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Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 04-07-2017

[quote='Radio Freies Rheinland' pid='1860426' dateline='1485393658']
[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Drax Stahlbrecher will assume the position of Brigadegeneral of Omega-7

Úna Sigurðardóttir will assume the position of Brigadegeneral assisting in unauthorized Installation control.

Alexis Gunter has been promoted to Gerfreiter


Generalmajor Anna Heinrich

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Dino - 07-27-2017

  • Character Name: Anna Kreutzer
  • Current Rank: Flieger
  • Requesting Promotion to: Oberleutnant
  • Promotion Requirements:

  • To Gefreiter:
  • Combat ready bomber [!]
  • 4 reports in message dump[!] - posts #1,763, #1,764, #1,765, #1,766

    To Leutnant:
  • 15 million credits pirated[!]
  • 4k Units of cargo pirated [!]

    To Oberleutnant:
  • 20k Blood Diamonds smuggled [!] [!]
  • 20 million credits pirated [!] [!]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Wesker - 08-15-2017

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Anna Kreutzer has been promoted to the rank of Oberleutenant, and will be watched closely in the days to come.


Brigadegeneral Schwinghammer

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 05-07-2018

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Anna Kreutzer has been promoted to the rank of Major following her decisive involvement in the recent Valhalla offensive.

Patrick Adler has been promoted to the rank of Gerfrieter following the recent Valhalla offensive.

Griswald Goebel has been promoted to the rank of Gerfrieter following the recent Valhalla offensive.

Alfons Schade has been promoted to the rank of Leutnant following the recent Valhalla offensive.

Finally, Major Andreas Löw - in light of recent events and his display - will be announced as Brigadegeneral of Omega-3


Brigadegeneral Uwe Bergmann

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-19-2018

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Leng Meng and Anna Kreutzer have both been awarded the title of Brigadegeneral.

Njall Ostberg and Marta Albrecht have been awarded the title of Gefreiter.

Griswald Goebel and Patrick Adler have been awarded the title of Oberleutnant.

Ike Haxton will be given the title of Leutnant.

Luana Fichtel has been given the title of Hauptmann.


Brigadegeneral Uwe Bergmann

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Kalhmera - 10-05-2018

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre


Njáll Östberg is hereby awarded the title of Leutnant, Make us proud.


Brigadegeneral Liang Meng

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 02-07-2019

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre


Fliegers Haddur Neroson and Hoban Ross, given your preformances today and your resourceful readyness for the past few weeks you've both been given the title of Leutnant within the Army.


Generalmajor A.M.H

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 03-15-2019

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre


Leutnants Haddur Neroson and Hoban Ross, given recent events and your continued service you will both wear the rank of Hauptmann.

Leutnant Luis Elssler you will assume the rank of Oberleutnant.

Lea Schiller will assume the rank of Leutnant.

"Shrike" You will assume a Gerfrieter role and be given a trial opportunity in the S.O.A given your performance.


Generalmajor A.M.H

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Kanzler Niemann - 06-15-2019

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Following members of the Rote Hessen Armee have performed outstandingly in the past and have claimed their right to climb higher through our ranks. Promotions will be as following:

Oberleutnant Luis Elssler, we have noticed your will to outperform the enemy at all costs, the Oberkommando has decided to grant you the rank of - Hauptmann, you are also granted of your personal command of a Jormungand class Battleship. The Oberkommand expects great from you in the future.

Gefreite Stefanie Kunst, your performance and dedication to the Red Hessian Army are outstanding, the Oberkommando has decided to grant you the rank of - Oberleutnant, you have the opportunity to enlist into the SOA.

Gefreite Sophie König, your dedication in assisting our allies hasn't been unnoticed. The Oberkommando grants you the rank of - Leutnant. Keep up the good work!

Flieger Tino Kaiser, Taron Milow Haas, Lars Diederich, and Trin Nordin - your performance hasn't been gone unnoticed and you all deserve to be rewarded for your patience and efforts. The Oberkommando grants you all the rank of Leutnant. Additionally, the Oberkommando grants the personal command of a Cruiser class vessel to Leutnant Lars Diederich.

Those who are willing to prove themselves even further may request the transfer into the S.O.A. Keep up your high standards!


S.O.A Direktor Drax Stahlbrecher

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Radio Freies Rheinland - 11-13-2019

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]
[RHA] Red Hessian Army
Promotion Centre

Guten Tag,

Following members of the Rote Hessen Armee have performed outstandingly in the past and have claimed their right to climb higher through our ranks. Promotions will be as following:

Flieger Koloman Ribbeck and Gefreiter Hrairekur Geirroedursson you both made us very proud of his abilities in combat situations, always giving your best to ensure the victory of the Roten Hessen. The Oberkommando has decided to grant you the rank of Leutnant and a special invitation to the Spezialoperationsabteilung from Direktor Stahlbrecher.

Leutnant's Tino Kaiser and Patrick Adler in recognition of your long service to the Red Hessian Army and your unbreakable loyalty, the Oberkommando decided to grant both of you the rank of Oberleutnant, congratulations Herr Kaiser and Herr Adler.

Keep up the good work.


Oberkommando der Roten Hessen Armee