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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 02-28-2009

incoming transsmisson
from:ensign tom ramey.
well. i saw a smuggler by the name of "volocerapter"(or something like that) he was carrying counterfit software. however, he managed to dock with planet new londen before i could tell them to lock down the docking ring. they lost him planet side.

also, he managed to corrupt my scanner logs.

i also encountered a smuggler called "NOVA-5", he was running guns to arranmore base in dublin, he dropped, and destroyed the guns before i could catch him.
but i got a scanner image

he also said that he would pay ten millon credits insted of the normal 2 millon fine, if i had evidence. whice i did.

i took the liberty of sending him a message.... errr.... the "bretonia of sending him a message?"

i might have over stepped my bounds but........

ensign ramey.

end of transmisson

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 03-01-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart, Lt.Cdr.
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Weekly reporting

Corsairs for start. Lunchbox and Spatial were making fun in Omega 3 with transporters, until Lt.Carter and me didnt came to clear them out. After some minutes of talking with them, with no response, after so much wasted air on: Get lost while you can, and such things, they finanly choosed to engage us. So, rest in peace 'Sairs. Whole operation lasted for 60 sec.

Then...some madman in Cambridge. Falcata bomber, Outcast ship transponder, and pirate ID. After he massacred half of White Tigers there, we fastely moved from Salisbury training ground, to the Norfolk area, where that fella was doing some damage to our friends. We outnumbered him 8 to one, but we played fair. Lt.Carter in Templar engaged that madman, after he refused to leave. Even when we give him a fair mono a mono fight, pirate was unhappy with Mr.Carter fighting style. In the end, pirate was forced to eject, thanks to Mr.Carter. We head back to Salisbury to continue our pratice, and sharping knifes to Naval Force fellas.

Large Corsair invasion of Cambridge, as usual, happens every week, and as usual, they fail every week, but they keep trying. Force of one gunboat, 2 Preatorians, and 2 Titans entered Cambridge to do their worse to poorly armed transport fleet. Pilots of Bretonia Armed Force that took part in the action: Ensign Ramey, Lt. Trotter, Lt.Carter, my old friend and me. We had support of Bounty Hunter bomber, S/D Fireball.
Our first target was gunboat, which didnt had real chance agenst our perfectly trained force. After gunboat was all past, we turned our attention to Preatorians, and after them to Titans. From five Corsair ships that took part in atack, four was destroyed, with pilots forced to eject. One fleed to rocky Omega 5, screaming. But ehm. Bad chaps never sleep, so we didnt had time to rest.
Red Hessians atacked Cambridge system. Five Falcata bombers were blocking route between Cambridge planet and Norfolk. In meantime, Capt.Barkley and Lt.Cdr.Hunter joined us, and tried to clear Hessians back to their Rhieland. Well, that didnt end so good for us. I was first to eject, and what I heard after in Norfolk pub, that Hessians were better, or luckier that day.

Smuggler with some 4000 tons of Counterfiet softwere, name: OTC LossCorruptos. Fine was collected, ilegal matearial was destroyed, and founds were send to our war chest.

Uh. Right. Red Dawn pilots, or Vodka pilots, or just Commies entered Cambridge system in large numbers, ehm including uh... a battleship, their mighty Karl Marx. Our force made RV at Norfolk, and when we belived, we had numbers to deliver deadly strike, we charge to clear them out. Fight started very bad for us. Our pilots, including White Tigers, didnt match Reds and we took some ship losses. Deadly missile fire disabled my Challenger, making it no use for fighter/bomber fight. I was just trying to stay a live, for another day, and keep fireing on only target that I could hit, their battleship. Our numbers were going low, until Lt.Cdr. Hunter didnt join us at battlefield. But, more important we recived big gun support from mighty HMS-Majestic. All fire was concetrated on fighters and bombers, and when we destroyed or forced to flee all their support group, we turned our guns to Karl Marx. Captian tried to flee, to rocky Omega 5, but target never get close to jump hole. Target recived damage beyond and repair. What happened next was a new star in front of you. A Big bang. Last Commie ship was destroyed after, with little mercy.

Hacker and some Molly supporter atacked Lt.Cdr. Frost, Ensigns Ramey and Ring near Leeds planet. Ramey was shoot down by deadly fire from Hacker Sabre, and then that Molly supporter, or some fella that work for them, choosed to engage, to earn coins on our heads. I fastly jump into Duck ehm.Challenger and assisted our fellas. Both Hacker and Molly supporter ships were destroyed, know...not a single escape pod found after.

A big mess in Tau. Colonials pilots atacked our defences in Tau system, destroying just a comms satelite, that can be easly replaced. In order to stop them, Lt.Carter, Lt.Trotter, Volonteer Dave Silverton, Ensign Goodman, Ensign Oleander and sir Farbridge from Bowex security division joined light show in Tau. Teams were even, and we started well. Our first destroyed ship came after Carter was traped in ion storm, a easy target for Colonials. Thank God, eject system was opertional and Carter was saved from those fellas. And then...A mine happened to me. Argh damn and those things. Ah well. What saved our force in Tau was reserve fleet, that wake up, jumped into ships and headed to Tau front. Ensigns Ring, Lt.Cdr.Aldwyn, Ensign Richards, Lt.Cdr.Hunter and Privateer Maggie joined the fight, and overruning Colonials ships. What..erm happened after, was, that Colonials bring whole Battlestar to the field, but still, our chaps, and ladies, forced them to fall back, to their Tau 23. Erm. Right. Messages after that in BAF comms room were little unclear and...I belive, I didnt made some mistakes in writing report on this.

Complite Victory! We recived intels, that large numbers of Kusarians entered Dundee system, and headed to our end of system. York fastely send Templar wings, but our force were still outnumbered 11 to 9. No matter! We overrun them! Tactic called something like Templar swarm worked well, and whole thing was over in less than 45 mins. Only one Kusari maniged to flee, rest were destroyed. And ah em. Right. 10 Kusari ships destroyed, for only one Templar...Right that Templar was piloted by me, and for the was a bloody frendly fire. Check your fire lads!

Week of great victory over Kusari, Corsairs, and Reds.

Signed by: James Hobart, Lt.Cdr.

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 03-01-2009

--Transmission to: BAF command--
--ID: Simon Aldwyn--
--Subject: Smuggling Fines--

' Wrote:incoming transsmisson
from:ensign tom ramey.

i also encountered a smuggler called "NOVA-5", he was running guns to arranmore base in dublin, he dropped, and destroyed the guns before i could catch him.
but i got a scanner image

he also said that he would pay ten millon credits insted of the normal 2 millon fine, if i had evidence. whice i did.

i took the liberty of sending him a message.... errr.... the "bretonia of sending him a message?"
i might have over stepped my bounds but........
ensign ramey.

end of transmisson

Aah, yes, this. Well, we successfully apprehended the bounder just outside Planet Leeds, shortly before we headed off to give those Kusari a good thrashing. At first, he seemed somewhat reluctant to pay, but, in the end, we managed to convince him it was in his best interests. The funds will be transferred to the armory as soon as I remember where I left the keys to my fighter...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 03-03-2009


Following negociations with the TAZ, we now have right of passage through the Baffin System. For those of you who are not aware, Baffin is part of the notorious "Barrier Pass" going from Cortez (I beleive there is a jump hole somewhere behind Planet Curacao), Coronado and Baffin into Tau 29. Naturally, this route will be of great use to us in bypassing the ever more difficult Kusari-held route North from Leeds into Tau 31, giving us an alternative supply line into Tau space through which we may conduct both conventional and unconventional warfare.

Orders to BAF pilots are as follows. Baffin (and hence Coronado) are open routes for BAF vessels now to use either heading into Tau, or as an escape route from Tau. However, under no circumstances are BAF vessels to dock at the TAZ installation in Baffin, nor are they to engage any vessels whilst in the system - remember, we do not own this territory, and are there dependent upon the goodwill of the TAZ. Respect their Discordian laws, however...unorthodox they may appear to be. The passphrase to use when hailed by TAZ ships in Baffin is "Hail Eris, Queen of Baffin." Do not loiter, and try not to use the route so often or stay there so long that you attract undue attention. This is intended to be a relatively covert arrangement.

Commodore Sir Stanley Nelson
BAF Chief Diplomatic Officer
5th Fleet - HMS Suffolk

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 03-05-2009

Transmission to: BAF command--
ID: Ens Driscoll

Seems its time i file in some reports.
My squadron commander was furious when he heared I didnt file a single one.
He even said iff I didnt file in a report by nightfall I have too clean the engines manufaults of the Norfolk.

Well last two days were a lot of action.
Yesterday I flew a relative quite patrol when I got the orders too form up with Lt Cdr Hobart and LT Carter too intercept 2 smugglers in Dublin.
At first they made a run for it too the molly base and than they continued too the O-49 hole.
To bad my templar was there with train cds I manged too stop both ships.
Suddenly a large force of corsairs(npcs) came out of the jumphole and rain havoc on us.
Most were taken out but some escaped.
I engaged the corsairs and I believe LT cdr hobart dealt with the smugglers.
After that incident I landed on the suffolk for some R&R.

Last night patrol was a good one.
I was wing man for cmdr Nelson.
On the acedemy they say he is a excellent fighter pilot so I can learn from him.
When we were on standard patrol in New london there were several reports of hackers in maghellan.
Just 2 min later we got a request from the patrol in Leeds for back up appears those bloody hackers attacked planet Leeds defence.
Cmdr Nelson decided too bring the Steadfast out for tactical support iff needed.

Enemy forces:
HF-Antares (Sabre)
HF-S-Joshua-Mhanke (sabre)
HF-S-Adrian-Morton (Sabre)
HF-Raving.Rabit (Falcata)

BAF|HMS-Steadfast (tactical support)
BAF|Lt,cmdr.James.Hobart (Templar)
BAF|Lt.Robert.Jones (templar)
BAF|Lt.Roger.Ring (Templar)
BAF|Ens.A.Goodman (Templar)
BAF|Ens.Ian.Driscoll (templar)

I believe I saw in the fight 1 or 2 more pilots of BAF but dont remember there names because I was too busy dodging those bloody hackers.

We engaged around 5 k from the planet.
At first nothing happened we doged and fired upon eachother, but suddenly a ionstorm broke the fight and scatterd us.
I believe the falacata pilot engaged later the steadfast but was pushed back by the steadfasts defence turrets.
Then he decided too engage us instead wrong choise.
He didnt see the mine I dropped in his path and flew straight in it, it was a nice blow.
Than the fight intensified.
Sudenly I had those three sabres on my butt and all I could do was dodge and hope my wingmates would take them out.
They managed too lure them off me and I could turn too engage that scum again.
We got orders too engage adrian too either destroy him or chase him away.
After 15 min he suddenly hit the brake he was taken out screaming over the comm it was his own decision, yea right.
Well than the hacker start talking about dishonor etc etc.
And they fled into the cloud behind Leeds.
Especially that Mahnke talks a lot..must be pissed off he couldnt kill one of us.

Well Leeds was save again.
Last task was too escort two Deuterium smugglers into Newcastle too sell there cargo on a Bretonia base and not on a kusari one.
Lt Jones explained me some of the background of the deuteriumsmugglers, well must be paid off very good iff they try the route trough Bretonia..

Well thats it iam off too the hangar too check on my Templar.
Signing out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Nitrocdh - 03-07-2009

Transmission to: BAF command
ID: Ensign Dennis Harris

I have a small report to send regarding my encounter with a molly by the name of Ryan.Ballard this morning. He refused to leave the system and eventually we engaged eachother. We faught for a few moments before he hit my ship with a mine and collided with me. His greyhound is equipped with a mini-razor and mines, that's all I know because it's all he used. So be on the lookout for him, last I saw he was in London.

I might as well put in my request for some assistance re-arming my ship, I've only got my Ultra Sunrails. I believe I need to equip a Mini-Razor.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 03-07-2009

' Wrote:Transmission to: BAF command
ID: Ensign Dennis Harris

I have a small report to send regarding my encounter with a molly by the name of Ryan.Bollard this morning. He refused to leave the system and eventually we engaged eachother. We faught for a few moments before he hit my ship with a missle salvo and collided with me. His greyhound is equipped with a mini-razor and missles, that's all I know because it's all he used. So be on the lookout for him, last I saw he was in London.

I might as well put in my request for some assistance re-arming my ship, I've only got my Ultra Sunrails. I believe I need to equip a Mini-Razor.


Ask a Command Officer with Armoury access to provide you with a mini-Razor.

And I suggest the Advanced Splitters over those sunrails.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Nitrocdh - 03-07-2009

' Wrote:Ask a Command Officer with Armoury access to provide you with a mini-Razor.

And I suggest the Advanced Splitters over those sunrails.

Aye I will speak to an official as soon as possible, Thankyou Sir *salutes*

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 03-07-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt. Robert Jones---
---Location: Battleship Norfolk---
---Subject: Events of today---
As you should know, if you've checked the medical records, I've been out of action on and off for quite a while with some odd strain of illness, so I enjoyed getting back in my Challenger for a while, as I was feeling better. Although my piloting skills were a little rusty, I was still able to get the jump on an RWF gunboat, which destroyed a trader's ship in front of me (The trader and crew survived, luckily) The pilot, luckily seemed to lack experience, although his ship was armoured quite well. Carter arrived quickly and together we ended up blasting it clean in two with an SN shot. After that, things seemed calm, and I started feeling very tired, so I returned to the Norfolk, as we had another lieutenant on shift who could take over.
---Sortie report---
1 Lane Hacker Gunship (RWF) destroyed
2 Challenger class bombers lightly damaged
---Message ends---
---Attached files:1---
---Loading file---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 03-09-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart, Lt.Cdr.
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Weekly reporting

-Smuggler in Battlecruiser, something really new and special. Commodore Nelson onboard Steadfast, Lt.Carter and me intercepted that strange fella, and ordered 134 000 fine, including giving us illegal goods for destruction. Smuggler was called Joel Solomon as seen from ship camera records. Smuggler agreed for paying fine, but he refused to drop illegal goods- Counterfiet softwere that is.
Commodore Nelson gave order to destroy smuggler ship, so light show started.
After some time, and some major damiges on Steadfast, smuggler vessel was destroyed, including with ilegal goods.

-Again smuggler. While doing routine patrol in London, I came to Kensington to have a little rest from flight. But, then I saw some strange scanner contact heading fast to my position. I scanned suspected ship, and what I saw was again Counterfiet softweres. Smuggler both refused to drop and pay fine, and ugly past had to be done. After some time, smuggler ship was destroyed, including illegal things that was onboard.

-Hacker raid near Leeds planet. 1 ship know as Outcast bomber Falcata, together with three Sabre as support wing. It was long fight, and only our numbers gave us upper hand that day. Hacker, already weaken from never end fight, and from some losses retreated back to Magellan system, from where they came.

-Hacker in Cambridge system. Strange but alright. His name was Bulldog, strange name but alright, and he assisted Molly pilot know as Ryan, in order to destroy our ships. He refused to leave, what a surprise and engaged us. Fresh meat in Corsair base last longer than he. Only after 10 seconds of fight, his ship was no where to be found. While RyanWell you know Ryan. After he destroyed three of our ships, he was finally forced to retreat.

-Hacker gunship in Leeds, name: RWK Fabulous, caught in piracy. Target was one poor fella, but he didnt choose his prey. Bounty hunter Raya Remnant and me delivered some suppressing fire on gunship, so transport can get away. We did that well, and transport crew and goods were on safe. While, after short fight, pirate threat was destroyed, with little to be found.

-Again Hackers, but system changed to Magellan. As part of NATO force, Commodore Nelson bring BAF force to the Magellan system in order to search, and destroy, Hackers know as only RWK. They denied any piracy activity in Bretonia space, but we already know, that wasnt correct. Commodore asked compensation for those act, which Hackers refused. So, Cdre.Nelson gave order to open fire. So we did. Both Hacker ships were destroyed, with little or no damage on our ships. One was destroyer class, other gunship.

-Hacker Sabre pilot, in Newcastle system. Only thing weird about Jarek_70 is that he use large amounts of missile ammo. Well, that cost him whole ship, maybe even life, who knows.

-Gaian and Corsair joined operation in Edinburg system. Admiral McKenna and me flied to Edinburg system, in order to catch Gaian gunboat know as Frendly fire. But, when we finish gate jump, we were ambushed by Corsair bomber, which was soon reinforced by..erma Corsair battleship. We managed to destroy Gaian gunboat, and then we concentrate on that big ship of Sairs. Lt.Trotter arrived soon after, and battleship was making a run. Then, some, sneaky Gaian Eagle pilot ambushed us, with no words, and joined Corsair force. He didnt last for long. Admiral McKenna take care of him, and then, turn was to Sir Dark to eject. So he did. Badly planed Corsair attempt of ambush near Edinburg gate. No ships loss on our side, 1 bomber, 1 gunboat, 1 fighter destroyed on foe side while engagement.

-And again Corsairs. This time, Leeds system, near Edinburg gate. At first, only Ensign Goodman and me was engaged by four Sair vessels. Soon, we get reinforcements in shape of Rockwells Templar. After some 30 mins for fight, we done our task. Four enemies Titans were destroyed, for just a few holes on our ships.

-Smuggler OTC Processor. Intercepted by Ensign Ramey, but smuggler open fire on him, and managed to destroy his Templar. Target then escaped to Leeds, but with help of one brave transport captain named Skye, I managed to again intercept him in Leeds. He was carrying Counterfeit softwares, around 4000 tons of it. Again, I order him to drop it, but only thing that he do, was attempt of destroying my ship, and trying to escape. But, after that, there was no escape for him. Ship destroyed, together with illegal goods.

-Again Hacker, again Jarek_70. Again destroyed, only system in which he was destroyed changed from Newcastle to Leeds. Nothing special more to add on this one.

-That was a bloody bad day for Bretonia. Over night I found out, that Stokes isnt ours anymore, that Derby fleed to Leeds planet, that Tau gate is in Sushies hands now. And then, first big encounter with Sushies in Leeds. Gunboat class engaged my Paladin near Stokes, while I was doing my regular patrols, or keeping watch on Kusarians near that station. I called in help, and help arrived soon. Trotter with bomber showed him, that Leeds smog can harm your health. Gunboat destroyed. We didnt had time for look for survivors.

-Hackers bloody again. RWK fellas, bloody again. Bomber and fighter, engaged me near Tau gate. Both destroyed, with help of Lt.Cdr.Frost, Lt.Jones. Our side loss was one Templar.

That would be all for this week. Every day I watch, Kusari are closer by inch to Leeds planet. But, here is something that could return some fighting spirit in our squadrons.

Winston Churchill Wrote:"We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old. "

Signed by: James Hobart, Lt.Cdr

...End Transmission