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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-14-2009

"It's a man in a box." Watsas stated, matter-of-factly

"...And here, he's huggable too!" Watsas stated, grabbing the 'present' and hauling it to Kurisho, forcing him to hug the lady. The man obeyed, as not to incur any further tourment from Watsas. "See, the ideal pet! And he's trainable!"

"help me... please." The man whispered to Kurisho under his breath, so Watsas wouldn't hear. "Get me away from this... thing."

"Also, don't forget your official pet-training and disciplane device!" Watsas continued, handing Kurisho what appeared to be an electric stun-baton. "See, is this not the best present ever? Is it not!?"

The present-man held onto Kurisho, whimpering in terror while Watsas continued his spiel...

GC Tea House - farmerman - 01-14-2009

"Mr Watsas that is a very... thoughtful present," Miharu said, still surprised from the whole mystery present. "Does he, err, know any tricks?"

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 01-14-2009

Lady Kurisho pales more, from the forced hugs of
She takes a step back and tries to grimess out a smile, upon her Black painted lips.
With her right hand, grabbing ahold of a hand full of hair from the back of the head of the man and pullls him off of her.

Her body language say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWW, while her facial express tired to hide the discuss.

*.................................then, like a slow dethawing Christmas miracle , her expression changes.

She suddenly pushes the man completely off of her where he lands backwards onto the floor.
Reaching in to her Kimono, she pulls out her datapad and uses it as a Hologram TV remote, shes presses some buttons on it's pad.

The hologram TV activates and shows a menu of Saved Recorded Programs on it's hard drive: Selecting from the users menu, she stops upon her Name and expands the menu:

** Lady Kurisho : Saved Programs, Programs to be Recorded, Programs to be Deleated:
Saved Programs Selected -------------- Expanding list:
Saved Programs :

Xena 5 - Warrior Queen
Girls on Girls Gone Wild : Show #128
Metalocalypse - Live from NewYork
Heavy Metal : Tarrna's Return
Saved Program #185
Prison Station For Women by Women : A love Story.
College Girls Frat House - Alpha Delta Pi counter-attacks the Lambda-Lambda-Lambda Nerd House'...................

......Her list goes on, but before it has time to fully displays, she selects Save Program #185 and hits PLAY.

"The damnable Golden Chrysanthemums! They try to deflower the women of Kusari with their orange poison, they viciously attack our Samurai, they are allied with Drug Dealers and Cannibals, brainwash children to crash their ships into KNF battleships, and are probably all Nomad infested to boot.

But the above statements are all rendered irrelevent by this simple fact... They are all SOOOO Sexy! :lol:

Now, any true gentleman will try to stress this point when encountering the GC. Even if they are foaming at the mouth trying to kill you, the rule is to always be civil, friendly, compliment their dress sense and good looks, and pay their cargo tolls, and you will likely survive. And maybe, just maybe, get something more..."

She hits pause and looks at the man before her.

Ooooooooooooooooooo, No.
This...isn't a present for me................oooooooooh
No...this is a present for the whole clan.

She lets out an evil Black smile as the man's expression turn to horror.

We got a new shipment of knives in......and when the clan is done with you, the gift giving doesn't stop there.

Oh no, The clan is going to leave you alive.......Just barely alive. Because when they are done 'toying' with you, your gonna be a gift to Watsas. I heard of his cyborg and kill bot conversions. 'prize'....are going to 'grow up' to be the lead shock trooper of Watsas's kill bot army.

Oh, yeah... I think i said : I hope one of his characters can act his way out of the pending doom that is headed his way.

I suggest you start acting now.

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 01-14-2009

Oh, and Watsas...when you do get around to do the 'conversion process', record it for me.

Use 4 or 5 camera from different angles. High Speed cameras, some with wide angle lens, the Works.

And don't pause the recording .....I want to be able to watch Every Second of the show . Maybe we will send his TV station and Sponsor's a copy .

She unpauses the TV where it goes into a commerical:

(//Credit for the link goes to Watsas )

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-14-2009

"What else do you have in there anyway?" \CS\-Steve commented as Kurisho pulled the datapad from her Kimono, before reciving a swift slap on the back of the head by Watsas.

"Yes Kurisho, I think that would be the most entertaining way to dispose of him. He's too squishy and weak to be a meat-slave, therefore I shall test my Delta-5.14 procedure on you." Watsas stated, brandishing the stun baton as he spoke.

Steve and Naomi both whinced visibly at this comment. "Ouch... is that the one with the open-chest surgery and the steroid injections?" Steve asked

"Nope, that's the one with the circular saw and the rivet gun." Watsas replied, watching the poor television personality cowering in fear as his fate was described.


The poor TV host was standing, naked, in the middle of the room, with a look of utter terror on his face. He desperately tried to think of a way out of this predicament, surrounded by robots and angry geishas. Things were not going his way right now...

But he had an idea! "Heeey! Let's not get ahead of ourselves shall we! Certianly I am more useful to such a cuddly and feisty lady such as yourself alive and intact rather then... well... not! H... hey maybe... I could help spread the message of... whatever you do around here. Women's rights and that sort of thing! Right... right?"

"First off, Kurisho isn't interested in men... at all... the end. Second off, we already have Naomi and my subliminal messaging machine to spread propaganda cheaper then you can. Keep trying, meatbag." Watsas replied in a subtly cruel tone.

"Well... heheh... how about money? I have lots of that! How much would it take for you NOT to cut me up or put mechanical bits in my brains?" The man asked in an increasingly pitiful display of self-preservation.

"We make enough money running Cardamine that you couldn't POSSIBLY be able to match. We're richer then you. Next..." Naomi stated in response.

"C...Come on! There has to be SOMETHING!"

"Well, Kurisho mentioned you acting. So... ACT! You will be our official court jester, dance for our amusement." Watsas demanded coldly.

"Well, you see... I don't act very well under duress... you see, I need freedom to be able to get the creative..." Watsas interrupted the man's spiel...

"Lady Kurisho, you can have him! Pre-tenderise him while I warm up the probulator."

Naomi and Steve at this point slowly left the room, not wanting to see the presumably tourmentuous display to come...

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 01-14-2009

No need to ya'll to leave.

*Motioning for Naomi and Steve to stay.

We can hold off the 'Late night entertainment' for later. We have.............

*Looking around*

More gifts to deal with....and spiked Eggnog to drink.

*She snaps her finger, the naked man is stuffed rudely back into the box by a couple of the Guards, then the lid is slammed and nailed back on.*

*speaking to the Guards:* Haul IT into Watsas's lab. We'll have a lottery drawing of which lucky person gets the first shot at our new ......toy. Then I am sure a list will be made of who is next and so-on. Oh, give it some food and water.

*The guards give a nod and the box is dragged off into the the hallway and down the corridor. *

*Then, it hits her : "First off, Kurisho isn't interested in men... at all... the end *

HEY !!! ........
*Reverting the Saved Programs of the holovision back to default setting and then Turning it off*
I have the same interest as the next per................wait a Frakin second....WHY am I discussing MY personal life with you ?!?!?

*she goes to the bar and helps herself to a drink*

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-14-2009

"Because you can!" Watsas replied in a faux dramatic tone.

"Now... prove to me that you ARE interested in men! And I will... I don't know... buy you whatever various luxury items you want." He continued.

Naomi overheard this and walked back into the room. "Actually, mechano-balls here has a point. You never talk about yourself that I know of... could be refreshing to learn a thing or two about you?" *giggles*

Naomi sits next to Kurisho, getting herself a cup of cardimine-laced sake.

GC Tea House - Unholy1 - 01-22-2009

Amaya walks into the Tea house after a battle with two insane independent bombers.

She orders a Cardi spiked ice tea then decides to go to her room for some rest.

Silly Independents demanded me ten million for my life hahahahaha!

She tells the crowd goodnight then walks to her room.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 01-23-2009

Several Weeks Later...

The Holiday season had died down, and Ainu and the Tea house returned to it's SNAFU existance. The Watsas contued to plot his various schemes for the takeover of the Sirius sector. Naomi was still lonely, complaining about the inferiorities of men. \CS\-Steve was womanising as he always did, and all was well with the world.

Until now...

The battered and smouldering hulk of a barely functional Combat Service Vehicle landed abruptly in the Ainu hangar bay, smashing into Watsas own parked Wrath, before sliding to an abrupt halt in the center of the bay. Clearly, the ship had been in a fight, and lost miserably. It appeared to be a Junker vessel of standard configuration. Armed with salvage-grade Barrager cannons and a jury-rigged missile launcher, even the most simple of opposition would find it easy prey.

The lone pilot climbed out of what remained of the cockpit. Apparently unfazed by the state of his ship. The appeared as if he had climbed out of an old western, middle aged and dressed in a plaid shirt, blue jeans, cowboy boots complete with spurs, a brown duster, and a Stetson hat. He looked at the ship with dismay, before proceeding to swat away some of the Consortium hovercameras programmed to conduct strutural analysis of returning ships.

Failing that, the man, clearly a Junker of some sort, strode to the Tea House to get a drink and rest...

Walking into the bar, he spotted only a few GC in the bar that early in the morning. Naomi was asleep in a padded chair near the holovision, as a result of a bit too much Cardamine. \CS\-Steve was manning the bar, and several other GC pilots and personell were scattered about, watching the holovision.

"Well Howdy, ladies." The Junker said, removing his Hat out of politeness.

"Oh, Hello there. Might I get you something from the bar?" Steve replied.

"Tall glass o' whiskey. Need to get mah head clear after 'dem Farmer types ripped mah ship up. Y'know?" The man said, sitting down in one of the chairs at the bar.

Steve nodded and got the man a tall glass of whiskey, as requested. Upon reciving the glass, the man began drinking it down, occasionally looking back and forth around the bar.

Naomi grumbled and awoke a few minuites later, and stumbled over to the bar, taking a seat next to the Junker. "Steve. Glass of water. Chop-chop."

Steve nodded and obliged as Naomi hung her head down, clearly suffering a hangover. "And a bit of Cardi, please..."

"Well howdy miss? Ya'll alright?" The Junker asked

"I'll be fine, don't worry about me... wait who are you?!" Naomi asked. Now realising this man was not a regular supplier.

"Well, I'm a Junker. Ih Junk things..." He replied, a bit buzzed from the whiskey.

"That dosen't help me a lot. How do I know you're not a spy?" Naomi asked annoyadly

"Yeah... just tell us your name." Steve replied politely

"Well... ehh... Mah name..." The drunken Junker replied

Naomi grumbled in frustration.

The Junker stared at the cieling for a few seconds before remembering, and inadvertantly opening a whole new chapter of tourment for the Tea House and it's populace.

"Oh Right! Mah name is CobaltWatsas... Pleased to meet ya'll."

GC Tea House - farmerman - 01-24-2009

Miharu blinked and stared at the new man. "Cobalt... Watsas?" she asked. "Are you related to the Mr Watsas who works here?"