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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - mayu20 - 08-23-2010

Discovery Forum Name: mayu20
Full Name: Otto von Marck
Birthdate and Age: 23.12.788A.S. 24 Years
Place Of Birth: planet New Berlin, New Berlin

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Sex: male

Height: 175 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Basic Personality Traits: Hard worker, loyal, friendly, team worker


806A.S. New Berlin High School
812A.S. Rheinland Military Academy

Background Information:
I was born on planet New Berlin in 788 from my parents Adolf von Marck and Hellena von Marck. They were bouth in Military forces my father an Kommandant Kreuzer and my mother an verry schweren Kampfpilot in the Military. After i was gratuaded the high school i went to the Militärakademie of Rheinland and spend 6 years there. Now that i have finished the Militärakademie i want to follow my parents footsteps into the Rheinland Military and make proud my family and my acenstors and my home world.
//My early life wans like an Military child lots of traings with my father and many studies about ships. My mother teached me how to fly since she was an Kampfpilot, and my father told me how to be an good listener and how to follow an order from my vorgesetzten.My both parents are now off duty because they have done all theirs objectives and served the Heimat. My teenager time was full of scholar activity and i was in the school football team. My academy years was the best of mine. At the militärakademie i have meet my best friend Roland. His father was an schwere Kampfpilot teacher of mine and his. We spent many hours togheter study and in the fly simulator until the day his father died when he was outside with some students to practice real life fly. He decided after that, that his life worthed much more to die and he quit the academy 1 year before graduate. After he left i have focused on my trainings only until i have meet Anne in the last 4 months of the academy. Ever since i was with her and we are married for 2 months now. When i was graduated the Militärakademie of Rheinland i was nominated for the beste Schüler but i didn't win. Now Anne is an schwere Piloten in the Rheinland militärischen patroling our home world and serving her nach Hause like my mother and my father did and thats why i want to do it to.

how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? 2 mounths on the USA server and 2 weeks on this server
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? My passion for Freelancer
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server? Kruger|MS-Koeln
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM? I allways loved the germany arys so this way i could be in one of their ranks

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 08-23-2010

Geomar.William many of us lost our relatives in these hard times, but for the acceptance to the Rheinwehr, we need to know more details about your life. Its really important that you will say us more about you.
\\extend your bio\\

[color=#33FF33]Dominik.Mertins Its good that you are realising the tread we are facing and the need of every skilled man to fight on the front. Thats why you have been sent the [color=#33FF33]questionaire
. Fill it out and send it back to me as soon as possible so you can join our soldaten as soon as possible.

[color=#33FF33]Otto von Marck. The fighting skills are supposed to be determinated in our gens. Thats why we believe that you are really a skilled fighter, but before you get the questionaire, you have to write more about your life. We would really like to know more about your family and every issue what happened in your life.
//extend your bio\\

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - mayu20 - 08-24-2010

i have extended the bio read from the // in my bio

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 08-25-2010


Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

[color=#33FF33]Otto von Marck you have been sent the questionaire, fill it out and send it back to me.

[color=#FF0000]Amelia Greenheart we are sorry, but we cannot allow you to join the Rheinwehr becouse your short bio. If you are still interested to protect the Vaterland apply in the next month with a detailed story of your life.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Azurren - 08-25-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Azurren (Old: Crateria)
Name: Silth Fuhrmann
Rank: Corporal-Retired
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): Azurren

Age: Early 30's
Height: About 5foot 8
Weight: 12 stone (168 pounds?)
Hair Color: Now very gray.
Eye Color: Blue/Silver

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information:

Silth enjoyed the quite life, living off his state pension, he couldn't afford much (As he had only been in the Rheinland military for 10 years) but he had enough to get by.
However, soon after the war started anew Silth's pension was cut! With no money saved and owing almost 200.000 credits things were starting to look desperate!

Trying to ignore the "Return to active duty" messages he received almost every other hour he tried himself as an interdependent security escort for some of the lesser trading firms. However this put him at constant risk of being recognized by one of his ex-military comrades at every checkpoint.. He tried his luck once to many and got himself taken in.

It wasn't that he didn't want to return to the military. But he had rather started to enjoy the quiet life.

Basic Personality Traits: Short Patience, Rather silent, good at following orders (Although he will often disagree with them)

Ship Class: VHF / Bomber



// I forgot my original background so I can't give any before the above.
/// Oh and I do not expect my original rank / to skip any training (Hell it's been years!)

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
About 2 years.. (Not including my gap of absence)

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
It's the best freelancer mod in existence. RP / Rules = Fun.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
I won't list the characters I did have.

Wren, Smuggler (Fun)
Zek'Ra.. Well I've never been a Nomad

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

I want back in. [RM] was one of the only things that was keeping me on discovery.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Foochow - 08-25-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Stewie_Griffin
Name: Lisa Hermann
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): stefixsrb

Age: 21
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 68
Hair Color: Braun
Eye Color: Braun

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Stuttgart

Background Information:

Guten Tag, Mein Herr's. Mein name is Lisa Hermann. I am currently in Secondary Fleet.

Here is something little about me.

I was born 797 A.S. on Planet Stuttgart. Mein father was piloten who was working for Daumann. At mein age of 18 when I finished Military College, mein muther died. I got job as pilot in Daumann too, like mein father. We were on same routes. We successfully evaded some attacks from Red Hessians and Unioners. But one quiet day we were attacked with surprise. They ambushed us from gas field. Mein ship lost power and control, I was watching my fathers death, and I couldn't do anything.

Basic Personality Traits: I am willing to fight against Liberty and all threats which are threating Vaterland!

Ship Class: I currently own Mjolnir from mein Polizei duty. But I will change it to Wraith.

Other: I have only one way of life, and that is to Defend Vaterland!

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

[i]1,5 years. // this is not my first acc.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Most RP and fun.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

Many of them: Rheinland Federal Polizei, Bounty Hunter from the Guild, Outcast 101st Guardian, My Gas Miner, Queen Carina's Privateer and a Blood Dragon.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

Well... As rumors says... RFP is dying...

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Schwarz - 08-26-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Schwarz
Name: Ulrich.Schwarz
Rank: - Recruit
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): N/A

Age: 20
Height: 5"10
Weight: 178
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Grey

Planet/Station of Origin:

Planet Hamburg

Background Information:

When I was born my family lived on Planet Hamburg. It remained that way until I was 12, when my father got a temporary job as an engineer on Alster shipyard. We where given a small room for us to live while he was working there. With Unioner raids becoming more frequent more and more ships where needed for the military so over time the station became our home and by the time I was 17 I was working for Republican Shipping helping to defend the station. I done this for a further 2 years before becoming a mercenary for Battleship Westfalen, a few months past when I decided to try and enroll for the Military and have just finished studying at the Rheinland Military academy.

Basic Personality Traits: Commited, Honest, Inspiring, Fair minded and Forward looking.

Ship Class: Wraith

Thank you,

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

On various different characters around 2 years

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

The amount of players and also I think freelancer is more fun if you RP.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

Oswald.Schwarz - Republican
Jorg.Schwarz - ALG

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

I have always wanted to join an official faction but have not done it yet and also my favorite faction to play as in Rheinland so i figured this would be my best choice.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Yikagi - 08-27-2010

Biography Extended.
(Page 22)

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 08-27-2010

Otto von Marck und Silth Fuhrmann

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

[color=#33FF33]Geomar.William, Lisa Hermann und Ulrich.Schwarz you have been sent the [color=#33FF33]questionaire, fill it out and send it back to me.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 08-28-2010

Ulrich.Schwarz und Lisa Hermann

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

[color=#FF0000]Geomar.William Im sorry to announce you that your application was [color=#FF0000]DENIED. But dont loose your interest in the Rheinwehr. Fly with our pilots on patrols and train with them so you will get the necessary experience to be accepted.
You can apply in one month again.