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Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Cannon - 12-20-2011

' Wrote:Here's an alternative.

How about you just let the old stuff stay as is.

One more thing. If you don't want change, setup a 4.85 server and keep playing it.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Petitioner - 12-20-2011

' Wrote:Yeah bollocks, the lore and histories and work behind most of the existing tech-permissions and ships both individuals and factions acquired over time, those too didn't exist. Ever. We're just hallucinating.
The similarity between what you said and what I said is that it's what the administrations tells us's true.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - casero - 12-20-2011

' Wrote:This is beyond stupid. This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. It's pissing on the people that have worked for their stuff before. Take me, for instance. I have at least 16 approved tech requests. All have been RP'ed ingame and on the forums. This is just taking (to quote Sindroms) a dum-da-dump on all my work.

This idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Well, not really, I've plenty of approved things as well, and I don't feel any bad about it, the deals made for that stuff are beyond the stuff itself. They reflect part of my RP, the loadout variations are just a plus. I can live without them.

EDIT: Or live with them not being %100 perfect.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - ProwlerPC - 12-20-2011

For the record, out of curiosity, would you mind listing those 16 or more approved tech requests?

No really. At least 16?!?......

I hear a lot about how the current tech system has been a horrible one that has plagued Disco for 2 yrs. I'm one of those voices. It's X-mas though I'm in a cheery mood and gonna give out plenty of benefit of doubt.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Blighter - 12-20-2011

' Wrote:One more thing. If you don't want change, setup a 4.85 server and keep playing it.

I never said I ain't wanted change, I said I don't want work and history behind things to be disregarded due to some new system's workings, and I don't think I'm the only one.

' Wrote:The similarity between what you said and what I said is that it's what the administrations tells us's true.

Yeah tell you what, we all never existed. There is only "infocard lore" in non-guard systems. Nothing's ever happened in-game.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - dodike - 12-20-2011

I put a lot of work into buying and repping my Sabres. If the ship gets rebalanced does it mean all my work was for nothing?

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - casero - 12-20-2011

' Wrote:I put a lot of work into buying and repping my Sabres. If the ship gets rebalanced does it mean all my work was for nothing?

For some people, yes. And don't dare try getting over it, you suck if you do that.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Blighter - 12-20-2011

Hell with it.

As the one who created this thread, and with my initial question basically answered, I hereby request a lock.

There'll be plenty other dessicated corpses to loot in the future anyhow.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Cannon - 12-20-2011

I understand that the HF and other players have spent a lot of time acquiring a significant number of different ships and technologies to support their role play. I am not intentionally belittling the effort that you have put into doing this.

The issue is that we are trying to find a balance between player freedom, fairness, history, lore and storyline roleplay, lore and history. I do not claim that this system is the best solution. Saying 'leave things alone' is not a solution either because although the HF will get what they want other players will be left out and this is not fair.

I suggest that you try this new system for a while. If it causing major problems, it will be adjusted.

Techmix-nerf and factions which are unique in RELYING on techmixing - Maelstrom - 12-20-2011

I have been playing for a few years now under various accounts and with various characters. Only once have I had a tech request granted. My role play is solid, my requests within the scope of the factions, and yet only once have I been granted tech. At one point I was actually told to sell a ship I had purchased from my own factions base because the faction who made it didn't like the deal. This is the kind of stupidity that the new system will solve. People are petty. They are prejudiced against others not in thier clique or who are different. The new system won't tell you no simply because it doesn't like you or doesn't know you. More avenues of Role Play will be opened because people previously telling you no for personal reasons rather than role play will no longer be in charge of your role play. This places LESS restrictions on role play while making it impossible to min/max for purely pvp reasons. It also makes it much harder for factions to control the roleplay of characters not in the faction but who are within the scope of the rules.