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The best game ever.... - Printable Version

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The best game ever.... - xxrockstar992xx - 02-21-2008

yea thats how i didnt get banned... but their are mods... never seen an admin... the way i first startin scammin was whips... i sold everything just to get a whip... accedently scammed some1 and got 1.3 mil extra... then i started for real... made 100 mil off that then moved on... anyways it felt so awsome when i scammed... i stopped when a MOD effin caught me.... so gay

The best game ever.... - looqas - 02-25-2008

Freespace 2. The story and atmosphere is just top of the shelf stuff.

The best game ever.... - Raging Monkey - 03-25-2008


Got to second-base with Carrie Becker.

It was awsome.

The best game ever.... - Eboksba - 03-25-2008

Bioshock definitly.

I love the story line. And the fact that the whole thing is drawn/painted like the 20's

I also love all of Valve's works.

The best game ever.... - Sayne - 03-25-2008


The best game ever.... - onca - 03-25-2008

Jeez I can't believe a thread this huge & old has slipped me by till now! It's older than I am:P

Well... I always feel the best games are the ones you write yourself. They're crappy and buggy and whatever, but there's just something about making things with your own hands.

So waaaaay back when I was a teen I quote quite a few little games in Basic on my Vic-20 and later Apple-IIc. The Vic had 3.5k of RAM (that's kilobytes, not megs) and no disk drive, not even a floppy... mass storage was on cassette tape. The Apple had a whopping 128k RAM with a 140k floppy drive.

Meh it wasn't much, but it was all we had, and I made some cool little games. There was space shooters, and asteroid dodging, text adventure, ASCII adventure, poker machine, card games.....

Incidentally I still have the Apple and my original disks with me today.... I uploaded the disks to my PC to use them in an Apple emulator, so they're safe forever:)Maybe I should post some screenies:P

These days I still try to keep my coding skills up, but of course I've moved on to Java and w/e.

The best game ever.... - Othman - 03-25-2008

Heh, this thread made me remember my old days in front of an old television screen with the Amiga, some scattered disks around on the carpet, having fair fun with inferior technology..

Actually, reading Onca's reply made me remember that ^^

The best game ever.... - Zelot - 03-25-2008

Let's see thats a hard one, so here's my top five. (oh nom now I have to widdle it down to 5:()

5. Freespace 2 - great play, a few good mods, and the medel case was better than any other game because you could carry them from campagin to campagin.

4. Jagged Alliance 2 - Real good turn based combat game with tons of quirky humor

3. Freelancer - need I say more

2. Micro League sports games - still perhaps the best sports managment games ever

1. Fallout 2 - Cant wait for 3, though I hear it may suck:(Classic

Honorable Mention
Wing Commander 1 and 2
Privateer - almost edged out Freelancer
5th Fleet
New California Rangers - 10 points to whoever knows this one
Police Quest series
Space Quest Series
Star Wars Rebellion
Red Storm Rising

I think thats about it.

The best game ever.... - Silver_Blade - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:Other than that, this thread got me remembering an old PC game I loved, but I 've forgot the name. It was a space RTS type of game. You built ships out of different pods. To get money you mined the stars on the map and the goal was to basically exterminate your opponents.

Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Allegiance I think, it was a pay per month multiplayer game made by microsoft.

Imagine freelancer and age of empires put together, and you get allegiance.
It never really made it, and microsoft ended up realeasing the source code (hurry up and release freelancers!!!)so a bunch of fans turned it into a free to play game.

There is a lot of similarities between fl and allegiance.

anyway, my list:

5. Legend of zelda Orcarina of time. that was my childhood

4. halo 1,2. havent played 3

3. Age of empires 2. and of course the expansion

2. Freelancer. .... duh

1. Splinter cell series. best story untill the montreall development team handed it over to the SC DA guys.
and they really were D.A. guys, the xbox/ps3 story was completley different from the PC/360.
oh well, hopefully conviction will be better.

Other good games.

dynasty warriors 4
deus ex
NOT tetris
freelancer 2.......cause they better make it
crysis , graphics were amazing, story could be better
time shift , try it if you get the chance
Witcher, great rpg but no multiplayer!
the rest of the AOE series
Rainbow six series
Unreal series
Half life series
Americas Army
Flight simulator series, flight sim x is amazing!
Mech Warrior 4 and expansions
Need for Speed Underground 2
Grand Turrismo (probably spelled wrong) 4

thats all....
....for now

btw, how can i play age of empires 2 online? i have a linksys router and i cant get the port fowarding to work.

The best game ever.... - AdamantineFist - 03-26-2008

Hmm. Tough to choose my favourite, but there are some games I've really loved. Definitely the Command & Conquer series, which I've played ever since I can remember, as well as Age of Empires (2, although I guess the original was pretty good, too), Halo (original, I haven't played the others), Morrowind, Oblivion, and Freelancer.