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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Primitive - 01-22-2011 Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System
Comm ID: XA-Earl "BushMaster" Hopper Subject: Report Me and Coral went out fer a spin, to see what's flyin around Liberty. We found this guy in borderworld transport, he was somewhat strange..had some accent, probably rheilander if you ask me. He didn't want to drop his cargo so we just blasted 'im. ![]() ![]() ![]() Many tried to stop us frem doin our work but they failed, Coral got aim with a bomber...damn. She took out couple of coppers and couple of those damn sairs. Seems they got lost around Colorado..again. Eventually some of them junkers came, we managed to blast one of them, but Coral lost a ship, I picked up the pod and bugged out of there. Put duct tape on my bill. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() We blasted all of em I tell ya. I'm going to hit the bar, ain't lovin all this papper work and all. End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - horvat - 01-23-2011 ![]() Incoming Transmission [color=#33CCFF]Source: Ouray base Comm ID: XA-Harlequin Subject: Report [color=#FFFFFF] Yeeeha! While i was flying home tired from hard work looking my own buiseness rite i saw guess who? A nice little pirate, now i don't have anythin against those but itchy fingers prevented me from just flying by him so i started to play with him. You know this and that... But then nasty things came! Nasty! So nasty i can't even say their names. Well alright you convinced me, few liberty Capital ships came to Kill me with three fighters as their backup.... Although there was no destructions on neither side, all fighters ran to save their own head. I felt sorry for the captains, so i stayed to play for a few minutes with them before i went to Ouray to have a cup of coffe. Oh and my ship's camera was working just fine but i was too lazy to take pictures ya know. I think dat be all, thank you for listening! [font=Lucida Sans Unicode] [color=#33CCFF]End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - horvat - 01-24-2011 ![]() Incoming Transmission [color=#33CCFF]Source: Ouray base Comm ID: XA-Harlequin Subject: Report 'ello there again, found myself in a trouble again it seems. While i was spreading around our "wisdom" a small craft approached me. My preliminary scans showed it was a fighter class vessel, liberty hand made. At that moment i knew that an old school fight is inevitable. It was me or him simple as that. Adrenaline rush flew through my veins as the fight started and i was confident that my skills will prevail. And that is how it was. I attach to you proof of Xeno victory! Uploading image 20% 50 % 80% 100% [color=#33CCFF]End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - horvat - 01-24-2011 ![]() Incoming Transmission [color=#33CCFF]Source: Ouray base Comm ID: XA-Harlequin Subject: Report Well good day, goeiedag,mirë dita, guà tertag,halo,mingalaba, dobrý den,bonan tagon i could go like this forever! That will show dem fly boys and hunters that Xenos are well educated. Now where was i lost myself in all those variations of Good day, yes i wanted to make a report. Well here it is, i went to New York to spread our propaganda but i was interrupted by a captain flying a Liberty Carrier who demanded his pilots. And i will tell you like i told him that they accepted my friendship and i didn't want to give them away. Anyway as the captain tried to take them on his own by force a Liberty Navy officer and one Hunter came asking for the same. Although a quite amusing situation but hostile in nature. Well you know what came next, they tried to force take my new Friends. Very rude from them, and i offered them if they paid me 100 milion ransom i would gladly give them away. Well lets just say that Officer is floating in the direction of planet Manhattan. Now there were three more bounty hunters that wanted my head but it was very unwise from them to engage me although i must admit they were fair! Both of them were destroyed by Xeno hammer of justice while third one went away! Although with overwhelming odds against me i managed to come out of this as a champion. Anyway with sadness i also must report two of our pilots were destroyed by One hunter while i was busy with Liberty Officer. It doesn't matter i bought a lot of duck tape so we will tape the destroyed parts together and they will be good to go! Anyway my camera button was also taped by duck tape so it took a lot of interesting moments. http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/ghorvat5/XA.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/ghorvat5/XA.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/ghorvat5/xa2.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/ghorvat5/xa3.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/g...5/screen133.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/g...5/screen134.jpg http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd241/g...5/screen135.jpg That would be all from me... Signed, <div align="right]Butch [color=#33CCFF]End of transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Penpen - 01-30-2011 [color=#33CC00]►►Accessing Ouray Neural Net Database ►►Logging in ►►. ►►. . ►►. . . ►►Access GRANTED Life...
...is hard. I need a break. A timeout. Vacation. Was waitin' for an OSI food transport at Ames. Don't know where the jurney's goin' now but I guess it's the upper Omegas. Maybe.. Maybe I'll come back. Maybe not. We'll see. Y'all take care! ~Coral Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Vergil - 02-02-2011 [color=#33CC00]►►Accessing Ouray Neural Net Database ►►Logging in ►►. ►►. . ►►. . . ►►Access GRANTED
![]() *static* Hey...Boss. I got meself some broken bones so I'll be quick. Me, Gappa', and Bushmaster. We decided to go on patrol, and stopped for a moment at the New York jumpgate. We started out dropping foreigners like flies... ![]() There was a battlecruiser sittin' by us while we did it. That was pretty funny. ![]() Another bleedin' Kusari train. ![]() Oh, that didn't last long. ![]() We finally get a non-kusarian trader ![]() ....Aaand he starts to fire on us before we speak a word to him. ![]() Didn't end well for him though. ![]() So now, I have to deal with this ![]() Wasn't too bad, considering I popped a fighter. ![]() Ran to Ouray, sold what little cargo I garnished ![]() ![]() We moved through Ontario and California to Texas, completely unseen. ![]() We found one of the bastards who keep on bringing in damned tourists. ![]() He was a smart boy though and dropped em. ![]() This is where my plethora of snappies end. After this, the Liberty Navy came... I helped Gapper and Bushmaster escape at the cost of my ship... It's kinda why I have broken bones, and nothing but an escape pod at Ouray. But, I am sure with the new shipment of duct tape I will be able to have a fighter ready sooner than ever. Now I need a drink... -Cobra [color=#33CC00]►►Leaving Ouray Neural Net Database ►►Signing Off ►►. ►►. . ►►. . . ►►Successfully left database Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Primitive - 02-07-2011 Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System
Comm ID: XA-Earl "BushMaster" Hopper Subject: Report ![]() I've got me an message frem our guys that they need a hand in California, so I decided to jump on my bombah and go blast some of the ships that were in our way. They took down couple of fighters while I was bombin' the big ones, eventually we hit the big one together. Captain thought he could mess with Xeeners and get away with his ship not turned into pieces of metal, he was wrong I tell ya *spits*. 'Ere are some images I made me. ![]() ![]() He ain't gonna blaze his guns no more.
![]() See ya in a bar, I'll be somewhere on a floor, do try to pick me up and put me back to the stool. End of Transmission
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Daedric - 02-12-2011 Source: Ouray Base, Kepler System
Comm ID: Joe Castle Subject: Report Me and Racer went out for a bit today, Junker hunt'n of course. Didn't find any so we went about cleansing Liberty of scum. Some local trader was complaining about a Rogue in Cali, some pig LPI was too. So we headed out there and paid the Rogue a visit. Racer sent 'em packing. On our way back to Ouray we stumbled onto a furball. A Hacker, Rogue, and some mercenary were trying to kill a Hunter. Rogue had some of our boys, he gave them up when we pointed it out. Didn't even have to ask! When we got our boys on board, they were starved, so we taught the Rogue a lesson. The silly merc was stupid enough to shoot at us so we sent him packing too. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Penpen - 02-15-2011 ►► Message from 'the Office' ►► Location: Refugio Base ►► Directed to: Members of the Xeno Alliance U P D A T E Quote: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - donna - 02-15-2011 [font=agency fb][color=#FFFFFF]>> Message Received >> From: July Orse >> To: Xeno Alliance Communications Howdy, ya'll. Well, this was my first day blastin' foreigners, and, well, everyone else. I moved outta Nome and headed for the Ames - Colorado trade lane. Soon after I arrived, a Ageira company transport came up. Ageira|Elburs or Elbrus or somethin' like that.. Anyway, it was carrying Gate/Lane parts to Kusari, instead of keeping it for our dear Liberty! I know right! So, I made it drop it, but nobody nice was around to grab it so I made him shoot it. He did it, so I sent him on his way back to Liberty. The next guy that came was some Camara transport.. Err.. Somethin' beginin' on M.. I don't know! Check the guncam images! He was shipping Boron to Kusari. He dropped it, and I blew it up.. and such.. I sent him back and he didn't come anymore. When I was ready to leave, some Zoner came up. We had a nice lil' chat and all, so he went along and seconds on, he transfered 2.000.000 credits to me! Can you believe it how nice he is? I asked him why, and he said that it's a Zoner contribution to our cause.. Ya know.. So we can eat and buy beer. Then I headed back to Nome, and here I am. Attachin' images. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [font=agency fb][color=#FFFFFF]>> End Message |