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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Alpha.Wolf - 04-05-2019

[Image: WMBQBv7.png]
Rheinwehr HQ Neu Berlin

Encrypted Video Transmission

Reinhardt von Ehrenberg
Wolfgang von Thielau
Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, NB
█ █ █ █ ░

Guten Tag Konteradmiral,

You ordered me to the Hauptquartier, Sir. I'm here now, reporting for duty and awaiting further orders.
Unfortunately I was not able to report here sooner, I was supervising the completion of the Assault Carrier Bad Nauheim.

As I can report to you, Sir, the Bad Nauheim is finished now and now reporting status green, ready for duty at the front.
After the Umstrukturierung of the Rheinwehr, I am now allowed to command the ship myself. As required, we have finished our crew's several training operations many weeks ago and they served the minimum time on a Trainingskreuzer in Stuttgart. I want to inform you hereby, that the Offizierskorps of the ship consists as following: I am the Kommandant if the Carrier, Fregattenkapitäne Günther Friedrich von Baden and Hans Hausmeier are the Pilots of the ship. The Wachhabender Offizier is Paul Schuster. If you want to have further information about the crew, I will gladly tell you the rest you require, Sir.

That's all for now, Sir.


Wolfgang von Thielau
Flottenkapitän Wolfgang von Thielau
Rheinwehr Offizierskorps
Kommandant der RWK-Bad.Nauheim

Message End

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Bannorn - 04-10-2019

Source: Militar Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: New Berling Engagements

Patrol Report:

In reaction to an Militar Abwehrdienst report of a corsair capital vessel operating somewhere in the New Berlin system, I deployed alongside Operative Panzerschreck and Soldat Krieger to counter the threat. The target was caught by advanced elements along the Wildau-Dresden lane. Our hails were ignored, and we therefore opened fire. The matter was quickly dealt with, reporting 1 Legate destroyed.

Bericht ende.

Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Hermann - 04-12-2019

Source: Militar Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Egedius Braun
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: Report

Patrol Report:

Guten Tag,

I started my patrol in Munich from the station Raubling and followed the trading systems Frankfurt Neu Berlin to Hamburg. At Planet Hamburg I scanned a DSE freighter for illegal cargo, which was negative

Bericht ende.

Egedius Braun

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Nick Harrison - 04-12-2019

Source: Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: KorvettenKaitan Randolf Von Houton
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: Removal of Kusari Scum from our Homeland

Guten Tag! A call went out from KonterAdmiral Reinhardt v. Ehrenberg that a Kusari Bomber was in Orbit of Planet New Berlin. When I arrived on location the target Imperial.Shockwave had already engaged KonterAdmiral Reinhardt V Ehrenberg. After a few moments the target began to target me. A short battle ensued leading to the death of the Target Imperial.Shockwave. Though i was forced to eject from my vessel it was well worth it. This should be a reminder to all those that appose Rheinland! DEATH TO KUSARI! LONG LIVE RHEINLAND!

Evidence of Kill:
[12.04.2019 14:22:13] Death: Imperial.Shockwave suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).

KorvettenKaitan Randolf Von Houton

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Nick Harrison - 04-13-2019

Source: Oder Shipyard New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: KorvettenKaitan Randolf Von Houton
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: Slave Runner

An alert went out about a slave runner with the call sign Creeps. I move to intercept the target at Planet New Berlin but was unable to prevent the target from docking. I was able to get gun cam footage of his cargo hold and it was confirmed he indeed was carrying slaves with out any water or food or oxygen to help them survive in the cargo hold.

I hear by advise he be placed on the Known Criminals list and be fine and arrested next encounter for breaking Rheinland Federal Law and for treating the slaves terribly. For Inhumane transportation of Human Cargo and neglect to their well being.

A Warning shot was fired when lawful orders were not followed. Which forced the pilot to dock.

This is not right and is unfair to them. Let this be know that Rheinland Federal Law is absolute and any violation of our laws will be dealt with severe consensuses.

Evidence of Crime:

KorvettenKaitan Randolf Von Houton

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Hermann - 04-14-2019

? Source: Militar Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin
? Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
? Submitter: Egedius Braun
? Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
? Subject: New Berlin

Patrol Report:

Guten Tag,

my today's Patrole started in Berlin I get an emergency call from a dealer who was attacked near Stuttgart jump gate by a group from Hesse. I requested reinforcement and we attacked in the fight my ship was destroyed I was able to rescue myself in a rescue pod and was taken to a nearby base.

Bericht ende.

Egedius Braun

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Reacher - 04-17-2019

Source: Friedstadt Base
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Flieger Finn Krieger
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: ThC Zoners in our Zone

Patrol Report:

I received an alert that a foreign capital ship was preparing to enter New Berlin via Dresden... I half expected it to be a Jorm or a Legate, but imagine my surprise to find a Zoner Neph accompanied by a miner... Apparently these ThC fellow have been seen and warned before about bringing capital ships into out beloved homeland. I stall and waited for back up from Randolf Houton, but the Zoners new what was going to happen and they began to flee back into Dresden. Are they working with Hessians? Who knows...

We did our duty and scrapped that vile ship and taught those bearing the name ThC a lesson: WE ARE THE LAW!!!




End Report


Finn Krieger

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Nick Harrison - 04-17-2019

Source: Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: KorvettenKapitan Randolf Von Houton
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
Subject: Removal of Known Associate of ThC_Miagi

Finn Krieger Had discovered a Zoner Battleship Call sign ThC_Miagi In the New Berlin system and called for back. I was able to help intercept the T but one of his Associates Ratonga.Waruntz had moved tried to defend Thc_Miagi after a few moments he began to act as a living shield and took two nova hits and was arrested with force once ThC_Miagi was destroyed both pilots were dropped of on Planet New Berlin at a local Polizia Station. This should hopeful show them that Rheinland Federal Law is Absolute and they should not attempt to enter Rheinland space with a War Vessel.

Evidence of kill:
[16.04.2019 18:37:38] Death: Ratonga.Waruntz was put out of action by [RM]Randolf:V.Houton (Missile/Torpedo).

KorvettenKapitan Randolf Von Houton

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Deni - 04-17-2019

? Source: Militar Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin
? Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
? Submitter: Egedius Braun
? Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommand
? Subject: New Berlin

Emergency response report:

Guten Tag,

According to supreme command, 3 ships of the SCRA were spotted in New Berlin. I was instructed to intercept the enemy ships, which I unfortunately did not succeed. My ship was destroyed and I could not save with the rescue pod.

Bericht ende.

Egedius Braun

RE: Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Bannorn - 04-18-2019

Source: Military Hauptquartier, Kolonenplatz, Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R3C-RU1T-ET
Submitter: Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg
Recipant: Rheinwehr Oberkommando
Subject: Operational Report: KG Vallentorm, Detachment II.

Bericht Start, Operational Wochenbericht, Kampfgruppe Vallentorm.

In the course of operations over the past few days, piloten and angehorige der Kampfgruppe Vallentorm have reported numerous engagements on the homefront in protection of the Vaterland. While carrying out my duties at the Hauptquartier, I myself had the opportunity to fly a number of missions. I am therefore pleased to be able to report:

Incident 1:
Following a system grid alert, notifying all available forces that a cruiser class vessel of the Corsairs was attempting to bypass New Berlin's defensive grid, and was making for Dresden, I scrambled in my bomber to give pursuit. Arriving on scene, I found Admiral Hetzer had beaten me there, and we were shortly joined by Soldat Krieger. Presented with the might of Rheinland, the enemy was soon dispatched.

Incident 2:
A few days later, it became apparent that the Corsairs have not learned their lesson. They were once again sighted attempting to reach the dresden system - I can only assume that they have some business with the Red Hessians, a question that I believe should be thoroughly investigated by the Abwehr at the earliest possible convenience. On this occasion, the hostile presence of Corsair Cruiser Santa-Maria was reported by a transport which was able to escape. Acting quickly, I gathered elements of my task force and moved to the last known location, near Stuttgart. Following a scan and search of the systems, we caught up with the target - by all indication, he had been operating in the area around Baden-Baden for some time - the shattered remains of dozens of ships littered the lane access, and commodities were floating free in space.

Immediately on our arrival, the target wordlessly opened fire upon me. I therefore returned fire. Before I was able to do major damage, and before the arrival of reinforcements in the form of Soldat Krieger's bomber, the hostile initiated a landing sequence with Baden Baden, attempting to find shelter, it seems, under the protection of Orbital Spa & Cruises. I therefore suggest that we contact OSC forthwidth and investigate the incident fully - as well as restricting the docking rights of the Corsair Cruiser "Santa Maria"

Incident 3:
During a routine transfer in the New Berlin system, I encountered a trade vessel under designation "Goldfly_Star", carrying illegal equipment. While activating his cloaking module, the target taunted local Rheinwehr forces, challenging them to "Come get him." While the ship was ordered to stop, it did not comply. A further encounter with the target in Stuttgart was made the following day - due to an on-going battle with Red Hessian forces, we were unable to prevent his escape - however, he was ordered to heave to and wait, an instruction that was willfully ignored.

I am therefore issuing a travel ban for vessel "Goldfly_Star", as well as further legal action for 1 count of possession of illegal equipment, and 2 counts of violating the orders of an offizier of the law.

Incident 3:
While on patrol in the Stuttgart system following an engagement with Hessians which retreated before us, our ships identified and located a transport being operated illegally in our space by a declared member of the Red Hessian movement. The ship, under designation Black_Bart refused to comply with instructions, and when challenged refused to surrender. Cargo scans revealed the crew were holding captive several ranking officers of the Rheinland Bundespolizei; I therefore determined their rescue was of utmost important. It was therefore quickly destroyed with the assistance of an Abwehr offizier.

The Remainder of this report is classified and is


This concludes my report. Bericht Ende.


Konteradmiral Reinhardt von Ehrenberg