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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Havok - 02-07-2018

[Image: Bv0TR1e.png]
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Medium
Target ID: RMHC
Subject: Return to Duty
Guten Abend meine Kameraden,

For the longest time, I was grounded due to an accident I had suffered in flight practices a long time ago. I was in Rehab, Had to do phyiscal exercises and recover. Today, I was cleared to return to duty by the physicians and doctors and as such I am writing to you today to inform you of these changed circumstances.

Daniela Winter
Kapitän of the Rheinland Military

RE: Rheinland Military [RM] - Message Dump - Rvg5 - 03-13-2018

[Image: FX7m3Pr.png]

>Source: Hugo Oppenheimer
>Target/Recipient: Rhineland Militar High Command
>Priority: Low
>Encryption: Low
>Subject: Hugo Oppenheimer ready for duty

Guten Morgen Command,

I am simply reporting in that my ship is fully equipped and ready for combat. While I may still be green, I am itching to serve my empire and it's people. Consider myself ready for active duty.

>Hugo Oppenheimer
>Hugo Oppenheimer
>Flieger [Image: jBv8iW7.png]

RE: Rheinwehr [RW] - Message Dump - Thunderer - 04-03-2018

[Image: wOUzUG0.jpg]


Article Number 2273:

An RFP officer called, repeatedly, very loudly and in a disappointingly panicked voice, for heavy RW units today, in NB. I responded from the KGS. It took me a while to arrive. The battle was at the Hamburg JG. A UN VHF, a reservist Coalition BMB and a reservist Coalition BC. We had two GB (BDM), one VHF (RFP) and the Fredegunde, but we ourselves were not engaged for the sake of honour, despite the RFP officer pleading us to. The RFP VHF got shot down, but our forces were winning. The BC was at less than half hull integrity when U 791 encountered a life support malfunction and had to retreat. U 95 was anti-snub armed, so the Fredegunde had to destroy the BC, which we did, with low hull damage done to ourselves. A UN Hel arrived quickly. We engaged it and damaged it badly, but U 95 failed to CD and they fled. We disengaged and left the snubcraft at the GB's care. They began to joke mid battle, and spoke of a "surprise". A UN Arbiter-class named the Sirene uncloaked behind us. They had an odd "electrical(?) field" around them, resembling the Munich dark matter nebulae storms. We had not registered any interference on our radar before, otherwise we would have used our CLD. They were armed with 4 Pulses and 4 Hellbores. The Fredegunde was armed with 4 Rheinwehr Primaries and 2 Heavy Mortars. The Arbiter-class is a dreadnought, and we a light carrier, so we stood no chance from close. I coordinated the maneuver consisted of turning behind them, of using our advantage in agility to out-turn them, move behind and make distance before they can turn. Additionally, their Hellbores turned slowly, so, although we had received heavy damage while still at the front, we received minimal while performing the maneuver. They were also slow to react and, as if surprised why an Elbe-class was heading right towards them, did not move for a few seconds, allowing us to make even more distance. Eventually that turned from about 500 meters to about 2500 meters. We now had the advantage. U 95 kept them CD-ed. The UN brought a BMB and all of them together showered us with fire. The Hel returned and fired, too. At about that time a reservist RW fighter arrived, named the Karavelle, but it was shot down almost immediately. We were denting the Sirene slowly, but quicker than they together were denting us. I realized that the Hel was damaged enough to not withstand a direct hit from a Heavy Mortar, and, conveniently, as they could not hit us from afar, they approached very close. I ceased fire upon the Sirene (we had been unloading primaries at them, and only that, as they were our most energy efficient weapons) and waited for the powercore to recharge for two Heavy Mortar shots. Once it did, I defeated the Hel's shield with one, and disintegrated their hull with the other. Then I focused fire back at the Sirene. When our scanner read their hull integrity at 4%, they turned away and started to cruise. U 95 failed to CD them (which was their second failure). They excused their failure stating that they wanted to CD the Novas coming our way, although we were doing well on our own and had two functional flaks, which they either disregarded or did not know, despite working for the intelligence service. Combined secondary and primary fire from the Fredegunde then shot down the UN BMB, but U 95 took the last shot, so the computer recorded it as their score. The rest of them fled. I will mention that Erik Schmidt of the UN said, during the battle, at the recorded time: "[03.04.2018 14:55:41] UN|Erik.Schmidt.: An entire fleet, i'd rather loose them with honour instead of have my men run like cowards." I will also mention that he redirected fire at the Coalition BC, which he had been using for cover, shortly before it was put out of action, so the computer registered it as his score: "[03.04.2018 14:45:07] Death: Coalition.Spire was put out of action by UN|Erik.Schmidt. (Gun)." The summary and the camera shots are below.

Allied Units Involved:
[RW]RWSS-Fredegunde (Elbe-Class; Heavily Damaged)
BDM|U-791 (Oder-Class; Damaged, Escaped)
BDM|U-95 (Oder-Class; Damaged)
RFP|Vollstrecker (Fighter; Destroyed)
Karavelle (Fighter; Destroyed)

Enemy Units Involved:
UN|GEIST-KKS-Sirene (Arbiter-Class; Very Heavily Damaged, Escaped)
Coalition.Spire (Hurricane-Class; Destroyed)
UN|Weissenburg (Hel-Class; Destroyed)
UN|Kommerikut (Bomber; Destroyed)
UN|Erik.Schmidt (Fighter; Damaged, Escaped)
Kuzma-2 (Bomber; Damaged, Escaped)

Camera Shots:

Klemens Kossuth
[Image: w78WINz.jpg]
Rheinland Militär


RE: Rheinwehr [RW] - Message Dump - Corpus13 - 05-07-2018

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Gefreiter Falke Schneider
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military Commanden
[Source:]______ New Berlin planet, New Berlin

[Subject:]_____ Report #004

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Medium

Guten Tag,

I got a lot of stuff to write about in this report, actually. However, I would like to start with usual small law breakers and fines. It seems, that it's popular to transport people in cargoships nowadays, so there is a BMM-worker. All passengers were returned to New Berlin and fine in the sum of two (2) millions Sirius Credis was issued.

Also at the same day we met a freelancer, who obviously stole one of our military ships. I demanded him to stop, but he ignored my order. Well, I guess, that now Buro will deal with him.

I also encountered the pilot of Coalition. I tried to ask him about the reasons of him, being in Bundestag Republic, but he refused to give me any information, according to secrecy. Now his ship is turned into the cloud of dust and without any doubt Buro agents will be more successful in this mission, than me.

And now the most interesting. Some time ago I went to the Bering system, chasing a smuggler, when I found myself near with Freeport Two. I will not say anything about agressive behavior of the Harmony pilots, but I managed to spot and record one of Die Alster Union capital vessels - KKS-Sirene. Being honest, I haven't seen any of these vessels before. Obviously, it has not a Rheinlandic or Libertonian lawful origin. When this monster appeared all my Electro-Magnetic systems got scrambled. I wanted to bring this information to Oberkommando, therefore I immideatly escaped. I would like to advice you to get in touch with Libertonians about the origin of this ship and report about it to Buro.

That's all for now. Fur Bundestag Republic!

Signed, Gefreiter
F. Schneider
Rheinland Militär

RE: Rheinwehr [RW] - Message Dump - fusedcheese - 06-02-2018

...Incoming Transmission...
...Established Encrypted Transmission...
...Rolling Feed...

Date: 1st June , 825 A.S

[Image: 135Oe7ll.png]

From: Franz Adalgar
To: Rheinland Military Commanden
Location: '[REDACTED]'
Encryption: Unbreakable
Subject: 'GMG' Arrogance

Guten Abend High Commanden of the 'Rheinwehr'
I have some exciting news that you'd be interested with.

I start my Patrol in the 'Omega 7' system. After roaming for some time , I thought about going towards
the south perimeter, where I found Kruger vessels and a possible 'GMG' vessel. Now , my question being what is a GMG vessel doing in the 'Omega 7' system. Surely after a heating conversation, I immediately asked for a fine according to the paragraph

I thought it would be easier but oh boy the argument goes on. After some time that ship gave the fine but the arrogance doesn't stop. You'll understand better by reading the 'Transmission logs anyways Commanden. Another particular 'Kruger' vessel that was questioning the Rheinland laws 'Ship Name - "KMS-Heidelberg"' seems to be defending the 'GMG' vessel but that's for the Buro to decide to do whatever not. I say this , GMG vessels are flagged anyways , but that particular ship Codname 'Kurohime' - a GMG vessel has been flagged for
and should be brought to questioning or K.o.S and again we don't take things lightly in the Rheinland and I'd hopefully stop playing nice from now on High Commanden.

Signed , Gefreiter
Rheinland Militär


...End of the Transmission...

RE: Rheinwehr [RW] - Message Dump - Corpus13 - 06-10-2018

[Incoming Signal]

[Sender:]______ Kapitan Falke Schneider
[Recipient:]___ Rheinland Military Commanden
[Source:]______ New Berlin planet, New Berlin

[Subject:]_____ Report #005

[Priority:]____ Medium
[Encryption:]__ Medium

Guten Tag,

And again pretty troublesome news are here. 824.05.31 on the border-system between the Republic of Liberty and Bundestag Republic was spotted quite strong presence of the "Cult of Technology". I am not sure, what are the intentions of this group, but I am sure, that they are totally hostile to everyone and possess really deadly technologies. Cooperating with out colleagues from the Buro and captains of Navy, we managed to repel this attack. However, even the fact of appearing of these forces in such proximity to the Federal Republic is worrying enough.

During the battle, I personally spotted 3 (three) Bustard class carrier ships, possessing both "anti-snub" and "anti-capital" weapons. These were pretty deadly, as their lasers dealt a great damage to my ship, as well as to the ships of other "snub-craft" class pilots.

The quick scan of one of the carriers
Carrier in action
Two carriers in action

I also spotted the hive of "Roc" civilian bombers, possessing anti-capital weapons, like Nova-torpeds and antimatter cannons. These were pretty easy to kill, however, it seems, that they used "Bustards" as the cover for their actions.

I should also say, that all ships were equipped with heavy armor of unknown origin, so it was really hard to put them out of action in general.

After this horrible event we managed to get some data, regarding this group, as well as the remains of their drones.
Attachment: Claimed equipment
Right after the battle one nasty hacker was trying to obtain these items for their own cause, however, I managed to get rid of him and save this equipment.

I will get in touch with the Buro for the sake of obtaining additional information about this "Cult".

That's all for now. Fur Bundestag Republic!

Signed, Kapitan
F. Schneider
Rheinland Militär

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Erik-Kieber - 06-24-2018

>Source: Erik Kieber
>Target/Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command
>Priority: Medium
>Subject: Bautzen siege

Guten tag meine Kameraden,

Today ich finaly had my first true orders *smiles* me and a group of der BDM und fellow RM got told to attack das Bautzen base in dresden and try to disrupt the daily operations of the unlawfull pressence out there. Ich am happy to anounce a full succes without any loss on our side.

We crippled the base by the blasting the docking bays, there where a couple of der Tirpitz und an elbe und even an oder there together with me in a bomber und a other small snub type ship. We in the snubs took care of any resque attempt done by bundush und hessian while the capitals took care of the docking module on the base. It was an total succes.

For now im closing off und grabbing me an beer from das Atenburg in dresden, feel free to call for my services agian when needed *smiles*
Stay safe out there und strong fur das vaterland.

Signed , E.Kieber
Rank : Flieger
Rheinland Militäry
No attachments
...End of the Transmission...

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Thunderer - 06-27-2018

[Image: wOUzUG0.jpg]


Article Number 2278:

This is a report about a small skirmish against the Coalition and the Red Hessians that took place not far from Planet NB today.

A freelancer named Seike Nobu notified me that there was a fleet of 3 Coalition destroyers near Planet NB. I offered him a million for service and another two for every destroyed target, which he accepted. I was at the helm of the Dortmund at the time, a Tirpitz, and I was joined by another one, the Durnehviir. We moved from the Strausberg. We encountered them near the trade lane, on the brink of the Harzfeld, Planet side. They performed a surprise attack on us while we were still negotiating and shot our mercenary down with a light mortar. However, a Donau named December joined us from the Planet at the time, and we pressed forward. In the messy skirmish we managed to isolate the destroyers from each other, thanks to all of our ships being heavier, and disable them all without further losses. However, as soon as we repaired, a Hessian fleet of about 4 bombers was already gathering before Oder. They were joined by a Coalition battlecruiser. They attacked first, and in response, the Dortmund and the December destroyed the battlecruiser. However, this left the Durnehviir isolated, and the enemy bombers managed to damage her. Meanwhile the Durnehviir shot down an enemy bomber. We rallied towards their defense, and were soon joined by two fliegers from the First Fleet, in Wraiths. They knew how to CD the torpedoes, but did not seem to put an organized pressure on the Hessian bomber which I had designated, and which was low on nanobots. They eventually managed to shoot it down, but we lost the Durnehviir. It seemed that their flak was not working properly, and they took too many torpedoes. This was combined with a Hessian bomber mounting a Neutralizer Bomb Launcher, which I found effective against the Durnehviir's shield, and recommend its usage on our own bombers.

Only two Hessian bombers remained at the time, but they were joined by another Coalition one. Meanwhile one of theirs managed to score a SNAC hit on a fighter of ours, so we were left only with one. However, one of them was shot down when they attempted to attack the Dortmund, and the Coalition one heavily damaged. It was also shot down soon after, with the help of our fighter. Their remaining bomber, callsign Novawerfer, fled.

For their actions during this battle, I have to commend the crews of the Durnehviir, the December, and Flieger Claus Auttenberg. However, I must rebuke Flieger Winzel Hertzog for showing either cowardice or reluctance to attack the enemy when ordered, as well as the obvious fact that his piloting cost us a fighter.

That is all.

Allied Units Involved:
[RW]RWK-Dortmund (Tirpitz; Damaged)
RNC-Durnehviir (Tirpitz; Disabled)
RNC-December (Donau; Damaged)
[RM]Fl.Claus.Auttenberg (Wraith; Damaged)
[RM]Fl.Winzel.Hertzog (Wraith; Disabled)

Enemy Units Involved:
TSB|Coalition (Hurricane; Disabled)
CPW-Aurora (Typhoon; Disabled)
CPW-Grozovoi (Typhoon; Disabled)
CPW-Kashin (Typhoon; Disabled)
SCRA|Tom.Hrushovsky (Revolution?; Disabled)
Kuzma-2 (Waran?; Disabled)
[RHA]Patrick,Adler (Thor; Disabled)
[RHA]Anna,Kreutzer (Thor; Disabled)
Vodka.Petrova (Revolution?; Disabled)
[RHA]Novawerfer (Thor; Damaged and Fled)

Camera Shots:

Klemens Kossuth
[Image: w78WINz.jpg]
Rheinland Militär


RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Vovasishe - 07-04-2018

Incoming transmission!

[Encryption: ] Medium.

[Message class: ] Textual.

[Sender: ] Gefreiter Claus Auttenberg.

[To: ] Rheinwehr message dump.

[Location: ] Battleship Schwerin, Omicron Xi system.

[Subject: ] Omicron Xi battle.

Guten abend, gefreiter Claus Auttenberg online, and reporting in about battle, that took place in Omicron Xi system.

At 07.04 825 A.S. Ich received mayday signal from our Battleship Scwerin. With flieger Winzel Hertzog, we arrived to Omicron Xi system, but wir are come a bit late. Glorius Rheinland Capital vessels already was engaged by damn Corsairs schweine on their junk-ships. With remnants of fleet and RNC-Freya, we brought down wraith of Rheinland on these
Untermensch and started to destroy their capital ships one by one. Suddenly, in a middle of that battle, AI unit offered us his help. We accepted it, and together contoured our massacre. Equipped with “SNAC”, mein “Belgemir” bomber made a stroke of mercy, and destroyed command bridge of Corsair battleship. After this, reactor of their capital vessel has blowed up, and battleship turned into dust. The last Corsair vessel tried to fall back, but we intercepted it and successfully destroyed it. After that, AI ship left us alone. We tractored escape pods of our comraden and returned to battleship Schwerin.

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - WolfO9 - 07-06-2018


This is Hanns Degrotte Flieger, I am here to report a individual flying a Illegal vessel. He was very cooperative at first but later he decided to run. as soon as he ran, my ship suffered a malfunction and was unable to move for two whole minutes. He went to Frankfurt, then Sigma 13, and then sigma 17, then the last he went was Omicron Theta where I was unable to follow.

More info:
Photo Camera:ONLINE
[Image: screen28.png]
Video Camera: OFFLINE