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4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Printable Version

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RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Jack_Henderson - 09-18-2013


Annapurna cannot zoom out any more in turretview.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Syrus - 09-18-2013

Planet / Base

- Sprague mooring fixture sends you to a different base than the docking ring.

Lanes / Asteroid Field

- The exclusion zone around FP1 isn't big enough, the lanes ends have rocks around them. In the previous versions they would end in the open, rock-free zone.

- The lane from Bristol to Poole (and possibly others around there as well) say "Gloriuos Station" instead of "Bristol Mining..."

Echo: Fixed.


Following commodities (only the few I saw so far) are missing their "own" icon:
- Casualties
- Gin
- Lanthanum
- Neodymium
- Royal Marines
- Light Arms

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - kikatsu - 09-18-2013

Ship engines and powerplants

It appears that the Hyena, once being an LF and now turned into an HF, has retained her speed of 400 and her LF powerplant. This character was in existence before the mod updated, and it is entirely possible that these issues would be resolved if I repurchased the ship (Unsure, I am not at home to rebuy it)

Also this bug is likely on the Phantom as well, as it was in the same position as the Hyena, LF turned into HF.

It is possible that several other powerplant changes did not transfer over and may require ship repurchases... things such as the Raba and Upholder received powerplant changes and characters existing before this mod likely have the old powerplants.

Echo: We'll see what we can do to fix this. In the meantime, if it's a viable option, anyone with this type of bug should re-purchase their ships.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - kikatsu - 09-18-2013

Bison Engine

Also yesterday I noticed that my Bison heavy transport was traveling at 90 or 100 on impulse speed. I think that is an oddity, unless heavy transports now go faster on normal power.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Yber - 09-18-2013

Falchion VHF

The new falchion (VHF) can only mount class 8 shields (LF ones).

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Duncan Farquar - 09-18-2013


All the names of the base are right (Corsair personnal in all the rooms), but the clothes are from Junkers and the Info of the base is from junkers too.

I supose that base is a relocation of Yanagi and that's why this happens, as you can see in the image:

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Duncan Farquar - 09-18-2013


I heard about an Order BS is now in Inverness... well, I found it, but is market as "Unknown Station" even when I close to it, as you can see in the image:

Also the bartender, the ship dealer and the equipment dealer are called "Osiris Bartender", "Osiris Equipment Dealer" and "Osiris Ship Dealer", and there isn't a commoditie dealer.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - djordje_petrovic - 09-18-2013

Taureau Transport

infocard says impulse speed 100 and in reality it is 70. Dont know if ship is incorect or ifnocard, although i think there is logic tha taureau have 100 speed.

One more thing about it i have free cargo of 2046 with CAU 6 220 + 450 cloak mk2 and charon turrets . Main cargo is 3000 . I think that turrets are not so heavy, maybe 200 cargo missing . check unequiperd ship does it have 3k cargo space.

Aet: Probably an existing ship. Rebuy it.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Kazinsal - 09-19-2013

Tech Compatibility

Pirate ID appears to have 75% to house civilian guns (tested with full libtachs on a Pirate ID Marauder), should have 90% accord to the chart. Have not tested any guns other than liberty civilian.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Trogdor - 09-19-2013

Main Menu

On the main menu, one of the ships flies right through the space station.

Zapper Turrets

I reported earlier that Transport Zapper turrets continued to fire when the player was aiming beyond the turret's firing arc. That report has been crossed off, but since then I found that Gunboat Zapper Turrets do this too. I haven't checked the Cruiser or Battleship Zapper turrets but those probably do it too, unless they've already been fixed.

Echo: It was crossed off as it will probably not be adjusted. In order to get the beam weapons to work properly, they are subject to this restriction. Essentially, they function like the LSC's forward gun - just on turrets.