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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Penpen - 09-14-2010 ►► Message from 'the Office' ►► Location: Refugio Base ►► Directed to: Members of the Xeno Alliance Starting Transmission Coral here. Guys, one thing before i'll start. The Hellfire Legion is now to be treated as 'friendly'! Traders escorted by the Hellfire Legion are meant to be 'left alone'! Unless they carry contraband. Of course. And now, for something completely different. We've received a large amount of credits this Week. An amount of Credits, donated by rich Libertonian civilian, supporting the Xeno movement and wishing to be anonymous. The boss and I were thinking and calculating and thinking again. And this is what we came up with: The first Xeno Alliance 'Wrecking Weekend'
[color=#FFFFFF]That's right! Every weekend from now on, you get paid for stopping foreign trade. I know, I know. AWESOME! RIGHT? Now here's the details: Freighters 100-500 Cargo = [color=#FFCC00]750.000 credits Transports 500-2200 Cargo = 1.000.000 credits Transports 2200-5000 Cargo = 1.500.000 credits. Awesome you say? We're not done yet! You got a smuggler, carrying Slaves or Cardamine? We pay a 250.000 credits bonus! A Junker within the Liberty Core systems? 500.000 credits! That's right folks! So you better get your ships repaired, it's going to be a busy weekend! That is all! No Guncam yet? Hangar Harry knows more! ~Coral (//All attacks have to be inRP. No evidence, no credits. "Weekend" means Saturday&Sunday ONLY. Timestamps are needed.) Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Garrick - 10-04-2010 > CommID: John Rackam > Callsign: Naja > Location: Nome Base Greetings comrades and friends, It has been some time since I've gone out on any patrols, so this weekend I took my ROC out to disrupt some trade going through Colorado. My day started out pretty slow, not finding anything except the common trade ships traveling down the lanes. After some time DeathAdder came out and we met up at the New York jump gate in Colorado. Eventually a independent trader by the name Muien in a gull hauling 1000 units of helium came along. He stopped and didn't try to escape but cried about how he had no money to give us. We laughed and said we didn't want any money and questioned the destination of his helium. He said it was heading to Narita, which was unacceptable. He wouldn't comply and drop the cargo and eventually an Agiera ship appeared as well. Deathadder instructed me to kill Muien and took off after the fleeing Agiera ship. I quickly dispatched the trader, but before his ship was destroyed a zoner-Archangel and a military ship named something like "gigoco" started after me. I fled and they gave chase, after a bit I lost them, but whenever I tried to return to Ouray base, they were waiting there. They hung around there for some time and would not respond to me. After some time I went to Kepler and docked on Nome base. I'm not sure if I got guncam footage, if it came out, I will upload the shot's here later. John Rackam signing out. Transmission ends. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - CrossBones - 11-05-2010 > Incoming Transmission > CommID: Anaconda > Origin: Ouray Base, Colorado > Subject: Mercenary Activity >Message Begins: During my patrol around the New Jump hole, we encountered two mercenaries in the proximity, we asked what was their business there which we received no response. At a close inspection of their vessels we found several Xeno pilots held prisoners, we asked them to dropped and leave the Colorado system, they refused, a message of engagement was sent and both mercenaries were destroyed. All Xeno pilots were rescued an returned to Ouray for medical treatment. ![]() Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Not Espi - 11-30-2010 :: incoming transmission ::
:: origin: Ouray :: :: priority : Standard :: :: ID : Mehelya _start message_ So - I took my Marauder for a stroll. I parked it near Manhattan, so I could find some foreign bastards and shoot them in their faces on their way home. Luckily for me, I stumbled upon a Junker. There were also a few Navy ships that tried to interfere. One Gunboat got simply disabled (//green message) and the Navy Cruiser was smart enough not to shoot a Heavy Fighter with that thing. So - the Junker decided to go ballistic after the gunboat was out of the game. Not a smart move, really, but okay. Idiots appear in all demographic spheres. After a few minutes of me razoring the living poo out of the Salvager, I noticed he was several times repaired, but scans indicated his nanobot container is full. The cruiser though, without taking any damage, was missing 300 units of those babies. Was a point at which I just started to cruise toward Colorado. And I made myself a new shirt. It's made of blood-stained glue. Anyone interested? ![]() ~ Tucker ~ _end message_ Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tanker - 11-30-2010 What a glorious day thinks Jonathon, As he sits back with his morning coffee. Gonna have to "liberate" some more of this stuff from Sunbucks soon, He chuckles. As he goes through the days flight roster and patrol schedule he notices a new name. Good, he thinks, It's about time we start filling in some of the vacant slots. Hopefully this one will last longer than some of the others. The attrition rate is not something you want to contemplate first thing of the day. While reading one of the reports he breaks out into a grin. I is always nice to see a junker taking a beating. Gonna have to step up the patrols on them soon though, he thinks, They are just getting to numerous, like cockroaches. Always coming out of the woodwork to cause problems. He pauses... What's this?, He rereads the report again. Notices that there is a possibility that the Navy is actively assisting the Junkers. Jonathon reaches for the comm button, Post this immediately, he says. While the junkers are still on our top priority list, any navy ships assisting them should be taken out as well if possible. But remember, we only have so much duct tape and spare parts. Don't be a fool or totally reckless. Because if you survive the engagement, you still have me to contend with. With that said, Jonathon sits back and looks out the view port and contemplates how the day will unravel.... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Penpen - 12-14-2010 ►►Accessing Ouray Neural Net Database ►►Logging in ►►. ►►. . ►►. . . ►►Access GRANTED Coral here. Weird things happening these days. Allthough I love the Barrow crew more and more, I also see that Hudson needs much more attention. Just today, when I went out for a stroll, I was forced to 'disable' three ships. Three ships! Within 10 Minutes! But let's start in order. I grabbed my Waran went out to the Texas Jumphole ~40k away from Barrow. Just the evry moment I wanted to engage the jumping sequence, a Red Hessian Army flagged Pirate Transport shows up. Loaded for bear and filled with hacker software. So while the Captain of said ship was apparently sleeping, he woke up after one..two.. maybe three-hundred shots fired at his shields. Guncam He really tried to explain why he was there and what his cargo was for.. Now do I look like a frickkin' politician? I ordered him to drop, he startet to blabber. probably waiting for reinforcements. So I decided to create some more junk in Hudson. Guncam Just when his hull started to burst and his cargo went up in flames due the heat of the explosion, I saw two incoming targets, just next to Atka. Obviously running the blockade, smuggling stuff into Rheinland. Wonder why they were flying with LPI tags.. Now that I think of... Anyways, they startet firing just in the very moment my disruptor hit 'em. So, I had no choice, but to take them out aswell. Wasted quite a bit of ammunition on these two, but it was totaly worth it. The Albatross class Transport went up in flames and pieces after a shot at its hull. His buddy, the Wasupu Pilot tried to flee but.. heheh.. nah.. A well placed Snac shot fired from a distance of about 1,2k made his ship pop like a corn in the pan. Now that I think of it... didn't watch if they made it out alive.. Sucks to be them I'd say. What a day, huh? And it wasn't even a day. It happened within 20 minutes. We need to watch Hudson closely. there's a lot of unwanted stuff going on. Report summary ~Coral Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Not Espi - 01-14-2011 :: incoming transmission ::
:: origin: Ouray :: :: priority : Standard :: :: ID : Mehelya _start message_ Today, it was too easy. I undocked and headed to intercept some traffic coming from California. On my way there, I've been stalked by a Navy repair ship. I didn't really want to stay too close to them, 'cause there might be a few fighters on their way to us, so I was trying to lose them. Took the lane to 'Hattan and dropped a mine behind me so they don't follow. At the Capitol, I got shot at by some idiot Navy IFF'd bomber. ![]() ![]() Well, I wasn't so lucky at the California lane (no disruptors), so I headed back to Ouray, and met a lovely Outcast IFF'd Spatial with some fellow Xenos in their hold. Well what can I say? It pissed me off, so I sent him a heartwarming tachyon message. ![]() After that I took our fellow Xenos home and had a snack with them. OH! The other day I met this cute Salvager near Nome. Boy should have known better than to buzz around our bases like that. Suffice to say - It died. ![]() ![]() All for now. ~ Tucker ~ _end message_ Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Primitive - 01-18-2011 Source: Nome Base, Kepler System
Comm ID: XA-Earl.Hopper Subject: Report ![]() 'Ello there, name is Earl...Earl Hopper, been locked up in that damn Huntsville for the last 4 years. Man gets ragin' there, them coppers....acting like everything is normal, being payed by those foreign buggers. Well I got my ship as we talked about, got me some eagle and some roc', now I can go huntin' all them properly. I've been in space with Coral and Aquila got us some Bretonians and some Outcasts. We took the ore from the Bretonian and left him drift trough space without a fuel, he probably ain't gonna bother trying to come to Liberty again. Next one we got was this Outcast in California, thinkin' Liberty is his territory, actin' all brave and what not. Well I told him.... ![]() So we blast him back to where he belongs...straight to them modern space pods they all have nowadays. ![]() Got nothin' much more to say ...I'll see you around base... End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Not Espi - 01-19-2011 :: incoming transmission ::
:: origin: Ouray :: :: priority : Standard :: :: ID : Mehelya _start message_ Woooohoooo! Just docked with Adder and Coral! That's how you do some proper Xenering, folks. Gather 'round n' listen to the tale of three brave ships who popped everything that got in their way until the Navy's Gold wing arrived. First thing ya do, is that ya go and hunt down some folks who might bring stuff we don't want into Liberty. Lucky me, I met a Junker in New York. Well that do you do with a Junker, when you see him, folks? That's riiiiiiight. You smoke the bastard! ![]() ![]() After that was done, Adder and Coral undocked, they started movin' to New York gate. So I meet up with them and a few seconds later, we see this Junker who was talking jibberish. ![]() Guess what ... Yep. Again ![]() After the Junker was gone, 4 bretonian ships exited the jumpgate. Talk about luck! So these no-good tea-sippers ship stuff in and out of our House - Can't do, boys. 3 Shires, 1 bretonian gunboat, and all of them were meaning dead serious business. ![]() ![]() ![]() We burned the shires, but the gunboat staed alive too long. The Liberty Navy Gold Wing arrived and it was time to pack our crap and move home. ~ Tucker ~ _end message_ Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Primitive - 01-19-2011 Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System
Comm ID: XA-Earl "BushMaster" Hopper Subject: Report It was a long long day I tell ye. I've undocked with ma new Roc' to test it out a bit and show 'em foreign lovers who fights for real Liberty around here. I've found this blabbering liner...who threatened me 'bout him huntin'..so I did some huntin' myself. I opened fire and started shootin' when he screamed for help, of course not even all that help could stop me of shredding his ship..repairs gonna cost him as new one I tell ye. ![]() ![]() ![]() Three of them on me, tryin' to shoot me while I was spittin' antimatter into liners hull. Eventually I hat to eject cause me ship sustained couple of critical hits..but it wasn't for nuttin'. Got him pinned down before they got to me yeee hawwww. ![]() I've been picked up by patrols and went to Ouray to get a ship until mine is duct taped to its old duct taped self. Went on some huntin' in Colorado, first I found this freelancer probably working for Kusari or similar, his cargo was taken and destroyed. ![]() ![]() You wouldn't believe what dropped out of trade lane after him...an fleet of those damn corsairs...I've destroyed most of them before I had to come near base..where eventually one of our fellers joined me and two gunboats fled. Not a minute later a outcast came near, babbling something about being our friend and such...she regretted she tried to mess with xeeners. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If I see any of them even close to Liberty...I swear...I'll kill em all. End of Transmission |