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RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Czechmate - 01-15-2021

Well I think this is staff thing in general - They are GMs mode and devs

But also normal guys that like to poke fun at people and have their own personal opinions.

Often times they are trolling like anyone else - but you take it as official staff stance, because they also are staff - I.e. Mep had opinions there, brought in things that shouldn't be relevant from staff stance at all (right to account vs his personal opinion on Lambda starting and dropping things)

I had the same happen too many times - question is if you really want to demand people on the team act in official capacity all the time on discord, restrain from bias, trolling and harsh opinions that aren't mandated by rules (when asked about rules) - They wouldn't have fun then, but they would look more professional.

Not sure what the right call is

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Connor - 01-15-2021

A lot of these comments are quite funny because most people are basing their responses with 0 context from previous behaviours so please stop jumping to the "he's abusing demote" conclusion. I will look into this when I have time.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Kauket - 01-15-2021

Why are you censoring my posts? My point is only getting reinforced. The biased nature is ridiculous and childish.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Couden - 01-15-2021

Mep stop muting me for the arguments in General chat

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Hokan - 01-15-2021

Imagine the surprise when a moderator who has repeatedly warned players against making jabs at people, ends up muting people for making jabs.

That level of consistency in a staff member is truly horrific. We should ban he.

On a side note, Ikret has gotten away with saying some mad shit in the Discord a number of times, I've seen them throwing shit at Meph repeatedly. So it's not like they've not been given an extended grace period to adapt.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Saronsen - 01-15-2021

imagine the surprise when people miss the entire point in the first place and then comment like they read the initial problem

do not hit me with your whataboutism after reading the first post either

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Lythrilux - 01-15-2021

(01-15-2021, 10:14 AM)Hemlocke Wrote:
(01-15-2021, 10:04 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Meph just seemed like he was levelling with Lambda. I don't see any toxic or ill-natured intent. Those screenshots also miss the thirty minutes or so before when Nyx was just flaming around and Meph already warned to mute (gave me a warning too).

Otherwise, looks like these images are being doctored to put Meph in a bad light. Meph has been pretty pro-active as a mod and has been more or less reacting to things raised in a Staff meeting. I think people are surprised that they can't get away with behaving badly anymore.

How can images showing the blatant hostile remarks to Lambda be doctored, go ahead, go look in the Lore Discussion channel to see if Lambda did anything wrong, he didn't defend himself, just wanted an answer to his question. It is not a Moderator's job to "level with" anyone, so your argument is null and void. Your opinion does not matter because we're talking about something that universally applies to staff members, the rules, that Mep broke, but forced on other people. You'd never see squig doing sh*t like that.

Remove your boner for Nyx and the fact she was in that conversation at all from the argument, and you're still left with Lambda getting harassed for a question by a member of staff, and as I said before, sitting there and taking the abuse just so he could get an answer to his question. That's unacceptable, and whether he was in the right channel for that or not doesn't apply to how Mep behaved.

I will bring up Squig's name again, he is an example of a good staff member in general, even if just a discord moderator, he doesn't tell people how to behave, he shows people how to behave through his own behavior, if you behave the way Mep did, the problem will only reciprocate endlessly as it currently does. Staff members act as if they shouldn't be held to any standards and aren't, when in fact, they are held to higher standards than regular players, because if you behave just as bad, if not worse than players. You get people like Godslayer breaking them intentionally without reason leading to more work which will also inspire others to do the exact same thing since the rules being forced upon them aren't equally applied leading to situations of felt oppression.

I really do not think that those are blatantly hostile remarks to Lambda especially when Meph was trying to assist him with his query. To call them abuse trivialises the real instances of abuse that have in recent months spiked on Discord - that Meph has actually been pro-active in clamping down on.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Kauket - 01-15-2021

(01-15-2021, 01:06 PM)Saronsen Wrote: imagine the surprise when people miss the entire point in the first place and then comment like they read the initial problem

do not hit me with your whataboutism after reading the first post either

Colour me shocked when the friend in their group is covering for their friend who'll never get the cover of his friend, oh no.

These double standards need to piss off. Too many times the people in a staff position have utilized their position to harass other people but punish them for defending themselves. Will they punish people for slandering? No. Especially not if they're friends. Lmao Discord nepotism.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Commandantt - 01-15-2021

GM who renames me at discord I will found you and kiss so hard that you will become commie. So Slappy better be prepare I know that it was you.

Second rock what I will throw at GMs it's about Mike.
Just imagine that someone will think that it will be smart to put: Banned for being Mike. When he can put: Banned for avoiding ban.

And even funnier that he was banned because he uses an old shared account. So now you will ban the whole faction if a banned person has access to shared ships in past?

Second rock that I throw a bit old but only because I did not found this thread early.

RE: Game Masters Feedback Thread - Karlotta - 01-15-2021

(01-15-2021, 09:34 AM)Hemlocke Wrote: If you want a good example of how a moderator should behave, look at squiggly.

If you want an example of how a moderator called squiggly behaved, let me give you one:

Someone incorrectly accuses another member of a "engaging without rp" rule violation in the public and official discovery discord.

When asked by the accused what instance they meant, that someone posts logs of an ingame conversation. The logs are incomplete and start after the accused posted several lines of RP, obviously edited to make the accused look guilty.

The accused posts the full logs that show the rp.

Squiggly says the accused is "heading for a ban" for not shutting up, first equating someone unjustly publicly accusing someone with edited logs, to defending oneself against unjust accusation by posting the complete logs, then threatening the accused with a ban, but not the accuser.

(01-15-2021, 01:18 PM)Kauket Wrote: Too many times the people in a staff position have utilized their position to harass other people but punish them for defending themselves. Will they punish people for slandering? No. Especially not if they're friends. Lmao Discord nepotism.

I remember you doing exactly what you are describing here, and getting fired as discovery discord mod for it. I also remember you turning your own private discord into slander-central where people are able to post slander and hate at certain people and those people get censored and banned as soon as they start defending themselves.

For more feedback on discord moderators, I would also like to point out that mep is someone who trolls and harasses people (including me) constantly and censors and bans them for defending themselves.

And also slappy, who publicly posted trial by discord logs of a time I fell asleep with 60 mil worth of iridium ore next to sabah shipyard claiming I was farming time for my faction tag that way (and he did it together with his friend who had been harassing me nonstop for months, apart from posting racist crap literally every day).

Slappy also censored me another time, when I was defending my faction against deceptive logs posted on discord that suggested it just docks and doesnt rp, which left out the lengthy RP that took place during time when I could well have just docked instead, and that it was me RPing with them that led to me getting blown up. The unjust and deceptive accuser, who he assisted with his disco moderator powers, had been talking to slappy in voice chat regularly before.

Afterwards, slappy (who had censored and banned me for defending myself) and kauket (who had done the same on the official discord before getting fired, and also on their own private discord) went to the =CR= discord with several of their friends, used the =CR= voice chat although none of them were in =CR=, and spammed several text channels for several hours. The group that did this had been trolling and harassing me and =CR= ingame for several days. Them doing this together with a GM/discord mod that banned me was obviously a powerplay intended to show "look what we can do".

All this being said, I dont think there is a single person complaining about this one time mep did something to one of their friends (instead of to one of their "enemies" to which they said nothing or cheered him on in glee) that hasnt behaved in the exactly same way, or worse, as mep there. Saronsen, paul, and kauket have openly harassed people and lobbied for them getting censored and "removed" from the community, while staff did nothing to stop them.

All of you should stop pretending its a matter of "this person is worse than that person so that person should get moderator power and not this one".

It's a matter of all of you just scrambling for power and dominance and not being willing to moderate yourselves or be moderated in anyway.

What we really need is transparency instead of constant and various forms of censorship, and a public code of conduct that is explicit enough so that even a chimp wouldnt be able to burn the house down as long as he is actually held accountable when he doesnt stick to it.