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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - WolfO9 - 07-09-2018



This is Hanns Degrotte reporting, I was on patrol and saw nothing out of the normal

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RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - WolfO9 - 07-09-2018



*slightly out of breath* This is Hanns Degrotte reporting in from my, a group of ships are on their way to pick me up now. I was with a fleet patrolling when we encountered two Coalition fighters. We easily took out one but the other one jumped to Dresden. We went ahead and followed them. We then restocked at Altenburg battleship. We later sent out a ship to scout out a known Hessian base and discovered several Coalition ships. The fog was too thick, I could not identify all of them. *calms down* We engaged and succeeded in taking out their battlecruiser and it seemed we were winning. later half our fleet had disappeared and the others had redocked. I was left alone in a fight with a single fighter. Later they came back and assisted but the enemys had gained more ships and easily defeated us. I managed to take down the fighter but it also took me out. I escaped but the fighter I was fighting did not have the same luck.

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Video Camera: DESTROYED


RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Squidward - 07-11-2018

[Image: 50x37rheinland.png]

[FROM] : 'Gefreiter' Felix Lothar Krause

[TO] : High-Ranked Military Members

[LOCATION] : Battleship Strausberg, New-Berlin System



Sehr geehrte Kollegen/-innen.This is Felix L. Krause Reporting from a reconnaisance mission and battle in Sigma-15 .

We waited for our snubcrafts at the Sigma-15 Jumphole in Frankfurt...Me,Joseph Karl and the the Dornier-05 flown by Claus Auttenburg .
As we jumped in Sigma-15 we waited a couple of minutes for the Sh-II,...another Bomber ordered to assist us.
We couldn't find any anomalies in the Asteroid Field the Frankfurt Jumphole is in...So we proceeded to the next Waypoint.

Planet Hammersee was the next destination...Nothing to find interesting either.

The next waypoint was at the Sigma-21 Gravitational Anomaly/Jumphole.
At first there was nothing, that would be worth to talk about either...
We shot down a small Corsair Convoi (//NPCs), a common supply route of 'The Brotherhood' apparently.
Winzel Hertzog was coming in a Wraith... so our Geschwader waited until his arrival.
The Reconnaissance part of the Mission was cut short when our Feldwebel Claus detected something big on his scanners.
Turning away and heading rapidly to Hammersee was out order then.
The Dornier contacted the planetary HQ, which led us to Freeport 8.

We had contact with a Bundschuh Gunboat, tagged as DWR.
No open question were kept (see log).
With a Red Hessian Gunboat and Red Hessian Equipment it was immediately to be destroyed though.
If it wasn't in the No-Fire Zone.
Very soon the RNC-Freudenstadt, a Battleship of the Bismarck-class, was in sensor range for me.It was aware of the Bundschuh Gunboat.

Eventually we had enemy contacts on our scanners...The Sirius Coalition Revolutiniary Army Decided to join.
A couple of snubcrafts, a Gunboat and a Typhoon Destroyer...
After a short time of gathering our forces we engaged and a battle began.
Me shooting Torpedos, Dornier-05 Bombing the Typhoon Destroyer too and Hanns and Joseph supporting our fire and covering us.
At some point the DWR Gunboat realised the plot of the fight...We were Dominating...The subject engaged us and assisted the Revolution.
The Rheinstahl...a Donau-class Cruiser appeared aswell to help us.

All hostile ships were destroyed...and the Bunschuh Gunship will think about it's descision in hell...No pods of the Bundschuh were found.

At least not by me...Probably escaped...

Joseph's and Hanns' Fighters were taken down by SCRA forces and an accident

Felix L. Krause


RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Emet-Selch - 07-15-2018


SENDER ID: Gefreiter Franz Kreuzer

Guten Tag, Herren. There are some news from the frontline.

After the proclamation of war, a major battle occured today in Sigma-21. We have gathered many forces, but so had our foes as well. Both sides fought bravely, but we've gained the upper hand and defeated Kusarian invaders.

Sadly to say, there were massive casualties. Let's honor memories of our fallen brothers and sisters. May their lives not be spent to no purpose.

It's about time we'll rise once again and restore our Vaterland's glory. Kreuzer out.

Attachment 1
Attachment 2


RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Vovasishe - 07-16-2018

Source: Battleship Bayern, Sigma-21 system.
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg.
Recipant: Rheinwehr message dump.

Subject: Battle in Sigma-21.

Guten abend, kameraden. Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg online, and reporting about situation on frontline.
Today, Ich received a distress signal from our carrier. I Joined part of Bayern battlegroup, which included:
  • Me - "Belgemir" class bomber
  • Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts "Oder" class gunboats- U-200 and U-791
  • RNC-Westerwald - "Bismark" class battleship
  • Secondary fleet bomber "PP_Priest"

We arrived to location of carrier RNC-Kreuzberg and found there Kusarian fleet and lonely GMG bomber.We also spotted the Blood dragons battleship "Kirishima" there, which joined Kusari side. After short talk with them, we opened fire. In the middle of battle, both sides suffered heavy losses. Unfortunately, during battle, a wave of ion storm has disabled part of my ship systems. On their reboot, I spend precious time. After reboot, Ich re-engaged. Together, with our reinforcements, we finally put an end to this battle. However, Blood Dragon battleship and Kusarian battlecruiser could escape from battlefield.

That's all for now.

Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Vovasishe - 07-18-2018

Source: Battleship Bayern, Sigma-21 system.
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg.
Recipant: Rheinwehr message dump.

Subject: Frontline situation report.

Guten abend, kameraden.

Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg online, and reporting about situation on frontline.

Yesterday (07.17. 825 A.S), some Kusarians ships from Hyono battlegroup attacked battleship Bayern. However, Ich and my brave kameradens from Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts, Primary and secondary fleet have risen on protection of Bayern. Also, there were members of the “Core”, who watched this battle from a safe distance. Anyway, once again, Rheinland fleet showed its strength, and destroyed Kusarians vessels. Unfortunately, one of their “Takeda” class destroyer escaped.

That's all for now.

Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Erik-Kieber - 07-18-2018

>Source: Erik Kieber
>Target/Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command
>Priority: Medium
>Subject: resignation

Guten tag, Ich hereby resign from active duty

Mit Freundlichen Grüßen,
Erik Kieber

Signed , E.Kieber
Rank : Gefreiter
Rheinland Militäry
No attachments
...End of the Transmission...

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - marco - 07-19-2018


► Source Battleship Bayern, Sigma-21
► ID Gefreiter Elias Köetz
► Subject Sigma 21 battles report

Hier ist Ge. Elias Köetz reporting on the second day of activity.
After following orders, I've been moved to the BS Bayern, in the operating team. We've encoutered a lot of enemies'sings at the edge of our scanners, and yesterday I've received the order to take off as gunner on the Gunboat RWK-Messerschmitt. The commander has done a great work of protection of our major battleships, expecially we've done a good teamwork with the "Vladut". Together we've managed to knock down 2 kusarian bs.

The next day, about one hour ago, I took off on my Wraith, and after reaching BDM pilots (Laurentz and Whistler), we've defended ourselves from some Kusari VHF, most of them seems to belong to the TsuSec|
I've successfully destroyed Sahiko Masaki's fighter.

► Attachments
Kill confirmation
Footage from "RWK-Messerschmitt" - 1
Footage from "RWK-Messerschmitt" - 2

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Vovasishe - 07-20-2018

Source: Battleship Bayern, Sigma-21 system.
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg.
Recipant: Rheinwehr message dump.

Subject: Frontline situation report.

Guten abend, kameraden. Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg online, and reporting about situation on frontline.

Finally, Ich can report about major battle in Sigma-21 system, that took place on 18th july. That evening, new reinforcements arrived to Battleship Bayern. After that, we decided to lunch an attack on Kusari battleship Hyono. However, there we found her battlegroup, which attacked us. We suffered losses, but their fleet was completely destroyed. After that, our survived forces returned to Battleship Bayern.

Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Vovasishe - 07-23-2018

Source: Battleship Bayern, Sigma-21 system.
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET

Submitter: Fähnrich Claus Auttenberg.
Recipant: Rheinwehr message dump.

Subject: Frontline situation report.

Guten abend, kameraden. Feldwebel Claus Auttenberg online, and reporting about situation on frontline.

Today Ich would like to report about major battle in Sigma-21 system. Our fleet launched another attack on Hyono battleship. However, our forces were intercepted by combined forces of Kusari Naval Forces and Gas Miner Guild. A few minutes later the battle began. Soon, our forces were divided by enemys. G.M.G paramilitary tried to destroy my vessel, but one by one, their ships were eliminated. The remains of their forces runned away. Anyway, next time I will not let them leave the battlefield. After that skirmish, Ich returned to battleship Bayern.

Fähnrich Claus Auttenberg