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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 09-26-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Reports
Guten Tag meine Herren,

The last reports landed this morning on my desk. And there are some additional information to it:

Frau Gabriel Fox, the captain of the barge Zoner_Big-Whale contacted the Bundespolizei about the license for her Barge. In result of your collected data this request was turned down. The barge Zoner_Big-Whale has no permission to enter Rheinland. Generally every barge should be moved back to it's trade origin. In this case Omega-7 (I guess, she wasn't exactly enough about the origin).
I'll ask Inspekteur Becker if he can add this to the handbook.

But all in all, good work meine Herren.

All other information will be forwarded to Oberst Bommel, let's see what she decides for the RCDB.

PS: Kadett Stone, as you maybe noticed the police work isn't comparable to the usual pirate defence a trader has. If you want, I can organize a fighter training for this friday in Halle.
PPS: After you get promoted to Detective, you'll be able to command the Sondereinsatzkommando piloten. The current zone of operation of the SEK is around Ulm and those guys are equipped with military grade weaponry for their fights in Stuttgart and Omega-7. I'm sure some of them can reinforce your operations in Omega-7 next time, even if you are a Kadett.

Mit freundlichem Gruße

Oberst Fritz Schulz
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Redirion - 09-26-2011

..::Incoming transmission::..
[Image: 90px-Flag-rheinland.png]
Sender ID: Isidor.Kugelblitz, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police
Sender Location: Lübeck Border Station, Hamburg System
Message type: Audio/Text

Sehr geehrte Frau Bommel, meine Damen und Herren,

first off I want to thank Frau Renate Bommel for responding to my report and apologize for the paperwork caused.

As my Kollegen Kadett Stone and Officer Wolthers already reported the events yesterday, I will only report today's events.

Report part #1: Rova caught again:
Criminal Rova showed up in my tracker coming from Stuttgart system. I performed a remote scan:
[26.09.2011 13:59:52] Rova[$40] entered tradelane at Stuttgart B-4
[26.09.2011 13:59:58] /showscan$ 40
[26.09.2011 13:59:58] NPC Only Infinite Power Supply,Adv. Debilitator Turret Mk I,Flamecurse Turret Mk I,Flamecurse Turret Mk I,Flamecurse Turret Mk I,Flamecurse Turret Mk I,Flamecurse Turret Mk I,Copper Ore
[26.09.2011 13:59:58] OK

I intercepted him at Dortmund Station to inform him about his criminal database entry. Again I scanned him with 4800 copper ore. Unfortunately he was breaching the docking controls of Dortmund station so fast, I was not even able to take a guncamshot.
Later when I happen to be busy, he took the opportunity, undocked and continued to travel to Liberty.
This time he took the faster route via Bering, as no lawful forces were present to hold him up.
[26.09.2011 14:20:13] Rova[$40] entered tradelane at Hamburg F-4
[26.09.2011 14:20:34] Rova[$40] exited tradelane at Hamburg F-2

Laws violated and fines owed:
§ For the vessels of Gunboat class or Transport class with 3500 units of contraband in the cargo hold or less - cargo confiscation and 2.500.000 SC fine.
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 SC fine)
§2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 SC fine)
This all adds to his current criminal record at the criminal database.

Personal remark:
Sadly $ does not apply, as I failed to take gumcamproof of his 4800 units of copper ore.

Now to the reason for being busy to stop him from fleeing.
Report part #2 Barge smuggler with false papers escorted by Gallic Royal Navy:

A Rheinland Military ship callsign Sharp-sighted informed me about a barge filled with copper ore is on its way to Hamburg. Do I have to mention -again- there is no place to sell it in Hamburg system, while Liberty is eagerly awaiting more copper ore to fuel their war efforts against Rheinland? I don't think so.

Another remote scan confirmed the words of the RM.
We called for backup and RFP|Kadett.Nic.Becker responded.

Only 10k from Dortmund Station the Barge callsign S.O.S. appeared in scanner range.
It got escorted by a Gallic Royal Navy bomber.
While we were approaching the Barge and Kadett Becker requested the Barge to halt for scan, its escort turned around yelling
[26.09.2011 14:11:05] [sr]-fikys: police go away
and opened fire.

Unfortunately Kadett Beckers's ship got destroyed by the escort of the barge a few minutes later:
[26.09.2011 14:20:05] Death: RFP|Wachmann.Nic.Becker was killed by [sr]-fikys (Gun)

There was a Red Hessian Vidar present and declared to attack the Gallic. Fortunately he was not after me, but on the other hand he destroyed the RM.
[26.09.2011 14:28:14] Death: Sharp-sighted was killed by Mega.Crusher (Missile/Torpedo)

Then something really strange happened. The Barge suddenly disappeared. What a bother! I was hitting it hard and loved to fly in curves around it.
[26.09.2011 14:29:10] 2011-09-26 12:29:13 SMT : S.O.S. is attempting to engage cloaking device

The Gallic Navy bomber was not tired to admit he is helping the Barge:
[26.09.2011 14:30:44] [sr]-fikys: i protecting barge

Well, that's was he was earning for his escort service:
[26.09.2011 14:39:48] Death: [sr]-fikys was killed by Isidor.Kugelblitz (Gun)

Have a look at the time. This exhausting fight lasted almost 30 minutes.

List of visual evidences:
Gallic bomber scan
Gallic bomber papers
Barge cargo scan
Barge false papers
Personal remark:
Its papers were acquired on no legal base, as its transponder was not showing any affiliation and my scanner detected it as a neutral vessel, while I am friendly with Kruger. This is a very bold attempt to get through Rheinland unharmed to maximize personal profit.
As always: A complete audio log is available per request.

This time I refrain from listing laws violated by that Barge. Instead I suggest to issue a death sentence.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Isidor Kugelblitz

..::transmission terminated::..

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - hades durin - 09-26-2011

From: Kadett Nic Becker
Located: Planet New Berlin

Message: Text only

Today i start my duty for the Rheinland Federal Police.
I dock, as ordered from Kommissar Ludwig Becker, at Elbe Station to get my Mjolnir fit and technically up-to-date.
After the check and repair i undock and move to New Berlin.
I got a Message that my attention got to a barge within rheinland near Dortmund Station.
As i got there a fight is in progress and i call all to cut engines to solve the situation.
I got shoot and open fire for defence...

I have to use my escape pod later because my ship got heviely damaged.
My Pod got collected by a repair ship which flow to Dortmund Station.

From there i return to Planet New Berlin.
Later my ship Wreck got secured in space.
Technicans on New Berlin found out, that the ID responder was not set up right.
I am not a Wachmann i am only a Kadett and so they fix the responder to send right informations.

Now i have to wait till tomorrow that my ship got repaired and ready for work.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Nic Becker

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 09-26-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Kommissar Ludwig Becker, Recruitment officer
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Kadett Nic Becker
Sehr geehrter Herr Kugelblitz,

as a side note: Kadett Nic Becker is not a Wachmann. He's still a Kadett. I contacted him about the mistake and it seems he fixed the little problem.

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 09-26-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommel.gif]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: RCDB forward request

Sehr geehrter Officer Wolthers, Oberst Schulz and Kadett Stone,

ze bounty hunter zing is dismissed in lack of evidence.
Ze IMG-thing, how ever is interesting. I got a report from ze Berlin-Tegel, which also successfully demanded light arms. In both cases, there was no fine levied it seems.
And the Borderworld transport is also clear.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei

PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: RCDB forward request

Guten Tag again, Officer Kugelblitz,

after consulting the judges of Rheinland, I have to inform you, ze entries for ze Rheinland criminal database are not valid for Rova.
I trust you, but ze judges always want a solid evidence like visual confirmation or the TLAGSNET-entry from your blackbox-screen.

For ze other both violators: You're right, Article 4 §4 and §5 applies here and therefore the death sentence issued.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Redirion - 09-26-2011

..::Incoming transmission::..
[Image: 90px-Flag-rheinland.png]
Sender ID: Isidor.Kugelblitz, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police
Sender Location: Planet New Berlin
Message type: Audio/Text

Sehr geehrte Frau Oberst Bommel, sehr geehrter Kommissar Ludwig Becker

thank you both for the clarifications.

To Frau Oberst Bommel: I will include live visual evidence in future reports. Looks like the backups of my audio logs are not sufficient. This is a satback for justice. You are right though. Solid evidence is a must.
Addendum: Speaking of solid evidence, I have found this guncamshot of his docking at Dortmund Station: #1
I believe this is enough evidence for:
§2.4.1. Violation of orders given by law-enforcement authorities’ representatives. (500.000 SC fine)
§2.5.2. Hacking into docking and mooring control systems. (1.000.000 SC fine)

To Kommissar Ludwig Becker: I have altered my report accordingly with exception of the message of the destruction of his ship. Even if its not visual evidence, I want to keep it matching to my audio logs.

Schönen Feierabend Ihnen,
Isidor Kugelblitz

..::Transmission terminated::..

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 09-26-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Munich Department, Planet Nuremberg

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police


Sehr geehrte Damen and Herren,

today's shift began rather quietly and ended hectically to make it short.

Starting vom New Berlin I flew past Brandenburg to Bonn where a capital vessel of the Rheinwehr blocked the trade lane from Bonn to Dortmund.
I am not sure what the reason for this was, but the Kapitän claimed about some steering failur. I assisted in this matter.
Continuing my patrol to Dormund and New Berlin again I encountered an Outcast bomber that was luring near the trade lines. I tried to arrest him for obviously disrupting trade lines and for carrying contraband, but this criminal fled into the nearest Debris escaped under the cover of minor Bundshuh vessels.
* * *
As I expected a possible ambush in the Debris field I stopped chasing the Outcast and resumed patrol. At Dortmund station I encountered a rather large convoy of IMG vessels, 2 transports, with a fighter and a gunboat as escort, transporting silver and cobalt ore.
* * * * * *

The convoy was on its way to Munich and later on Honshu in Kusari space and their papers were in order. I warned the miners about the Outcast bomber. Then I started my engines again.
Later on, I met a Sabre heavy fighter some kilometers from Essen away. I investigated the vessel, as it seemed suspicious to me.
Although I had no proof of any act of piracy I ordered him to leave Rheinland immediatly as we should not tolerate any scoundrels in our space. He refused to comply and later on engaged me with his wepaons. I returned fire and we fought a battle. Not long after a freelancer named Assassin's Hassan.Sabba showed up on the scene and assisted the pirate in this fight.
Being outnumbered and outgunned a had to make a fighting withdrawal to Dortmund with both criminals chasing me.
Some Rheinwehr officers responded to my distress call and engaged the pirates. Even the RNC-Vergeltungswaffe showed up on the scene to destroy the two Sabres. The battle around Dortmund lasted for 15 minutes. Two Rheinwehr Valkiries where destroyed due to friendly fire by the Vergeltungswaffe. The pirate and the freelancer escaped. They should both be registered for the Rheinland Criminal Data base for acts of pirating and assault on Rheinland law authorities.

With my Phantom damaged from this heavy fighting I flew to Oder for repairs. Afterwards I sat course to Frankfurt, where I met a Bounty hunter in possession of illegal wepaons. When I ordered him to hand t hem over he complied and I could confiscate the weapons.

The last part of my patrol brought me to Munich system. There was nothing worth to be mentioned, so I ended my shift and landed on planet Nuremberg.

Frau Oberst Bommel,

thank you for your information. Next time I will see that those lawbreakers will pay fines immediatly. Unfortunately my Phantom lacks the firepower to underline my orders, so I think of obtaining a heavier ship. As the production capabilites for Mjolnirs are cut short right now and Valkiries should stay to SEK and Rheinwehr exclusively, I ask if it is possible for me to set up a Ragnar armored transport as a stopgap until production of Mjolnirs comes back to a higher level?
I have thought about possible setup for such a transport and due to my experience with the freighter class I should get used to it fast. If you have any concerns or questions about this, please let me know.


Thomas Wolthers


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 09-27-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Ship permission
Sehr geehrter Officer Wolthers,

because it's not Oberst Bommel´s task to hand out new ship permissions, I've watched your request.
Oberst Bommel is busy enough with the criminal database update.

The Rheinland Armored Transport is not recommended for standard patrols due the lack of agility in combat.
But with one copilot and some fast rechargeable guns like the R7-n Hornviper Mark II you can compare this disadvantage.

Consider your permission as [color=#33CC00]granted.

Mit freundlichem Gruße

Oberst Fritz Schulz
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Lumik - 09-27-2011

Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium
To: RFP Leadership
Name ID: RFP|Kad.Stan.Stone
Location: Planet New Berlin
Date: 27th September
Subject: Mjolnir super heavy fighters purchase problem and test of possible solution

Guten Tag,

as my Kollege Officer Wolthers noticed, the production of Super heavy fighters Mjolnir is now very limited because of loss Battleship Westfalen. But reports of last few days shows that police needs this class of ships because we are facing criminals in heavy fighters or big transport ships and this actions needs a lot firepower if we want to succeed in our effort to arrest or even destroy these ships of pirates, smugglers or other criminals and terrorists. So I understand and support Kollege Wolthers in his plan to get Ragnar and test it´s capabilities as a RFP ship.

My point is that is wise to test different types of ships in a RFP duty. For example at super heavy fighter class of ships the Mjolnir is not the only one. What I know from my years that I was a trader across the Sirius, there are at least two other ships with civilian affiliation. The first is SHF called "Spatial" which can be purchased at Java Station in Tau-23 system. But I know that there is a lot of problems, because the road is through the Kusari or Bretonia system which requires an authorization of RFP fly-by from their state forces. And I suppose this is very difficulty (but if is this realizable, please inform me and we can discuss and prepare this) .

But the second civilian SHF "Mafic", which is usually used as heavy miner, can be purchased at Aland Shipyard in Omega-3 System. This is an independent system and also only one jump next to the Rheinland´s zone of influence (Omega-7 system) so there is not required any authorization except RFP Leadership permitt to leave Rheinland territory.

I know that this two ships are primary used for exploring, trading or mining, but I think that somebody should be inspect their usage as a RFP ships. Because I see, as I wrote, the purchase of Spatial very complicated, I´m asking to single permitt to flight to Omega-3, purchase one Mafic ship on my own and then test it in regular duty to evaluate if the RFP can use this ships as a provisory substitution of Mjolnir until their production will be enough increase. After some time I will write a report and send it to competent officer.

Thanks for consideration of this request.

Signed: Polizeikadett Stan Stone

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 09-28-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Ship permission
Sehr geehrter Kadett Stone,

I regret to inform you, that mining ships, like the Mafic, are not suitable for polizei tasks. Furthermore is the Aland shipyard in possession of the indepedent miner guild; and we had in the past a few problems with them. I doubt you'll get docking permission at the station.
But more important is, the Bretonia gouverment claimed the Omega-3 system as part of their house. To prevent any political problems your request is [color=#FF0000]denied and Omega-3 stays off-limit for you.

But of course the Bundespolizei Oberkommando won't let fly their employees with underpowered ships. If the Phantom isn't suitable for your daily patrols, the CTE-sirius line should be. All police officers are entitled to use the following ships as secondary reinforcement:
  • CTE-3000 - Falcon
  • CTE-6000 - Eagle
  • CTE-19000 - Roc
(As you read, "secondary", I hope I haven't to remind you of point 1 of the promotions criteria for your next rank.)

Mit freundlichem Gruße

Oberst Fritz Schulz
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]