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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Jack Payton - 06-04-2011

[Image: transmissionpaytontau37.png]

Guten Morgen freunde! Yesterday we destroyed a Red Front gunboat in Omega-7. He must have sent distress call to those communist from deep Omegas, as they swarmed Western Rheinland afterwards.

[Image: th_2011-06-03Omega-7RFHeartofSilverID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-03Omega-7RFHeartofSilverKill.jpg]

Bounty targets: Red Hessian gunboat [RF]Heart.of.Silver
Payment owed: 3,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|PA|Leviathan

[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Jack Payton - 06-05-2011

[Image: transmissionpaytontau37.png]

Guten Abend freunde! Just reporting two more Red Front gunboats destroyed in Omega-7 after Kruger miners called us for help.

[Image: th_2011-06-03Omega-7RFHeartofSilverID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05Omega-7RFHeartofSilverKill.jpg]
[Image: th_2011-06-05Omega-7RFVladimirMayakovskyID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05Omega-7RFVladimirMayakovskyKill.jpg]

Bounty targets: Red Hessian gunboat [RF]Heart.of.Silver, Red Hessian gunship [RF]Vladimir.Mayakovsky
Payment owed: 6,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|PA|Leviathan

[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Stoat - 06-06-2011

<div align="center]###-Incoming Transmission-###

[Image: Sumerian.png]

Comm ID: Josh Randall
Location: Sheffield Station, Manchester

Where the money is going: BHG|Sumerian

Kills: Hessian Bomber

Ran into this Hessian in Omega-7, and he was bothering Kruger miners. Hopefully his depradations have been cut short, for a time at least.

  • [Image: th_screen1-3.png] [Image: th_screen2-4.png]
Payment owed: 1,500,000

###-Transmission ends-###

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Jack Payton - 06-06-2011

[Image: transmissionpaytontau37.png]

Guten Tag. I am sure you know about the tragedy that happened yesterday. A bunch of Red Hessian terrorists intercepted a convoy with nearly nine thousands refugees. Those beasts destroyed all the transports and executed most of the civilians by the time when Rheinland Federal Police arrived. Only handful of refugees survived the bloodbath. Police vessels were badly outnumbered. Our Omega deployment received a distress call and dispatched four fighters to Stuttgart. At the place of battle our wing in cooperation with Rheinland Federal Police forces destroyed in total eight hostile ships, including five Red Hessian fighters, two Red Hessian bombers and one independent pirate flying a transport who decided to help the terrorists. Strangely your bounty board does not cover independent pirates causing troubles in your realm. Therefore it is up to you whether to pay for the head of this pirate. Also I wish to commend members of the Bounty Hunters Guild and Rheinland Military who arrived before us and lost their lives buying the rest of us enough time to hit those damned cut-throats really hard. I must also mention one thing. When only handful of terrorists stayed alive they obviously decided to run. The commanding officer of Rheinland Federal Police ordered to show them no mercy and follow them even to the gates of hell if needed. One of the last pirates managed to reach Omega-7 and then Omega-11. From a distance of one kilometre Executor Walter Sobchak managed to put a razor shot and destroy the ship attempting a combat landing. Thanks to that none of the Red Hessians survived. Still I am not sure if this was enough to avenge the death of nearly nine thousand refugees. I thought that Hessians were called red because of their twisted political views... Now I know it really stands for their animal lust for blood.

[Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartShafHauzzenID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartShafHauzzenKill.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartTotStromID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartTotStromKill.jpg]
[Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartheimmsID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartheimmsKill.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartSturmschwalbeID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartSturmschwalbeKill.jpg]
[Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartHenrikKroosID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartHenrikKroosKill.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartWaltenHofmannID.jpg] [Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartWaltenHofmannKill.jpg]
[Image: th_2011-06-05StuttgartLuluHofmannID.jpg]

PetaDactyl ID
PetaDactyl Kill

Bounty targets: Red Hessian bomber Shaf.Hauzzen, Red Hessian bomber Tot.Strom, Red Hessian fighter heimm's, Red Hessian fighter Sturmschwalbe, Red Hessian fighter Henrik.Kroos, Red Hessian fighter Walten.Hofmann, Red Hessian fighter Lulu.Hofmann, Pirate transport Peta.Dactyl
Payment owed: 8,000,000 SC or 9,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|PA|Leviathan

[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Tutashkhia - 06-12-2011

Incoming Transmission: Bounty Hunter Kershaw

This is Bounty Hunter Guild named Kershaw.I am a pilot of Gunship Bottlenose.
I have killed 2 bomber class pilots who were anoying and disturbing miners in Omega-7. 1 was Pirate ID with Barghest class bomber and second was Red Hessian Bomber.

Bounty targets: Red Hessian bomber [RF]Adrian.Weber. ; Pirate with Barghest class Bomber named Tempest',
Payment owed: 3000000 SC
Payment receiver: Kershaw

Screenshot of it:

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Dashiell - 07-13-2011

:: incoming transmission ::

message begins:

Nailed a Hessian bomber in omega 7. He ran around shooting his mouth but not his guns. Apperantly he is too scared to fight anything besides defenseless traders.

He'll be glueing back toghtether that Thor of his.

[Image: th_Runninggirlyhessian1.jpg]

[Image: th_Runninggirlyhessian2.jpg]

The money can be send to BHG|Fireball


end of message.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Johnny_Walker - 07-14-2011


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Johnny_Walker - 07-14-2011


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Ntei - 07-14-2011

[Image: transmissionincoming.png]
Greetings ladies and gentlemen, this is Adam Malkovich of the Emergency Defense Group Enterprice. Today me and my comrade Vityaz Hunt hunted down and destroyed three corsair ships in Omega-7

Bounty targets: Corsair gunboat =CSF=Furion-9, Corsair titan Klaudia, Corsair Ravens Talon [IYI]
Payment owed: 5,000,000 SC
Payment receiver: EDGE|MV|Loki
[Image: transmissionterminated.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Johnny_Walker - 07-14-2011
