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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 10-10-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[COmm ID: Seth Karlo]

Concerning Shocker,

Sad to hear, I have dispatched a squadron of Defender's to keep an eye out for him, perhap's they will spot him.

Until then, I hereby declare Lecric Shocker MIA, may he rest in peace.

Seth out.

[Transmission ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - selsyn - 10-10-2008

Liberty Navy Secure Transmission
Origin: Battleship Missouri
Subject: Duty Log 909-910

Encryption Code: GAMMA

Public Key: LN Duty Log 909-910

From: Sub-Lieutenant David Hastings

To: Liberty Navy FLEETCOM

Classification: Duty Log

/file extraction-reconstruction complete/

/start file/

This is the duty log from the past two days. My apologies, but Ion Storms prevented me from uploading one for yesterday and one for today.

My shift started with a very odd occurance. Upon a routine chack of our long range scanners, It was discovered that a Zoner, by the name of Peacekeeper-:-Elysium, was in Alaska. He shiptype was reading as an Advanced Battlestar, so our CO at the time, Ryan MacTavish ordered all personelle to Alaska, where we gave chase to the armored behemoth. He was hailed by CO MacTavish, and replied that he was "protecting Liberty, because there were never enough Navy or LPI around to keep people out of Alaska." Very odd behavior for a Zoner, if you ask me. He fled into Omicron Minor, and we broke off the chase.
[Image: Freelancer2008-10-0822-43-02-14.jpg]

Everything was clear until Eddie's Old Rumbucket was spotted, and apparently he was having some engine trouble. We called upon a civilian Repair_Ship to come and help Eddie out. Eddie had commited no crimes, and he seemed sober enough, so we let him go. Not withstanding the 30 or 40 PWIs(Piloting While Intoxicated) on his record...

So, on to today's work.

At 1:44pm GMT+2, [RGS] was spotted in a Liberty Gunboat with a mercenary ID. I approached him in my bomber, with the LNS-Basilisk providing backup and asked him to pay the fine for stealing a capital ship, then escorted him to leave Liberty space, as he had a Mercenary ID. He complied fully, after some arguing at first.
[Image: niho1.jpg]

Jesus.Herrera was spotted around 2:10pm GMT+2 in New York and is engaged by Hobgl, LT Matt Pregur, and subLT Malrone. All three officers were shot down.

At 2:26pm GMT+2, Pilot was found having Artifacts, and was ordered to halt. He ran from several Navymen, and then i disrupted a TL and forced him to halt. We hailed him several times, requesting him to drop his cargo and pay a 2 million credit fine. He did not reply for some time, but dropped the cargo, which was destroyed. Upon further scanning of his ship, 2 Corsair weapons were found. When requested to drop them as well, he complied partially by dropping one. I then requested him to pay the fine, which he made no reply to. He then attempted to enter the TL twice in 30 seconds, so i gave him 15 more seconds to comply, or be destroyed. He chose the hard way and remained silent, so i ordered the Navymen to open fire on his ship, but just to drop the shield. Pilot still did not reply, and tried to flee, so i fired an Antimatter bolt at him, and destroyed his ship. He still has the 2 million credit fine on his head.
[Image: Pilotdead.jpg]

at 4:39pm GMT+2, on a routine patrol through Texas, i encountered a RH Military IFF/RH Police ID RH Cruiser orbiting Houston. I ordered him out of Liberty space on the threat of a military escalation, and he complied in leaving.

At 7:28pm GMT+2, Tia.Delma was engaged by myself and Ryan MacTavish, and was destroyed, while Grunt, an outcast in a Sabre escape to Texas and fled when engaged. ((And i would like to point out that at one point, Tia.Delma floated away at high velocity, due to network lag, right when he was about to die, but the pilot came back and conceded defeat, and was finished off by Ryan MacTavish. Rare amongst pirates, is this kind of honor.))

At 8:14pm GMT+2, Kinja_marie was picked up by long range scanners in the Alaska system. I was currently on patrol with Recruit Jake Ryan, so we went to Zone 21 to enter the Alaska system. A Junker tagged vessel by the name of Hunterkiller entered Alaska moments before us, but could not be found. Myself and Recruit Jake Ryan proceeded to perform a search pattern, and we picked up Kinja on our Radars. I Hailed her and requested that she power down weapons, cut engines and report her position so she may be escorted out of Alaska. After no reply, i ordered her to cut engines again, but she tried to flee. After several CDs, she was knocked out of cruise and Jake and i opened fire on her ship, a LR Bomber. She did not return fire, oddly, but attempted to reignite her cruise engines several times. Due to some excellent shooting by Jake Ryan, i was able to destroy her vessel and tractor her escape pod. She is currently being held in Prison Station Mitchel.
[Image: kinjaandhunteralaskas.jpg]
[Image: kinjadead.jpg]

Thats the end of my Duty Log for these two extended shifts.

With regards and fly safe,
sub-Lieutenant David Hastings
Liberty Navy

/end file/

Liberty Forces Message dump - Grumblesaur - 10-11-2008

==Incoming Transmission==
This is [//Independent] Navy Lt. Talia Satarae of the LNF-Black_Dawn requesting to speak to an Admiral or Vice Admiral.
I have a request for a Ravenclaw Assault Fighter on the grounds of Liberty defense and offense. Pirates, as many of us know, typically fly bombers. I have heard that with a skilled pilot [like myself] can easily kill a bomber and pilot in a Ravenclaw. I will have it mounted with a torpedo as well for assisting in capital ship assault and fighter jousting. Also, I have a few Codename weapons and a missile I would like to mount on it.

-Talia Satarae

==End Transmission==

Liberty Forces Message dump - Grumblesaur - 10-11-2008

' Wrote:Opening Comms
Begin Transmission

ID: Lt. Zachary Ryans

Regarding the LNF, vice admiral, it appears they are similar to the LNS in ideal, however they make use of smaller ships. I have recieved NO confirmation that they have authority over the situation, and while they have thusly far been very respectable and helpful I have heard little of them in Sirius' Information (forums).

End Transmission
Closing Comms

//Would it kill you to ask? LNF=Liberty Navy Fighter. I am no faction; just someone who knows when to take charge and when to listen.
By the way, the pilot of the LNF-Black_Dawn, Talia Satarae, is FEMALE. Yes, female; there can be women in the Navy.

Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 10-11-2008

//Eh sorry I've been busy moving and changing jobs, I didn't know what was up but figured it was RP to speak of the little info I had.

Didn't mean to offend ya, see ya in game

Liberty Forces Message dump - Grumblesaur - 10-11-2008

' Wrote://Eh sorry I've been busy moving and changing jobs, I didn't know what was up but figured it was RP to speak of the little info I had.

Didn't mean to offend ya, see ya in game

Don't worry about it; I just get a bit ticked when people can't get it straight.
Anyhoo, now I have to wait for someone to give a care about my request.

Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 10-11-2008

Opening Comms
Begin Transmission

ID: Lt. Zachary Ryans

Patrol was very busy today. First I undocked at West Point to two pirates being attacked by four Navy/Police pilots. I joined combat and the targets, in a Slipstream and Sabre, were both destroyed. Thusly I communicated to the two Navy pilots that we should engage patrol, and sure enough upon entering Texas I ran into the [522] Cruiser Forward Unto Dawn. He jumped to New York, and another Navy gunboat joined combat with him against the 522. We brought the cruiser, metaphorically, to its knees, and he asked us to cease fire. He surrendered and agreed to be escorted to Bering.

However, upon jumping to Texas, he reengaged us in an attempt to surprise us. As he entered the trade lane, he cut his engines and opened fire upon me, however I was quick to evade and we quickly eliminated the threat.

After this, we spent some time trying to capture a Corsair, the ==13 High Guard== but mostly he evaded capture.

As this was being had, long range scanners picked up four ships in Alaska. I was the first to make it to Z21, and all of the incoming ships were in fact Corsair. Two engaged me, and to my belief, two were destroyed in New York. The other two fled to Alaska, one was chased there and killed, the other escaped. I was ready to call it a patrol, and settle down to debrief.

Upon entering there were reports of a Phantom. I searched for her for twenty minutes, and the Durango offered a reward of "5 million and my good word". So after some searching, I found the Phantom at the Colorado jumphole and proceeded to engage. Other Navy showed up, but they were simply to spectate. Combat with the Phantom lasted a long time, but eventually I managed to come out victorious. Despite this fact, my ship was reduced to only its minelauncher and Supernova Cannon. Durango did reward me with the five million, and I was very happy to have some extra money.

I'll be enjoying an excellent dinner tonight, thank you Durango.
Ryans out.

End Transmission
Closing Comms

Liberty Forces Message dump - Guest - 10-12-2008

Incoming Transmission
Source - LAS-Freedom
Subject: LSF Krusa - Service Report
Loading Data
I had planned to take today off from duties... But late in the day, i received an alarming message from the presidential guard, Sigil. It was a high priority alert involving a known group of pirates. The alert listed these ships:
{SOB}IronMaiden - Outcast Battleship
{SOB}FoolFace - Outcast Destroyer
{SOB}Pillage-N-Plunder - Outcast Destroyer
{SOB}Temper - Outcast Destroyer
MNS-Infanta.Isabel - Outcast Destroyer
{SOB}Pinz - Rogue Gunboat
Various ships from the Bounty Hunters, Navy, LSF, including the KoF began forming up a counterattack at Norfolk. Fighters and Bombers were sent in to divert any incoming fire that may have been waiting for us coming out of the gate. Me and my crew followed soon after.

The Infanta Isabel of the Maltan Navy was the first to go down, a shot from the Freedom's forward cannons made a direct hit on the destroyer's command deck. However, the crew of the ship had ejected away only moments earlier.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
Next was FoolFace, he went down quickly after the Milwaukee and Sangraal made it out of the Jump Gate. Autumn Wind of the KoF made a devastating shot as what once was a destroyer, turned into a giant fireball.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
As we fought the other Outcast Destroyers and Outcast Battleship, my gun-camera was offline due to gunfire that had hit nearby. Just when we believed the fight was over, yet another Destroyer, under the name Cardi.Cake.Express, came into the area. It was, like the others, destroyed.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
The gunboat, Pinz, was nowhere to be found
End of Data

Liberty Forces Message dump - SevereTrinity - 10-12-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: LNF-Black_Dawn]

Your request for a Raven's Claw has been denied, due to the fact they are produced in few numbers, and we do not even let our Captain's fly them.

Those ships are limited to High Command of the Liberty Navy and the LSF, and only them, we would prefer to keep it that way, if we gave you one, every pilot and their dog would be asking for one.

Guardians and Avengers are more than sufficient enough to fight off enemy bombers.

[End Transmission]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Grumblesaur - 10-12-2008

' Wrote:[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: LNF-Black_Dawn]

Your request for a Raven's Claw has been denied, due to the fact they are produced in few numbers, and we do not even let our Captain's fly them.

Those ships are limited to High Command of the Liberty Navy and the LSF, and only them, we would prefer to keep it that way, if we gave you one, every pilot and their dog would be asking for one.

Guardians and Avengers are more than sufficient enough to fight off enemy bombers.

[End Transmission]

==Incoming Transmission==
With all due respect Admiral, the Avengers and Guardians -lack- the firepower to take out a bomber. I know this well from piloting an Avenger. Surely they could become cheaper if we invested more time and materials into them. Not to mention their superior agility, which is handy in a dogfight.

And on another note, seeing as it was made by Kishiro Technologies, couldn't we ask for help from them? It might help in postponing and even stopping any possible war.

-Talia Satarae

==End transmission==