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RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Aphil - 10-12-2014

The sound of boots hitting the floor at a slow and deliberate pace was nothing unusual in the halls of the recruitment centre.

No, it was quite normal to hear boots. What wasn't normal now and days was to who those boots belonged to.

Ex-Field Marshal Joseph Garcia entered the room where Karl Von Karow was interviewed. Before the Commissar could say a word Joseph raised his hand up to silence any protest.

"You're being recalled back home." he spoke with an emphasis.

The Commissar nodded in understanding and excused himself from the room. Joseph took a look around the room, for a moment ignoring the recruit. With a deep breath he finally sat down and gave the recruit a good hard look.

"I apologize for that." he said, his stare now softening. "Now then my friend, why have you decided to leave the Hessians and come to join us?"

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - ~Aro~ - 10-12-2014

"Mein Herr, I've left Hessians because I wish help to Coalition, and help to Rheinland...and to my family. Rheinland is the hell itself now, Rheinland at war with Liberty and more men go to War, and don't return back...Or back in zinc coffins. Be are Hessian - not enough to keep peace in Rheinland. From this reason I wish join to Coalition Revolutionary Army"
- he stopped at this moment -
"I wish to save my family. I wish to move my wife and daughter from Baden-Baden to Gran Canaria, or to Coalition space. I will fight for them"

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Madotsuki - 10-12-2014

Finally, I'm arrived.

Richard Dreyfus leaned against the wall tiredly. He was going to meet Coalition Comissar, but was too exhausted. He looked at minicomputer which shows his rusty, repainted in red "Paladin"'s status, then closed his eyes.
He tried to recall his career's beginning, but the only thing in mind was "I need to do it". The last year was disgusting. Leeds Front squeezed the last juice out of the military, so he deserted and got lost in Omegas.
Richard opened his eyes, then limped to Coalition Guard and asked:

"Where is SCRA Recruitment Centre?"

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - JayDee Kasane - 10-12-2014

Another day in the recruitment hall. Julia was tired of all this. She wanted action, she wanted to taste the life full of adventures. Sometimes she missed the times of mercenaring and scavaging. The freedom from everyone and only empty space to answer to. But everytime she remind herself that her current life of Commissar brings good to this world.

And so she again was stuck in her office, dealing with recruits and other tasks. For quite some time she was lonely, the number of recruits came lower then before. Dorian was bored, and the new recruit that was brought to her by guardsman could take that bore away. She thanked the soldier and invited the applicant Richard Dreyfus to walk in.

[Image: jd2m.png]

Good day, comrade applicant. I was just wondering why I dont have quests. Come on it, take a seat. And tell me about yourself a little bit since I do not happen to have your documents just yet. Julia cleaned the place between her and the applicant's chair to see more clearly. What brings you here?

Dorian crossed her hands on her chest in a pleased manner and laid back on chair.

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Madotsuki - 10-12-2014

Dreyfus squinted and looked at lamp.

First of all, let me tell you who I am. I am... well, I was a Bretonian officer.
My life is too nasty to tell abouts its beginning. I've been raised as many of my friends, in contentment. But the time came, and my father sent me to serve the Queen. I've thought that it's glorious... That was the beginning of series of failures.
At the beginning, my commander hasn't liked me, so he sent me to do all his dirty work. Just after one year of that... thing... he let me to start flying.
My ship was left unfinished, so... malfunction was my second name. A rusty, damaged bomber, and no co-pilot... that made me upset. But I've kept silence.
All of it was some kind of good for some time... until Gallic invasion.
Pilotes were sent to their deaths, my hated commander wasn't an exception. But next time they sent me on a suicide mission, which I haven't executed...
And I've deserted. Surrendered to first Gallic patrol I've met. I've thought that they will take prisoners honorably... My god, how have I been wrong!
Solitary confinement. A dirty, empty, cold prison cell. Nearly nothing to eat.
But I've suffered and survived it. And escaped.
And now I am here... with knowledge about Coalition's attitude to people.
I want to fight for the truth. Exploiters are everywhere, and they must be punished.
That's what every man must know.

He rubbed his forehead and squinted again.

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Aphil - 10-12-2014

Joseph smiled at the applicant as he told a not unfamiliar tale.

His smile faded however when he began to speak.

"I was under the impression that the Hessians would have moved your family to a secure location." he said coldly.

"The SCRA focuses on all of the houses not just Rheinland. Am I to take it that you wouldn't be willing to fight in Gallia or Liberty?"

He paused for a moment before continuing. "We can protect your family and bring them here but that raises the question, why should we?" he raised his hand to silence the recruit before he could say anything.

"What I mean is, why should we allow you to join the SCRA if you'd so readily leave the Hessians because, what, things got tough?"

He took a sharp breath.

"Now, what's to stop you from abandoning the SCRA if things became difficult and believe me, the SCRA is not for the faint of heart. We fight day in and day, almost always outnumbered and outgunned and yet we manage to prevail because we believe in what we do."

He stopped.

"What do you believe in?"

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - ~Aro~ - 10-12-2014

"I believe that all possible if people give enough endeavours to this"
- he stopped at this moment -
"I believe that Revolution is possible. But this may take many years. I hate Liberty, my brother has died on RNC-Wuterich when Liberty fleet came to Hamburg system and began destroying Rheiland ships. Military and civillians... I hate Liberty, and I want to kill captain of the Liberty Navy Cruiser, I want to kill captain Jason Harrison... And I want to keep my family safe."

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Aphil - 10-12-2014

Joseph simply blinked at the little speech given by the recruit.

He sighed.

"The SCRA is not about revenge. When you join us, you leave your past life behind and all the prejudices that come with it to begin anew. It is a place where people come to start a new life and fight for something that we all believe is worth fighting for. Ours is a difficult path, travelled by few and survived by even fewer."

He paused for a moment before continuing.

"If you join us you'll need to forget about your hunt for revenge. You'll need to work to defend any civilian in any house and that includes Liberty."

He stared at the recruit.

"Is that clear?"

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - JayDee Kasane - 10-12-2014

Julia rised her eyes to see the eyes of Dreyfus.

[Image: jd2m.png]

An Ex-Bretonian officer? Now thats interesting, I havent saw your kind here for a long time. Most of you are blindly loyal to the Crown and rarely see the truth. Good to see that you are not one of those, even with your unique story. Julia looked at applicant more deeply now. However, the Coalition doesnt not just punish those who deserve to be punished. Often enough we kill those who do not deserve to die. Some of corpses we leave are good guys who were blind just like your father in serving the Quenn. Houses spread lies about Coalition, and despite our goals and politics we cannot not kill those who stand in our way. What will you feel when you going to kill someone who wasnt Exploiter, but his victim?

Julia watched over expression at the face of Dreyfus to see what senses he shows.

RE: SCRA Recruitment Centre - Madotsuki - 10-13-2014

Dreyfus got lost in thoughts. A minute ago, he smiled tiredly.

But that doesn't matter. I'm just a soldier, you may understand this feeling.
I've got orders - I'm executing my orders. That's simple, comrade Comissar. Killing civilian, clerk or an officer - no difference

He looked into Comissar's eyes.

After all, I just want to fight for the truth. If something in my life still means for me, it's drumbeat, marches and battles.
That's how I've been educated. That's what my life made of.