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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Printable Version

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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Slavik - 01-30-2012

Comm ID: Ronaldo Benitez
Location: Myrthos villa

Attention :- All Benitez

Senors and Senorinas,

The Corsair communication channels are booming with activity. Political tension is at the highest peak since ages and I am reading reports of independent operators being executed and exiled for not agreeing to Brotherhood opinions.

I am outraged by actions like this, actions like these will split the corsair nation. My fellow Benitez I want to make sure that our great family will not be dragged into rubbish like this.

Perform your duty with honour, pride and dignity.

Ronaldo Benitez
Benitez Elder

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Rodnas - 01-30-2012

.:|NeuralNet Transmission incoming|:.
|:.From: Trueno Benitez, Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma.:|
.:|To: The Famiglia|:.

[Image: P2-22.jpg]

Buenos dias Ronaldo,

of course i will stay on the path of honour and will not shame the family with rash and thoughtless actions. We corsairs have to stay united to remain strong and come out ahead of the current events. As time allows i will continue to uphold the barricade of Omicron Theta and Omega 41, aswell as compensating our stocks with supply runs. If anything is amiss i will see if i can get my hands on it!

Hasta la vista,

Trueno Benitez

:::..Transmission Terminated..:::

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Valeria_Benitez - 02-09-2012

...:::Incominc Transmission:::...

From: Valeria Benitez, Planet Crete
To: Ronaldo Benitez, Myrtos Villa

Buenos dias hermano,

I just landed from another sortie and am debating on another morning coffee. These missions from the taskboard that mission command so tidily presents to anyone having time are very lucrative - I just landed from one and my bomber is currently in the hangar for repairs and refueling.

Speaking of which, today, just as I watched the final bounty hunter destroyer to light up in a colorful explosion I had, among all the other things that float around afterwards, a single weapon on my scanners, which I tractored in of course. My scanners told me it was a "Reaver" laser cannon from the bounty hunters. What this was doing on a destroyer eludes me, but I couldn't help but wonder...

With the almost daily attacks by the Reaver Mercenary Corporation... wouldn't you think they would do anything to be able to fly with weapons that have their very name on it?! And yet, I see reavers in ships from all across sirius using weapon from all across sirius too! I even saw one with Corsair weapons (I hope he was thrown into the neutron star by now!).

But a Reaver with Reaver weapons? I don't think I ever saw one...

At any rate, hermano, my decision turned in favor of another sairbucks coffee and before it gets cold, I wish you a nice day and hope to see you around in Gamma soon!

Oh and Trueno's first delivery arrived yesterday, so the rum is not gone any longer and it is also irrelevant why it was gone to begin with.

Valeria out.

...:::Transmission End:::...

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Slavik - 02-25-2012

Comm ID: Ronaldo Benitez
Location: Ronnie B's

Senors and Senorinas,

I have enough booze, just no rum, if you stumble upon any during any operations feel free to bring it home, I'll even pay for you if you needed to spend some credits getting it.

Gracias et adios

Ronaldo Benitez
Benitez Elder

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Jose Benitez - 03-15-2012

***Incoming transmission***

Comm ID :- Jose Benitez
Location :- Battleship Delos

Target ID :- All Benitez

Senors and Senorinas

I have no doubt that many of you have realised we are currently training for a very specific operation. I am not currently in a position to let you know what that mission is but suffice it to say that it is vitally important and will require all of your training and skills.

We have a number of field operatives who are currently attempting to secure some specialist supplies that we hope will be delivered soon, and once they have been obtained we will be moving very quickly to the next phase of the operation.

In the meantime I would ask that you continue to train as hard as you can and that you await further instructions.

Jose Benitez.

***End transmission***

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Rodnas - 03-16-2012

..::|| Incoming Transmission ||::..

..::||Sender: Trueno Benitez||::..

..::||Location: Yanagi Depot||::..

..::||Recipent:the family||::..

..::||Uploading enhanced message||::..

[Image: 189429-5.jpg]

Commandante Jose- hermanos,

i had success in my mission to aquire advanced guns, while the Junkers in Bretonia wanted to sell me only civilian or black market quality wares i had more success at Yanagi Depot. I assume those are dropoffs from the war or from some Rheinlandish commander who tried to earn some quick cash.
Anyways, i bought everything that was in proper order and aviable in squad strength:

This will be our new standard issue gun every marine will recieve..and yes this is a chainsaw bayonet..crazy Rheinlanders!
[Image: GearsOfWar.jpg]

Next i got us a batch of flamethrowers so we are on hte "safe" side if you know what i mean-those will be issued to our heavies

[Image: gears_of_war_2_conceptart_3CxDi.jpg]

To be sure we pack enough punch i also got a full set of heavy chainguns if we really can aquire combat exoskeletons their weight will be no problem.

[Image: WNUS_30-cal_GAU17_minigun_pic.jpg]

I hope you are content with what i could gather, the new weaponry should complement well with what we already have and i will personally help to instruct the marines with their new equipment. The arms are already safely stored at Planet Crete, i will send the storage files later. Our revenge is at hand hermanos....not much longer!

Viva la familia, viva los Corsairs, viva Crete!

Trueno Benitez

..::|| End of Transmission ||::..

..::|| FILE ATTACHMENT ||::..

Trafalgar base arms dealer
[Image: screen845.png]

Bartering and buying at Yanagi depot

[Image: screen848.png]

all things packed for transport

[Image: screen847.png]

Delivery to the quartermaster of the Benitez marines

[Image: screen849.png]

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Cornelius_Sula - 03-28-2012

A chainsaw bayonet!!! Got to have one of those. :)


Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Cornelius_Sula - 04-05-2012

Hola hermanos and hermanas.

During my latest sortie thru NL i bumped into FTU base. transmiting its location to you.
[Image: th_screen3-7.jpg][Image: th_screen5-5.jpg]
you can see my location on nav map that is location of that base.

During my scaning of that base i was intercepted by 3 fighters and and one FTU gunboat. After some talking and shooting partial Ion storm occured so i losted contact and sight of them.

Sula Benitez out.

[Image: Benitezinsignia.jpg]

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Vulkhard Muller - 04-06-2012

Elders of the Benitez, Here me out i am a To be recruit of "The Brotherhood", as i am not yet and my reputaion with the Corsairs not yet 100% i am neutral to the Hessians. i went on a personaly funded mission into Hessian territory to find out if they had yet made Cloaking Tech and it would seem they haven't, infact they have turnbed against the Outcast Treaty and gone to War with the Maltese Nation they are now in a 3 sided war us the Outcasts and the Rheinland House. as well as i have found that they are also not in posession of Cloaking technology

Hades Phobos Out

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Valeria_Benitez - 04-11-2012

I have spent the last three hours fighting in camebridge and I have an early shift tomorrow, so I will need to be really fast on this one and there is so much to tell.

Firstly, I was in Gamma with Alvaro clearing missions from tripoli taskboard when we were called to Omega 47 by the botherhood to assist against a lone thresher cruiser causing trouble.

[Image: screen1933.jpg]

We dealt with it easily enough.

After that we decided to make Camebridge unsafe. I flew my bomber back and launched a centurion. I also received a transmission from an SCRA source.

[Image: screen1934.jpg]

Which was unsuaual, so I did not respond at first and checked with the others if the message about having escorted a corsair ship out of Omega 52, their home system, was true. And it turned out to be true, so I sent a respectful response.

[Image: screen1936.jpg]

Anyways, I joined the other corsairs and we all went to Camebridge. At first it was very quiet but soon not only the bretonian armed forces rolled in with fighters, gunboats and even a battleship, but also an MM (Sebastian Rodriguez), a reaver (Silver Reaver), the IMG and... and now it is going get interesting... a lone SCRA vessel (Ben Warner).

The SCRA vessel watched at first but at some point asked if we minded if it joined the battle... as if that wasn't unusual enough, the SCRA ship also joined on our side.

[Image: screen1938.jpg]

[Image: screen1937.jpg]

By its help and our own reinforcements we were able to hold our ground a while. It was a very tough battle and I saw the SCRA ship fighting several times.

[Image: screen1941.jpg]

Its flying was very impressive and inspiring to watch. You could see how that pilot had iron discipline.

At the end we had to retreat back to Omega five and the SCRA pilot even offered me a few nanobots but I declined, non the less the gesture was appreciated.

Of course the Bretonians did not think highly at all of it and yelled after us and the SCRA pilot as we left.

All in all it was another skirmish in the battle for Camebridge. The SCRA pilot really made a difference and remained around our ships at all times no matter how much under fire we all and the SCRA ship was.

I promised that word of its deed would reach the familia and the other corsairs so here it is.

And now I will have to excuse myself, adios!