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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Callsign 'Ace' - 08-26-2012

...................................INCOMING TRANSMISSION..........................
......................................ID:Militaman Jim Digriz.............................
..............................................Priority: Low....................................


I've completed the "hazing" part of joining the Revolution, by going to the Sleeper ship Hispania.

Sending Guncams.

..........................................Attachment Downloading......................

...................................................End Transmission..........................
........................................To replay message, click HERE..................

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Gentlefood - 08-29-2012

[font=Century Gothic][Incoming Transmission: Channel Open]
[Target ID: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA HC
[Sender: Christopher Lutz, Leutnant]
[Subject: Standing Orders]

Orders confirmed und Verstanden. I won't attack the Bretonians unless they start the conflict first. Increase political propaganda in the Leeds system. Und protect our traders. Simple enough.

[font=Century Gothic][Transmission Closing: [color=#FFFFFF]Channel Closed]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 08-29-2012

Comm ID: Nikita Tabakov, Commander

Subject: Crete Assault

"Comrades, today we struck a major blow to the Corsair Machine, a small group of brave Coalition Snubfighters penetrated the enemy defense grid and engaged in sabotage operations against enemy warships.

An Osiris received major damage, however a lucky shot took one of us down after we eliminated one of their Bombers by forcing it into the enemy's own weapons-fire. Later a Cruiser entered the scene, it was the weak link in the enemy's chain so we switched over and started to take it apart bit by bit. A [CLASSIFIED] entity was also spotted engaging the Corsairs.

After the Cruiser went down we withdrew back into the Omegas and evaded further pursuit and returned to Omega-52.

A glorious day for the Coalition it has been, let us hope that our operations continue to be effective.

For the Revolution!"

Enemy Bomber Destroyed

Cruiser Destroyed

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - lw'nafh - 09-18-2012


This'll be the last word y'all hear from me for a long, long time. This is my uh... official resignation. Honestly? Ain't half of what it was cracked up to be 'n' it's makin' my arm worse. Takin' some time away 'n' re-evaluatin' my purpose in the Revolution. Suffice t' say, only a few of y'all will know where to find me 'n' if ya don't? I wouldn't suggest lookin'.

Maybe soon, maybe never. Can't be sure.

Wight out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-20-2012

Comm ID: Nikita Tabakov, Commander

Subject: Possible Order Base Located

"Today the Lithuania went to Omicron Zeta on a recon mission. We set out from Omega-52 towards Corsair Territory, passing through Omega-41 into Omicron Theta with no contacts on scopes. After we passed through Omicron Gamma which was oddly enough unprotected at the northern Jumpholes.

When we finally entered the Omicron Zeta sector from Omicron Delta we encountered an Order Recon Cruiser of the secondary fleet who seemed unaware of the tense relations between our organizations. We were thus unaccosted by the vessel and saw no need to disrupt the ruse. After reaching the Omicron Iota Jumphole we saw something, what seemed to be a Core I base, it apparently was an Order-run base designed to contain or at least slow down the [[CLASSIFIED]] from Omicron Iota. Defenses were light so it was doubtful that it was a serious attempt to stem the flow of potential hostiles.

After we took a quick look we evacuated out of the system and headed back home, we will be making another excursion out to [[CLASSIFIED]] space as soon as we've restocked our supplies for a long journey.

Long Live the Revolution!"

Long Range scan of base

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 09-20-2012

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

TRANSMISSION SENDER: [color=#CC0000]SCRA High Command
TRANSMISSION TARGET: Fighter Corps Personell
SUBJECT: High Command Orders

[font=Franklin Gothic Medium]
Greetings Comrades,
By order of High Command, All Personnell are to maintain a Fighter Class Vessel in their Hangar at all time, all who have yet to acquire one have 2 days to do so, those who do not obey this may state their plead for forgiveness to the Commissariat.

For the Glory of The Coalition, For The Red Dawn, signing out.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 09-22-2012

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Lieutenant
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Type: Patrol, fight with Corsairs
Priority: Medium

---Scanning transmission data..... complete..... loading results.....
---Video file detected..... uploading..... decoding..... opening---
[Image: 92321454.jpg]

This is Julia.

Right now, fighter corps is very busy with our new recruits, new leadership and rest of very important tasks. When I finally finished my part of a job, I toke a Storm to make a patrol. My way was out of Omega 5 into Rheinland, then to Sigmas and back to Omegas. My primary mission was to scan all ships to stop any sort of contraband, slavery, drug smuggling or trying to find some of Artifacts to XiaoBei.

Ive spent like three days for that, but I not faced any of smugglers or slavers. All time Ive saw normal traders with absolutely normal cargo. Here is what Ive been able to see:
Trader one: ID Cargo
Trader two: ID Cargo
Trader three: ID Cargo
Trader four: ID Cargo
Trader five: ID Cargo
Trader six: ID Cargo

Also Ive been able to bring some people to Coalition, as well as prisoners. Civilians, Spaceship Crew and Marines Ive brought want to work for Coalition. I was able to collect them on Freeports which I used for refuel and rest. Our propoganda doing its work fine.
As for those Rheinlanders - they were stupid enough to attack me, so Ive toke em as prisoners. I will handle them to our comissars, maybe they will use them somehow...

Also when I returned Ive recieved a transmission from Hessians. They needed bomber aid to launch an attack on Corsairs. I toke my Revolution and went to aid them. Corsairs outnumbered us, so we had to retreat. But my Revolution was able to take out one Imperator Gunboat before I went back to Zvezdny Gorodok.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
---Loosing connection with soure---
---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 09-24-2012

[Transmission Begins]

From:Captain Erik Meier
To: Militsyoners, Lieutenant Murphy

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]

Tovarish Murphy, Tovarishes Militsyoners,

The time has come upon you to begin your Trials on our training grounds on JiangXi. You are each to report to Zhukovsky Station for preliminary Briefing and preparations for this Operation. Report to Zhukovsky by 0800 Tomorrow Morning to begin your Training. Further Details will be provided at time of arrival.

Captain Erik Meier, Out.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - ChillerMiller - 10-06-2012

:::Incoming Transmission:::

Comm ID: Alexandra Lebedewa

My name is Alexandra Lebedewa, formerly a Major in the fighter corps. Long ago I was involved in an accident, which forced me to retire from active service, since my injuries made it pretty much impossible for me to continue my involvement in our glorious battle.

But that is something from the past. I have recovered from my injuries and hereby request my reinstatement into the fighter corps. It's my only wish to serve the Coalition like I did in the past.

I hope you will accept my request.

:::End of Transmission:::

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Alley - 10-07-2012

[:: Incoming Transmission ::]
[:: ID: Mei Xiu ::]

wǒ yǐjīng wánchéngle wǒ de rènwù hé chuánbō xiāoxi de wěidà de zǔguó xiàng zhīqián suǒyǒu de tóngzhì cānjiā gāisǐ de zīběnjiā.
zhège Xībānyá réngrán cúnzài de fāngshì.


I have completed my quest and spread the word of the great motherland like all my previous comrades who fought the damned capitalists.
The Hispania is still there by the way.

Guncam Image

[:: Transmission Decapitalistified ::]