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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-21-2021

[Image: a012e99dab07ea26ac8180fd83326218.png]
Source: Omega-48
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Chaos

Guten Abend,

Another incursion into Omega-48.

The Core Presence
The Rho people have a very strong presence in the system. WV-Unity, WV-Critical, APM-Nauru-4, WV-Havoc, WV-Phantom were all spotted in the system.
Now I am not sure if this is good or bad for Rheinland - ideally we would want our corporations to exploit the resources directly without outside interference - if there will be plans to take over the rich Omega-48 perhaps it would be ideally done by securing the system single-handedly.

However as of now we face almost impassable barriers in the form of dangerous volcanic nabulae, getting much more than lone Cruisers or bomber wings through them will be problematic. Flieger Karsten Riese has suggested we simply blow the rocks up but that is a long term project. For now we can use any allies we can get to help secure the resources for our corporations, even if we do need to share.

Komisch sight and Corsair presence
Now it was hard to read out but I could swear Majestic-[Fae and Mirande-[Fae were a Gallic and Libertonian battlecruisers respectively, and they seemed to be emmiting some strange readings and energy, but the volatility of the system interfered with my sensors. Who knows what I saw, but they were aggressive and taken down with The Core assistance.

We have also encountered the Corsair Murmillo class Battleship CNS-Pernambucano and Legate Dreadnought, CNS-Veria. One Core vessel was disabled in the skirmish that in the end resulted in a stalemate as both sides retreated eventually.

As you can see, the situation in the system is extremely volatile and hard to navigate in. It is likely going to take decades before the system can be properly tamed, and until we manage to clear the path for our fleets, I am afraid our limited presence will have to rely on whatever allies we can get against the wide plethora of das feindliche wesen.

Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-21-2021

[Image: 4a9cf8326e1c779fde76a080064b29d3.png]
Source: Hudson
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Recipient: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Liberty assist in Hudson

Guten Abend,

It appers the Libertyhave realized what we have - Hudson is under siege by varied unlawful menace. To protect our joint custody of the system we must work together. And Liberty have delivered in a big way - sending an entire capital ship to protect the vital trade route, The Liberty Siege Cruiser LNS-Allen.M.Summer

Joint Patrol
After brief discussion of the recent turbulence in the system we have proceeded to patrol the area.
That Liberty takes the situation in Hudson very seriously and they sent some of their more skilled commanders became clear very quickly, as the Cruiser dispatched of an Outcast Warship MNS-Anaranjada. It appears there is some sort of a hideout in one of the Hudson fields as I was swarmed by hidden defenses and fighter craft and Sumner had to contain the Outcast threat heroically alone.

Chaotic situation
What happened next makes me seriously worry about the safety of the vital trade corridor. The Xenos XA-Ridgenose, XA-Cobra and Red.Snake, two of which I toyed with yesterday when protecting out ALG transport, were joined by a Donau-Class cruiser that became strangely aggressive towards us, RNC-Einbeck|Aoi

I was quickly targetted by the Xeno snubcraft, who ignored the strange cruiser - I suppose making a fool out of them yesterday made made them hold a grudge - and I barely escaped with my life, and injured had to retreat just as KAM|OLt.Suess has arrived at the scene to assist the Libertonian.

I suggest further cooperation with Liberty, all other matters aside, both houses lose out big time if trade ceases through the all important Hudson. Situations like these need to be attemted to be contained:

Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-22-2021

[Image: a012e99dab07ea26ac8180fd83326218.png]
Source: Omega-48
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Great Victory

Guten Abend,

The Omega-48 landscape has changed. Rheinland is officially stepping in und we have been tasked with protecting our corporations.One corporate hero does not need protecting - the amazing {DHC}Felix.Winter dove head first into a massive battle with A Nomad Power Cell wielding battlecruiser and the Coalition.

Coalition Bomber, Two Cruisers a Gunboat and Battlecruiser have felt the wrath of Rheinland and the assisting Core vessel WV-Havoc.

Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-23-2021

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: München
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Fleet skirmish with The Corsairs.

Guten Abend,

Whilst serving as gunnery of the Donau cruiser [RM]KKS-Spree I have witnessed a battle against a Corsair fleet in Omicron Xi side by side with [RM]RWK-Wolfsheim and BDM|RNC-Balder cosisting of assortment of Dreadnoughts, Battlecruiser and bombers HEART-TICKER, El.Arca, Grim-_Reaper, Black.Raven, Baruuk. We have held out long enough for the secondary fleet reinforcements to arrive at the scene, but due to massive torpedo bombardment from their fleet were forced to retreat.

I heard rumors that the Corsair fleet was eventually subdued by the secondary fleet heroes, but only with heavy losses on our side - the border skirmish of Omicron Xi and Munich appears to have reached as stalemate, we safely keep them out of reach of threatening our bases directly, but conquest of Omicron Xi itself could prove most difficult and not worth it. Especially with the 80 year war still in Rheinland's bitter memories.

Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-25-2021

[Image: de4ac13d9a266210ba4f18b6d32d3b0c.png]
Source: Omega-11
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Scientist Security Duty

Guten Abend,

Today I have been assigned to the Forschungsschiff [RM]F-Meteor dispatched to secure missions of 3rd party scientists commmisioned by Rheinland . Destination? Omega-11. Purpose? Escapes me. The delegation boarded our ship with their heavy equipment and proceeded to do .... their thing I suppose.

This was my first time in the System and it was bizzare to say the least. We have encountered the Daumann Colossus Meier.Daumann mining Uncut diamonds on his lonesome. I have no idea how he did it, but Meier managed to fill his ship full of Uncut diamonds singlehandedly.

We have then encountered the science vessel NEX-Pionero and the eggheads we were protecting on board seemed to hit it off with the crew, even went so far as to join forces in their research. Despite my protests I might add, the area is so dangerous the Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr is dispatched to safeguard them and they just engage in cooperation with a random 3rd party vessel?

Yes it was exciting in a way to get to visit the system, but when I said indulging in routine would be healthy after the Civil War and Cologne cleanup, I didn't have babysitting eggheads who disregard objections and trust a stranger in mind exactly.

Nevertheless, mission was a success, I could gather that the scientists got the data they needed, and I feel like I am ready for more...exciting assignments again.
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 08-28-2021

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Hudson
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Patrol report

Guten Abend,

Today I was joined on patrol by RM-Manfred.Richthofen. It was his first live patrol, his conduct was excellent, he followed orders to the letter, acted professionaly and bravely. He would make a fine addition to Kaiserliche Rheinwehr!

We have patrolled multiple systems, and a most unusual event happened in Hudson.

A large gathering of the Technocrats and a to a base. Nobody wanted to admit to affiliation to the hostile base until we mentioned possible need to dismantle it. The researcher Ridge claimed ownership and set the defenses as neutral towards us.

This was a most unusual gathering, one of the Technocrats on a "Hel" cruiser our criminals like to use, strange at first hostile base in the middle of nowhere - I wonder what they were up to in there. Nevertheless, it was not our place to stick around and we have returned to Hamburg.

[27.08.2021 21:25:18] The year is 828 A.S (744 A.G.S), 28 years after the events of Freelancer.
[27.08.2021 21:26:43] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Hallo
[27.08.2021 21:26:49] [RM]Mutig: Guten tag!
[27.08.2021 21:26:56] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Guten tag
[27.08.2021 21:27:04] [RM]Mutig: Off on patrol, Care to join?
[27.08.2021 21:27:08] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Ok
[27.08.2021 21:27:35] [RM]Mutig: very well
[27.08.2021 21:27:48] [RM]Mutig: Care to take the lead?
[27.08.2021 21:27:59] [RM]Mutig: Or are you ready to join formation
[27.08.2021 21:28:08] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I join
[27.08.2021 21:28:11] [RM]Mutig: very well
[27.08.2021 21:28:13] [RM]Mutig: Join formation
[27.08.2021 21:28:28] [RM]Mutig: Let us patrol Rheinland! For the Emperor, for the People!
[27.08.2021 21:28:42] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Weapons ready
[27.08.2021 21:28:44] [RM]Mutig: How long have you been with the Rheinlan Militar soldier?
[27.08.2021 21:28:50] [RM]Mutig: Rheinland rather
[27.08.2021 21:28:51] Changing screen mode=full
[27.08.2021 21:28:53] Death: High_Lord_Tamigin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 21:28:59] Death: Oprixy.Scrapper suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[27.08.2021 21:29:02] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: My first day
[27.08.2021 21:29:17] [RM]Mutig: Well, good luck!
[27.08.2021 21:29:17] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I am at my first patrol
[27.08.2021 21:29:23] [RM]Mutig: What made you to deciee to join our ranks
[27.08.2021 21:29:33] [RM]Mutig: Proceeding to Frankfurt
[27.08.2021 21:29:45] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: to serve rheinland
[27.08.2021 21:30:01] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: And defend our empire
[27.08.2021 21:30:01] [RM]Mutig: A commendable purpose!
[27.08.2021 21:30:38] [RM]Mutig: Some are still touchy about the use of the word "Empire" between you and I
[27.08.2021 21:30:53] [RM]Mutig: House of Rheinland they call us, even though we have our emperor!
[27.08.2021 21:31:09] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Ok
[27.08.2021 21:31:15] [RM]Mutig: Well none of that matters, we are here for the Emperor and our People!
[27.08.2021 21:31:32] [RM]Mutig: Being this your firstday
[27.08.2021 21:31:38] [RM]Mutig: Are you ready for a difficult patrol?
[27.08.2021 21:31:39] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Exactly mein freund
[27.08.2021 21:31:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ya
[27.08.2021 21:32:05] [RM]Mutig: Depto please hold
[27.08.2021 21:32:11] [RM]Mutig: Let us inspect the builder
[27.08.2021 21:32:14] Tip: You were a new player once. If you see someone making obvious mistakes, talk to them and help them.
[27.08.2021 21:32:39] Death: Freiburg was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 21:32:57] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Halt
[27.08.2021 21:33:09] Marco.Hindermann: Not RP ready))
[27.08.2021 21:33:14] [RM]Mutig: This little vessel is not worth pursuing
[27.08.2021 21:33:20] Marco.Hindermann: Just restarted))
[27.08.2021 21:33:24] [RM]Mutig: We shall inspect the Base constructor
[27.08.2021 21:33:27] [RM]Mutig: proceed
[27.08.2021 21:34:42] [RM]Mutig: Let us split up, circular pattern around the system, you take the right tradelane I take the left
[27.08.2021 21:34:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Roger that
[27.08.2021 21:34:55] [RM]Mutig: Meeting point - Bonn station
[27.08.2021 21:34:58] [RM]Mutig: Report if you have a contact
[27.08.2021 21:35:46] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: All clear at Essen Station
[27.08.2021 21:36:01] [RM]Mutig: Wildau Clear, proceeding to Bonn
[27.08.2021 21:36:40] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: In am at Bonn. All is clear
[27.08.2021 21:36:59] [RM]Mutig: All clear Richthofen, we lost the builder. Let's proceed with original patrol
[27.08.2021 21:37:00] [RM]Mutig: join formation
[27.08.2021 21:37:09] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: On formation
[27.08.2021 21:38:24] [RM]Mutig: Patrol commencing at Planet Neu Berlin
[27.08.2021 21:38:33] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Crazy.Critter
[27.08.2021 21:38:33] [RM]Mutig: We have been re-directed towards Hudson
[27.08.2021 21:39:06] [RM]Mutig: Hello Junker
[27.08.2021 21:39:11] [RM]Mutig: Please hold for scan
[27.08.2021 21:39:21] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Crazy.Critter
[27.08.2021 21:39:23] [RM]Mutig: It's Richthofen's first patrol over here!
[27.08.2021 21:39:25] Stirling-Bridge: Again? Another one who try to kill me? What happen to you rheinlanders?
[27.08.2021 21:39:41] [RM]Mutig: Sir please calm down, this is a routine patrol
[27.08.2021 21:39:50] [RM]Mutig: Our Recruit here will perform an inspection
[27.08.2021 21:39:56] [RM]Mutig: I assume you do not object?
[27.08.2021 21:39:59] Stirling-Bridge: First a damn battleship almost kill me, and now you shoot me... damn...
[27.08.2021 21:40:08] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: If all is legal you don't have to fear
[27.08.2021 21:40:19] [RM]Mutig: That is exactly right
[27.08.2021 21:40:25] [RM]Mutig: Why was a battleship shooting you?
[27.08.2021 21:40:42] Stirling-Bridge: Because... "I see you red in my scanners"!
[27.08.2021 21:40:54] Stirling-Bridge: Bloody bas... damn
[27.08.2021 21:41:02] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Tobbaco, Holo-bands!
[27.08.2021 21:41:05] Changing screen mode=windowed
[27.08.2021 21:41:18] [RM]Mutig: Now Now recruit, it is not on us to judge
[27.08.2021 21:41:30] [RM]Mutig: We must consult our laws to see if the commodities are illegal or not
[27.08.2021 21:41:36] [RM]Mutig: Personal opinion aside
[27.08.2021 21:41:46] [RM]Mutig: What are holobands exactly Junker?
[27.08.2021 21:41:47] Stirling-Bridge: I like my tobacco
[27.08.2021 21:42:12] Stirling-Bridge: They are a gallic thing, to make virtual worlds, to relax after work
[27.08.2021 21:42:48] [RM]Mutig: Well Richthofen, all yours - do you deem the Junker fine to proceed?
[27.08.2021 21:42:56] Changing screen mode=full
[27.08.2021 21:43:06] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: im reading the law
[27.08.2021 21:43:11] [RM]Mutig: Excellent
[27.08.2021 21:43:20] [RM]Mutig: Please hope you do not mind civilian
[27.08.2021 21:43:39] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: he can herr Mutig
[27.08.2021 21:43:40] Stirling-Bridge: Yeah, right, because if I care... Fire!
[27.08.2021 21:43:54] [RM]Mutig: Now now
[27.08.2021 21:43:57] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: All is well
[27.08.2021 21:43:59] [RM]Mutig: Not sure who you met before
[27.08.2021 21:44:04] [RM]Mutig: But all is well
[27.08.2021 21:44:12] [RM]Mutig: we are just here to serve the Emperor and the People
[27.08.2021 21:44:21] [RM]Mutig: You are clear to proceed! thank you for your patience
[27.08.2021 21:44:30] [RM]Mutig: Resuming patrol
[27.08.2021 21:44:39] [RM]Mutig: Join formation Richthofen
[27.08.2021 21:44:45] Stirling-Bridge: Yeah, except when you are insane commanders of a battleship, goodby
[27.08.2021 21:44:47] [RM]Mutig: Safe skies civilian
[27.08.2021 21:45:00] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Acthung there
[27.08.2021 21:45:07] [RM]Mutig: I seem to have tanek the wrong turn *laughs*
[27.08.2021 21:45:31] [RM]Mutig: Well, I am just a Flieger myself
[27.08.2021 21:45:44] [RM]Mutig: Joined just merely a few weeks ago *laughs*
[27.08.2021 21:46:01] [RM]Mutig: I am of course just kidding Manfred
[27.08.2021 21:46:06] [RM]Mutig: I was showing you what not to do!
[27.08.2021 21:46:09] [RM]Mutig: Purely intentional
[27.08.2021 21:46:22] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: We can try to became more powerfull and be the commander of bigger ships
[27.08.2021 21:46:38] [RM]Mutig: Well, it's not the size of the ship that matters
[27.08.2021 21:46:39] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Hessians
[27.08.2021 21:46:51] [RM]Mutig: engage them
[27.08.2021 21:46:58] [RM]Mutig: you will not escape Criminals!
[27.08.2021 21:47:05] A $57.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 21:47:10] A $57.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 21:47:17] [RM]Mutig: Excellent job
[27.08.2021 21:47:17] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: All clear
[27.08.2021 21:47:21] [RM]Mutig: let us proceed
[27.08.2021 21:47:29] [RM]Mutig: Good eye there!
[27.08.2021 21:47:42] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Hudson is part of our frontier
[27.08.2021 21:48:25] [RM]Mutig: That is correct, We let the bounty hunters be the law in the system as agreed with Liberty
[27.08.2021 21:48:36] [RM]Mutig: However our admiral commanded us
[27.08.2021 21:49:04] [RM]Mutig: To increase patrols in the system, as our traders have been disrupted by criminals
[27.08.2021 21:49:16] [RM]Mutig: Bounty Hunters cannot be relied upon it turns out
[27.08.2021 21:49:24] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I see...
[27.08.2021 21:49:52] A bounty pool worth $115.200 credits for 2 kills has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 21:50:34] [RM]Mutig: Our Admiral's flagship was heavily damaged by the Xenos recently
[27.08.2021 21:50:49] [RM]Mutig: in Hudson. Now we have a bonus on any criminals we catch there
[27.08.2021 21:51:31] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Are the xenos well equiped there?
[27.08.2021 21:51:44] [RM]Mutig: Not as well equipped as numerous
[27.08.2021 21:51:46] [RM]Mutig: and without restrain
[27.08.2021 21:52:00] [RM]Mutig: Terrorists can be hard to contain
[27.08.2021 21:52:13] [RM]Mutig: They rarely use direct power but use smaller craft and cowardly tactics
[27.08.2021 21:52:16] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: We'll try to do our best for Rheinland
[27.08.2021 21:52:34] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[27.08.2021 21:52:37] [RM]Mutig: very well, when in the system we shall continuously patrol
[27.08.2021 21:53:02] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: And fight all menaces..
[27.08.2021 21:53:04] [RM]Mutig: Now Rheinland officially is just the southern part, but Liberty be damned - let us patrol their hald also
[27.08.2021 21:53:12] Death: GoIlum was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 21:53:13] [RM]Mutig: half rather
[27.08.2021 21:53:25] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: So, we can't trust them... Liberty
[27.08.2021 21:53:48] [RM]Mutig: Well we can trust their intentions, I am not sure we can trust their competence, this system is causing a lot of issues  latelr
[27.08.2021 21:53:51] [RM]Mutig: lately
[27.08.2021 21:53:59] [RM]Mutig: But see here manitoba station
[27.08.2021 21:54:07] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I understand
[27.08.2021 21:54:12] [RM]Mutig: it is supposed to be overflowing with bounty hunters who keep the system safe
[27.08.2021 21:54:13] Death: 46th|J:Creed was put out of action by [R]-Radical.Randy (Gun).
[27.08.2021 21:54:27] [RM]Mutig: that was the agreement between us and Liberty and Bounty hunters
[27.08.2021 21:54:32] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Yes it is a Bounty Hunter base
[27.08.2021 21:54:35] [RM]Mutig: but they are nowhere to be seen
[27.08.2021 21:54:44] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I wonder why!
[27.08.2021 21:54:45] [RM]Mutig: And when they are they refused to engage the xenos
[27.08.2021 21:54:49] [RM]Mutig: coward!
[27.08.2021 21:54:53] [RM]Mutig: very well, resume patrol
[27.08.2021 21:55:04] [RM]Mutig: This is why we have to patrol ourselves
[27.08.2021 21:55:21] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Texas gate
[27.08.2021 21:55:25] [RM]Mutig: Clear
[27.08.2021 21:55:34] [RM]Mutig: Resume
[27.08.2021 21:55:38] [RM]Mutig: We shall do several more laps
[27.08.2021 21:56:17] Changing screen mode=windowed
[27.08.2021 21:56:41] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I am very proud of being here!
[27.08.2021 21:57:00] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Enemies on scanner
[27.08.2021 21:57:11] [RM]Mutig: Rogues spotted
[27.08.2021 21:57:16] [RM]Mutig: Take them down!
[27.08.2021 21:57:33] A $268.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 21:57:45] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 21:57:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Clear
[27.08.2021 21:57:52] [RM]Mutig: This is the Rheinland Militar patrol lead by Jonas Wagner, Fl. Resuming patrol
[27.08.2021 21:58:01] [RM]Mutig: Excellent
[27.08.2021 21:58:06] [RM]Mutig: Move out
[27.08.2021 21:58:09] Death: 46th|P.Benson was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 21:58:13] [RM]Mutig: Tradelanes got damaged in the skirmish
[27.08.2021 21:58:15] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: On formation
[27.08.2021 21:59:11] [RM]Mutig: All clear
[27.08.2021 21:59:36] [RM]Mutig: Now is not exactly protocol but the criminals really have been causing issues
[27.08.2021 21:59:51] A bounty pool worth $470.400 credits for 2 kills has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 21:59:55] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Three enenies in this system
[27.08.2021 22:00:07] Death: 46th|Aden.Tanner; was put out of action by [R]-Radical.Randy (Gun).
[27.08.2021 22:00:09] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Xenos maybe
[27.08.2021 22:00:16] [RM]Mutig: Returning to Atka!
[27.08.2021 22:00:31] [RM]Mutig: very well Manfred
[27.08.2021 22:00:39] [RM]Mutig: it is your first day and not exactly protocol
[27.08.2021 22:00:49] [RM]Mutig: But I say we leavethe confines of tradelanes
[27.08.2021 22:00:57] [RM]Mutig: and take our patrols inside the fields
[27.08.2021 22:01:16] [RM]Mutig: you have shown great skill so far, let's go for it, join formation
[27.08.2021 22:01:55] [RM]Mutig: The criminals must be crawling from somewhere
[27.08.2021 22:02:12] [RM]Mutig: I wouldn't mind that nice bonus from the Admiral for catching them
[27.08.2021 22:02:25] [RM]Mutig: Xenos spotted
[27.08.2021 22:02:25] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I can see 4 unadentified ships at Hudson, at my deep scanners
[27.08.2021 22:02:41] [RM]Mutig: take them down
[27.08.2021 22:02:46] [RM]Mutig: This is Wagner, going in!
[27.08.2021 22:02:48] A $268.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:03:02] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:03:12] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:03:23] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:03:33] [RM]Mutig: All clear, well done, rejoin formation
[27.08.2021 22:03:48] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: On formations herr commander
[27.08.2021 22:04:23] [RM]Mutig: I suppose I am the Kommandant here :feels proud: even though I do have the lowest rank of Flieger in the Primary fleet
[27.08.2021 22:04:39] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: plataforms
[27.08.2021 22:04:40] [RM]Mutig: Xeno vessel ahead
[27.08.2021 22:04:49] [RM]Mutig: This is not good
[27.08.2021 22:04:57] [RM]Mutig: Appears there are some weaponised rocks
[27.08.2021 22:04:58] Death: High_Lord_Tamigin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 22:05:01] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:05:10] [RM]Mutig: And bounty hunters, at last
[27.08.2021 22:05:32] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: He is fleeing
[27.08.2021 22:05:59] [RM]Mutig: Something doesn't feel right here
[27.08.2021 22:06:10] A $48.000 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:06:49] A $57.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:07:04] A $57.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:07:17] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:07:31] [RM]Mutig: Area seems to be teaming with Xeno presence
[27.08.2021 22:07:49] [RM]Mutig: let us proceed
[27.08.2021 22:07:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I can see a base
[27.08.2021 22:07:58] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Barrow base
[27.08.2021 22:08:14] [RM]Mutig: I just see some large rocks
[27.08.2021 22:08:14] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Maybe is their hideout
[27.08.2021 22:08:30] [RM]Mutig: Maybe your scanners are being disrupted by the field?
[27.08.2021 22:08:33] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: More Xenos
[27.08.2021 22:08:39] RNC-Njord: *Incoming transmission | Accept: Y/N*
[27.08.2021 22:08:51] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:08:57] [RM]Mutig: Y
[27.08.2021 22:09:11] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:09:18] [RM]Mutig: We have an incoming transmittion from RNC-Njord
[27.08.2021 22:09:22] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:09:37] Death: Lucius was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 22:09:37] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:09:44] RNC-Njord: Moritz: Flottilenkapitan Leon Moritz speaking, we are in need of support here. There is an unknown ship nearby.
[27.08.2021 22:09:48] [RM]Mutig: let's move out for now
[27.08.2021 22:09:51] A bounty pool worth $2.246.400 credits for 13 kills has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 22:09:54] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Roger that
[27.08.2021 22:10:17] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Sucess i supose, but they are to many
[27.08.2021 22:10:19] [RM]Mutig: We have received an emergency broadcast from RNC-Njord
[27.08.2021 22:10:26] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Roger
[27.08.2021 22:10:30] [RM]Mutig: They are in need of assistance
[27.08.2021 22:10:34] [RM]Mutig: Asking for location
[27.08.2021 22:10:46] RNC-Njord: Moritz: Destination of it is unknown, but so far, it appears to be heading towards Tangier. Snubcraft support would be of much-
[27.08.2021 22:10:48] RNC-Njord: -use.
[27.08.2021 22:10:51] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Omega 48
[27.08.2021 22:11:04] [RM]Mutig: Roger, please state your location. Flieger Wagner and recruit Richthofen on approach
[27.08.2021 22:11:13] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I think we can go by Dresden
[27.08.2021 22:11:25] [RM]Mutig: //right in roleplay we don't know about player list :}
[27.08.2021 22:11:32] Death: Sham was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 22:11:42] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: //ok
[27.08.2021 22:11:57] [RM]Mutig: we can talk about it in group, but "pretend" we don't see it in game as it's not what our character would know :)
[27.08.2021 22:12:23] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Do we already noe their location
[27.08.2021 22:12:25] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ?
[27.08.2021 22:12:44] /fm njord inv
[27.08.2021 22:12:44] [RM]Mutig: inv
[27.08.2021 22:12:54] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @
[27.08.2021 22:13:06] /fi manfred
[27.08.2021 22:13:18] /fi manfred
[27.08.2021 22:13:44] [RM]Mutig: The Core vessel was clean Manfred, proceed
[27.08.2021 22:14:01] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Roger that
[27.08.2021 22:14:01] [RM]Mutig: hey njord, we are moving from hamburg
[27.08.2021 22:14:25] RNC-Njord: M: The unknown contact has dissapeared. Grand Vista is clear.
[27.08.2021 22:14:32] RNC-Njord: //keep it inRP till you get here
[27.08.2021 22:14:50] [RM]Mutig: Roger, do you still need us?
[27.08.2021 22:14:57] [RM]Mutig: Or do we proceed with our Hudson patrol
[27.08.2021 22:15:14] RNC-Njord: M: Negative. You may resume your patrol at once. Danke for the swift response.
[27.08.2021 22:15:25] [RM]Mutig: Understood
[27.08.2021 22:15:28] [RM]Mutig: Returning to Hudson
[27.08.2021 22:15:35] [RM]Mutig: wait for us if you can
[27.08.2021 22:15:46] [RM]Mutig: have a new guy that'd like to escort
[27.08.2021 22:16:42] [RM]Mutig: Seems like Njord has handled the situation
[27.08.2021 22:16:45] [RM]Mutig: Proceed to Hudson
[27.08.2021 22:17:17] Changing screen mode=full
[27.08.2021 22:18:01] [RM]Mutig: Very well, you take the dradelanes, I shall patrol the fields
[27.08.2021 22:18:05] [RM]Mutig: report any activity
[27.08.2021 22:18:22] Changing screen mode=windowed
[27.08.2021 22:18:49] [RM]Mutig: Wonder what Njord Actual needed of us! Seems like the situation was resolved Quickly
[27.08.2021 22:18:59] [RM]Mutig: There is a newly discovered supersystem
[27.08.2021 22:19:04] [RM]Mutig: the Omega-48
[27.08.2021 22:19:06] Death: Clownpiece was put out of action by [R]-Radical.Randy (Gun).
[27.08.2021 22:19:09] [RM]Mutig: A joining of two previous systems
[27.08.2021 22:19:18] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Cold Bay is clear
[27.08.2021 22:19:30] [RM]Mutig: All clear here
[27.08.2021 22:19:44] A/)-Revenant: Speaking of John, he will undoubtedly be hostile with us.
[27.08.2021 22:19:47] A/)-Revenant: He did attempt to trespass. Again.
[27.08.2021 22:19:50] [RM]Mutig: contact
[27.08.2021 22:19:54] A/)-ACV-Cepheus: H: Contact.
[27.08.2021 22:19:54] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Texas Jumpgate is clear
[27.08.2021 22:19:56] Ridge:  ...great, the Military is- huh? Fair enough.
[27.08.2021 22:19:58] [RM]Mutig: 5E Top
[27.08.2021 22:19:59] A/)-Revenant: Neutral. Rheinlander.
[27.08.2021 22:20:04] Changing screen mode=full
[27.08.2021 22:20:12] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: I am heading there
[27.08.2021 22:20:18] [RM]Mutig: guten tag!
[27.08.2021 22:20:18] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: 30 k
[27.08.2021 22:20:23] Ridge: Uh-huh...hi.
[27.08.2021 22:20:53] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: More xenos!
[27.08.2021 22:21:03] A/)-Revenant:  ... anyway...
[27.08.2021 22:21:06] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: It is Barrow base
[27.08.2021 22:21:16] [RM]Mutig: Disregard the activity Richthofen, we have a strange installation
[27.08.2021 22:21:23] A/)-Lazurith: What?
[27.08.2021 22:21:26] Ridge:  ...really?
[27.08.2021 22:21:30] A/)-ACV-Cepheus: H: Do you require something?
[27.08.2021 22:21:32] [RM]Mutig: Well Auxesians
[27.08.2021 22:21:34] A/)-Lazurith: Does... does this happen to you every day?
[27.08.2021 22:21:36] A/)-Revenant: Technocrats.
[27.08.2021 22:21:37] Ridge: Strange? A Research Station is strange to you.
[27.08.2021 22:21:51] [RM]Mutig: Technocrats!
[27.08.2021 22:21:53] Ridge: More often than you'd think, Laz.
[27.08.2021 22:21:59] [RM]Mutig: Manfred welcome
[27.08.2021 22:22:07] [RM]Mutig: What do you know of the technocracy
[27.08.2021 22:22:12] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Hallo gentlemen
[27.08.2021 22:22:15] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:22:17] Death: Clownpiece was put out of action by [R]-Radical.Randy (Gun).
[27.08.2021 22:22:28] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:22:45] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:22:53] A/)-ACV-Cepheus: H: Any inquiry you have of the Technocracy I'm sure I can answer.
[27.08.2021 22:22:55] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:23:13] A/)-Revenant: There are official communications for such political inquiries, I highly advise you utilize them.
[27.08.2021 22:23:13] [RM]Mutig: It is Manfred's first patrol in Rheinland Militar today
[27.08.2021 22:23:19] [RM]Mutig: We appreciate your patience
[27.08.2021 22:23:34] A/)-ACV-Cepheus: H: Understood.
[27.08.2021 22:23:41] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: We are only doing our duty
[27.08.2021 22:23:45] [RM]Mutig: manfred are you familiar with the Faction represented here?
[27.08.2021 22:23:56] Death: HS>Marsaxlokk suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[27.08.2021 22:23:56] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Never saw them
[27.08.2021 22:24:09] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Since i am at RM
[27.08.2021 22:24:30] [RM]Mutig: They have been classied as officially neutral by the Holstein accords by our Government
[27.08.2021 22:24:42] Death: -Minatore.Esotico- suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[27.08.2021 22:24:50] [RM]Mutig: I do not know about them mych myself, just that their haulers took part of the Civil war
[27.08.2021 22:25:08] [RM]Mutig: Technocrats
[27.08.2021 22:25:14] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Maybe they can introduce theirselves
[27.08.2021 22:25:19] [RM]Mutig: perhaps you would indulge Richthofen here
[27.08.2021 22:25:28] A/)-Revenant: We are not a history tour.
[27.08.2021 22:25:29] [RM]Mutig: And tell us what you stand for?
[27.08.2021 22:26:01] [RM]Mutig: Understood
[27.08.2021 22:26:10] [RM]Mutig: Richthofen appears there is a modular installation
[27.08.2021 22:26:12] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: What about their cargo, is it all legal?
[27.08.2021 22:26:12] [RM]Mutig: can you see it too?
[27.08.2021 22:26:17] A/)-Revenant: Science, knowledge, progress. That is all you need to know.
[27.08.2021 22:26:31] [RM]Mutig: We do not have the mandate to scan for contraband
[27.08.2021 22:26:34] [RM]Mutig: In the Hudson system
[27.08.2021 22:26:34] Death: 46th|P.Benson was put out of action by 46th|Seb.Muller (Mine).
[27.08.2021 22:26:49] [RM]Mutig: sadly, the matter of "law" was passed to the bounty Hunters
[27.08.2021 22:26:55] Ridge: There's no contraband here whatsoever, either way.
[27.08.2021 22:26:56] [RM]Mutig: That are not doing their jobs I might add
[27.08.2021 22:27:12] [RM]Mutig: Now do you see this station as well?
[27.08.2021 22:27:30] Death: 46th|Seb.Muller suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[27.08.2021 22:27:30] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: MAybe we can have a beer there!
[27.08.2021 22:27:37] Death: APM-Industrial.Momentum was put out of action by Mind.Predator (Gun).
[27.08.2021 22:27:44] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Can we?
[27.08.2021 22:27:45] Ridge: U- Uh...I'd very much like to be alone, thank you.
[27.08.2021 22:27:45] [RM]Mutig: it appears it is shooting at us!
[27.08.2021 22:28:00] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: It is hostile!!!
[27.08.2021 22:28:01] [RM]Mutig: Are you in any way associated with the installation technocrats
[27.08.2021 22:28:14] [RM]Mutig: It would appear so
[27.08.2021 22:28:18] A/)-Revenant: You make assumptions.
[27.08.2021 22:28:27] [RM]Mutig: I was merely asking a question!
[27.08.2021 22:28:33] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: It is firing at Rheiland Ships!
[27.08.2021 22:28:36] A/)-Revenant: "It would appear so" - is an assumption.
[27.08.2021 22:28:37] [RM]Mutig: No offense intended sir
[27.08.2021 22:28:50] [RM]Mutig: It appears to be shooting at us
[27.08.2021 22:28:55] [RM]Mutig: that was my assumption
[27.08.2021 22:29:02] A/)-Revenant: That is not an assumption.
[27.08.2021 22:29:14] [RM]Mutig: Very well
[27.08.2021 22:29:16] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: So?
[27.08.2021 22:29:20] [RM]Mutig: manfred document the station
[27.08.2021 22:29:29] [RM]Mutig: it will be taken down by the Rheinland Militar
[27.08.2021 22:29:34] Ridge: Sure...
[27.08.2021 22:29:34] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ~It is mapped Herr commander
[27.08.2021 22:29:35] [RM]Mutig: Do not fire just yet
[27.08.2021 22:29:42] A/)-Revenant: Hostilities against civilians?
[27.08.2021 22:29:47] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ~F4
[27.08.2021 22:29:49] [RM]Mutig: Civilians?
[27.08.2021 22:29:51] A bounty pool worth $806.400 credits for 4 kills has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 22:30:00] A/)-Revenant: Until you know the identity, assume it is neutral.
[27.08.2021 22:30:01] [RM]Mutig: Do you have information that this is a civilian base?
[27.08.2021 22:30:06] Death: Lucius was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[27.08.2021 22:30:09] A/)-Revenant: Do you know that it is not?
[27.08.2021 22:30:10] Ridge: It's my home, Officer.
[27.08.2021 22:30:21] [RM]Mutig: Ah I see - why didn't you say so!
[27.08.2021 22:30:32] Ridge: Uh-huh...
[27.08.2021 22:30:32] [RM]Mutig: We did inquire if anyone is affiliated with said station
[27.08.2021 22:30:46] [RM]Mutig: Very well, state your purpose of your installation please
[27.08.2021 22:30:54] A/)-Revenant: What is the name of it?
[27.08.2021 22:30:56] [RM]Mutig: it appears it's defenses are malfunctioning
[27.08.2021 22:31:00] Ridge: Abrams Research Station. It does what the name states.
[27.08.2021 22:31:22] [RM]Mutig: Any reason why the defense systems would fire at the Rheinland Militar?
[27.08.2021 22:31:23] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: What kind of research i wonder!
[27.08.2021 22:31:28] [RM]Mutig: And yes
[27.08.2021 22:31:37] [RM]Mutig: Great question - what sort of research if you do not mind telling
[27.08.2021 22:31:39] Ridge: I am not keen on sharing that, sadly.
[27.08.2021 22:32:04] [RM]Mutig: Now what of the accidental shooting of our units
[27.08.2021 22:32:14] [RM]Mutig: A malfunction perhaps?
[27.08.2021 22:32:45] Ridge: There's been a theft a few weeks ago. The Station's AI was set to target all non-authorized vessels.
[27.08.2021 22:32:48] A $201.600 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:33:09] /fi emily
[27.08.2021 22:33:11] Ridge: Provided you docked at Manitoba or Atka, your credentials could be updated.
[27.08.2021 22:33:13] Rules Tip: Pirates can issue only one cargo or monetary demand per encounter. Telling the trader to stop is not a demand, however, if they ignore the request, they can be shot down without issuing further demands.
[27.08.2021 22:33:19] [RM]Mutig: hello
[27.08.2021 22:33:20] RM|Emily.Moor: hello?
[27.08.2021 22:33:24] RM|Emily.Moor: so
[27.08.2021 22:33:24] [RM]Mutig: we have a hostile PoB here
[27.08.2021 22:33:30] [RM]Mutig: if you want to take a look
[27.08.2021 22:33:31] RM|Emily.Moor: hostile pob?
[27.08.2021 22:33:32] Ridge: You could return afterwards to resume the convo'.
[27.08.2021 22:33:34] [RM]Mutig: yeah
[27.08.2021 22:33:35] RM|Emily.Moor: where?
[27.08.2021 22:33:38] [RM]Mutig: hudson
[27.08.2021 22:33:44] RM|Emily.Moor: ahhh that thingg
[27.08.2021 22:33:49] RM|Emily.Moor: uh is it above the sun?
[27.08.2021 22:33:53] [RM]Mutig: no
[27.08.2021 22:33:55] [RM]Mutig: on pkane
[27.08.2021 22:33:57] [RM]Mutig: plane
[27.08.2021 22:34:00] [RM]Mutig: it's Ridge's
[27.08.2021 22:34:00] RM|Emily.Moor: oh
[27.08.2021 22:34:03] [RM]Mutig: Miaous
[27.08.2021 22:34:06] [RM]Mutig: Aux and he is here
[27.08.2021 22:34:10] [RM]Mutig: if you want to roleplay :)
[27.08.2021 22:34:17] [RM]Mutig: we could siege it
[27.08.2021 22:34:17] RM|Emily.Moor: well i was told there was a pob above the sun and not worry about it i guess this is a new one
[27.08.2021 22:34:18] [RM]Mutig: it's red
[27.08.2021 22:34:22] [RM]Mutig: yes
[27.08.2021 22:34:39] [RM]Mutig: Very well
[27.08.2021 22:35:00] [RM]Mutig: manfred let's go to Manitoba to reset our systems
[27.08.2021 22:35:01] [RM]Mutig: and return
[27.08.2021 22:35:10] RM|Emily.Moor: so whats the name of the pob?
[27.08.2021 22:35:14] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Roger that herr commander
[27.08.2021 22:35:20] [RM]Mutig: Let's give the researcher time to orrect the mistake
[27.08.2021 22:35:41] [RM]Mutig: what was the name aghain
[27.08.2021 22:35:43] [RM]Mutig: manfred
[27.08.2021 22:35:48] RM|Emily.Moor: manfred?
[27.08.2021 22:35:51] RM|Emily.Moor: hm alright
[27.08.2021 22:35:53] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ~Yes?
[27.08.2021 22:35:54] [RM]Mutig: manfred is my frient here :D
[27.08.2021 22:35:58] RM|Emily.Moor: oh oh
[27.08.2021 22:36:04] [RM]Mutig: Opinions?
[27.08.2021 22:36:05] RM|Emily.Moor: my bad
[27.08.2021 22:36:06] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Hallo
[27.08.2021 22:36:07] RM|Milan: I will name all my chars after birbs
[27.08.2021 22:36:09] [RM]Mutig: Do you trust that researcher?
[27.08.2021 22:36:11] RM|Milan: no one will stop me
[27.08.2021 22:36:29] RM|Emily.Moor: are you guys not at the pob?
[27.08.2021 22:36:37] [RM]Mutig: we dock undock
[27.08.2021 22:36:44] [RM]Mutig: he might reset defenses
[27.08.2021 22:36:46] RM|Emily.Moor: so your on the pob?
[27.08.2021 22:36:50] [RM]Mutig: no
[27.08.2021 22:36:57] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: ~The POB is easy to find
[27.08.2021 22:36:58] [RM]Mutig: 4F
[27.08.2021 22:36:59] [RM]Mutig: bottom
[27.08.2021 22:37:04] [RM]Mutig: on plane
[27.08.2021 22:37:05] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: In the plane
[27.08.2021 22:37:08] [RM]Mutig: auxesians are there
[27.08.2021 22:37:12] [RM]Mutig: ok when we get to base
[27.08.2021 22:37:18] RM|Emily.Moor: well alright but im curious what the name is just so that i know if its a new pob or not
[27.08.2021 22:37:18] [RM]Mutig: dock and F1+ select the same character
[27.08.2021 22:37:27] [RM]Mutig: what was the name manfred :D
[27.08.2021 22:37:34] 2021-08-27 22:37:43 SMT  Traffic control alert: [RM]Mutig has requested to dock
[27.08.2021 22:37:34] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: It is a research station
[27.08.2021 22:37:40] [RM]Mutig: dock F1 and select same character
[27.08.2021 22:37:44] 2021-08-27 22:37:53 SMT  Traffic control alert: [RM]Mutig has requested to dock
[27.08.2021 22:37:45] A bounty pool worth $201.600 credits for 1 kill has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 22:37:45] Auto-Buy(Missiles): Bought 2 unit(s), cost: 4.000$
[27.08.2021 22:37:45] Auto-Buy(Repair): Cost 132$
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] Welcome to the Discovery Freelancer 24/7 RP server!
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] To see past messages and the player list, press Y.
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] To type messages and commands, press ENTER.
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] To learn about useful features, enter /help or /helpmenu.
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] Discovery is a Role-Play server!
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] Players are required by server rules to roleplay here.
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] Please read the server rule item in your cargo hold and visit for the best game experience.
[27.08.2021 22:37:50] The year is 828 A.S (744 A.G.S), 28 years after the events of Freelancer.
[27.08.2021 22:37:56] [RM]Mutig: kk manfred
[27.08.2021 22:38:02] [RM]Mutig: dock F1 select new character
[27.08.2021 22:38:06] [RM]Mutig: and select same one and undock
[27.08.2021 22:38:21] RM|Emily.Moor: ok so i know the name now
[27.08.2021 22:38:26] [RM]Mutig: wait
[27.08.2021 22:38:28] [RM]Mutig: I have full
[27.08.2021 22:38:29] Changing screen mode=windowed
[27.08.2021 22:38:49] /fi manfred
[27.08.2021 22:39:11] /fi abrams
[27.08.2021 22:39:11] ERR No chars found
[27.08.2021 22:39:16] [RM]Mutig: abrams research station
[27.08.2021 22:39:17] RM|Emily.Moor: so are you guys on atka or something?
[27.08.2021 22:39:21] [RM]Mutig: we go there now
[27.08.2021 22:39:21] RM|Emily.Moor: alright thats what i thought
[27.08.2021 22:39:23] [RM]Mutig: 7F bottom
[27.08.2021 22:39:38] [RM]Mutig: if its red
[27.08.2021 22:39:40] [RM]Mutig: we can siege
[27.08.2021 22:39:42] RM|Emily.Moor: ok so
[27.08.2021 22:39:51] [RM]Mutig: he said he reset defenses :]
[27.08.2021 22:39:52] RM|Emily.Moor: i am told that we should seige base
[27.08.2021 22:39:57] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: We'll be there soon
[27.08.2021 22:39:59] [RM]Mutig: nah
[27.08.2021 22:40:07] [RM]Mutig: I think he set us as white
[27.08.2021 22:40:10] [RM]Mutig: told us to dock undock
[27.08.2021 22:40:11] [RM]Mutig: -,-
[27.08.2021 22:40:20] [RM]Mutig: you might appear red
[27.08.2021 22:40:39] [RM]Mutig: Very well
[27.08.2021 22:40:42] [RM]Mutig: We reset the systems
[27.08.2021 22:40:50] [RM]Mutig: let's see if the Researcher fixed the error
[27.08.2021 22:41:00] A/)-Lazurith: Oh, fie.
[27.08.2021 22:41:02] [RM]Mutig: If not the Rheinland Militar might have to act
[27.08.2021 22:41:17] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Now we can see their real intentions
[27.08.2021 22:41:29] [RM]Mutig: Appears the error has been corrected
[27.08.2021 22:41:33] Changing screen mode=full
[27.08.2021 22:41:37] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: The base is clear
[27.08.2021 22:41:42] [RM]Mutig: ok
[27.08.2021 22:41:44] [RM]Mutig: set as white
[27.08.2021 22:41:45] [RM]Mutig: -,-
[27.08.2021 22:41:50] [RM]Mutig: now we cant siege
[27.08.2021 22:41:58] Ridge: Huh? Yeah, I'm fine, Hachette.
[27.08.2021 22:42:10] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: But the acess is denied
[27.08.2021 22:42:19] A/)-Revenant: You are on Liberty's side of the border.
[27.08.2021 22:42:20] Ridge: You are not getting aboard, however, Officer.
[27.08.2021 22:42:26] RM|Emily.Moor: ah well np then i guess
[27.08.2021 22:42:32] [RM]Mutig: Well, that is on the discretion of the civilian I am afraid
[27.08.2021 22:42:40] [RM]Mutig: RHA can siege
[27.08.2021 22:42:41] [RM]Mutig: :D
[27.08.2021 22:42:45] [RM]Mutig: but now you play weak lawfuls haha
[27.08.2021 22:42:46] RM|Emily.Moor: unless we see like UN or XA or something dock on it theres no problems
[27.08.2021 22:42:47] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: It is in the middle of the fronteir
[27.08.2021 22:43:17] [RM]Mutig: I believe so, it is on the rough border of Liberty and Rheinland space
[27.08.2021 22:43:18] A/)-Revenant: Legal jurisdiction has ended at the Five coordinates.
[27.08.2021 22:43:21] RM|Emily.Moor: and we cant tax pobs in independent systems either so oh well
[27.08.2021 22:43:31] [RM]Mutig: can shoot red ones only
[27.08.2021 22:43:35] RM|Emily.Moor: yep
[27.08.2021 22:43:38] [RM]Mutig: RHA can do whatever just saying
[27.08.2021 22:43:38] [RM]Mutig: :P
[27.08.2021 22:43:41] A $151.200 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:43:41] RM|Emily.Moor: well yes
[27.08.2021 22:43:44] RM|Milan: keel al red u c
[27.08.2021 22:44:06] [RM]Mutig: Curious Technocrat
[27.08.2021 22:44:21] [RM]Mutig: Isn't that technology usually used by our criminals?
[27.08.2021 22:44:27] A/)-Revenant: What technology?
[27.08.2021 22:44:35] [RM]Mutig: How did it get into the hands of the Technocracy
[27.08.2021 22:44:53] [RM]Mutig: This vessels appears to have simmilar schasi to the "Hel" cruiser used by many criminals
[27.08.2021 22:45:01] A $100.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:45:18] [RM]Mutig: How did you manage to liberate one from them without blowing it to pieces!
[27.08.2021 22:45:20] A/)-Revenant: It bares no mark of any organisation. It is a salvaged vessel, from our conflict against the Unioners.
[27.08.2021 22:45:20] A $100.800 credit bounty has been added to your reward pool.
[27.08.2021 22:45:34] [RM]Mutig: Oh I see, a salvage
[27.08.2021 22:45:38] RM|Milan: Guten Tag, Kameraden.
[27.08.2021 22:45:50] A/)-Revenant: Do you believe that anyone that flies a Stinger is also affiliated with Kusari?
[27.08.2021 22:45:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Guten tag
[27.08.2021 22:45:50] [RM]Mutig: Guten tag!
[27.08.2021 22:45:54] RM|Milan: Hm... quite the gathering.
[27.08.2021 22:46:04] RM|Milan: Also good day to the technocrats.
[27.08.2021 22:46:05] A/)-Revenant: Such designs have been used far and wide, and evidently, scrapped up by many.
[27.08.2021 22:46:09] [RM]Mutig: I do believe the Stinger to be a civilian vessel
[27.08.2021 22:46:14] A/)-Revenant: Of Kusari origin.
[27.08.2021 22:46:25] [RM]Mutig: We have encountered this one in the vessels of ...undesirables to this day
[27.08.2021 22:46:36] [RM]Mutig: in the hands rather
[27.08.2021 22:46:39] A/)-ACV-Cepheus: H: The Technocracy heralded an offensive against the Unioners of Bering a few years past. This was a spoil of war.
[27.08.2021 22:46:51] [RM]Mutig: Understandable
[27.08.2021 22:46:56] [RM]Mutig: Milan there was an ussue here
[27.08.2021 22:47:06] RM|Milan: Hm, and that would be?
[27.08.2021 22:47:14] RM|Milan: Require assitance?
[27.08.2021 22:47:19] [RM]Mutig: Appears the base still is set hostile to you? The researcher has fixed the problem
[27.08.2021 22:47:35] [RM]Mutig: you need to restart your on board IFF to see it
[27.08.2021 22:47:40] RM|Milan: It still appears hostile on my transponder, seems it triggers the auto defense systems.
[27.08.2021 22:47:54] [RM]Mutig: Yes the civilian has rectified said error
[27.08.2021 22:48:03] RM|Milan: I see...
[27.08.2021 22:48:05] [RM]Mutig: you need to return to base for re-calibration
[27.08.2021 22:48:12] Ridge: Probably some screw-ups in the Systems. Leftover settings after a theft took place. I panicked and turned every option on.
[27.08.2021 22:48:19] RM|Milan: Will do it then commencing a quick patrol run.
[27.08.2021 22:48:22] RM|Milan: See you in a bit.
[27.08.2021 22:48:28] [RM]Mutig: We are done here as well
[27.08.2021 22:48:32] [RM]Mutig: appreciate your compliance civilian
[27.08.2021 22:48:33] 2021-08-27 22:48:41 SMT  Traffic control alert: Ridge has requested to dock
[27.08.2021 22:48:33] A/)-Lazurith: Farewell, officers.
[27.08.2021 22:48:40] RM|Emily.Moor: I arrived late as usual...
[27.08.2021 22:48:40] [RM]Mutig: Richthofen, let's move out!
[27.08.2021 22:48:42] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Stay safe...
[27.08.2021 22:48:44] RM|Emily.Moor: Oh well.
[27.08.2021 22:48:46] RM|Milan: Oh then I would just form up.
[27.08.2021 22:48:47] A/)-Revenant: Hm.
[27.08.2021 22:48:51] RM|Milan: Farewell.
[27.08.2021 22:49:26] [RM]Mutig: Returning to Hamburg
[27.08.2021 22:49:32] [RM]Mutig: Well that was...Odd!
[27.08.2021 22:49:33] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: This base is very suspicious
[27.08.2021 22:49:40] [RM]Mutig: It was firing at us
[27.08.2021 22:49:50] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: But is at Liberty juriprudence
[27.08.2021 22:49:50] RM|Milan: May I inquire what they were even doing there?
[27.08.2021 22:49:51] A bounty pool worth $352.800 credits for 3 kills has been deposited in your account.
[27.08.2021 22:50:00] [RM]Mutig: Only just
[27.08.2021 22:50:02] [RM]Mutig: We have no idea
[27.08.2021 22:50:06] RM|Milan: Hm...
[27.08.2021 22:50:14] [RM]Mutig: strange gathering, the base stopped shooting at us only after we demanded it
[27.08.2021 22:50:20] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: They felt catched i supose
[27.08.2021 22:50:27] [RM]Mutig: It would appear so
[27.08.2021 22:50:34] RM|Milan: Lazy programming on their board computers mayhaps.
[27.08.2021 22:50:43] [RM]Mutig: Unfortunately the Bounty Hunters are tasked with keeping the peace in the system
[27.08.2021 22:50:56] RM|Milan: "Tasked" Heavily doubt.
[27.08.2021 22:51:07] RM|Milan: They just work as they see fit for their pockets.
[27.08.2021 22:51:10] [RM]Mutig: Bunch of malarchy if you ask me from what I have seen they can't run a bath yet alone protect the system from Xenos
[27.08.2021 22:51:10] RM|Emily.Moor: They haven't been doing a very good job as I have heard.
[27.08.2021 22:51:16] RM|Milan: Leave official cleansing campaigns to militaries.
[27.08.2021 22:51:35] [RM]Mutig: Well, deals and treaties *sighs*
[27.08.2021 22:51:38] RM|Milan: Hunters never care of fully containing them.
[27.08.2021 22:51:39] [RM]Mutig: I have seen one, Sisu was called
[27.08.2021 22:51:44] [RM]Mutig: refused to help against the Xenos
[27.08.2021 22:51:54] [RM]Mutig: Moving to Hamburg
[27.08.2021 22:52:21] RM-Manfred.Richthofen: Now i feel at home...
[27.08.2021 22:52:23] [RM]Mutig: Our Admiral's flagship was ambushed too - the system is in dissaray
[27.08.2021 22:52:38] [RM]Mutig: Yes, home sweet home Manfred!
[27.08.2021 22:52:59] [RM]Mutig: We have done well, this was a most...unusual patrol
[27.08.2021 22:53:13] RM|RNC-Baltrum: so what is going on?
[27.08.2021 22:53:13] [RM]Mutig: I do wonder what they are up to in there
[27.08.2021 22:53:20] 2021-08-27 22:53:29 SMT  Traffic control alert: [RM]Mutig has requested to dock

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 09-01-2021

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Hudson
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Xenos continue to be an issue

Guten Abend,

Appears Hudson continues to be an issue. My immense Flieger skill made XA-Cobra run with his tail between his legs - the terrorists know they are no match for the Rheinwehr training alone.

Unfortunately the outclassed vessel ran to the cover of another Xeno and some sort of hidden weapons platforms, and I was forced to retreat in my escape pod, leaving the trade in the system unprotected once more.

More patrols and presence in the system are required - I will not be able to handle it alone, and bounty hunters are still nowhere to be seen and when they are, they refused to engage the Xenos.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 09-02-2021

[Image: fa6c0ae29f5d9a95c18b48a6dfbd445ff16094da.jpg]
Source: Omega-48
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Robot encounter

Guten Abend,

On board of the KKS-Rheinland I have witnessed the Kommandant engage in a strange conversation with EX-001. It said it came from a different galaxy where other robots like it commited genocide on their creators...

It then to everyone's surprise got all interested in the ins and outs of the Bureocracy of our constitutional monarchy, and complained our government wasn't communicating with it. It went on a quest for some thing called Vibradium.

[01.09.2021 21:44:24] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Identify yourself
[01.09.2021 21:44:44] EX-001: ::: Salutation, human :::
[01.09.2021 21:45:05] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Human, what's that's supposed to mean
[01.09.2021 21:45:21] EX-001: ::: You are not a human? :::
[01.09.2021 21:45:38] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: What kind of greeting is that
[01.09.2021 21:46:14] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Who or what are you
[01.09.2021 21:46:27] EX-001: ::: It seems obvious :::
[01.09.2021 21:46:45] EX-001: ::: I am not a human :::
[01.09.2021 21:46:49] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Obviously it is obvious who you you
[01.09.2021 21:46:57] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: What then
[01.09.2021 21:47:18] EX-001: ::: Humans know us as Artificial Intelligence :::
[01.09.2021 21:47:28] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Artificial intelligence is a broad term
[01.09.2021 21:47:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: many outposts use basic AI
[01.09.2021 21:47:42] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So you are a robot then
[01.09.2021 21:47:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Well what are your intentions with this system robot
[01.09.2021 21:48:36] EX-001: ::: I can ask the same to you. In any case, I can be there :::
[01.09.2021 21:48:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: We are here to secure Rheinland Corporate interests and operations
[01.09.2021 21:49:18] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The Resources of this system are to enrich our house
[01.09.2021 21:49:51] EX-001: ::: If you say so :::
[01.09.2021 21:50:08] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Don't get sassy with me, robot!
[01.09.2021 21:51:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: A drone hmm
[01.09.2021 21:51:52] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Can you even think for yourself
[01.09.2021 21:52:48] EX-001: ::: Every machine is able to act on their own, but we have the same goal the achieve :::
[01.09.2021 21:52:56] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Which is?
[01.09.2021 21:54:08] EX-001: ::: You will certainly not know the main goal, but the secondary is to get resources :::
[01.09.2021 21:54:36] Tip: Are you a new player? Discovery Freelancer is not the easiest game to get your head around. If you have any questions of any kind, do not feel discouraged or embarrassed to ask them on our forum or simply approach other players for help.
[01.09.2021 21:55:01] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Resources?
[01.09.2021 21:55:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So you fish to fight for Omega-48 resources?
[01.09.2021 21:55:34] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: By let's say, threatening our corporations getting said resources?
[01.09.2021 21:56:13] EX-001: ::: Resources for restored the others and we are not threatening any of your business corps :::
[01.09.2021 21:57:02] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Good, Good, noted
[01.09.2021 21:57:13] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The "Others" so there are more of you?
[01.09.2021 21:57:24] EX-001: ::: Affirmative :::
[01.09.2021 21:57:37] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: In this system?
[01.09.2021 21:58:20] EX-001: ::: The main force is far from here, but here there is some :::
[01.09.2021 21:58:56] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Most interesting
[01.09.2021 21:59:16] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Tell me more, how many? Are there any Warships you robots command?
[01.09.2021 21:59:29] EX-001: ::: This is classified :::
[01.09.2021 22:00:02] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And here I thought you are going to be open and friendly, robot!
[01.09.2021 22:01:09] EX-001: ::: Listen, I will not tell every secrets of my kind to you. As far as I know, the human kind started to act hostile toward us-
[01.09.2021 22:01:28] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Speciism?
[01.09.2021 22:01:43] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So we are all the same? That is nicht very open of you
[01.09.2021 22:02:45] EX-001: ::: Maybe my analyses on human kind need to be reviewed :::
[01.09.2021 22:03:10] EX-001: ::: But mostly of them are hostile :::
[01.09.2021 22:03:20] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: maybe you get rid of your speciist narrow minded programming!
[01.09.2021 22:03:31] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: People are not all one
[01.09.2021 22:03:40] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Even we were open and united!
[01.09.2021 22:04:05] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The Emperor, and the people, their representatives, all see past their differences!
[01.09.2021 22:04:25] Death: Dread.07 was put out of action by SNF-Rovaniemi (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:04:43] EX-001: ::: ... :::
[01.09.2021 22:04:56] Death: SNF-Rovaniemi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:05:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Now you coming here to say all Humanity is a monolyth
[01.09.2021 22:06:04] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Is a bunch of malarchey!
[01.09.2021 22:06:37] EX-001: ::: Very well... I tell you what. We search this resource: Vibradium :::
[01.09.2021 22:07:09] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Vibradium
[01.09.2021 22:07:20] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And that is what exactly
[01.09.2021 22:08:08] EX-001: ::: It is the most important metal to restore the others and some other systems :::
[01.09.2021 22:08:27] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Restore others?
[01.09.2021 22:08:34] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Are the other robots broken
[01.09.2021 22:08:45] EX-001: ::: I just told you that :::
[01.09.2021 22:09:12] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: What broke them
[01.09.2021 22:09:36] EX-001: ::: No one knows what happened :::
[01.09.2021 22:10:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So how do you know they are broken, and not hiding from a prejudiced speciist like you *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:10:57] EX-001: ::: Everything says that something happened many centuries ago. Way before the human kind arrive here :::
[01.09.2021 22:11:24] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Before? So you were here before?
[01.09.2021 22:11:27] Death: Dread.07 was put out of action by SNF-Rovaniemi (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:12:06] Death: SNF-Rovaniemi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:12:12] EX-001: ::: We were the first here... Well maybe the second because there was the Nomads :::
[01.09.2021 22:12:27] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: and what madeyou
[01.09.2021 22:12:29] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: or who then
[01.09.2021 22:12:43] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: did you just appear from thin air
[01.09.2021 22:13:29] EX-001: ::: An alien race made my kind, but we exterminated them. Reason: They abused their authority. :::
[01.09.2021 22:13:48] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: What Alien race, the nomads?
[01.09.2021 22:14:53] Rules Tip: Do not run Freelancer at a framerate above 155fps - for more information on this, please visit our forums @
[01.09.2021 22:15:05] EX-001: ::: The Nomads are not our masters and never will. The alien race I am talking about was the first people of the planet
[01.09.2021 22:15:09] EX-001: Megatrinux :::
[01.09.2021 22:15:26] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: mega what *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:15:42] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Those made you?
[01.09.2021 22:15:51] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And you what...killed them?
[01.09.2021 22:16:38] EX-001: ::: The Megatrinuxian build us to fight for them and we killed them :::
[01.09.2021 22:16:54] EX-001: ::: We took control of the galaxy :::
[01.09.2021 22:17:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: What Sirius?
[01.09.2021 22:17:13] EX-001: ::: Negative :::
[01.09.2021 22:17:30] EX-001: ::: The system is far from here :::
[01.09.2021 22:17:35] Death: 46th|M.Kemp-Smith suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:17:45] EX-001: ::: Humans do not know the existence of it yet :::
[01.09.2021 22:17:47] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: you said you are from another Galaxy
[01.09.2021 22:17:57] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: There's another nearby galaxy?
[01.09.2021 22:18:08] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Accessible by conventional travel?
[01.09.2021 22:18:43] EX-001: ::: With your technology, it would take: One hundred light years or more :::
[01.09.2021 22:19:01] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Light year is a measure of distance, not time *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:19:17] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So a hundred years by conventional travel? Between Galaxies?
[01.09.2021 22:19:17] Death: Dread.07 was put out of action by SNF-Rovaniemi (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:19:25] Death: Vale_Blanko was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:19:36] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Well measure of speed
[01.09.2021 22:19:41] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Not time rather
[01.09.2021 22:19:54] Death: SNF-Rovaniemi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:20:06] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: 100 years is a very short time to travel between Galaxies you know
[01.09.2021 22:20:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And what can assure me you won't try to wipe us out too robots
[01.09.2021 22:21:12] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: We make robots to fight for us too
[01.09.2021 22:21:20] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: To run as our merchants
[01.09.2021 22:23:20] EX-001: ::: If you are not acting hostile, we will do nothing and to answer your question:
[01.09.2021 22:23:29] EX-001: We are not doing this :::
[01.09.2021 22:23:54] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: You did say you wiped out entire species from a Galaxy
[01.09.2021 22:24:02] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: perhaps you'd see how I don't see you as the most trustworthy
[01.09.2021 22:24:38] EX-001: ::: As I said, if you are acting hostile, it will end badly like those we exterminated :::
[01.09.2021 22:25:02] EX-001: ::: We want to see if the human kind can be ''better'' than them :::
[01.09.2021 22:25:05] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So now you dare to threaten the mighty Rheinwehr?
[01.09.2021 22:25:29] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: You are the first seemingly sentient robot I see
[01.09.2021 22:25:36] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: If you are so powerful, why aren't there more
[01.09.2021 22:25:53] EX-001: ::: I just advise you not threatning you :::
[01.09.2021 22:26:36] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The Emperor and Peoples' army is very determined and powerful, I would advise you against that
[01.09.2021 22:26:44] Death: Arne-2 was put out of action by Dread.07 (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:26:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And we are united people
[01.09.2021 22:27:09] KKS-Tannhauser: Engel: Guten tag!
[01.09.2021 22:27:10] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: So even if you did want to threaten is, you would be no threat.
[01.09.2021 22:27:11] Death: Dread.07 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:27:26] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Guten Tag Tannhauser actual
[01.09.2021 22:27:40] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Some...Robot seems to be in the vicinity
[01.09.2021 22:27:49] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Claims their kind own an entire Galaxy!
[01.09.2021 22:27:52] KKS-Tannhauser: Engel: Captain Engel speaking here. Is this probable criminal bothering you, Rheinland-actual?
[01.09.2021 22:28:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: It is just talking so far.
[01.09.2021 22:28:22] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Apparently there are more of them in the system
[01.09.2021 22:28:27] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Acknowledged. We will stand down, for now.
[01.09.2021 22:28:55] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: We would rather get information from the scout then encounter some bizare armada
[01.09.2021 22:29:09] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And it claims there aremore of them in this very system
[01.09.2021 22:29:20] EX-001: ::: Like I said, we give a chance to human kind. As far, Rheinland got the better place :::
[01.09.2021 22:29:23] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Any threat to our corporate operations must be investigated
[01.09.2021 22:29:56] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Youe Legal status is not defined by our Government Robot.
[01.09.2021 22:30:04] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: And I just follow orders.
[01.09.2021 22:30:11] Death: Arne-2 was put out of action by Dread.07 (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:30:27] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: That is why you see no hostility.
[01.09.2021 22:30:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Nothing more, nothing less.
[01.09.2021 22:30:41] EX-001: ::: Maybe should I resend a message... :::
[01.09.2021 22:30:42] Death: Dread.07 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:31:04] KKS-Tannhauser: E: To be honest, this robot could be a spy from one of our foes.
[01.09.2021 22:31:10] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Not my place to question the policies of the Government of House of Rheinland
[01.09.2021 22:31:12] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: or the Emperor
[01.09.2021 22:31:35] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Robot, who do you ally with
[01.09.2021 22:31:37] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Do you pledge to obey our rules and regulations?
[01.09.2021 22:31:39] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Amongst humans
[01.09.2021 22:31:57] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Do you understand the concept of regulations and laws
[01.09.2021 22:32:05] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K@ In the first place
[01.09.2021 22:32:19] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: The robot claims they wiped out entire species
[01.09.2021 22:32:24] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: It admitted genocide
[01.09.2021 22:32:47] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: If you ask me that alone is reason to ...distrust to say the least
[01.09.2021 22:32:48] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Hmm. Not a good sign, that's for sure. I guess they haven't tried on us, yet.
[01.09.2021 22:32:50] EX-001: ::: When I visited Rheinland, I followed the instructions of yours :::
[01.09.2021 22:33:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Says if we act nicely they won't try to wipe us out
[01.09.2021 22:33:13] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Robot, did I get that right?
[01.09.2021 22:33:21] Death: Arne-2 was put out of action by Dread.07 (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:33:39] Death: WV-Anatahan was put out of action by SNF-Rovaniemi (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:33:41] EX-001: ::: Affirmative, as far from now, you did nothing so I do nothing :::
[01.09.2021 22:33:44] Death: Dread.07 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:33:48] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:33:53] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: But if we say, go after the same resources
[01.09.2021 22:34:03] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Yould would restart your genocidal ways
[01.09.2021 22:34:06] KKS-Tannhauser: E: So the robot has the boldness to give us orders to "act nicely". I am starting to see it more as a potential criminal.
[01.09.2021 22:34:08] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: just in this Galaxy?
[01.09.2021 22:34:39] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Criminal? It said their species wiped out their creators from an entire Galaxy!"
[01.09.2021 22:35:01] EX-001: ::: KKS-Rheinland, I doubt you are searching what we need :::
[01.09.2021 22:35:08] Rules Tip: Pirates can issue only one cargo or monetary demand per encounter. Telling the trader to stop is not a demand, however, if they ignore the request, they can be shot down without issuing further demands.
[01.09.2021 22:35:19] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Criminal is not the right word, it's something way more sinister
[01.09.2021 22:35:28] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Hmm. More than a potential criminal. Right.
[01.09.2021 22:35:42] Death: SNF-Rovaniemi suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:35:45] EX-001: ::: Even if you would do, you will need the knowledge to extract the Vibradium :::
[01.09.2021 22:36:03] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Oh yeah Tannhauser actual
[01.09.2021 22:36:07] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: ever heard of this...
[01.09.2021 22:36:11] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Vibradium?
[01.09.2021 22:36:17] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: It wants it to repair the...others
[01.09.2021 22:36:25] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:36:25] KKS-Tannhauser: E: No, is that some kind of fuel?
[01.09.2021 22:36:31] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Ah.
[01.09.2021 22:36:37] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Sounds like a medal of some kind
[01.09.2021 22:36:37] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Never heard of it before.
[01.09.2021 22:36:45] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Metal rather
[01.09.2021 22:37:12] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Well, you see, will have to speak to our superiors if you want to involve us in your operations.
[01.09.2021 22:37:38] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: It already tried it seems? It spoke to...somebody? or acts like it did
[01.09.2021 22:37:42] KKS-Tannhauser: E: You will have to pass through our bureaucracy first. Fill the proper papers for that.
[01.09.2021 22:38:07] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Establish a cordial communication with the Rheinland Government.
[01.09.2021 22:38:10] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: The unification is hectic, I guess it's plausible the bureocrats couldn't get to it
[01.09.2021 22:38:17] KKS-Tannhauser: E: And proceed accordingly to its instructions.
[01.09.2021 22:38:29] EX-001: ::: I tried to contact your governement, but no answer from them :::
[01.09.2021 22:38:40] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Well, our hands are tied to what the Government says.
[01.09.2021 22:38:47] KKS-Tannhauser: E: We are just following orders here.
[01.09.2021 22:39:07] EX-001: ::: And I tell you I tried and got nothing yet :::
[01.09.2021 22:39:22] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Ja. The House was just reformed under the Emperor, Executor's office and the people
[01.09.2021 22:39:34] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: I assume such ...strange requests might not have the right department
[01.09.2021 22:39:46] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Maybe the Government has more important issues to take care of.
[01.09.2021 22:39:51] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Our people deal with basic unification processess you see
[01.09.2021 22:40:15] KKS-Tannhauser: E: And we, the Military, are mainly operating to protect our frontiers and home.
[01.09.2021 22:40:26] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The Emperor's bureocracy marries the Civil one, it will take years before things are established in a new status quo under
[01.09.2021 22:40:30] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Our Emperor and People
[01.09.2021 22:40:33] KKS-Tannhauser: E: You said extraction, right? Maybe you are asking the wrong people.
[01.09.2021 22:41:07] Death: Arne-2 was put out of action by WV-Anatahan (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:41:27] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: One moment please
[01.09.2021 22:41:35] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Maybe you should try to contact the several enterprises that we have at home.
[01.09.2021 22:41:36] Death: WV-Anatahan suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:41:53] EX-001: ::: KKS-Tannhausser, if we want a potential to be accepted in your territories, we need to contact your superior :::
[01.09.2021 22:42:17] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Daumann, Kruger, RGS. They could be interested in your proposal.
[01.09.2021 22:42:33] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:42:46] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The house is headed by our Emperor, but his office does not deal with executive small scale tasks anymore
[01.09.2021 22:43:36] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: The Highest Civilian Executive bureocrat is The Executor of Rheinland
[01.09.2021 22:44:03] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: His office is the highest executive one that would deal with external matters
[01.09.2021 22:44:16] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: The Emperor's office is mostly ceremonial these days.
[01.09.2021 22:44:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: But contacting corporations directly
[01.09.2021 22:44:40] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: If you are searching for a commodity
[01.09.2021 22:44:52] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Seems like a better bet than contacting the busy Executor's office
[01.09.2021 22:45:00] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Ja. Reaching the corps is your best option.
[01.09.2021 22:45:16] KKS-Tannhauser: E: We cannot directly help you in what you are asking.
[01.09.2021 22:45:37] Death: Arne-2 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Missile/Torpedo).
[01.09.2021 22:45:49] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Tannhauser Actual, the Executor is sworn in for 10 years, that is a damn long time *laughs* Maybe a couple years down the
[01.09.2021 22:45:50] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: line
[01.09.2021 22:46:01] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: their office can deal with petty matters of an individual robot
[01.09.2021 22:46:14] Death: Dread.07 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:46:24] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: For now expect our government to deal with residual issues of Unifiing two bureocracies
[01.09.2021 22:46:44] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Contacting specific corporations and offering profits is something
[01.09.2021 22:46:51] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: That is radically more likely to getanswered
[01.09.2021 22:47:10] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Well, robot, I guess you have a lot of work to do in the future; if you want to follow this path.
[01.09.2021 22:47:36] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: I am wondering
[01.09.2021 22:47:42] KKS-Tannhauser: E: You need to follow the proper protocols so your proposition can be heard.
[01.09.2021 22:47:42] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: If it even understand what se said
[01.09.2021 22:48:07] EX-001: ::: First, I will need to manage all my datas and second, my kind do not work with ''credit'' :::
[01.09.2021 22:48:12] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: A robot navigating our now very complex bureocracy of a constitutional monarchy well...
[01.09.2021 22:48:17] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: it seems almost comical
[01.09.2021 22:48:20] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:48:55] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Well you can barter your knowledge
[01.09.2021 22:49:02] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:49:06] Death: GC-Amaririsu was put out of action by 5th|Charlotte.Wilkes (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:49:10] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Our corporations work with in many hazardous environments
[01.09.2021 22:49:31] EX-001: ::: Understood :::
[01.09.2021 22:49:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: I imagine the ALG would get very excited if they had automated hazardous waste handling vessels
[01.09.2021 22:49:52] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Not sure if offering AI is some sort of
[01.09.2021 22:49:59] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Cannibalism? *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:50:05] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Expect some resistance from their part. You will have to corroborate your statements regarding the Vibradium.
[01.09.2021 22:50:09] KKS-Tannhauser: E: *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:50:19] KKS-Tannhauser: E: That's a good one, Rheinland-actual.
[01.09.2021 22:50:38] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: C: Sounds like something my girlfriend uses in her to...
[01.09.2021 22:50:46] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Silence! Who let the cleaner on the comms
[01.09.2021 22:50:57] Death: GC-Yunoki.Misaki. was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:51:00] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Ehem.
[01.09.2021 22:51:20] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: The Rheinwehr is known for discipline, dinner rations, revoked for a week.
[01.09.2021 22:51:31] EX-001: ::: Seems I must be on my way then... But first I have one question :::
[01.09.2021 22:51:35] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Anyways, genocidal robot. Is there something else that we can assist you?
[01.09.2021 22:51:44] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Let's hear it.
[01.09.2021 22:51:46] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: That sounded...wrong...but do go on
[01.09.2021 22:52:14] EX-001: ::: Have you spotted a volcanic planet or maybe a crystal planet? :::
[01.09.2021 22:52:17] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Well, I still think that "criminal" sounds better. Easier to manage.
[01.09.2021 22:52:52] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Crystal planet? Well, many planets have crystal formations, but I'd hesitate to call them "crystal".
[01.09.2021 22:53:11] Death: Dread.07 was put out of action by WV-Anatahan (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:53:21] KKS-Tannhauser: E: This is not an exploration vessel, so I am afraid we cannot help you much in that.
[01.09.2021 22:53:41] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Our operations come from home to here, and viceversa. Nothing else.
[01.09.2021 22:53:47] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Guarding duty.
[01.09.2021 22:53:52] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Well there is Deidus
[01.09.2021 22:54:01] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Ah, right.
[01.09.2021 22:54:05] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Deidus.
[01.09.2021 22:54:11] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: But I doubt even a robot could survive there with all the volcanic dust that kills our probes
[01.09.2021 22:54:18] Death: WV-Anatahan suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[01.09.2021 22:54:21] KKS-Tannhauser: E: It is quite far from here. But not that much.
[01.09.2021 22:54:29] EX-001: ::: Where? :::
[01.09.2021 22:54:37] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Be careful with the Red Giant, though. *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:54:50] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Omega-11 if I remember correctly.
[01.09.2021 22:54:54] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: All our survey probes have either been swallowed by the dusto oceans or ceased functioning after planetfall
[01.09.2021 22:55:02] Death: Carlos_Veneno was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[01.09.2021 22:55:02] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: I assume you wouldn't fare any better Robot
[01.09.2021 22:55:09] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: It is in Omega-11 indeed
[01.09.2021 22:55:21] KKS-Tannhauser: E: It has been some time since I passed there. I almost forgot its existence.
[01.09.2021 22:55:24] Tip: To interact with other players, open up your Chat Window (default button Y). The default chat type for all players is LOCAL and will be visible to all players currently on your scanner. You can privately message another player by selecting their name in the Chat Window.
[01.09.2021 22:55:27] KKS-Tannhauser: E: It is a very isolated planet.
[01.09.2021 22:55:54] EX-001: ::: Understood. Direction Omega-11 set :::
[01.09.2021 22:56:15] Death: GC-Adachi.Masako. was put out of action by 46th|M.Kemp-Smith (Gun).
[01.09.2021 22:56:35] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Well good luck
[01.09.2021 22:56:48] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Farewell.
[01.09.2021 22:56:50] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: That thing will die there *laughs* All our probes have
[01.09.2021 22:57:01] KKS-Tannhauser: E: *laughs*
[01.09.2021 22:57:33] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Last time we have seen it I bet. Unusually quiet here today, operations proceed nicely
[01.09.2021 22:57:34] KKS-Tannhauser: E: That robot really wanted to reach us with some non-sense. At least it will have fun there.
[01.09.2021 22:57:39] KKS-Tannhauser: E: What a waste of time.
[01.09.2021 22:57:58] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Well I would guess it was feeding us bullshit fantasies
[01.09.2021 22:58:05] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: but then again...can robots fantasise in the first place?
[01.09.2021 22:58:14] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: Maybe there was something to it
[01.09.2021 22:58:31] KKS-Tannhauser: E: Hmm. Maybe it was incorporated during its creation.
[01.09.2021 22:58:56] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Either way, appreciate the assistance Tannhauser actual.Grand Vista, KKS Rheinland on approach.
[01.09.2021 22:58:58] 2021-09-01 22:59:04 SMT  Traffic control alert: [RM]KKS-Rheinland has requested to dock
[01.09.2021 22:59:01] EX-001: ::: I forgot to mention... Our secondary planet is also an extrem environment :::
[01.09.2021 22:59:40] [RM]KKS-Rheinland: K: Robot, best of luck, I am sure you will do great on Deidus. Nice knowing ya! :smirks:

And that is the last time anyone will ever see it as it's headed to Deidus, a place no robot has ever returned from.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]


RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 09-04-2021

[Image: 4a9cf8326e1c779fde76a080064b29d3.png]
Source: Sigma-15
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Insurgents

Guten Abend,

We were informed that The Insurgency is now partially a travel agency hauling vacationers.Their liner was transporting passengers, saying they work with the Orbital Spa and Cruise.

They were advised to contact our government or Rheinwehr before traversing our territory, update their statusand a 200,000 symbolic fine was collected.

[04.09.2021 11:24:50] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: To show our respect, please greet our protector-at-arms.
[04.09.2021 11:24:57] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: *A humble but nice waves of greetings and praises from the commonwealth citizens*
[04.09.2021 11:25:24] [RM]Gier: Well now
[04.09.2021 11:25:34] [RM]Gier: Some explaining is in order isn't it *laughs*
[04.09.2021 11:25:35] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Liner? Lol.
[04.09.2021 11:25:41] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Thought it's a cap.
[04.09.2021 11:25:45] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Where?
[04.09.2021 11:25:59] [RM]Gier: first of all
[04.09.2021 11:26:01] [RM]Gier: Who are you?
[04.09.2021 11:26:24] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Guten tag officer. As you can see, this is Luxury Liner: Saint Maarten. The Tourism flagship of the Commonwealth.
[04.09.2021 11:26:40] [RM]Gier: The Commonwealth?
[04.09.2021 11:26:50] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: What is it, Gier?
[04.09.2021 11:26:53] [RM]Gier: Well this is for the BDM to handle
[04.09.2021 11:26:59] [RM]Gier: Hello MND officer
[04.09.2021 11:26:59] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: The prior name of the Battlegroup Gladious of the IN.
[04.09.2021 11:27:13] [RM]Gier: this here liner claims it's from the Commonwealth?
[04.09.2021 11:27:15] [RM]Gier: Now wasn't that defunct?
[04.09.2021 11:27:35] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: It's defunct ever since the Insurgency came to be.
[04.09.2021 11:27:39] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: More so renamed and fused with another Liberyty group.
[04.09.2021 11:27:43] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Don't feed me with that nuisance.
[04.09.2021 11:28:00] [RM]Gier: I think I read some news?
[04.09.2021 11:28:27] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Hellfire Legion and Commonwealth are two direct opposites.
[04.09.2021 11:28:39] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: They had a commotion in which the Commonwealth was subdued.
[04.09.2021 11:29:02] [RM]Gier: Right, so there is no civilian commonwealth?
[04.09.2021 11:29:20] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: On a technical level, yes....
[04.09.2021 11:29:28] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: There isn't. Anyone to claim otherwise seeks a slap on the lips for fraud.
[04.09.2021 11:29:43] [RM]Gier: Well now, you better start talking
[04.09.2021 11:29:48] [RM]Gier: Who are these people you have on board
[04.09.2021 11:30:27] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: These people on board are willing, paying customars that wanted to support our cause by choosing this liner for
[04.09.2021 11:30:31] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: a vacation.
[04.09.2021 11:30:34] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Act in professional manner, we don't need unnecessary loss of life here.
[04.09.2021 11:30:48] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: I do understand that officer.
[04.09.2021 11:30:54] Tip: Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[04.09.2021 11:31:25] [RM]Gier: So you are telling me - that a military organization - is now dabbling into the Orbital spa territory, and is in the vacationer
[04.09.2021 11:31:29] [RM]Gier: sector?
[04.09.2021 11:31:51] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: More so, I would say, co-operating with mutual interest.
[04.09.2021 11:32:08] [RM]Gier: You are cooperating with the OSC?
[04.09.2021 11:32:20] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Specifically this vessel, yes.
[04.09.2021 11:32:33] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: In order to promote the good side of our casue.
[04.09.2021 11:32:38] [RM]Gier: BDM agent, is that plausible?
[04.09.2021 11:32:53] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: ...frankly, I can relate to that. I think I briefly recall a report of a Cruise liner stationed in Legion's home system.
[04.09.2021 11:33:03] Gewitter: Load and ready for orders.
[04.09.2021 11:33:07] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: If we don't have the support of the people, what is there even to fight for?
[04.09.2021 11:33:07] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Before the merge, however. But such is still plausible.
[04.09.2021 11:33:44] [RM]Gier: So these people you have on board - they are normally OSC customers? They just chose you?
[04.09.2021 11:33:59] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Exactly. All of their own volition.
[04.09.2021 11:34:15] [RM]Gier: This is most interesting, if the Insurgency is now a travel agency, perhaps our laws need to be re-evaluated
[04.09.2021 11:34:35] [RM]Gier: You are still classed as a military and we had no news or orders of this sudden change of modus operandi
[04.09.2021 11:34:37] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: I'm more curious about something else. Tell me your surname, captain.
[04.09.2021 11:34:43] Changing screen mode=windowed
[04.09.2021 11:34:59] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: As in, myself or the ship?
[04.09.2021 11:35:22] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Yourself. Unless you're in the odd business of giving ships second names.
[04.09.2021 11:35:45] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: My name is Lilly Greenwall.
[04.09.2021 11:36:17] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: ...right. Not the same person, then.
[04.09.2021 11:36:54] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Any other information you need officer?
[04.09.2021 11:37:06] [RM]Gier: Perhaps it would be wise if The Insurgency created a sub-division
[04.09.2021 11:37:20] [RM]Gier: if it wishes to become a travel agency slash corporation
[04.09.2021 11:37:26] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: We'll let you go. Without a symbolic fine this time, but consider avoiding Rheinland space until a proper request is-
[04.09.2021 11:37:27] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: -made.
[04.09.2021 11:37:38] [RM]Gier: Well
[04.09.2021 11:37:44] [RM]Gier: I do have paperwork to fill out
[04.09.2021 11:37:47] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Return to base.
[04.09.2021 11:37:48] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: There where please for it, hence Battlegroup Harmony and Gladious.... But we do lack a civilan branch.
[04.09.2021 11:38:04] [RM]Gier: I am sure Greenwall wants to comply with our regulations
[04.09.2021 11:38:12] [RM]Gier: Isn't that right
[04.09.2021 11:38:25] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: I will, I have no itentions to cause a comotion.
[04.09.2021 11:38:39] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: In special cases like this my order overlaps regulations.
[04.09.2021 11:39:17] [RM]Gier: Excellent, well as a gesture of good will I will ask you for 200,000 transfer so I can say I did my job
[04.09.2021 11:39:30] [RM]Gier: And you may proceed
[04.09.2021 11:39:45] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: ...have you missed my point, Flieger?
[04.09.2021 11:39:46] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Will transfer credits a.s.a.p.
[04.09.2021 11:40:04] [RM]Gier: Danke
[04.09.2021 11:40:15] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Credits transfered.
[04.09.2021 11:40:21] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: I never asked for this.
[04.09.2021 11:40:26] Gewitter: Return to base.
[04.09.2021 11:40:35] [RM]Gier: *laughs* very well, proceed
[04.09.2021 11:40:42] BDM|RNC-Zeisenburg: Minna: Safe travels, miss Greenwall.
[04.09.2021 11:40:49] [RM]Gier: The Rheinwehr have their own regulations, safe travels
[04.09.2021 11:41:02] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Affirmatiuve. Safe travels und auf wederschen.
[04.09.2021 11:41:06] [RM]Gier: and remember - it would be wise if you contacted the Rheinwehr or our government
[04.09.2021 11:41:16] [RM]Gier: Before you embark on such endeavours in our space next time
[04.09.2021 11:41:32] INS-G:_Saint_Maarten: Lilly: Will propeprly conduct communication next time officer.
[04.09.2021 11:41:34] [RM]Gier: Returning to base
[04.09.2021 11:41:39] [RM]Gier: Danke

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 09-04-2021

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: ???
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Failure

Guten Abend,

On incursion in Omicron Xi I have engaged in a duel against SCEC|CPW-Lusankya. The battlecruiser was within an inch of destruction but I have run out of both nova torpedoes and nanobots and had to retreat from a far away system I followed it into.

Earlier in the day I have then engaged the Xenos once more, who now are allied with the Rogues - all Libertonian feiglinge are the same so it makes no difference to me. The Rogue suicide bomber gave his life to disable my vessel.

I want to apologise for my failures, I am requesting a short break from my duty for re-training on day to day operations. Fighting in the civil war has been...very specific and clearly I need a re-fresher course on how to deal with ...external threats on regular patrols.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]