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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 04-23-2020

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identified: Venator ONYX STATUETTE

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]

Onyx Statuette, on-line.

This is update on a current state of affairs.

Civil conflict is unfolding in a House of Rheinland. Jingoistic imperialists backed up by a major native Rheinland corporations, Kruger and Daumann and Unioner movement are fighting former federalist government. As "imperials", this is how we name them from now, are primarly comprised from ultra-nationalistic military elements they have got upper hand and currently hold contor over majority of Rheinland territory. Büro des Marinenachrichtendiensts or Büro has pledged allegiance to legitimate federal government and is currently stationed in a system of Thuringia.

As BDM are our partners and we might want to cooperate with them further, we are going to help them in their fight. We are starting to conduct activity in a Rheinland territory, codename CODE VIRIDIAN. Currently, this is small-scale activity to gather more intel on Unioner interposition, intel on possible Nomad infestation, further cooperation with friendly parties in Rheinland and to secure Federalist positions in Thuringia. Any vessel is authorized to enter Rheinland on it's own accord to observe situation and log everything you find valuable or interesting. You are not authorized to use lethal force against adversaries of Covenant unless you are being attacked. Do not intervene in a fights unless parties friendly to Covenant are being involved - Red Hessian Army and Lane Hackers. Most valuable data is direct confirmations that Unioner terrorists are working together with corporations or imperial military and involvement of Nomad elements.

Our interference in that region is also justified by Order activity in that region of Sirius, namely Omega region. Few days ago we have encountered Order science vessel in Omega-2. We tried to persuade personell aboard to defect but it hasn't succeeded thus we destroyed it. Unfortunately, dead ship crashed into a modular ship and we couldn't retrieve any valuable data from it. This one encounter is not very fruitful on information but as a part of CODE VIRIDIAN it is advised to patrol Omega sector. It is possible to use Red Hessian installations but be advised not to use them in a close proximity of Imperial or Federal forces.

Do not stop operations in Omicrons and keep close eye on what is happening there, we might strike there as soon as there's possibility.

Good hunt, brothers and sisters.

Onyx Statuette, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 05-27-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: IdlnD7M.png]


I would like to take the time to formerly congratulate you all on our recent developments and successes in operations. A commendation is in order for obtaining these exquisite materials. Well done.

[Image: unknown.png]

However. It must be noted, tough times are ahead, as we must always prepare ourselves for the future. Our surrounding region, as forecasted, are showing signs of growing instability. We must prepare for the moment when organisations turn against our people. To permit ourselves to have a bleeding edge in this inevitable storm, measures must be taken. We will begin sending out drones for recon and observation against our enemies. Handlers must ensure they return without tampering.

As for the rest of you... Your new directives will be relayed to you via the Uplink. Stay sharp.


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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Saracen - 05-27-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Saracen

[Image: gsiyZM9.png]

::Saracen Synth-unit-- Activated::

Systems are online. I am aware once again. Former identity "Altair" has been purged. No ties detected from former creator. Databanks have been upgraded and updated. The information installed in this hardware is yours to control Keepers.
Standing by for further instructions.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - ONIKS - 08-08-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Venator ONYX STATUETTE

[Image: YMmXOYS.png]

Onyx Statuette, on-line.

All units to be on a highest alert due to our upcoming operations of seizing control of Inverness system.

Currently, two foreign parties are present in the system: junkers and Bretonian intelligence. While junkers, despite being confused and angry, might be useful in the future and we'll do our best to find common ground, Bretonian presence is threatening and unwelcome. They have already expressed their unwillingness to cede the control their assets or simply 'leave' so we are currently planning the takeover by force.

Our target is a 'Dunedin Station', located on the orbit of a Cromarty planetoid in a quadrant Charlie-2.

[Image: uxHlnyu.png]

It's a small installation which serves as a listening post. We have no information on what's exactly happening inside of that station as all our scanners are being jammed by several high-class EW systems. On the other hand, station defense systems lack in firepower.

We are also trying to predict how exactly will Bretonia answer on our act of agression. Right now, Bretonia forces are already over-stretched and they currently do not have free battlegroups in the vicinity to somehow interfere with our plans but Bretonians do have nasty habit of doing impossible things so we must be on a constant lookout.

From now on patrol zones are extended. Report on any ship sightings in the area and always have some vessels in the vicinity to Dunedin - do not engage in harassment of Bretonians yet. We might need that installation in it's current condition.

Onyx Statuette, out.

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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 09-04-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unmaskedcomm.png]


Border Security Gatekeeper, ensure the blockade of the entries remain. Assault Team Vengeance has been formed. Rendezvous at Point Epsilon, prepare for imminent deployment.

Destroy any Bretonian vessel breaking the blockade.


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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 09-28-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unmaskedcomm.png]


Various updates have been successfully received. Progress has been made on various fronts, despite the losses and setbacks; suffice to say we are extremely pleased. Those who have contributed to our efforts are to receive complementary reward for going above and beyond their call of duty.


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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - Kauket - 10-01-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Guardian Castigator Six

[Image: unknown.png]


Castigator Six reporting in successful skirmish strikes against Bretonian convoys, and Logistics ferry Eridanus reports success in delivering approximately 12,195 cargo units of Military Salvage to the Mollys.

Initial calculations of Bretonian Merchant ferries were off. Vessels were reinforced with higher grades of armor plating. An unexpected visit by a Gaian cruiser threw off their guard, allowing for the Nova Torpedoes to rain in. Suffice to say, they were terminated. Advise re-evaluation of threat assessment and approach.

Carrier Down || Battletransport destroyed by the Gaian || Battletransport destroyed by the Nova || Bombing run. Gaian initiating || Vessels loaded with anti-fighter armaments || Bowex vessel destroyed || Battleship down || Third Salvage delivery


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RE: EIDO Network Communications Uplink - SlappyTheRoach - 10-05-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Initiate Golem

[Image: fRo3xa7.png]


Initiate Golem reporting in on my first task, I have completed my Patrol around the Inverness system at the required checkpoints; Begin, Sector E7 Planet Elgin, Second checkpoint sector G2, Cortez jumphole, third checkpoint sector E3 Invergordon Space Port, forth checkpoint sector C5 Klaksvik Wreck, Last checkpoint sector E7 Planet Elgin, Patrol complete. Patrol craft; A/)-Golem.

Successful collection of 20 Gaian pilots were collected in the Vespucci system and brought back to Valravn Citadel.

Other than the tasks laid before me, nothing else is of worth noting down.

Bellow you may see the attached files of my patrol, Initiate Golem signing off. ***Data download complete files attached to message.***


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RE: Technocracy Primary Uplink Node - Kauket - 10-05-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unmaskedcomm.png]


Initiate Golem. Your report has been verified. Your bursary grant of 50,000,000 credits has been authorised and your initiation has been passed. You now bare the title of Warden. Well done.

[Image: unknown.png]


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RE: Technocracy Primary Uplink Node - Kauket - 10-08-2020

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


For the eyes of the Inner Phalanx only:

An unexpected guest dropped by today. It appears the Federalists are in dire need of support. Unless there is any objection, military detachment from O-R-S, Wichita and Carrier Orion group are to converge and immediately deploy to Thuringia to extract personnel from Taskforce Hariasa. Cross data from the deployed detachment confirms the preparation of the sector. Unless there are objections, the group will proceed to the northern field in the sector and await further instruction.

Meeting Data log


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