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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 03-06-2012

Commissar-Major Sasha Kirov
>>>Location: Zvezny Gorodok
>>>Re: Squadron
[Image: 11ifm38.png]

I am here to report my squadron!

Squadron Name: Staya Volkov
Squadron Leader: Commissar-Major Sasha Kirov
Squadron Members:
Lieutenant Amy Masako
Lieutenant Jordan Nowell
Junior-Lieutenant Masha Biach

I present the 57th Staya Volkov! No matter what ship is required, we shall be the shield for our sword!

Kirov Out!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - mtjsmith - 03-07-2012

[Image: comxu.png]

[font=agency fb]ID: General Han Xu
Target: All Coalition Assets.
Location: Marine Guard Office, Zvezdny Gorodok
Encryption: HIGH
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Duty.

[color=#FFFF00]It is time to make you aware of a classified operation which I have been carrying out over the past month. My self removal from the Commandant's post meant I could better serve the Premier and the Coalition in the establishment of new colony's.

Now, with the activation of the reserve guard, it is necessary to protect the Premier and Coalition's interests with the formation of a small team.

The [color=#FF9900]Premier Guard will be overseen by myself and it's primary remit is to provide Homeland and VIP Security on both a space and ground level.

This is a great day comrades. I intend on getting more troops on the ground in far flung places, doing the damage where the enemy expects it least.

Long live the Coaliiton!

[color=#FFFFFF]Xu out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 03-08-2012

[Image: 2960u43.jpg]

Comm ID: Ben Warner, Major, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

Subject: Prototype Testing [High Command Only]

"As ordered the crew of the Lithuania assembled together and boarded the ship in the dry-dock, after all checks were completed and Engineering reported no issues with the Engine Drive we set out on a cruise around the Omega-52 system to field-test the designs. It performed according to specifications and I nolonger feel the urge to look at the ship bearing the name 'Lithuania' with absolute disgust. It seems the good Doctor and his Design-Team did well this time.

All the Weapon-Arcs were satisfactory according to my tactical officer and Navigation reported no hull-stress at cruise-speeds, while the vessel is not yet ready for active combat, I believe that should the engineers finish the minor flaws with the CIC and the paint-job it will be ready for service to the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army.

On a personal note to XiaoBei, I am much happier with your work now and will refrain from continuing to stick needles into the rag-doll image of you I have on my desk as I am satisfied with the new design.

Guncam Images have been sealed until the design is cleared by the Party and the Military for field-use.

For the Coalition!"

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 03-13-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: Another Loss

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]
Forge here.

Attentions men and women of the Fighter Corps! It is my sad duty to bring again bad tidings.

Captain Dimitry Vitalievich and the gunship Borodino was sent out on a classified mission/ We have not heard from them for weeks, so we sent a recon group headed by the Barricade from Dublin. Master Chief Roux Vahkrova, with some directions from the remaining Colonial Republic, directed the ships to the planet. The Borodino was found, but we have been unable to locate the crew.

Captain Vitalievich is now listed as Missing In Action. Barricade has withdrawn due to the turbulence that is currently in the Coronado system following the collapse of the Colonial Republic.

Go on pilots. For Vitalievich, let us fight! For the Revolution!

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vape - 03-13-2012

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: James Blackburn
Subject: Patrol

I apologize for the delay in filing a sitrep, however I have been recuperating from injuries sustained on JiangXi.

About a week ago, I launched to assist Comrades Veschenko and Vladimir Stukov in combat against a Corsair.

Said corsair was felled by my guns.

Gun Cam Shot

Blackburn Out

[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Vape - 03-13-2012

[Image: rwm6qg.png]
Comm ID: James Blackburn
Subject: Hispania Memorandum

This day I visited the Hispania.

I must say the wreck is quite magnificent and well intact.

My partisan was able to infiltrate without incident and ex filtrate nigh undetected.

The Hispania

Blackburn Out

[Image: 35bd02f.png]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 03-14-2012

To: [color=#FFFFFF]Coalition High Command
Comm. ID: Master Chief Roux Vahkrova, XO, CPW-Barricade
Priority: HIGH
Subject: Some complete and utter bullcrap

---Transmission Opened---

This is Master Chief Roux, currently commanding the Barricade in Dublin.

As we were doing our daily check of the Barricade's status, the Mollys informed us of a Dunkirk Class Battleship that was currently all alone in the Cambridge System, we scrambled the Storm and headed out. A Molly of the [M] Group was shortly behind us, with two other craft already engaging, which turned out to be a part of the Jokerz group. As the Dunkirk cowered behind the Cambridge Planetary shield, the Jokerz gunship, which, funnily enough, was kitted out as a Molly ship, said that the Jokerz and Coalition had problems in the past. He then said that "mister J" wanted us destroyed. We began to fight back, but the Cambridge Defense Grid managed a lucky shot on the port engine, and we suffered greatly. The Barricade was almost completely destroyed, but we managed to get a tow back to Arranmore...but funnily enough, the [M] pilot, [M]-l'Ale or something close to that, stood by and watched. So, not only did the Barricade suffer appalling damage, but that diot Jokerz gunship wasted time with petty feuds and ignored the battleship, which just mocked both of us.

So much for an alliance, I guess, if the [M] just sit by as we are annihilated with Molly tech.

Master Chief Roux Out.

Attachments: [Guncam1]

---Transmission Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Jeremy Hunter - 03-15-2012

>>>Sender: Provost Marshal Jacob Forge
>>>Location: Destroyer International, Omega 52
>>>Subject: Intruders Will Cry

[Image: 2qukh0w.png]
Forge here.

The International was scrambled by Commandante Rhade to assist him, Major Warner, and Captain Shigemori onboard the Shigenobu to deal with an intruder, that turned out to be an AI Cruiser. We chased the bastard from Omega 52 to Omega 49, where he succumbed to the International's guns finally.

Later, Commandante Rhade mounted a daring raid on the Corsair Home of Gamma. While they were forced to make a tactical retreat, and were chased by the Corsairs, we had a surprise awaiting them as they returned home: The Karl Marx, under my command, accompanied by the Lithuania under Major Warner, the Radek under Commissar-Major Stroganov, and the Sickle, under Major Novikov. While the Marx made it's way to the Kurt Eisner, the Destroyers, and Rhade's Insurgent, annhilated any and all that tried to breach our bastion of Omega 52. None tried to come after the first deaths, as our fleet, while small, possessed superior firepower. The Corsairs, for once, demonstrated an astounding intellect and returned to their hellhole.

Guncam (Rhade) - A Cruiser Destruction (Visual)
Guncam - AI Cruiser's Destruction
Guncam (Rhade) - Hathor going down
Guncam (Rhade) - Corsair Destroyed
Guncam (Rhade) - Corsair pulling an Espi
Guncam (Rhade) - Corsair Dying to our regular Patrols
Guncam (Rhade) - Kurt Eisner getting a few shots in
Guncam (Rhade) - Do the Espi

Forge Out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 03-15-2012

ID:Junior-Lieutenant Dmitry Dubovik
Target:SCRA Units

:Message Begins:

[Image: portretm.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

Today I had a patrol with Major Stroganov on CPW-Radek and new Militsia member Miyagi on Partisan. Together we visited Omega 50, 5, 41, 47 and 49. Killed bunch of Corsair and Bounty Hunter's ships and delivered pilots to Zvezdny.

In Omega 47 we located Corsair ace on Titan. He refused to surrender so Major Stroganov ordered me to eliminate him. Few minutes of fight and I got him with my Nuclear mine. After we saw BHG Gunship ''Bottlenose'', but Major ordered to ignore him. Soon we returned back to Coalition space.

For Coalition, Revolution, and our Ikon Alvin Katz!
Dubovik out.

Attached files: 1 2

:Message Ends:

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 03-19-2012


COMM ID: [color=#FF0000]LIEUTENANT Katya Vaschenko
SUBJECT: Long Range Recon Report

Comrades, Lieutenant Katya Vaschenko here, it has been quite an eventful time operating in Liberty for me, and also For the Revolution. As a member of the Vympel Heavy Reconnaissance Wing I've been conducting Recon and "Public Relations" missions in accordance with the goals of my Squadron. The people of Liberty seem largely unreceptive to our words of truth as of late though...except when they've responded with firepower, much to their detriment.

A handful of Libertonian pilots lost their ships, maybe even their lives, due to their attempts at stopping me from spreading the Glorious truth of our doctrine. It's saddening that the people of the Houses are so brainwashed that their only course of action, when confronted with the truth about the Social Justice and Equality that the Coalition offer, is to seek out and try to destroy us.

But I digress, the point is, I've struck a blow, albeit a small one, against the military forces who would let Corporations make their own people live as Serfs. A blow against those who would turn a blind eye to the criminals running rampant, and a blow against those who would try to stop the coming Red Dawn.

It is an honor to again be taking up the gun, as well as the book, in the name of the Coalition!

Guncam 01
Guncam 02
Guncam 03

Audio-log 01
Audio-log 02
Audio-log 03

For The Red Dawn! Lieutenant Vaschenko, Out!.