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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 02-03-2009

"Well... ah used to have a brother, but... he's gone now. As far as ah know, I'm the last member of the Watsas family line... It's sad to think 'bout..." CobaltWatsas replied, taking a gulp of whiskey.

Naomi grumbled as Steve handed her a glass of water. *Aww Crap, there's two of them now...* She thought to herself, downing the glass quickly.

"Wait... where did Watsas go anyway? Haven't seen him for a while." Steve asked arbitrarily.

"He's dead... he's prolly been dead for a while... sad to think 'bout..." CobaltWatsas replied, becoming progressively more intoxicated.

Ironwatsas was infact running around outside the tea house, proeeding to strip the newly landed and partially destroyed Junker ship for parts.

"So... why are you here anyway? You're not a regular supplier." Naomi asked.

"Well, them dang farmers shot up mah ship... so, I kinda had to land here... and until mah ship gets fixed, I'm stuck... *hic* I ain't in any condition ta fly anyway." Cobalt Replied

Ironwatsas could be seen running up the corridor outside the tea house, carrying one of Cobaltwatsas' ship's plasma compressors toward the Lab with his anti-gravity claw. CobaltWatsas failed to notice this.

"Ah guess Ima stay here for now.. if that's okay with ya'll, ma'am?" Cobalt Asked

"Eh... you'll have to talk to Lady Kurisho about that. I think she runs housing now..." Naomi replied. "Oh, and a word of advice, if she tries to kill you, curl up in a ball and act submissive. It'll make it go quicker."

GC Tea House - farmerman - 02-04-2009

Miharu rubbed her chin thoughtfully, confused by this new visitor. "Are you sure he's dead?" she asked. "There's a Mr Watsas here - that's quite a similar name."

Noticing the activity going on outside, she turned back to the visitor. "You may want to check on your ship, too," she said. "Sometimes they don't last very long around here."

GC Tea House - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 02-07-2009

*Kaede walks into the room, noticing the Junker*

Hmm, is that your wreck out there in the hangar parked next to my Izanami? If yes, how could you actually fly with that? As it has no engines and such?
And by the way, who are you? You somehow look familier to me, i think i've seen you somewhen already, but i can't remember....
Haven't you been at Rochester shortly after the museum of Liberty got robbed? About 2 hours afer that incident?

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 02-08-2009

"Naw! I didn't see nothing... *hic* ...was prolly some'n else... or Ah was drunk... 'cause I don't remember... *hic*" Cobaltwatsas replied.

Naomi looks at him shifty eyed...

"Wait... wassat 'bout mah ship!? *hic* Who's messin' wif it!?!? Dagnabbit! *hic*" Cobalt slurred, before standing up and running out to the hangar... pinballing off of various standing objects beforehand. He made it out to the Hangar... sort of, and eventually lost control of his legs and fell to the floor.

At about the same time, Ironwatsas entered the Tea house, not even noticing Cobalt's presance.

He was apparently using some kind of handheld datapad to program some sort of expression chip, and sat down on a table, half watching the Holovision, half working on his science project.

"Head's up, 'Alexis and Sierra' have been seen about. Fair warning." Watsas muttered.

Naomi looked about with shifty eyes.

"Umm... who?" Steve asked.

"Those two Lesbian freelancers that show up every now and then. Nobody you have to worry about." Watsas replied emotionlessly.

Steve appeared interested. "Go on..."

"That's it." Watsas replied, continuing to work on his wire gate.

GC Tea House - Zapp - 02-12-2009

A ravishing redhead walks into the bar, obviously Libertonian by origin, and goes straight to the counter. She orders sake, beaming smiles at all the girls in the room, some friendly and some seductive, which are usually returned in like.

Alexis Almira drank in silence, waiting to be approached by a curious Chrysanthemum.

GC Tea House - pieguy259 - 02-12-2009

Takako walked into the tea house, muttering Kusari curses on every trader who'd slipped past her that day, and gave CobaltWatsas a somewhat disgusted glance before heading up to the bar, happening to take a seat alongside the strange redhead. She shot the woman a surprised glance and said "I am not seeing you here before now..."

GC Tea House - CinderBlackWolf - 02-12-2009

*Message removed, rewrite in progress*

GC Tea House - Zapp - 02-12-2009

"I imagine you haven't," she replies, drinking some of her sake. "I've been around, mostly collecting the GMG bounties in Sigma 13... a Dragon saved my butt the other day, though I think I could've handled the five Corsairs myself," she laughs.

"Anyways," she continues, gregariously, "I just adore the Chrysanthemums. Love the cause. Can I get you a drink?" At the last, she has a certain twinkle in her eye and set to her smile.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 02-12-2009

Naomi glanced over toward Alexis, and recognized that Takako was apparently about to have a 'life experiance'. She debated silently wether to save Takako, but ultimately came to the conclusion that it wasn't her problem, and continued sipping her Cardamine laced tea.

\CS\-Steve meanwhile, was not quite so subtle.

"Erm... hello ladies. Is there anything I can get for you... I'm apparently the bartender around here... hehehe... umm, we have fine Wines and Teas, Spirits, Whatever else looks really expensive, anything I can help you with, Just ask!" He rambled.

While almost pitifully cute in his futility, Steve had no chance.

Watsas merely glanced over at them before resuming his programming.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 02-12-2009

Saigo walks in after several weeks of not being seen- looking all wary and drained.

"Oi bartended get me a strong cup of sake please. I've missed the taste..."

A Few minutes later.
Fenrir walks into the bar...
"I know i shouldn't be here but i am desperate for a drink"... She says as she hands over her weapons... "I'm also looking for a GC Elder so i can talk and arrange some things."