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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 03-21-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Premier Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]

Soldiers of the Fighter Corps,

In the lights of recent events, our structure has changes slightly, and men will be rewarded for the continuous work they've done.

With this, due to his dedication to the Coalition ,and his selfless work with myself and the people, Nikita Tabakov is hereby promoted to the rank of COLONEL

Next, this Militsonyer has proven his loyalty and worth multiple time since his entering the Revolutionary Army, he has also completed his Hispania Memorandum. In light of this, Alexander Brandt is hereby promoted to LIEUTENANT.

This will be all for now, more Promotions are sure to come if all members of the Corps continue their good work.

For the Coalition, For the Red Dawn, For our Rise!

Premier Meier, signing off.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Talion - 03-21-2013

Communication ID: Militsonyer Aaron Tyrer
Message Recipient: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre
Priority: Low
Subject: Acceptance to SCRA, and visit to Hispania


It is an honour to have been accepted among your ranks. I assure you I shall not let you down.

To celebrate today I took upon myself the mandatory task of visiting the wreck of the Hispania. To guide me was the recently promoted Colonel Nikita Tabakov, and our trip to and from the Hispania was filled with discussion to pass the time. Included is guncam footage of the journey.

Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6

Until next time!

Transmission terminated

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Tabris - 03-22-2013

[Image: SCRALogonoGlow.png]

Comm ID: Nikita Tabakov, Colonel, CPW Riga

Subject: Zoner collaborator

"The CPW Riga was deployed to Omega-47 last night, upon inspection of the Corsair 'Academia' near Casablanca we spotted a Zoner just undocking from the 'Academia' and running to Casablanca, we managed to get images of it docking on the Corsair facility before it could vanish.

This evidence seems to suggest that non-aligned Zoners are fueling the Corsair war effort by supplying several of their facilities, thus I would request permission to destroy any non-aligned Zoner attempting to fuel the Corsair war effort by supplying this 'Academia' facility.

However I will not take any action until decreed by High Command.

Long Live the Coalition!"


Image A

Image B

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Havok - 03-22-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Premier Erik Meier
To: The Fighter Corps

[Image: xcu7ls.jpg]

Colonel Tabakov,

Your report is troubling indeed. If these Zoners are supplying Corsair installations, they are actively working for our enemy and to be considered hostile. Long Deliberations are not needed here. You are hereby Authorized to engage any non-aligned Zoner found supplying the Corsair War Machine.

In addition, in response to a survey of the Tau Region yesterday, Kalashnyx flight Red (4,5,6) are going to be dispatched to the Tau Sectors to assist allies in the area.

For the Coalition, For the Red Dawn, For our Rise!

Premier Meier, signing off.



RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Garuda - 03-25-2013


ID: Picher
Location: Magellan

Subject: Liberty

My first solo tour in Liberty, with a ,,,naja good or bad end.
I started my flight in Omega-52 with a little sightseeing round over Omegas and Bretonia to Magellan. Nothing happen on this.

I arrived the Freeport 4 a bit exhausted, but still in a good shape for a little recon flight to Texas.

On the way to Texas, I heard something about a Rheinland Gate. I wanted to Texas, but by passing tradelanes I found a small Hacker Sabre. Tried to get some information about the raid, but she wasn't really talk active and keep the sentences short, After that time waste, I went to the New York Gate in hope to gather more information.

I had no luck at all. Only found a TAZ Transport Ship passing the Gate. Asked him nicely if he can get any infos on those Rheinland. He said yes and jumped.

I jumped as well, but wasn't expecting a party like this. Two Snub tried to pirate the Transport for eight million. Seriously, eight million? A bit much for this kind of cargo. They attacked the Transport really fast after given time. Shot down the Fighter and took out the bomber as well, but it was already too late.

To my luck, the Hunter tried to take me as well after the little fight. Hunter couldn't do nothing, but then a Navy Fighter arrived and attacked me. Just cowards. No wonder, why those imperialistic bastards always lose a fair fight. Anyway, I headed to the sun and dived into the Corona. I damaged my ship heavily, but I'm sure it will be okay in no time again.

That is all for now.

Loading up Pictures.


Dead Pirate

Transmission End....

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 03-26-2013

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Dublin patrol, Tau expedition
Priority: Low, Low

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[Image: jd3s.jpg]

This is Julia.

Moved Glavlit from Dublin for some patrol. With all that Gold Rush, was hoping to get some pirates around. Maybe Corsair Iperators even. Though, was no luck. Flied around with one guy from Militsia Fleet - Vasily Kuznetsov or something like that (this guy was piloting CR Nyx, which surprised me abit) - and from all time met only miners and traders.

After patrol I got invited by Colonel Tabakov and Commendante Meier for a trip into Taus. Vasily left us on the way and headed to Rheinland for some bisness. We made our way to Tau 23 and got hit by Ion Storms short after. When Storms was over, made some long and ineresting convesation with someone from ''Sirius Conglomerate'', a CR pilot, Outcast, Council and some other people that I dont even bothered to remember. Would like to provide logs or screens, but there was really nothing that was worth to be recorted. I thought we shall do something else, but Erik said to return back, so we made our way to Dublin and landed there.

I think I will go hunt some GRN tomorrow morning. This Gold Rush aint that much ''rushy''.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 03-30-2013

---Incomming Transmission---

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Long range patrol
Priority: Medium

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[Image: jd3s.jpg]

This is Julia.

Toke Dragon for some more patrols. First to Omegas and then to Taus. But first dealt with one Freelancer who thought it will be nice to breach our defence and fly to Omega 50 from Omega 5. Well, he dies.

In Omegas got fight with 2 Miliraty snubs - Wraith and Bergemir. Nearly killed Wraith and heavilly damaged Bergemir, but some Hessians came to area near me, and scared off Military dudes. After flying around found Nomad Morph. Decided not to attack that small target (and it was close to Omega 55 JH anyway) and had some ''talk'' with it. Was quite nice talk, I learned something new about Nomads and he seems learned more about Coalition. Fair trade. After left nomad to itself, I united with some Hessians and patrolled around. Though, nothing was found and they said that will go mine some diamonds. I had some rest and next day went to Taus.

Taus was less active, but more fun. There, I met some of KNF, but they had enough power to destroy Dragon, so I left em alone. Then flied around killing Outcast patrols, and saw one of GRN Gunboats jumped from Orkney. That was good target for me, so I engaged. Pair of minutes of a hot fight, and target was destroyed. Dragon had enough damage to not survive any other fight, so I left to Dublin. I need to share a some words with few of them on one matter...

For the better future! For The Coalition!

---Video file ends---
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---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 04-06-2013

ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Priority: Medium

:Message Begins:

[Image: 33298598.jpg]

Greetings Comrades

With beginning of a Gold Rush, I moved to Dublin on ''Daemon'' to see what I can find there. On my way there I met OS&C ship, which captain after small talk gave me 500.000 credits as donation to our cause [1]. In Dublin itself I met mostly miners and traders full of gold and gold ore. Three days there was nothing much to tell about, but today situation changed.

I've got a system wide signal about GRN ''Valor'' [2] in G2 sector. I came there and saw it, scarrying off miners and claiming nearby gold field as Gallic. When all miners ran, some ships came to the field - HMS GB, BHG GB, Kusari Exile VHF. They all engaged that ''Valor'', and I assisted in its destuction too [3]. First blood was Exile - Battleship destroyed it with Solaris gatlings. Then HMS got heavy damaged and ran away. I myself got hit by dual missiles, but still was able to fight. Me and Hunter was able to finish ''Valor'' in the end [4]. That Gallic dog wont be threating to Dublin's people for some time.

Dubovik out.

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[Image: jaydeesig.png]

:Message Ends:

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 04-09-2013

ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Priority: High

:Message Begins:

[Image: 33298598.jpg]

Greetings, Comrades.

Ive got incomming Red alert signal when was checking systems of the ''Glavlit''. Some Bunter decided to spit on our defence and laws, and entered Omega 52, crushing our ships on its way to Omega 50 JH.

When I made my way to the point where our Militsia fleet was attacking Hunter Battlecruiser [1], he already lost all shields, which made my work quite easy. I said to him what crimes he made and attacked ''Bullhead'' [2] with all I had. Dual Missiles and Mortar were useful while I was closing for regular turrets to reach him. By the time it got to Tbilisi, I already made it to burn [3]. And when ship was completely destroyed [4], I was able to rescue many of our pilots [5] from its wreck and deliver them to Sevastopol.

We need to think for more protection near JHs. Maybe move ''Marx'' and ''Havana'' there?

Dubovik out.

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[Image: jaydeesig.png]

:Message Ends:

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 04-13-2013

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Bretonia-Tau patrol
Priority: Low

This is Julia.

Had some patrol with one of ours Lieutenant - Alexander Brandt. We flied around Leeds together, kicking some GRN ships we could find. Then Ion Storm was on approach, so we went to Dublin for safe to our ships. At Arranmoure we spent few hours in bar, then I took Glavlit and went back with it. Brandt have staid at Arranmoure to get some rest.

I made my way to Taus, flying around, scanning ships, fighting more GRN pilots. Made my way to Java and looked at what I can find there. Was lots of ships, but not much real interesting. Bunch of IMG ships, some freelancers and AI. Was one Golden Chrisantem, but she was small time. I turned back and made my way to Sevastopol for refuels. Oh, almost forgot! I saw some kind of new installation in Tau 31 JG in Tau 23. Dont know who owns it, but it have odd name even for Gallics.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: endtb.png]