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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - SevereTrinity - 09-06-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: General Liberty Forces]

Greetings men and woman of the navy, we have some new promotions as of now.

Ryan MacTavish as of now is promoted to lieutenant commander, for continually to put out good effort, dedication, and positive results for our glorious navy.

Of course one of our long-standing officers can not be forgotten. For his recent show of valor and skill Shad Winston is now promoted to Commander, with the backing and recommendation of Admiral Phelps.

Also, Samuel Stubbs, a promising officer who has done some impressive things in his short time here. Downing multiple hostiles, keeping a cool head in the face of danger, and even taking control of a naval wing when it had to be done. Congratulations, lieutenant.

I may have not seen much, but I've heard many good things, and I trust the words of my officers. I've also known you to have done a good job myself in the past. Unfortunately my desk has me a bit busy, forgive my lack of up-to-date information. Matt Pregur, you're now promoted to Sub-Lieutenant

Congratulations to those who were promoted, you deserved it.

Keep it up.

Malaign out.

[End Transmission]

Liberty Forces Message dump - chovynz - 09-06-2008


::COMM ID: Mireille Ceyes::
::SUBJECT: Criminal and possible drug user impersonating LPI officer and engaging navy vessel::


I hope you have more resources to deal with him than I have at the moment;
Mireille Ceyes


//OOC: I know, this would rather be a case for the sdmins, as he clearly has done a lot of stuff
he could easily be sanctioned for, but sadly, I took too few screenshots for a sanction report...

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Angel Nathan]
[Comm Source: Office of the WestSide Technician Bunker , Angel Headquarters, Newark Station.]
[Comm Destination: Mireille Ceyes]

*Transmission Intercepted*

Hello. This is Angels Nathan speaking.
Recently Pilot Di0go came to this area of Sirius not knowing a thing about it. He had not "flown solo" before nor had he "flown with multiple people". I took him under my wings for a while (3 hours). At first he was being a right pain to everyone in New York. Shooting and "loling" and all sorts of other things.

I sensed he just wanted to "have fun" so I took him to Connecticut and challenged him to a race. He accepted and we flew around for awhile. Afterwards we shot each other for another long time.

During this time with him, I commed him and spoke to him about his dreams and aspirations as a new pilot to Sirius. He said he wanted to be a policeman, and although I am not impressed with his current behaviour, it is a large step above his earlier "mischief". In the future when encountering this pilot I suggest some gentle guidance is in order. Also his "Loling" concerns me greatly. I detected a sense of "lawl syndrome" when I first encountered him, but had not suspected that is has progressed as far as it has already. Might I suggest taking some more "AntiLawl" injection in the near future? If we are able to capture this pilot I would suggest injecting him with that same antidote, as well as a curative fluid called "Realitycheck Pain."

I suspect this particular pilot will have a long rehab period.

However If you wish to alert the gods of Sirius to his mal-treatment of other pilots, then please do so.
Perhaps some down time will teach him how this area of space works.

[Transmission terminated...]
[Logging off comm message client...]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 09-07-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: LT Commander Seth Karlo]


Today was Interesting.

Not 30 seconds after I launched my fighter, did I recieve a distress call from several ships, about an Outcast near the Missouri. Daniel Hale and I proceeded to follow this Outcast all the way to manhattan, at which point a Hessian Cruiser appeared out of nowhere and entered the fray. I changed targets and helped destroy the cruiser, before returning to help destroy the Falcata.

After that it was quiet. The San Francisco was taken out for an Engines Test, and then returned to her berth, and then I returned to Manhattan at the end of my patrol.

Unfourtenatly, my Gun Camera's seem ti be malfunctioning, which has meant I have to photo's for eveidence, however, I believe that Daniel Hale and Joe Mcctyre both we're there, and may have the photo's for my report.

Seth Karlo out.

[Transmission Ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - DarkRupture - 09-07-2008

**incoming Tranmission***
From: Commander Shad Winston
To: Liberty Navy High Command

Thank you for this recent promotion, this will only make me work harder to uphold the safety and Aspects of the citizens of Liberty and Liberty itself, God bless Liberty

**transmission ended***

Liberty Forces Message dump - Mike_Fire - 09-07-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Ensign LN-Rick.Gunner
Subject: Report of two criminal activities in New York


Today I was patrolling New York system.
It seemed quiet but on my way back from the Texas Jump gate,
I intercepted on my scanners a boggy IFF: ~Tsukasa~
[Image: Hackerpursuit.png]
I chased him a while till Planet Pittsburgh.
Then he turn his ship and we both engaged.
After some gun exchanges, his shield was down.
So I flew near to him, launched a mine on his tail, turned my ship, launched a disruptor.
His was then destroyed...
[Image: Hackerdead.png]
Unfortunately I did not catch his escape pod at time.
I received a transmission from him saying that I will regret this.
Maybe next time, when he gets a new ship, I will be able to send him to jail.

A few patrols later I intercepted a Junker IFF: Sol at West Point.
He was carrying 2 Nomads in his loot.
[Image: Solnomad.png]
He tried to use the trade lane to Planet Manhattan, fortunately I disrupted it just in time.
I sent a transmission to the group to tell them the situation.
LPI-Jack.Bauer and Officer.Cassablancas came to assist me. Together we took him down.
[Image: soldead-1.png]
Then the officer Jack Bauer destroyed the nomads parts.

Rick gunner out

Transmission Ended

Liberty Forces Message dump - Husher - 09-07-2008

[[Uploading message]]
[[To: Liberty navy highcommand]]
[[From: LT Joe Mctyre]]

' Wrote:[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: LT Commander Seth Karlo]


Today was Interesting.

Not 30 seconds after I launched my fighter, did I recieve a distress call from several ships, about an Outcast near the Missouri. Daniel Hale and I proceeded to follow this Outcast all the way to manhattan, at which point a Hessian Cruiser appeared out of nowhere and entered the fray. I changed targets and helped destroy the cruiser, before returning to help destroy the Falcata.

Unfourtenatly, my Gun Camera's seem ti be malfunctioning, which has meant I have to photo's for eveidence, however, I believe that Daniel Hale and Joe Mcctyre both we're there, and may have the photo's for my report.

Seth Karlo out.

[Transmission Ends]

Yes sir i have some photos taken by my guncamera ill upload them with the same footage as my report.

As i was on my regular patrol i notiched we had several heavy ships in the air.
I was hanging around WP with the cruiser Enchanted joined me.
Than a small trader ((believe lvl 47)) passed by end the cruiser enchanted scanned him and discoverd some counterfeit software.
He hailed the trader and explained that it was illegal so he had too drop it.
I notiched the trader tried too make a run for it so i used my CD.
After argumenting that he didnt understand us a lone IMG cruiser came in and opend fire on my fighter.
See Photo 1

[Image: screen1046fs7.png]
A IMG cruiser???
What the heck is this??
I dont know wht buisness that cruiser had in NY but that actions were criminal.
His crew was transported too the BS missouri waiting for transport too Prisonstation Huntsville and be interogated by the LPI.

Iam getting tired of al those people that say he its sold on manhattan so i can transport it!!!
Yes you can but they should talk too the dealer there IT IS SMUGGELE WARE.
And iff they are captured they have only a few options:
*Drop it.
*Or there ship will be destroyed.

Also as LT Comm Carlo said we had a encounter with a hessian class cruiser.
We were in pursuit of a outcast fighter when we encountered that cruiser.
He must have thought he was save so close too planet Manhattan?
His mistake.
He had a Hacker tag and classified as hostile.

see photo 2:
[Image: screen1049cq9.png]
After that seems all ships jumped on the outcast fighter so i took some distances from the fight no need too fly in eachothers fire too get that outcast.
Both ships were destroyed.

[[End of report]]
[[Link terminated]]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 09-07-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Seth Karlo]


Interesting day, Hacker Spyglass decided to make a run at Manhattan, myself, accompanied by 3 fighters (I was in the San Francisco) proceeded to engage him, Name of Scythe, and after 2 of our fighters went down, I was succesful in destroying his ship.

New York, for the moment, is safe.

Seth signing off.

[End Transmission]

Liberty Forces Message dump - TDLdark - 09-08-2008

****Incoming Transmission****

Today occurred two of the largest battles I have seen, and one that is certainly one of the largest Liberty has seen.

The smaller fight began with a report of some outcasts. I arrived to find 4 outcasts, 3 bombers, 1 gunboat, attacking West Point. I immediately engaged. Reinforcements trickled in for both sides, but one of the most frightening was a outcast Destroyer.

[Image: screen86.jpg]

Luckily, the outcast went down quickly, and victory was in sight, with our enemies possessing only two remaining bombers, when suddenly a ion storm struck. Our forces huddled at West Point, with the larger capital ships providing cover from the fierce storm. When the storm cleared, the pirates were gone.

However, that was not the end of it.

The Battle for New Moscow

The Sirius Coalition army, or the Red Army invaded Liberty today with a massive army. It was apparent they wished to take over our fertile planets, to establish their cruel form of government.

Seeing how I was the only LN on duty at the time, I gathered what troops I could at Liberty, gaining only a fighter and a gunboat. Luckily, most of the RA decided to slip around Manhattan for some reason. It was apparent they were targeting not the navy, but at the time, the largest threat, a giant outcast fleet, containing numerous fighters and bombers, as well as a destroyer. I quickly scouted for the battle, and found it at Norfolk, then I sent the call for as many men as I could find.

I was not disappointed.

Several Naval and police officers joined, and while the LN may not look upon the DW highly, we put aside our differences in the face of a bigger threat.

It appears the Red Army brought a Osiris. The Missouri was docked, and could only provide stationary cover, so we waited for the outcasts and Red Army to destroy each other.

But it appears not so, the outcast fleet was slaughtered. Their larger ships were easy prey.
Here is a recon image taken shortly before their defeat.
[Image: screen99.jpg]

Meanwhile, our forces gathered. We decided upon a smaller strike fleet, to more easily avoid the RA bombers and the Osiris they possessed.
[Image: screen102.jpg]

The Battle Commences

We launched our ships from Norfolk, and after a quick recon of the RA, we attacked, with the great naval hero Eddy Looper in charge, while I assisted directing our freedom fleet.
[Image: screen103.jpg]

And so we fought:
[Image: screen105.jpg]

The Havana, under heavy fire from our quadruple supernovas, fled, but managed to destroy my ship. I watched the battle proceed from my escape pod, until a Junker that was scrap collecting picked me up, and returned me to Norfolk (at a fee...of course...)

I soon learned afterwards, while the nurses were tending to my wounds, that the Havana fled. I known then, the battle would be won for Liberty.

****End Transmission****

Liberty Forces Message dump - DarkRupture - 09-08-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: Commander Shad Winston]
Subject: RA invasion

good work Lt. I only wish i couldve help the Liberty forces and fight the communists but i was on a secret renacciousence mission in *CENSURED*.Also I for one would like to thank the DW for helping the LN out for times of need, the DW has helped us many times, taking photo evidence of smugglers, helping hunt down criminals, and on a personall note, helped me out more than i can count, So to High Command can we cut down our look on the DW and look upon them as friends, because i think we have tooken them for granted,
God Bless Liberty

commander Winston out

[End Transmission]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 09-08-2008

**Incoming Transmission**

Sender: Liberty S. Casper

Subject: Encounters near Manhattan

##Message Reads##

I had launched from Manhattan only to discover a group of pirates hovering near Manhattan barely in scanner range. They did not engage. After a few minutes of scanning ships for contraband one of the ships dubbed Felix.Kelly, a rogue gunboat type ship, had the audacity to cruise right next to Manhattan. Under the impression he had gotten away with it he attracted myself and the Liberty gunboat LNS_Reliant. I'm heard stories about that name. It was one of the many ships that gave our ancestors enough time to escape to Sirius. We pursued him further away from Manhattan where a strategic missile attack from my nearer ship disabled his cruise engines allowing the Reliant catch up and fully engage him. His ship must have not yet been outfitted with heavier armor as it was susceptible to even the regular weapons of my Avenger. Through a combination of my mines and the Reliant's forward assault the gunboat was quickly disposed of.

[Image: th_46929_L.S.Casper04s_3nd_report_-_01_122_1046lo.jpg][Image: th_46935_L.S.Casper40s_3nd_report_-_02_122_36lo.jpg]

The next incident was even more strange than the last. Out of nowhere a Lane Hacker Gunship with Order frequencies and transponders calling itself [V]Hawq[V] came and immediaetly engaged the prison liner Georgia right in front of Manhattan. Once again through the teamwork of the Reliant and I the gunboat was quickly subdued....It's lasts words I believe were along the lines of "oops" *Chuckles "oops" is right.

[Image: th_46942_L.S.Casper62s_3nd_report_-_03_122_18lo.jpg][Image: th_46945_L.S.Casper65s_3nd_report_-_04_122_1073lo.jpg][Image: th_46951_L.S.Casper40s_3nd_report_-_05_122_437lo.jpg]

Finally I docked with the Prison vessel to transfer over the prisoners from this week's patrols onto the Liner Georgia. I am currently stationed on Manhattan awaiting for my next assignment.

[Image: th_46954_L.S.Casper81s_3nd_report_-_06_122_933lo.jpg]

Good day.

[Image: L_S_Casper.png]

##Message Ends##

**Transmission Ends##