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Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Printable Version

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RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 03-31-2016

- Excuse me for asking, but how did you intend to get by after leaving Gallia? I mean, consirdering you assumed everyone was against you... I can't really figure what kind of plan you had in mind.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 04-02-2016

- First thought was breaking the chase. Then using known information visit planets that I can land on without being noticed. And, well, do what I did before. - on that Sean with a smug grinn turned his head to Flora - Just this time to survive rather then just for fun. Also doing research on places that I can possibly visit.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 04-02-2016

- You seem to really be into "doing what you did before". You're bad. - she added with a smile under her mask. - I guess your plan worked out in the end. That's quite a feat, you know. I doubt I'd be able to do that myself.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 04-21-2016

Flora's words definitely made him feel proud, but Sean oddly enough expressed it by replacing a grin with a short humble smile - I am just lucky that there is no edge to possibilities that humanity's greed offer. The only real feat is actually funny if you think about it - realising that you can't play this card for long. Most believe that they can control people infinitely with it.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 04-21-2016

- These people are right more often than I'd like, though... - she sighed. - Oh well, It's beyond our power to change that anyway. - she lied back onto the grass. A few seconds passed before she asked. - Say... What do you plan to do now?

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 04-22-2016

Sean meanwhile took another few sips from the thermos. As Flora asked he pulled the thermos away from his mouth, pointing his look on the grass thoughtfully - I don't know... Long term goal so far is to survive, even though I am not sure what for. - he closed the thermos put it next to himself before lying on the grass as well - I guess do what I did untill something more exciting shows on the horison. - with a curious and a bit hopeful expression he turned his look to Flora - Why do you ask?

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 04-22-2016

- Well... I'm curious. You are in a poor situation, there's no denying of that. And I don't really feel like leaving it as it is, to be honest. I'm thinking if I can help you somehow. Sure, I'm not the most influential person, even far from one, and can't really sneak you into any proper company, but I can still scratch out a few things. I'd need to know what would you need from me, though. Or if you even want me to help out.

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 04-23-2016

- I would really appreciate this kind of help. - he smiled gratefully for the moment, replacing it with a playful grin then - Although I would like to know what do you have in mind for me. I am an outcast from society after all... - after a few moments he added with awkward expression - Nor do I know what I could do...

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - TheSauron - 04-23-2016

- Hm. Well, I am fairly sure that most, if not all, your reputation problems come from the fact that you have freelance papers and fly a military ship. I bet people assume that you stole it and as such are not a really lawful citizen. So, if we could arrange you something less suspicious, like a Scimitar, that'd help your image a lot. I can get one for you. Or another small civilian vessel, if Scimitar is not your style. Hm... I think I can also get you a small apartment on New Tokyo. That is if you haven't robbed any kusarians. Though, now that I think of it... You yourself mentioned that you prefer to run that confront enemies. You could grab a freighter and earn a living by shipping some cargo. Your insticts can work miracles in this profession, especially if you are hauling something for "alternate" markets. On the other hand, you don't really look like a merchant type. Hm...

RE: Meanwhile, Saarbrucken. - Sean Renard - 04-26-2016

Sean was looking in the sky while listening to Flora, just changing his facial expression from a thoughtful nod, to an awkward smirk, to a disaproving squint as she would make one point or another. Finaly when Flora went quiet he picked some air in his lungs and started speaking - First of all, I think my problem with governments isn't only about my vessel. Royal Navy would hate me understandably. Kusarian Police is after me for the same reason. I mean, they can get my ID, do some research, find out who I am and since Kusari government isn't really in a position to provoke Gallic government, they would try to turn me over to them. Bretonia and Liberty are out of question, even if I will get another ship they still treat me as a Gaul. Rheinland... I imagine their problem with me started because of my ship, yea. But I am certain that it will not end just when I switch it... - on that Sean let out a hard sigh.