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The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Narcotic - 03-26-2012

*Clyde notices Henrique entering the bar, Clyde turns to Barry* "Hey, isn't that the new one... how was his name again? Henrique Manderos, right? He looks if he could need some drink. *he waits for him taking a seat and ordering a beer* "Ahoy Henrique, how were yer first two days? Already had some action, ye? You look tired. I understand that. A Rogues life can be a torture. But soon, you'll see the fun side of our destiny. It's all practice... and some luck sometimes. *grins* Ah well, so what have you been up to, the last days?" *he finishs his Bloody Buffalo Cocktail and takes a gulp from his Champagner*

The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Narcotic - 04-02-2012

*he finishs his Champagner and stands up and turns towards the barkeeper* Ya don't have that many costumers lately, eh? A shame... people are that freakin' busy with earnin' som' credits, havin' no time for a quick drink or a talk 'bout their dirty business. However, talkin' of dirty business; it's time to go for me. Here, for the drinks. *he hands over a bunch of credit cards* I'm afraid, you'll need 'em. See ya 'round. *he takes a last look into the corners of the bar and walks off*

The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Narcotic - 04-07-2012

*Clyde jumps enthusiastic into the bar* "What a day man! What a glorious day!" *he shouts* *he walks towards the barkeeper and starts talking hastily, and acts like the barkeeper would show interest* "Ha! If you'd know, what I've done today!" *he starts speaking as if the facts were boring. He imitates a yawning* "Aaah well. I just blew up the headquarter of the 41st, destroyed one of their man guarding it, and later I just shoot some novas at their leader. Nothing special." *he yawns again, smirking. He shouts again* "Have one on me! Cheers!"

The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Mímir - 05-19-2012

The door to the pub slides open, a man walks in. Of average height and build and looking like a gentleman with a questionable personal hygiene, he doesn't stand out in any way, except for his gaze quickly browsing the other guests at the pub, as if he is trying to guess the weight of their wallets. He is clearly a pirate, and it is clear that this is his first visit to Alcatraz. Walking slowly towards the barkeeper he draws in a deep breath. He looks nervous.

"A bottle of Liberty's finest ale, Sir."

As the barkeeper opens the bottle of ale and slides it towards the man, he notices that the stranger made a 1000 credit transfer for the beer. He looks up and nods to the stranger. He knows where this is going.

"I need some information. Some help, Sir. I want some people killed. Can you help me with that?"

The barkeeper has heard those lines a 1000 times before. People always want other people killed.

"And who tha' fellas ya want killed?"

The stranger takes a sip of his beer and slowly puts it down.

"The Mandalorians. I want them all hunted down and killed, so they never set foot in Liberty again. And I bring credits to fuel the fire."

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Lonely Werewolf - 10-14-2012

Having observed the interesting encounter before him at the bar, Sicarius planned his next move. He was a fairly new patron himself but had no problem identifying the stranger as being a first timer. Although discreet the stranger no doubt hadn’t felt the need to be too sly or cautious as he was in a bar with just other uninterested pirates after all. Well so he had thought anyway.

If Sicarius hadn’t been able to eavesdrop in such a busy environment then he’d never of lasted as long as he has. Shortly after the stranger left Sicarius rose from his acquired seat he moved too when he had spotted the pirate enter. He walked the few necessary paces to the bar and waved the barkeeper over.

“Ah Sica, so will it be another one then?” The barkeeper says brightly.

Sica was what the regulars here called him. Sicarius had no doubt that anyone here believed his alias to be his actual name. In the end it didn’t matter though. Sicarius thought back to a couple of weeks ago when he first arrived at the station.

His line of work had required Sicarius to make this lively station his next home for an undefined period of time…as long as it took to complete his assignment. He knew that he didn’t really fit in with pirates such as these. But no point in hiding it, just show the mutts what they respect strength. He has no shortfall there anyway.

That day Sicarius had casually strode into the bar and ordered a one of the finer Whiskeys in stock. Being pleased with what he was given he made his way to a free seat near the reinforced window, looking outwards into the California system. His drink was good, quite sophisticated, no doubt stolen from some armoured transport passing by. Good whiskey is rare in Liberty and hard to come by, Sicarius might enjoy himself more than he imagined here.

His looks had, as expected, gained stares from most of the pirates here whose vision wasn’t hazy beyond a few feet. As it happened that didn’t turn out to be many of them then. His long dark coat, coupled with his black trousers and polished shoes made him looks rather like a classy gangster or secret government agent. Well that but more intimidating. Had he been either of those he wouldn’t have been here though. One of the Rogues near him, who’d clearly had been drinking a bit but not to any large degree, rose. Sicaruis knew then that this idiot who hadn’t gotten the hint not to mess with him.

“So who you then? I ain’t seen ya before” he said loudly, so all the room heard.

Sicarius stared at him then smirked before turning away and taking another sip.

This didn’t go down well with the Rogue, he started walking towards Sicarius’s table now. “I said, who, are you!”. Sicarius looked up and noticed that the rest of the pirates at the Rogues table were standing and looked like they were about to follow him.

“Just someone who’s enjoying this place and it’s crowd” Sicarius replied casually. He added “Now go sit down before you hurt yourself”

Sicarius smirked inside with the reference to the famous scene in that HoloMovie shown last year, what was it called? Hmm. Sensing what was about to happen, some nearby Rogues, shifted away. Most stayed in their seats however, either not caring, maybe wanting to get involved, or just too drunk or high to realise. The Rogue obviously didn’t like that. He grits his teeth and spits.

“You don’t know where you are, are you eh! Ya can’ jus’ walk ‘n here ‘n that fancy gear oh yours an’ act like ya own da place” “I’ll show ya what tough is like an’ what ya need ta do ta survive here!”

The next part happened quickly. The infuriated Rogue launched himself towards Sicarius. Sicarius in a quick motion stood, kicked his chair back and deflected the Rogues, inaccurate but weighted punch. Sicarius hit the man once in the face then threw a kick at his knee. The Rogue began to fall at which point Sicarius took a step forward bringing him alongside the Rogue and landed an elbow hard at the back of his neck. The Rogue collapsed forwards and Sicarius quickly dealt blows to the pirates at the Rogues table and any others who decided to join in the quick fight. Sicarius turned back to the Rogue who was getting back to his feet. And launched a hard blow to the Rogues chest. The Rogue grunted and fell to the floor. Sicarius stood over him.

“The names Sicarius by the way”
“Don’t do that again”

With that he stamped his foot once on the Rogues face. Sicarius walked back to his table picked up his glass and finished it. Walked past the other stupid pirates who were picking themselves off their feet then left the bar.

The Rogue he met that day had disappeared a few days after that. Rumours had persisted for a short time that Sicarius had something to do that, possibly related to the stains of blood that was only partially washed off in one of the corridors. Sicarius hadn’t minded the rumours, no shame in hiding what he did to the Rogue when he had found the opportunity. After all Sicarius knew he wasn’t invincible and needed to send a message to any other Rogues that he really didn’t want to be messed with. Nothing protects you better than a little bit of fear and respect after all. Rogue leaders hadn’t liked these incidents but Sicarius had quickly pleased them with some information he’d acquired.

Back in the present Sicarius smiled at the memory. He’d been very quiet and anonymous since that first day. Gaining too much notice wasn’t what he needed either. His mystery and willingness to carry out his threats was what would server him best here.

“What I want is for you to just forget what that pirate wanted from you ok”

The bartender raised an eyebrow.

“It’s in everyone’s best interests”

“Well not in his clearly, nor my own, what of my reputation. You understand don’t you”

“I’ve a little chat to have with that stranger” Sicarius said with a hint of menace.

“Your reputation won’t be affected, no one will know about the exchange you two had. I’ll see to it that we’re the only two people who know what happened”

Sicarius gave the smallest grin which bared a trace of his teeth. The bartender nodded, it didn't take a genius to know what he meant.

“And yes I would like another one, hmm, make it a double”

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Venkman - 10-18-2012

After a fight between Rogue, LN and Outcasts pilots in Callifornia system, Apollo’s ship was heavely damaged. Apollo’s ship was burning, smoke was everywhere when…… ship exploded.
Liberty Navy was in winning lead, so Rogues and Outcasts agreed to fall back.
One Liberty Rogue pilot used his gripper to drag Apollo’s life pod to safety (in his cargo hold).
The nearest base where Rogues and Outcasts could hide was Alcatraz. When they were about 10k away from Alcatraz they were discrupted by Liberty Navy pilots.
Rogues called backup from Alcatraz.
From Alcatraz 6 ships had come and supported others to disable all of Navy dogs. Together they succeeded to kill and in-prison Navy pilots.

As they docked on Alcatraz they took Apollo and went to the ambulance inside of base.
Apollo had some bad injuries and serious burns. The doctor said that he need some rest and fresh air.

After two weeks in hospital, Apollo was better and could leave the hospital.
What to do now, Apollo asked himself… he had no ship, just 40.000 credits on his card and nothing else.
After some thinking he decide to go and visit a pub.

[Image: Marco_Hietala-13795.jpg]

*A tall man with long hair walks into a pub*

Apollo sat at the nearest free table near the door.
The bartender approached Apollo with words
“Greetings sir, welcome to our pub hat can I get you?”

Apollo raised his head, took a good look at the bartender and ordered a Liberty Ale.

“Coming as fast as possible, sir.”
When the ale was on the table Apollo gave bartender 1000 credits as a tape, the bartender thanked Apollo and left.

“Ah… I have no ships, got money, but I can’t buy a ship….. my life is going downhill that’s for sure.

*A strange voice appears in Apollo’s head*

“ ***ours*** can aid **yours** (orange) one** “

“What… is..t..

“ ***(Gallic) ones will reach/occur **yours** allies””

“Wait…who’s that?! Show yourself””

“ ***yours** comprehension/intelligence **ours** help can stop/halt intruder**

* A strange voice disappears *

Apollo didn’t know what to do after that conversation with unknown person or something like it.
He ordered another glass of ale and continue doing nothing with hope that something good will happen.

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Lonely Werewolf - 10-29-2012

Sica took another sip of his drink. Although not a particulary fine whiskey, still was strong enough to do the trick. Sic would have rather celebrated with something better, but then when a bar steals have the drinks it serves, what’s in stock varies and the selection is irregular. Nevermind.

As he looks up he spots another man enter the bar. This pirate had clearly just been released from the MediBay. Parts of his face appeared badly burn’t and a bandaged hand. With likely more across his body. This was no surprise in itself many of these Rogues had sustained injuries at some point, whether they be from duals in space or brawls in places like this. Sica could see the rather beaten looking pirate take a seat near the bar and order some form of ale. Sica would have thought nothing of him had it not been for what he did next.

A look of shock spontaneously worked its way onto the mans face. His voice trembled and he spoke, seemingly to no-one. Then more confidently he demanded “..who’s that?! Show yourself” .

Sica had no doubt that that half the patrons here at times heard voices in their heads when they consumed as much alcohol as appears to be accustomed at this base. But this man appeared not only sober but showed no obvious sighs of braincells having decayed with prolonged intoxication or indeed any mental illness. Maybe it was just his medication, painkillers or something.

Well Sicarius didn’t care much for crazies, especially with more important things on his mind. He looks out of the viewport.

“Come on now, show these runts exactly what happens if they go about causing trouble”

The fruits of his last endeavour should be passing by any second now…and in spectacular fashion!

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Lonely Werewolf - 12-07-2012

Once again Sicarius finds himself back on Alcatraz Depot. Having been away the last 2 weeks he held hope that he’d no longer be needed there. However the latest twist in his assignment mean’t he’d be best suited searching for information there again. Having stepped into the Bar he strode over to his usual seat (thankfully untaken and with few of these unpleasant folk within arms reach). He caught the tenders eye and it was apparent that the bartender hadn’t forgotten him nor his tastes, for he nodded and a moment later brought over the usual.

Sica glanced towards one of the noticeboards on the wall next to the bar. He could just make out the outline of the sheet with the amusing photo taken from weeks ago. That had been the day when the burn’t man had shown up. Sica grinned thinking about it.

That day a Bloodhound had flown past the viewport very close. Nothing out of the ordinary about that. But what was unusual was the Rogue strapped to the back of it. Clearly dead, rumours persisted that he had been alive when the ship had left Alcatraz’s hanger. Those rumours weren’t entirely inaccurate in that respect. The ship having nearly glanced off the viewport proceed to drift past. It was barely 500 meters from the base when it collided with a large asteroid, crumpled, then exploded a few seconds later. All in all very amusing. Despite the shock of the patrons seeing the corpse fly by, some clever patron managed to grab a decent quality shot of it. Later the next day that pic was hung up and everyone here found it very amusing.

Sicarius was pleasantly surprised with that. The ever constant reminder could only benefit him. No-one had any idea why the pirate suffered his fate. A few conspiracies went around but nothing came out of it. Just restlessness.

But back to the matter at hand. Sica needed to find and observe someone. He had only a brief description on this man. But he’d be easily more identifiable by what he knew. Of course Sicarius would have to keep his distance, no need for him to know Sica was alerted.

Sica would clearly be here for some time to come, random eavesdropping never produced results quickly.
“Barman, I’ll have another one”

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Widow - 01-07-2013

[Image: ninaq.jpg]

Tori walks into the bar, she had bribed a Liberty Police Officer, allowing her to get home safe, and stolen his shirt at the same time. Not to mention the socks she got someone to buy her. She thought that was a good enough reason to get a drink.

She walks up to the counter and asks for a drink, something strong. She pays for it and takes the glass over to an empty table.

RE: The Alcatraz depot lounge and pub - Venkman - 05-11-2013

Well it's been 3 months since Apollo's big crash. Those Rogues found him and cured him at Alctaraz. Thank to those guys, Apollo is now alive.......

5 Months i haven't been in Liberty.... why? Am i affraid? Am i not brave enough to look at enemy's eyes? Well i don't know,
I think the reason why i came to Liberty are my friends.... our friends-Liberty Rogues Today they came to my home..... to Alpha with large number of Slaves in their cargo holds. I offered them my service to escort them to Liberty...... to their home and slightly return the favour by securing their lives.
As they loaded some Cardamine..... our small journey began.
Path trough Tau-23 system represented no problem although it's known by IMG primitives and other smaller scum.
As always Tau-29 was empty..... we were all alone in that system the same was in Zoner system-Baffin, system known as-Coronado and Cortez.

California is always under control of Liberty Police but while we flew we haven't seen any of that kind. As we passed by Alcatraz, where we repaired our ships from *radiation* and when repair has been completed we continued our journey by entering Texas system. Radiation there is high so we had to fly extremely fast to New York.
We entered New York and instead of dropping Cardamine at Buffalo we did that at Rochester base.
Our journey ended Rogue guys had to stay i guess... and i flew to Alcatraz.

After Apollo's journey has ended he flew from New York to California system and docked on Alcatraz.
He greeted with Rogues in Alcatraz's hangar and continued walking to Alcatraz pub.
He slowly approached to Bartender and spoke to him

Venkman: Buenas dias amigo

Bartender: Good day my sir, can i get you something

Venkman: Si... si amigo, i am looking for amigos Jessie James, Ruiz, Alex Ryvar.......

BartenderThe bartender took a look at the guest room..... and counted 2-3 peoples sitting there, but those were not people that Apollo was looking for

Bartender: Sorry sir, but none of those are here, maybe you want something to dink and wait for them here?

Venkman: Si amigo...... give me..... ermm...... Liberty Ale and some fresh Water.

Bartender: Is that all sir?

Venkman: Si.... that would be all for now.

Apollo took a char in the corner, bartender gave him Liberty Ale and Water and he started drinking and waited for the others to show.