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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - hypermauler - 02-11-2011

[Image: transmissionopener.png]

*****GuildComm Activated*****

[color=#33CC00] Semi-Official Annoncement of the Desarian Program

Greeting dear guild mates, today I started my programm of community hardware pool. I made a public sirian offer on the neural net (Access). I am also aware that perhaps either the direcotr of the members could offer some of their own unused vessels. I will, eventually need some funds , if needed I could make use of credit donation and guild funds for this programm. Because it is still quite early, I will not give further detail on the mechanism of the community hardware pool. I welcome any guild members to enter in contact with me by either the neural net, the guild comm or by T-skype protocol. That will be all,'


*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

[Image: transmissioncloser.png]

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 02-17-2011

[font=Fixedsys]**** INCOMING TRANSMISSION ****
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG members (especially Hood staff)
**** CC: [color=#FFCC99]Anna McCarthy

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: jack_henderson.jpg]


Good morning, my fellow IMG,

A few things from Dublin:

1. Adam.Patterson, hyper agressive BMM-Vigilante in a Roc Bomber
  • He is the one who was responsible for the hot shooting war between IMG and BAF last Saturday.
  • Attacked IMG vessels on sight today
  • Openly threatens IMG with attacks in his neuralnet blog
  • Shot already 3 of our people
  • Saw me today in a meeting with the Order (we were discussing safety mesaures against the increased Nomad activity near Hood).
If you see him, I have no objections if you just shoot him.
He will for sure shoot us.
And: he is good at it. Be careful. He took out 3 Order ships in about 5 minutes today.

2. Fantasme, Pirate and Would-be-slaver in a Sabre
  • Attacked Carsten Miller yesterday near Arry together with the Indians.
  • Stated that he wants to have Anna McCarthy (employed as IMG security) as a slave. You know what for.
  • Was chased twice from Dublin today by IMG Defence.
He is a 100 % shoot on sight for every IMG Defence pilot. No one cares about a Freelancer Pirate scumbag.
I have a personal interest in his suffering. Let me know what you did to him and I will not only smile.

Jack Henderson, IMG Defence Wing, Dublin, Hood.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 02-21-2011

[font=Fixedsys]**** INCOMING TRANSMISSION ****
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG members (especially Hood staff)
**** CC: [color=#FFCC99]Anna McCarthy

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: jack_henderson.jpg]


Good morning, my fellow IMG,

A few things from Dublin:

1. Adam.Patterson

We engaged Adam.Patterson earlier after he - after some verbal foreplay - attacked Anna.McCarthy. IMG engaged him and would have eradicated his ship again, but he proved to be a dangerous enemy in terms of diplomatic cunning and political sense.

When he realized that Mollys were pirating a BMM miner, he ran towards that sight, ignoring IMG hits on his hull, arrived there on time, fired a SNAC into the miner (I was too surprised to screen it, but I'm 90 % sure this was what happened) and started shouting that IMG and Mollys were attacking BMM. The situation looked exactly as if he was right.

There was a BAF Battleship present, so I had no choice after he exploited the situation that cleverly.

I ordered all IMG units to disengage, an order that was harsh at that moment but proved to be right a few seconds later when Patterson used the chaos to cause a shooting incident between BAF and Mollys, in which 2 Molly vessels were taken down by the Vigilante himself.

We did not interfere any more and returned to Hood, in order not to provoke another shooting incident with BAF.

I have visual proof of the role Patterson played in this, but will only release it when BAF inquires into the incident. It's nothing to be proud of.

I'm sorry for all the IMG pilots that I had to call back from a certain kill on our kill-board on Hood. I hope you see that it was not worth the price we would have paid.

2. A-55 Drone

Drone A-55 is a Kill on Sight after blackmailing IMG and shooting Anna.McCarthy directly next to the Hood. Be careful, though, because the Raven's Talon is extremely dangerous and commanded with a lot of precision. A process to make Hood shoot the vessel has already been started.

Jack Henderson.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 02-23-2011

[font=Fixedsys]**** INCOMING TRANSMISSION ****
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG members (especially Hood staff)
**** CC: [color=#FFCC99]Anna McCarthy

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: jack_henderson.jpg]


Status Report from Dublin:

Things are not good. Not good at all. So let's get to the point of it:

IAB and BAF have never cooled down really since the ore-destruction act of vandalism. Their involvement was pushed for by BMM and fueled by vigilantes and covert operations aimed against IMG. We avoided many traps but were caught in some. This has lead to bad consequences.

The IMG in Dublin, especially me, are under heavy pressure by the IAB especially. I forward to you the reaction to the A-55 trap that we stepped into, so you can make a picture of the dire situation at the moment.

This has added the last straw to a tense situation and we need to react in Dublin.

IMG operations have been trheatened openly and I'm not willing to risk being restricted to our Zone of Influence, which would be the logical next step. We would be forced to move more towards the Molly part, thus widening the gap in the diplomatic relations with Bretonia. It would be the start of a bad development that can't be good for IMG in Dublin.

To avoid that, I would like all IMG pilots in Dublin to do the following:
  • [color=#FF9966]
  • Stay out of any trouble that could potentially provoke another incident.
  • Be extremely careful when provoked by BMM or Bretonian Authorities. Do not get drawn into an incident.
  • Only engage in hostilities with Vigilantes or Troublemakers with sufficient proof that they are the reason of trouble, not we. We must be the one attacked, not the perpetrator.
  • Behave politely towards authorities, allies and neutral parties, especially IAB, BAF, Mollys. They all are angry at us for some reason or the other.
  • Keep the Reavers at distance. Shout at them, tell them off, threaten them from our Hood base but do not attack (their presence is a huge problem for the Mollys, but they are a valuable tool not to be wasted).
  • Be careful what you are photographed at. There are spies out there listening to what we say, scrutinizing our every move. Don't let them catch you doing something wrong. Keep secret talk to secret and secure channels.
  • Prove to Bretonian Authorities that we are helpful and thus make them see that they have a view that is biased towards the BMM. Therefore collect evidence on our good deeds (e.g. coop with BAF against Corsairs, raids against pirates, etc.). I want some positive press.
Okay, this is all I can think of.

If you have further ideas that you find helpful, throw them in here. I cam glad for any support at the moment.

Jack Henderson.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - AeternusDoleo - 02-23-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Guildcomms
Re: Dublin situation


I have to re-iterate what mr. Henderson is stating. While things seem tense in the field, diplomatically I am not getting the impression Bretonia wishes to be rid of us. The fact that the IMG is likely the thirdmost revenue generating organization from common Bretonian taxes (aside from Bowex and BMM - we have surpassed Cryer in the past months) might have something to do with it. Quite simply put, Bretonia has more to gain from us then they have to lose. So any form of a structural ousting is highly unlikely. That aside, if they would act against us, it would push the Guild straight into the arms of Kusari. The Bretonian admiralty may be a bit stoic, but they are not slow.

That said, bad blood in the field is to be expected, given recent events. I would advise the following:
Patrol fleet:
- Escort mining vessels and guard Hood only, no active patrols. This will reduce the chance of you happening onto an unfortunate situation. No recon sorties for the present.
- Respond to mutual threats by offering the Armed Forces assistance. Accept that they may refuse.
- Troublesome AI vessels are free to be engaged as long as there is noone aboard them (IE the vessel is fully automated).

Mining fleet:
- Focus in general should be on mining. Where possible, cooperate with the MMC to mine in the Arranmore vicinity. That will keep you out of the way of BMM and the Armed Forces. Right now the Mollies probably like you better then the Armed Forces do.
- If Arranmore is not an option, use the G2 (northeast) field only. H4 (east) field is where the Armed Forces and BMM will be concentrating their efforts. Technically we're allowed to go there as well, but given the circumstance, some distance may be in order.

These guidelines are temporary, until things cool down again in a few weeks. Let the IAB focus on those aliens they are so fond of. And Patterson? It's only a matter of time before he crosses a line that even the Armed Forces can't ignore. Fanatics, in the end, always do.

**** Transmission closed ****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-01-2011

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG|
**** BLOCKED FOR: [color=#FFCC99]All signals linked to Mr. Reapers

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: jack_henderson.jpg]



Report from Dublin:

1. Mr. Tobi.Reaper: Banned from Hood, 15 k

He cannot enter Hood perimeter. When you see him on scanners, do the following:
  1. Remind thim politely that he is not welcome inside the 15 k zone.
  2. Order him to leave the 15 k IMG zone.
  3. Force him, if necessary with violence.
  4. He may enter (temporary) when working with BAF or IAB. They own the system. But he has to leave once the mission is completed.
  5. Whatever he does: Screen it. I want munition to burn his ass. With BAF, IAB, VPS.
He deserves it.
Do NOT attack him outside the IMG perimeter. Legally, he counts as a lawful citizen, which he is not.

He is an IAB spy, feeding them information. He linked hostile Nomad attacks in O49 to Anna (who seems to attract the attention of the small spirits) and caused a lot of trouble. He attacked Anna during a fight in which IMG and BAF were battling a common enemy, and after shooting shouted in comms "Defending myself against the attack of...". Just keep him away.

BAF knows about things. I talked to Commodora Evyn Hunter.
VPS Security Services knows about it.

2. IMG-BAF Relations:

We managed to improve our relations with BAF pilots. We assisted them on a few counts and were helpful in some more. I think the situation is under control and improving steadily. Just keep on playing it professionally. With BAF in favour of our efforts in Dublin, it will be much easier to get the IAB bloodhounds off our backs. Because they are still into the chase.

3. Shot lots of guys, for strange reasons
Yeah, just my personal thoughts. People really wanted to be shot today. So... yes... they got it. Thank's to Anna's training lessons I survived the encounters. We (combined forces of different lawful types, and IMG) took down 3 Corsair gunboats, 3 Order ships, 1 Outcast near Hood, 1 Corsair near Hood and I forgot some. It was just a little bit weird.


Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - halibut - 03-03-2011

*****GuildComm Activated*****

TO: IMG HQ databanks
FROM: DSRC Prototype 775b: designation: Mining_drone_alpha
RE: Memory Dump, Situation report and Dublin Ore Field analysis.

~memory block~
Uploading Black-box contents:
Comms log:
further records lost due to ion interference. Attempting to retransmit
Resultant debris:
Standing directive: Patrol vicinity of the Hood.

~situation report~
OCV accuse IMG of nomad affiliation. HQ database was checked, no information available at this units access level. OCV-Intrepid (Order GB vessel) states that Order will be stepping up presence around IMG assets. At least 3 other order vessels identified today. Possible risk of proliferation. Hence, this report was submitted 02:00SMT. Also present: Captain Sheridan.

OCV-Intrepid violates IMG NFZ around the Hood. Unit request count for ceasefire: 3 requests. Request ignored. Multiple Non-personalised-callsigns engaged by OCV-Intrepid. Mining_drone_alpha threatened with weapons fire. Analysis: OCV globally hostile to IMG? Requesting input from HQ. Setting possible-hostility marker for all order shipping. Extend to zoners?

~Dublin Ore Analysis~
asteroids sampled: 480,568,598. Usable ore obtained: <200,000,000. Further sample analysis: Massive Ion contamination. Molecular structure of ore possibly affected. Samples submitted to IMG research labs. Pending results.

*****GuildComm Deactivated*****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-04-2011

**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG, IMG|
**** ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC99]HIGH

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: jack_henderson.jpg]



Okay, this is short.

Due to the necessary cuts in the Dublin Mining Ops budget and the complete loss of all mining activity without much of a warning, I have drawn the consequences.

I registered with the Mercenary Agency that Miss McCarthy is also registered with to avoid problems for running IMG operations. Anna McCarthy and I are working as IMG affiliated Mercenaries now.

This is a temporary solution in order to stay self-sufficient in a time in which the outcome of the Dublin efforts is more than insecure and in which we all suffer.

I'll gladly assume my position as Coordinator for Dublin again, once the ore economy crisis is over but until then I'm back to the old line of business that I was working in before I joined the IMG.

Good luck to all of you. If you need us, call us. In hard times we must be creative and help each other.


//OORP: flying as IFF IMG - MERC ID - Jack_Henderson as long as there is no play available for me. This is not a goodbye to IMG| even though I deleted the tag (mainly to avoid no false impression ).

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - AeternusDoleo - 03-04-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders
To: Guildcomms
Re: Mining situation

In regards to the report from Mining Drone Alpha:
We have no formal relations with the Order to my knowledge. Their interests lay mainly in fighting nomads in the deep Omicrons, well outside of our operating area. We have no reason for a conflict with them, but this "OCV Intrepid" seems to wish to force the issue. The Guild's stance on this is simple. Troublemakers are valid targets, especially in Bretonia, where the Order is deemed a terrorist organization by the house government. The behaviour of this vessel however is blatantly overt, in comparison to most reports of Order encounters I have. Most likely this is some kind of fanatic within that organization. Order as a whole is generally docile towards IMG, most likely due to the fact that we share an enemy in the Outcasts.

In short, there will be no reprecussions if this OCV Intrepid is removed, as it's proven it's intent towards the Guild to be hostile. Order as a whole should be treated as neutral, until they start trouble.

Mr. Henderson, I fully understand your need to maintain a living. Hopefully the situation will improve again, soon.
For the present I'm granting you, and any who wish to do likewise, a temporary grant to work outside of the Guild in a lawful capacity, and retain your (non-capital) craft and weaponry while doing so. This grant will last until our mining operations can be resumed.

**** Transmission Closed ****

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - AeternusDoleo - 03-05-2011

**** Incoming Transmission ****
From: Johnathan Sanders, R&D division
To: Guildcomms
Subject: Mining situation, update
Priority: High

It seems that the worst is behind us, Guild. The large, siriuswide anomaly that made mining completely unfeasable for a few days, has been resolved. There are however some serious consequences to it's aftermath. First off, the quality of most ore fields has degraded significantly, causing it's value to decrease. Attached is a new pricing list for all minable commodities that the IMG might have an interest in, as well as known buying locations for these commodities. Prices are actual to the date of this transmission, but may be in flux still. I will try to keep this list updated.

Mineable commodities sellpoints and current prices:
Beryllium Ore
The Ring, New Berlin&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7200
Alesia Station, Burgundy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8500
Narita Outpost&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5000

Cobalt Ore
Ingolstadt, Munich&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8600

Copper Ore
Houston, Texas&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;8300

Gold Ore
Detroit Munitions, NY&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7199
Ingolstadt, Munich&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;7199

Niobium Ore
Planet New Berlin&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7875
Alesia Station, Burgundy&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;6525
Kensington, New London&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4125
Holman, Tau 31&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1500

Scrap Metal
Fuchu Prison, Shikoku&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2400
Valetta Shipyard, Omi Alpha&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2400
Tripoli Shipyard, Omi Gamma&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 2400
BPA Newgate, Manchester&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 1800
Bornholm Depot, Omega 15&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1200
Invergordon, Inverness&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1200
Vierlande Prison&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;600

Silver Ore
Narita Outpost, New Tokyo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7575

Uncut Diamonds
Narita Outpost, New Tokyo&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 7949
The Ring, New Berlin&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;2500

Next, the mining itself. Due to a hardening of the ore pockets following this anomaly (which we are still analyzing here at R&D), generic lasers are now no longer feasable for mining. While this may not impact the Hegemon class vessels significantly, it will heavily affect smaller miners, such as the Dacite, Mafic and Spatial. It will make the Basalt practically useless for mining purposes, as it's mining turret is rearfiring only. The Basalt requires a redesign... I will see to putting a team on it.

The mining turrets themselves have been modified in two ways: Their output has been adjusted in order to function in this new situation. A software update also is included, to interface with the ships tractor system. This upgrade allows ore to be tractored in automatically, resulting in less crew overhead. This should also prevent the piracy by snatch-and-run that has been reported to be a problem in the Tau and Omega systems. Reports indicate all major mining corporations are working on similar upgrades. For crews in the field, I'm attaching an instruction set that will allow you to perform this modifications using any available drydock facility.

*Data packet: M4-TT Mining Emitter field adjustment instructions*
*Data packet: BL0-D0 Mining Emitter field adjustment instructions*

I have sent a crew to perform basic yield testing with a variety of common, and uncommon miner configurations. Attaching the results:
"Fieldtesting division Wrote:Yield testing. Craft: Hegemon, IMG configuration. Transport mining turrets in slot 1,3 and fighter mining turrets in slot 2,4.
Copper mining in Omega 7, south of the tradelane, in the untouched field with explosive gases. Field test, 1 minute mining:
Generic non-mining turrets: 0 ore
1x Transport mining turret: 47 ore
1x Fighter mining turret: 52 ore
1x Fighter, 1x Transport mining turret: combined: 68 ore
2x Transport mining turret: 52 ore
2x Fighter mining turret: 54 ore
2x Fighter, 2x Transport mining turret: 82 ore
Combining a fighter and transport mining turret seems to increase the yield slightly.

Beryllium in Cambridge Cardiff field, 1 minute mining:
Generic non-mining turrets: 0 ore
1x Transport mining turret: 294 ore
1x Fighter mining turret: 301 ore
1x Fighter, 1x Transport mining turret: combined: 372 ore
2x Transport mining turret: 297 ore
2x Fighter mining turret: 296 ore
2x Fighter, 2x Transport mining turret:: 377 ore
Combining a fighter and transport mining turret seems to increase the yield slightly. Additional transport turrets do not seem to assist.

Retried combined gun test with transport turrets in slot 1,2 and fighter in slot 3,4 to confirm suspicion that the turret type was irrelevant
1x Fighter, 1x Transport mining turret: 247 ore
2x Transport mining turret: 369 ore
2x Fighter mining turret: 355 ore
2x Fighter, 2x Transport mining turret: 359 ore

Conclusion: Mining turrets that are at roughly the same place on the ship, will cause multiple hits on the same rock. This seems to improve yield by 15%. Recommend all Hegemon class craft to equip themselves with mining turrets at either positions 1 and 2, or 5 and 6, and use a mix of defensive turrets on the other hardpoints. There does not appear to be a difference between transport mining turrets, or fighter mining turrets.
There is some bad news however. The new conditions will cause a mining field to become exhausted if it is being mined in excessive numbers. This will impact shared operations, such as the Silver and Cobalt mining operations in Omega 7, and the Gold mining operations in Dublin. I do not foresee direct problems for our Niobium operations in Tau 23... the three seperate fields there should accomodate our operations without much trouble. How the Dublin and Omega 7 situation will be handled, or if this will affect our joint operations with the MMC in Dublin (or Arranmore field access) remains to be seen.
There is also the presence of the secondary corporations, and completely unaffiliated miners to be considered. RDA, UMWS, ICMG to name a few. How field access and distribution between guild core and nonaffiliated members is to be arranged is also a matter to be seen. For the present: Business as usual. This situation is new, and we do not yet know if problems will arise due to it.

In conclusion, I believe this new situation to be relatively beneficial to the Guild as a whole. Corporations tend to heavily focus on a single resource. Our own operations are less intense, but more versatile, with a wide range of mining prospects available to us. Should one resource run out, we can relocate operations to another viable resource. Corporations, typically, cannot.

**** Transmission Closed ****