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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 09-17-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
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>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Koji Ishikawa
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces


After reviewing the application, and having a private talk with yourself, I'm sorry to say that you are not what we are looking for. Your application has been rejected.

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[Image: comfooter1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - enterprise5595 - 10-12-2010

Incoming text message
Sender: Hijikata Toshizo
In regard of: Application to Kusari Naval Forces

Konnichiwa honorable warriors of Kusari. I have been preparing for this day my entire life. I hereby submit my application to join our Naval forces and dedicate my life to our Emperor and the people of Kusari.

Personal Info:
I am 25 years old, coming from a strongly patriotic family originating from New Tokyo - my grand grand father founded the tradition of every son in our kin to be trained and prepared for service to our great nation and so we were. I followed in the footsteps of my father who was a bomber pilot in the navy and he thought me everything from the basics of space combat to how important is to always respect your enemy for when you stop, you die. I was greatly griefed by the recent news of his death during a firefight in Leeds. However I do not wish to join only to avenge him - he died serving his Emperor and there's no greater honor than that.

Previous jobs:
My first occupation was scanner operator on a "Ryuujin" class transport ship. It was a stressful and dangerous job because if you fail to see so much as one enemy ship you expose all of your crew fellows to great danger

After a year or two I decided to leave the support station and become an independant escort pilot. It was then when I was given the chance to put my father's teachings to the test and for no surprise of mine, they worked perfectly. I did my best to protect Kusari supply ships and put down quite alot of outcasts bold enough to enter our territory, however I did have failiures aswell.

Well, in conclusion Id like to add that serving the emperor and even dying in his name will give me the greatest pleasure and honor.

If you for whatever reason decide that Im not yet ready, I will continue to work as an escort until I prepare more experience and attempt again.

Sayonara honorable samurais of Kusari, may your swords always strike true.

Message Ends

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - West - 10-12-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>>Comm ID: Chujo Kagakagari Takaya
>>>>To: Hijikata Toshizo
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Please continue your application to Delta Communications if you haven't done it yet.

Also, please contact me via private communications with your personal addres (//skype).
Chujo Kagakagari Takaya Out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - viragons - 11-08-2010

Name: Daisa Takato
Vessel Name/Callsign: Sparrow
Place of Birth:Shinagawa Station, New Tokyo space
Flight Experience:all KNF ships,except Destroyer and Battleships
Brief Bio:After education in technical school, in the direction of communications technology and robotics, I have recruited in the Empire Naval Academy and graduate with high marks.
But Emperor was transferred me to Nansei Research Complex, Kyushu
where I worked on improvement of weapons of Chimaera, and navigation devices, specifically to improve and enhance the radar range, and less energy consumption of our Neutron blaster.
During the test the efficiency of Vb-18 "Disinfector 3" Neutron Blaster, I had about 340 flight hours, and also some tactical shooting exercises.

Addressing the Kusari Naval Force Command to allow me to transfer into one of the operational units, in KNF

Adventurous spirit in me is too strong to be sitting in one of the laboratories.

I hope that the answer to my request to be positive
Daisa Takato[Image: 10110a7e1b58.gif]

//OOC- Skype name- viragons1
name - sasa bitevic

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Bakamono - 11-09-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>ID: Shōshō Mikako Takahashi
>>>>To: Daisa Takato
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces
Takato, thank you for your application; your familiarity with naval forces technology is encouraging, however: if you are accepted it is likely that your operational rank would begin at Shoi. Please make sure your communications equipment has access to this frequency, and that you are familiar with this information. Administration have created a secure link to my personal line where we should discuss your induction and procedural updates.
Takahashi out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - viragons - 11-09-2010

****ID: Daisa Takato****
****To: Shōshō Mikako Takahashi****
****Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces****

I apologize for you to directly address ......... my freedom is sometimes intolerable, but I hope you understand me this time

Practically - YES-, ending Empire Naval Academy, my rank is Kaigun Chui, but since I have never participated in combat missions, and my appointment was in the Nansei Research Complex, which is a scientific institute. All my flights were examining the character, in order to enhance a better contribution in the fight, but they also have a very secured and protected place, so I have not had a chance to feel a real adrenalin rush and the smell of battle
Therefore I would like to make me feel like a total beginner, who only knows, well, a little to fly, nothing else

Sir, Shosho Mikako Takahashi, once again I beg you to forgive me directly addresses one of the members of the Council of the Rising Suns.

<div align="right][Image: 10110a7e1b58.gif]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Bakamono - 11-11-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>ID: Shōshō Mikako Takahashi
>>>>To: Daisa Takato
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces
Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Please make sure you have access to Delta Communications if you don't already.
Also, there is no need to apologise, you are already forgiven. Please make yourself available on band Sigma Kappa Yankee Phi Epsilon for patching into the Naval communications network.
Takahashi out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Dawnrider - 11-15-2010

:Incoming Message:

Application for Joining the honourable Kusari Navy
Name: Shimizu Rika
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Birthplace: Honshu
Current Vessel: CSV
Reasons for joining: I used be happy with ym life running small freights in-system for my praent's home-grown company. That changed a month ago, when the dragons attacked them upon them refusing to surrender their cargo. They didn't survive. I then deicded I wanted to *do* something about the injustice of their deaths. So I spent the last month until now taking on small bounties on no-name pirates to prepare myself. Now I submit myself to the navy, that I might prevent others experiencing the same injustice and make Kusari a safer place for it citizens.

But I would be lying if I said my motives weren't partially based on revenge. I will not stand for pirates or terrorists. I will show them no leniency.

:Message end:

// Other - Skype Name: DawnRider

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 11-16-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Shimizu Rika
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces


You will be contacted by the Kusari Naval Forces, for the second step in the recruitment proces.

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[Image: comfooter1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Dwarf - 11-17-2010

[color=#FF9900][font=Comic Sans Ms]~~ Detected Link ~~
[color=#FFCC00][font=Comic Sans Ms]~~ Incoming Message ~~

Konnichiwa I am here to sign up for the Naval Forces. I have included a personal file as well as another information link for you to make a prepared judgment.

Quote:Name: Yoriie Onada
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Height: 6.1"
Health: Good

Brief Biography: I was born on planet New Tokyo and my family are of the higher classes. Money has not been an issue for us and I have been put through a good education and have been accompanied by luxuries during my childhood. My father is a successful constructional engineer and my mum is a bog standard nurse. I have always been a man for action, a life of thrills and spills.

Reasons for Joining: I want to experience a life of organization, combat, discipline and honor with bravery. I want to support the war effort in any shape or form. Help our fighting savors with an extra hand. I feel like its my duty as a Kusarian citizen.

What I hope to get out of the Naval Forces: I want to raise through the ranks and become a major part of the Naval Forces.

Quote://OOC Information:

Skype: the.englishman999
Knowledge of server rules: Front and back, haven't broken one since the noobish week 'period' of first being on the server.
Other Factions: BPA), [MR]., PFI), EFL), [GMS] & BAF|

[color=#FF9900][font=Comic Sans Ms]~~ End Message ~~
[color=#FFCC00][font=Comic Sans Ms]~~ Link Closed ~~