargo Hauler escorted through Bretonian Space to Tau-29 as an Anti-Piracy measure and on request by Captain Heisenburg. Cargo as standard: Gold.
Captain Heisenburg extended his gratitude to the BAF for our assistance, he stated that he would ensure that Imperial Shipping would donate to the BAF as well.
On Return to Bretonian space, a Freelancer with the ship name: "BUBbLE" was under attack by various Molly's and seemingly outnumbered, presumed to be doing a Contract for the Bretonian Police or Bounty Hunters Guild. Moved to assist and protect the Freelancer before they were destroyed, once the location was secured the Freelancer gave their thanks and withdrew as did I.
Further more, I went on to patrol the various Kingdom's Territory encountering in two instances a Corsairs Light Fighter that refused to leave Bretonian Space and combat soon began, after an long dogfight exchange, I was forced to withdraw to the Battleship Ark Royale. A second instance during my patrol of the Kingdom Territories, a Corsair Cruiser sized ship was spotted orbiting New London, between the Thames Outpost and Waterloo Station where I scanned his cargo, checked his IFF which came back as a "Corsair" with the ship name: "SunLite". I then gave him the order to leave Bretonian space due to the size difference in ship. He began transit to the jumpgate before taking an immediate left and transiting to Planet Dover. After my arrival to Planet dover to escort him out of Bretonian Space, he began to suffer damage from Canterbury Station and the Kensington Shipping Platform, of which is somewhat hostile to myself despite being neutral. He soon began to leave via Cambridge to the Omega Border sectors and has not re-entered Kingdom space yet. No contraband was found on any ship during this patrol.

Personal Statement: I was outmatched by the Corsair cruiser, both him and I know it but he chose not to escalate a fight this time. I will defend Bretonia when it comes down to it but will seek reinforcements where possible in similar circumstances, no other BAF ship was available in this instance unfortunately.

Dated: 09/06/824 A.S.
Kestoren Davidson
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 06-09-2024


Rank Changes:

Samantha Reid is hereby reinstated to the ranks of Her Majesty's Armed Forces with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Serve Bretonia well!


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - BAF Admiralty Board - 06-10-2024


Rank Changes:

Ensign Kestoren Davidson is hereby promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.


Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

RE: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Briggsy19 - 06-13-2024

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: BAF Admiralty
From: Lieutenant Kestoren Davidson, BAF

[Image: Vagaunto_Coptor_Token.png?ex=666c5480&is...y=lossless]

Communications Open with incoming after action report,

Report coming from New London

After action report as follows:
Reportedly 2 Gunboats, roughly 3 Snubfighters and a Hegemon class Miner travelling through New London, all were identified as IFF/Mollies and were intercepted by BAF Forces.
I arrived late and contributed to the destruction of the Gunboats and Hegemon in a coordinated attack with fellow officers, reportedly 1 freelancer gunboat assisting the Mollies fled.
Another Victory for the Crown!

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!

Dated: 14/06/824 A.S.
Kestoren Davidson
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies