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Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Lumik - 10-03-2011

Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium
Name ID: RFP|Kad.Stan.Stone
Location: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart
Date: 3rd October
Subject: Shift report

Personal notice: This could be my first ordinary shift, but because of my error ends nearly with disaster.

Important events:

Short description: assistance to Rheinwehr, Hessians ships destroy, criminals deliver to Vierlande prison
Details: When I took with my Mjolnir off the Planet New Berlin, I had some criminals on board, because I get order to take them to Vierlande prison. But I was quickly asked by Rheinwehr officer with call sign Seydlitz to help him at expected arrival of hostile ship in Stuttgart. Fortunately the ship didn´t appeared so I continued to Vierlande. Near Bonn I was ambushed by trade lane disruption by four Red Hessians ship and attacked, but I got them very quickly and enlarged my load of criminals which I delivered to Vierlande (Evidence #1).

Short description: Unioner´s ship heavy attack on traders, civilian ship destroy, fight and pursue hostile ship
Details: After that I was planning to watch at Liberty border but I unexpectedly heard at system channel messages from ship named Arbeitstier which souds like a public swearing and also provoking and word assaulting of law enforcement authorities (Evid. #2, #3). I noticed off. Seydlitz who advise me to wait until he arrives with his more powerful ship, but I felt that in this situacion no time can be wasted. When I arrived, I saw that heavy fighter Arbeitstier (Unioner ID and IFF - Evid. #4, #5) is attacking two civilian ships (Felix_Lynx and Aks - Evid. #6) so I started to defend them with my attack of him. Despite my effort to attract his fire at me he continued in shots mainly on Aks ship (Evid. #7, #8). A little later Seydlitz arrived. Despite our dense fire Arbeitstier lately destroyed Aks ship (Evid. #9) and then started to escape. We pursued him to a base named Wedel Mining Facility (to this day I didn´t know about existence of that base here) where he docked. Because station guns started to shooting on us, we were forced to go out of their range. After we returned, other assaulted ship witch stands without damages thanks us (Evid. #10)

Short description: pursue of ship that violates RFP officer orders
Details: We returned with off. Seydlitz to watch at planet Hamburg. Soon I spotted two ships in trade lane from Liberty border, callsigns ^*Garbuz*^ and Help_for_Garbuz. When they saw us in front, they exited the tradeline and started to fly to open space. I ordered Garbuz to stop to ordinary control and then repeatedly to stop his ship (Evid. #11, #12), but he didn´t follow my orders. I have pursued them a few minutes and then understand their plan to fly around the sun and the continue on trade lane. Both ships were damaged because flew into sun corona (Evid. #13) and I had to be careful too, but they finnaly made it. I tryed to informed other units but electromagnetic interference from sun corona made my effort impossible. When we were near tradelane, I sent signal to block trade lane and jump gates, but they somehow hacked them and used them. I continued pursue to The Ring station, where they again hacked systems and docked. I wait there few minutes on guard. Garbuz was so impudent that he took off again! But when he saw me, he quickly docked again (I think that stations will have to improve their security, there is too much hacking the docking bays as I saw in other reports). Finally I have to say that I don´t understand why he violated my orders and escaped, because at my scans that I made before he first landed at The Ring is nothing that can be considered as law violant (Evid. #14, #15)

Short description: communication and IFF systems failure resulted in friendly fire with Rheinwehr ships
Details: Next tens of minutes was very quiet, there were a minimum ships in the system and it seemed that criminals and terrorist have taken a holiday. Later I was on watch at Stuttgart system when I saw something strange on my radar. I saw two unidentified ships at distance of 7K that suddenly appeared. They then sent me salutation ("Guten Tag Officer", "Hello, herr"). I was confused so I ask them who they are. My systems suddenly showed them as a Liberty Navy ships! But they sent me also confused answer ("You ask who we are?") and my systems without a warning identified them now as Rheinwehr ships. I checked them visually and it was our ships so I sent them salutation too and informed them about a system failure which caused that I didn´t identify them for at first.

Some time later some systems of my ship started to report errors. It seemed that my long flight very close to sun and it´s corona during the pursue of Garbuz damaged some of my electronics. I restarted them but to be sure I decided to land at Elbe station to let them check by our technicians and also to go off duty, so I went through jump gate to New Berlin system. And here I saw something strange. There were three ships that my systems identified as Hreidmar, RNC Panther (which I met before in Stuttgart) and Dingo_Lima. RNC.Panther asked me for help so I flew closer. And then everything went wrong. My systems suddenly changed their identification to hostile, my cargo scan warned me about Wild on board (Evid. #16) and warning system shouts about a missile fired on me! My first quickly reaction was to start fight. But after tens of seconds of some shooting, my systems noticed me that this is friendly fire to Rheinwehr ships! Meanwhile Rheinwehr ships started to fire on me. I tryed to explain whats happened but my radio seemed to be broken because they not responded and continued in fire.

I decided to leave place because this desperate situation but they pursued me. This continued through jump gate to Stuttgart system. This was the second time in my duty after fight with MM~Shushy' that I had to use all my piloting skills to prevent destroy of my ship and situation against two vessels with military trained crew on board was very very bad. But I somehow managed to get to the planet Stuttgart, where was at patrol RFP|SEK-Bergelmir.04. I tryed to contact Bergelmir but my radio was still dead. It had to look very strangely for him, when he saw Rheinwehr ships hunting polizei ship. Fortunately he asked them to stop fire and they stopped. When I finally had enough time, I rebooted my ship systems and was able to start my radio again. I shortly told RFP officer whats happened and then landed on Stuttgart because of my exhaustion and to think about my failure which could end very bad.

I hope that Oberkommando will understand why this situation happened and will take into cosideration the circumstances - systems confusing failure that leads to my inexperienced kadett´s bad decision with combination of my hasty reaction which were in my opininon caused partly by fading away of recent fight with MM~Shushy'. I will defray all the damages on my ship (I´m assuming that I didn´t cause any damages to Rheinwehr ships) and I´m ready to pay a potential fine.

Signed: Polizeikadett Stan Stone

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - rwx - 10-04-2011

..::Incomming Transmission::..

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: renatebommelstop.jpg]
PRIORITY: [color=#FFFF00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Obt. Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Paperwork stuff

Sehr geehrter Kadett Stone,

zere are some criminal entries, which I have to decline for ze RCDB:
  • MM~Shushy' - by Rheinland laws, ze mandalorians should be considered as enemy of ze state. Zere is no reason to add him, because he'd be on your shoot on sight list.
  • MaxScorpio - in lack of evidence.
  • Arbeitstier - Same as the MM~Shushy', Unioners are to be shoot on sight or have to be put under arrest.
Sehr geehrter Officer Wolthers,

it seems zere was is a problem with entry for Cawa, ze cargo scan is missing. Fortunately I saw ze cargo scan in zis channel, but you should add it to your entry in ze RCDB.

Mit freundlichen Grueßen

Renate Bommel
Rheinland Bundespolizei


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - hades durin - 10-05-2011

From: Kadett Nic Becker
Located: Planet New Berlin

Message: Text and Video

Guten Abend,

todays petrol was very intresting.
After i undock from New Berlin i see a ship with callsign "P.Russel" so i ordered him to stop
and do a cargo scan...
And i see that:
and checking his ID:

He denid my request to stop and i order him to drop the contraband. He also denid that and i told him that if he denid further more he would be treated as enemy of the state. I also disallow him to dock at any station within the system New Berlin.
The fact that his ship has more agility than mine makes me sick and so i call some help. Kadett Dietmar Heck, Lt.Lukas.Schmitz and Wachmann Daniel assist me killing this enemy.
After long time of fight P.Russel dock at the tradelane and escaped in space still with the contraband on board.

see Attachments

I am not sure, but he is in my eyes a criminal and should have to been add to the
rheinland criminal database.

After that a Pirat Transport called "Wyoming" passed by and we follow him to catch him.
Near Mainz Storage Facility we catched him and Wachmann Daniel solve this.
Wachmann Daniel answered me how high the fine is and i answer him (think it was a test).
I was very surprised that i got the fine and i forward it to RFP|Arsenal.

After that the Wyoming moves on and we turn back to New Berlin.
There i have to dock for some repairs and to write this report.

Thats all for today.

Kadett Nic Becker

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Dietmar.Heck - 10-05-2011


: (Kadett Dietmar Heck)

Location: RFP Office, Planet Hamburg

Subject: Shift Report

Liebe Kollegen,

Case 1:

today was my first day in the RFP and the calm it began, the hard it became. First I was provided with a light fighter of the Phantom class and some standard weaponry. I went to my new patrol base in Hamburg, as ordered by Kommissar Becker. There I was contacted by a captain <GJ>Bananhej. He wanted to lurk a Bundschuh into a trap and wanted me to take care of him at Hamburg. While I waited, another Bundschuh got to Hamburg, who I scanned. He hold several Polizei officers as hostages and I demanded to eject the cargo. He didn't comply and I commenced firing. But the phantom was not well equipped enough and so I withdraw, while he started a propaganda stream over the comm. A lot of other lawfuls and unlawfuls entered the system and I couldn't contact any other officer, so I went to New Berlin to get better equipment.

Case is still open, the name of the Bundschuh was Volksritter.

The rest of the day and the patrol shift held several support duties for me.
1) Support of Kadett Becker in the P.Russel case.
2) Support of Kadett Becker in the Wyoming case, Wachmann Daniel took the lead.
3) Support of Wachmann Daniel in a pirate hunt which began in Stuttgart and took us to Omega 11 and 7, where we were forced to retreat, because of a pilot, who flew to his base. Only a gunboat of the Rheinwehr was present and we therefore didn't have a opportunity to attack.

Furthermore I did regular patrol runs in the Aachen- and Saarfield in New Berlin.

Special thanks go to Wachtmeister Daniel, who helped me with a fighter, the Tiger Shark and the rest of the equipment. Nonetheless with a great and thorough introduction into the work of the RFP.

Mit bestem Gruße

Dietmar Heck

[color=#33CC00]***END TRANSMISSION***

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 10-05-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Sanction: Kadett Stan Stone
Sehr geehrter Kadett Stone,

after discussing with the Inspekteur der Polizei, we made a decission.
Your sanction will be: A warning

We won't sanctionate you for having system failures, but the next time you shouldn't trust your systems blindly. Don't attack Rheinland Military ships except in self-defense.

Mit freundlichem Gruße

Oberst Fritz Schulz
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 10-05-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Konstanz Boder Station, Stuttgart System

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police


Guten Tag, dear Officers,

first of all Frau Oberst, thank you for your messaging concerning the missin evidence in case of the DSE-vessel Cawa. I have solves this problem now.

Herr Oberst Schulz,

I have a question concerning the captain of the Wyoming. What exactly was the violation he had to pay the fine for? Ich cannot exactly read he reason for it out. Was it about the pirate transport itself?

If that is the case, does Wachmann Daniel refer to this article?

Quote:§2.2.3. Equipment and ships that belong to terrorist groups and criminal organisations such as Red Hessians, Corsairs, Bundschuh, Landwirtrechtbewegung or Unioners.

I am not quite sure from my point of view if the transport itself can be affiliated to any know criminal organization such as Unioners or Corsairs here in Rheinland. The fact is, that some of these vessels are sold by some Zoners or Junkers respectively.
If I am wrong about that said articles also including these vessels, maybe this could be included into Rheinland law, just to avoid any misunderstanding in future?

Or was there another reason for the levied fine?


Thomas Wolthers


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 10-07-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................MEDIUM

SOURCE..................................................Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police


Today's shift ist split into two parts, divided onto different daytimes. First I was flying in my Phantom, but later switched to the Geilenkirchen today.

Incident 01 is about a BOWEX-trader carrying military vehicles without permission. After informing him about Rheinland law, I ordered him to get the vehicles back to Munich. He responded to this without much complain.
* * *

Incident 02 is about an attack by two Reaver mercenaries, in this case Silver Reaver and Amethys Reaver, attacking Rheinwehr vessels in their Mamoru bombers near Dortmund station. As Silver Reaver is sentenced to death by the Rheinland criminal data base already, I informed all units of the kill on sight.
Despite this, they were able to inflict much damage on the cruiser Seydlitz and destroy the RFS~Darkedge. To my surpise a Bundschuh pilot named Volksritter attacked the two mercenaries and destroyed at least one of them. Silver Reaver escaped once more.
* * * *

Other than this, I met Wachmann Daniel in orbit of Hamburg. We were hunting some embargo breakers, but unfortunately, these escaped and the guncam of my Phantom has no record of this. Therefor I took a break while the technicians had Hamburg had to look at my guncam.

Next part of my shift and stating with incident 03, I took the Geilenkirchen and supervised the traffic around planet Hamburg.
It was not long after this, when scanning of the vessel helly37 via TLAG showed us that he was flying with illegal weapons in his vessel. Somehow he broke the lines. Kadett Schmidt and I searched for him, but he had escaped into the Bremen system. Informing the Rheinwehr about this trespasser we were temporarily granted the right to enter Bremen. Five minutes later Kadett Schmidt recognized an explosion in a nearby nebula. Scans of derelict indicated that it was the trespasser Kadett Schmidt and I were looking for. After this we left Bremen to Hamburg again and informed Rheinwehr about the result.
* * *

Incident 04 just started after jumping in Hamburg system again. Officer Kugelblitz was chasing a possible smuggler vessel near Alster shipyard. Kadett Schmidt and I assisted him and we finnally tracked him down near a jump hole to Frankfurt. The kapitaen of the vessel Powder admitted he wanted to take a shortcut to Frankfurt, as he had business there. We ordered the vessel to take the regular lanes. After some complaining he complied to our orders, the rest of his documents was fine to us so we had to let him go.
* * *

While officer Kugelblitz, Kadett Schmidt and I had hoped for a little break, with incident 05we had to pursuit another vessel near Hamburg. A vessel with ALG-affilation did not respond to our orders to stop engines and be scanned. Neither me nor Kadett Schmidt were in range for a cargo scan, so the only violation of law was not compliying to our orders. I highly recommend informing ALG to this behaviour. Kadett Schmidt wanted to hunt the violator in Bering but I called him back, as the only Rheinwehr vessel, the RNC-Radical was on a mission and not really assisting us. We had to fly back to Hamburg.
* * *

We took a short break there where I let the ragnar get a repair. Engines system had malfunction which led to an embargo breaker escaping.
Later on, we encountered another trespasser entering Bremen system. TLAG-scan of CORBEN92 indicated that he was flying a corsair heavy fighter. I informed Rheinwehr again and they took this issue for themselves. Kadett Schmidt was a little bit to eager to hun this violator and followed him directly into Bremen. As we had no permission to enter this system again, I called him back immediatly.
From what I know by Rheinwehr officers, they tracked the violater down in Braunschweig, but he was able to hack into the docking procdures of a base there.
* * *

From there on, the Kadett Schmidt had some engines failures and had therefore to land on planet Hamburg. At least from what I know. Perhaps he can tell us more about it. Meanwhile, Kadett Becker showed up and with him, I set course to system New Berlin. And now incident 06:
A trade-vessel with the name (KS)-Garderal-(HS) was on its way from Hamburg to New Berlin. When ordering to stop for a regular scan, he did no comply, so Kadett Becker and I had chase him until Dortmund station. Although I odered all nearby stations to temporarily revoke the docking rights for the kapitaen, so we could get some answers from him, he somehow managed to land on Dortmund station.
So, this will be another possible entry for the Rheinland criminal data base. He could have avoided this if he had obeyed our orders. The scanning near Dortmund showed, that his documents were in order all the way. But we cannot tolerat such a behaviour!
* * * *

We continued our patrol to Stuttgart, when Kadett Becker noticed a wanted criminal in our space. The vessel's name was Son.of.a.Badger (see registry here). He had to pay a fine of 7.5 million Sirius credits. We gave him a last chance to pay the fine, but he just told us that he had not enough to pay it right now.
As he already had entered Rheinland space, Kadett Becker and I activated our weapons and finally destroyed the mining vessel.
* *

On our last part of our patrol, Kadett Becker and I flew into Dresden system. Near Leipzig station we encountered a BOWEX vessel. The document for it were fine. During our interrogation we had to deal with minor Hessian presence. Kadett Becker engaged them and destroyed them quickly but by a mistake of the Bretonian kapitaen, the BOWEX vessel fired upon Kadett Becker's Mjolnir.
The capitaen apologized for his mistake, but I cannot see, why he should not have checked his scanners first. Therefore I levied a fine of 500.000 Sirius credits for the assault on Kadett Becker. After some complaint, the fine was paid. I have already forwarded it to RFP|Arsenal.
* * * * *

After this, both I and Kadett Becker set course to our home bases and let our shift end.
Last but not least I want to express my compliment for the good work that both Kadetten have shown today. Although they have to learn some things yet, they are on a good way from what I have seen today.


Thomas Wolthers


Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 10-07-2011

[Image: RFPHeader1.png]
[Image: fritzschulz.jpg]

PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]Medium
IDENTIFICATION: Oberst Fritz Schulz
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Reason for the fine
Sehr geehrter Officer Wolthers,

after contacting the Wachmann he explained his point of view for this situation.
The transport captain was a few time ordered to cut his engines. After he refused, the Wachmann was enforced to levy a fine for his behavior.

Even if I had put the captain under arrest, a fine for a person suspected for piracy is allowed and according to the ship class, this reasonable for me.

Mit freundlichem Gruße

Oberst Fritz Schulz
Rheinland Bundespolizei

[Image: RFPFooter1.png]

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - hades durin - 10-07-2011

From: Kadett Nic Becker
Located: Planet New Berlin

Message: Text only

Guten abend,

todays duty begins easy, no paperwork to do and seem to be a fine day...

After i lauch to space i meet up with Herr Wolthers in front of Hamburg. He ordered me to patrol Stuttgart and Dresden. So i move on and begin patroling .
As i reach Dortmund Station he advise me to stop the (KS)-Garderal-(HS). The Kapitän ignores my advice to stop and move on to the station where the ship is docking.

After some time of waiting Herr Wolthers ordered me to move on with patrol and so i do.
Patroling the Tradelanes of Stuttgart but there was less tradertraffic. On my way back from JG Omega 11 to Planet Baden-Baden an alert begins and showed that a known criminal is in rheinlander space callsign Son.of.a.Badger, i recheck my tlagsnet transmitter and research the criminal database to get sure that he is a criminal. I inform Herr Wolthers about my scan result and my information.
So i move on and set a catch up course. In front of the JG to New Berlin he got chatched and Herr Wolthers shown up a couple minutes later.
Ths Son.of.a.Badger refuse to pay the fine of 7.500.000 SC and so we open fire to the ship and destroy it.

After that we move on with patrol in Dresden system where i got some shoots of a bowex vessel. In my eyes it was an accident but Herr Wolthers as my directing officer at the patrol collected a fine for the shoots.
After that was handled, we end our patrol and i move back to new berlin to get some needed repairs.

Nic Becker

Rheinland Federal Polizei Message Dump - Mercarryn - 10-07-2011


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

SOURCE..................................................Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System

COMM ID.................................................Thomas Wolthers, voluntary Rheinland Federal Police


Sehr geehrter Oberst Schulz,

thank you for your information. Yesterday I have already met Wachmann Daniel and had asked him for the reason of the fine. He explained it to me in the same matter as you, Herr Oberst.
In this case I really understand it, but from Kadett Becker's report it was not really clear to read out.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

Thomas Wolthers