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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Manticore - 11-26-2012


SUBJECT: Re: No Subject

[Image: nD38W.jpg]

General Forge.

My goodness, someone seems upset. Did they take away Little Jake the One-Eyed Snake when you enlisted?

I picked my newest outfit just for you. I sincerely hope you're still able to appreciate it appropriately.

Also, spell my name correctly next time.

Ibarra out.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 11-28-2012

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye

TARGET ID: Coalition Combat Assets & Ministry of Truth Personnel, CC: Premier-Commandante Vaschenko, Ministry of Truth Assets. )
SUBJECT: The Commissariat

[Image: HWE.png]


Attention all designated assets!

"The Ministry of Truth's personnel are at present being re-organized and each department is being closely re-examined in our ever-continuing efforts at confirming the loyalty of our glorious Fighter-Corps and it's associated departments. Traitors who survived the last sweep are at present being weeded out from the midst of the People's Republic so do not fear if your odd neighbor or bunkmate has gone missing, all is well and you shall carry on with your designated duties as your position as a soldier of the Coalition requires you.

Until the re-shuffling of the Ministry of Truth and it's associated departments is completed, the honorary rank of Commissar is suspended unless bestowed upon loyal patriots of the Coalition by His Watchful Eye and/or Premier-Commandnate Vaschenko.

Carry on! Your Glorious People's Republic is secure!"

Our Coalition is Strong! We Shall Be Victorious!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 11-30-2012

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Type: Patrol of Liberty
Priority: Medium

---Scanning transmission data..... complete..... loading results.....
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[Image: 92321454.jpg]

This is Julia.

I've made one more of Liberty patrols. I came there fo' one reason - to hunt Rogues and Cardamine smugglers. Ill do report about 3 main systems I visited.

Texas. (part 1)
This was both beginning and ending of my patrol. At first I flied to Beaumont - Junkers Base. On my way I met a Navy recruit. He was on mission - killing Rogues. I gave him a hand on that and eliminated some Rogues and both their Weapon Platforms. After Ive met some of my remain friends from Junkers and stopped one Rogue Mule with Cardamine I used JH to New York.

New York. (part 1)
After I jumped into deep Badlands I continued on my patrol. Nearby I located that big Rogue base - Buffalo. That base had good defence, and they dont liked Coalition Gunboat on its perimeter. I ran away before they toke my shields down. After, I proceeded to Rochester. Met some more of my friends and killed some Xenos. Closer to Manhattan I saw some strange people. Some of them was attacking Navy forces, some looking on fights and laughing and some was like THAT. I left them to themself and went to California.

Right after jump from JG I saw some ships. Warships to be correct. A Rogue Destroyer and Outcast Cruiser was in the area, pirating passing through cargo ships and destroying those who tried to run. Luckily, they not opened fire on my ship and I saved a Chat-Log. Later I went to Ice Clouds and disabled lights to have some rest.

New York. (part 2)
On the Next day I returned to New York to continue my patrol. I flied over Trade Lanes to hunt any pirate that can be there and later to Pittsburg debris. But I met a Bounty Hunter on Bottlenose. He followed me all way to debris. Near it LN officer joined him. I made my way to cloud of dark matter in hope to lose em. I actually did. But there I met a Rogues. Many Rogues. I rammed right into Rogue base of operations, so I turned back. There was Hunter and Navy waiting for me. I made good evasive manuver and ran into Badlands, then to Texas.

Texas. (part 2)
One of my Junker friends said that LN blocked all ways out of Liberty and tried to find me, so I escaped through Hundson JH. There, however was already Rogue blockade, probably waiting for me. I managed to breach it and leave Liberty space. I also saved Chat-Log with Hunter. Thats all.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
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---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 11-30-2012

[Image: SCRALogonoGlow.png]

Comm ID: Nikita Tabakov, Senior-Commander

Subject: A Zoner...

"While on Patrol in Omega-52, the Lithuania received a message via S.K.Y.P.E. about a Zoner Carrier intruding in Omega-52. We managed to intercept the target at the Omega-50 Jumphole where it was already being pounded upon by the tertiary defence fleet and the Comintern, the Lithuania and one of our MIL Pilots added our own firepower and destroyed it just as it entered the jumphole, according to deep-space probes the ship exploded in the middle of transit.

The fact that this Zoner brought a warship into our space and showed no signs of caring about our laws is disturbing and should be brought up with the Zoners as soon as possible.

Onwards to honour and glory for the Coalition!"

Target Identified

Target Destroyed

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 12-11-2012

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Omega 5 warfield
Priority: Medium

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[Image: 92321454.jpg]

This is Julia.

This time I toke my Dragon for more battle purposes then patroling. I left Omega 52 and went to Ronneburg base. On my way I spotted Coalition Gunboat and some Hessian Gunboats. They was in battle with severall Corsair Gunboat battlegroups ( 1 2 3 ). This was just what I wanted to find, so I engaged without any delay.

After Corsairs were dealth with, I and Ilya came closer to Cadiz base, while Hessians were fighting Corsairs on flanks. Nearby of Omega 41 JH was spotted heavy patrol wing - Cruiser, Gunboat and some fighters. We avoided them and came more to the north side of Corsair zone. There, we spotted heavy armored Gunboat, probably leader of those who were in Hammen. He engaged without any words, so I fired back. When he tried to escape to Cadiz, Ilya opened fire and we both toke him down before he was able to dock.

After leader of assaut was dealt with we both returned to Hammen Hole and assisted Hessians in destroying rest of 'Sair Gunboats ( 1 2 ). Finally, when all hostile forces were down, we docked on Ronneburg and had some rest and repairs for our Gunoats. Thats is all.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
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---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Durandal - 12-12-2012

Comm ID: General Alejandro Cordova, Head of Fighter Corps
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Subject: Mandatory Training Sessions

This is General Cordova speaking. It has come to my attention during several recent patrols and assaults that the Coalition's flight instructors have been falling behind on their duties, as indicated by poor performance from our latest recruits.

As if this was not enough, some of our veterans have been making mistakes in combat that even the freshest Militsonyer should not make. This is a disgrace to the glory of our Coalition, and is entirely unacceptable.

With this in mind, we will be holding mandatory training sessions at 1800 hours (6 PM Eastern Standard Time) on subbota (Saturday) and 1600 hours (4 PM EST) on sryeda (Wednesday)

Failure to attend at least one of these sessions each week will result in immediate and indiscriminate termination of your position within the SCRA.

You will learn, you will fly, and you will make sure that the Coalition is a fighting force that none dare oppose.

For the Glory of the Revolution, General Cordova, out.

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Blackstarr - 12-12-2012

--Mission log 1--
Militsonyer Richard Krey

Hispania Log

This Is Militsonyer Krey reporting that a Mr. Montoya is now etched Krey inside the pod bay of the Hispania. This was then followed by a short training session.

Attatched Images:
[Image: screen5small.png]
[Image: hispaniasmall.jpg]

--End of Log--

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 12-12-2012

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Type: Rheinland patrol
Priority: Medium

---Scanning transmission data..... complete..... loading results.....
---Video file detected..... uploading..... decoding..... opening---

[Image: 92321454.jpg]

This is Julia.

This time something more challenging for my Dragon. I made a patrol into Rheinland via northern Omegas. On my way I met nothing, but in Stutgart, my scanners spotted big number of different signatures. I tried to go investigate, but on my way suddenly popped two RM fighters. Earlier on Planet Stutgart I saw some numbers of Capital ships, so I realised that if Ill start fight, whole army will go for me. So I turned back to Omegas.

But Rheinlanders havent stopped. They followed me all way to Omega 11, then to Omega 5. I thought I get rid of them where came to Ronneburg, but they still followed me. Hessian cruiser patrol showed up, but suddenly Military heavy Cruiser entered via O11 JH and toke all patrol down. Few secounds after I was attacked by all three Military pilots. Of cource I couldnt handle them all, so I docked on Ronneburg when recieved enough heavy damage. Good that all Motrars that was sent into Dragon missed or hit shield. It seems that Rheinlanders became more agressive and frealess. Interesting what is the reason for it... I saved chat-logs with Military ( 1 2 3 4 5 ).

Oh, I also destroyed one strange ship that followed me from Planet Stutgat to nearly Baden-Baden. CVS with load of LWB pilots, that I gave into Hessian hands already. Im sure this was a spy, because right after he died, I was surrounded by those Military guys.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
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---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Charos - 12-15-2012

Militsonyer Faust here.

Few days ago we were on a mission in New York system with General Cordova. During that, we stumbled upon the Liberty Navy primary fleet who were in pursuit of a slaver of some sort who blew up shortly after they got him. General Cordova was in a conversation with them when he suddenly gave the order to open fire. The 2 [LN], Alan Polstari and Jack Malrone along with the DSE security wing returned fire.

After a long fight, the 2 {LN] and 2 DSE ships that were shooting us were shot down. However, we didn't have a chance to take a breath before we had to deal with two rogues. Luckily they were dispatched sooner than I thought and head back for repairs.

ATTACHMENTS: 1, 2, 3, 4,

For the glory of the Coalition, Faust out.

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - HCGal - 12-16-2012


COMM ID: MILITSONYER Sonnegeist, Varia
SUBJECT: The Hispania

Attached File

I was sent to the Hispania, along the way I encountered Julia Dorian who offered to lead me to the Hispania, the journey was swift, although I still do not enjoy traveling through Jumpholes.
We reached the wreck and I did as asked, wrote my name on the hull, although the concept sat with me as unusual, I'm not sure why yet. During our retreat from Omicron Alpha we were hounded by Outcasts, my ship was destroyed but Julia managed to snatch up my escape Pod and return me to Szedzny Gorodock.

That is all I have to say. Sonnegeist out.