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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 04-14-2013

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Liberty propoganda mission
Priority: Medium

This is Julia.

Took Dragon for a little ride into New York as usual. I think locals missed me and good old ''Voice of the Coalition''. Not that they had a choise... Anyway, I moved out via Bretonia in Magellan. There I saw Junker on Pirate Transport. It ran quite fast when understood that he may die. What most troubeling me, is that he used local Police base as cover for his ass. He docked with San Diego when felt that he is about to loose a fight that he started first. I knew that LPI is corrupted, but so much?

Anyway, Ion Storm were on approach, so I hide into nearby ice field and shut down ship. After Storms passed, I made my way to New York and started to send system-wide broadcast. This time talked about how LN commanders uses its people in their own goals of filling pockets with cash. One [LN] pilots got a little bit mad at me and started to shout some nonesense about Im drunk with Vodka (and I dont even drink it at all) and my crew also drunk. I ignored his messages untill finished my broadcast (here is logs btw). When I did - I gave him little notice that all crew on my ship is sober. He were silent. I left Liberty and went back to Omegas via Rheinland. Rheinland was quiet by the way.

Before returning, I stopped in Hammen Hole for abit and shot at local Corsair GBs and Titans.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lanakov - 04-17-2013

[Image: 514394260px.jpg]

Comm ID : Commissar Sudoplatov
Topic : Slight misfire incident on planet Jiangxi


It has been brought to my attention that, earlier today, a incident involving Nova torpedoes and unfortunate militsonyer Dietfried Kamenev occured on Planet Jiangxi. The report is fairly sketchy, but as a reminder of how important it is to strictly follow security procedures around high-grade ordnance, here's an account of what happened.
I demand that you take note of it and imagine every gruesome detail, maybe that'll put some sense in your empty heads.

This morning, as the militsioneri were enduring the trials, a wing of bombers flew over the planet as a maneuver exercice led by Colonel Novikov. Most unexpectedly, one of the ships fired, by accident, a Nova torpedo at the surface of planet Jiangxi. The torpedo went in a straight line, not locked on any target, and exploded on the ground, adding yet another crater on the desolate surface.

Sadly, comrade Kamenev was caught in the blast radius, losing two legs and one arm to the energy discharge. Demonstrating surprising endurance, he did not die on the spot as his heat signature and heartbeat kept flashing on our screens. However, he was soon obliterated by a random pack of wild beasts which was coincidentally roaming the area and was attracted by his radioactive remains.

Needless to say, there was not much left of Dietfried Kamenev by the time the report I received was complete. Colonel Novikov, responsible for the patrol, claimed that it was "certainly not [his] fault if the [redacted] decoy was too close to the [redacted] planet" and blames a technical mishap indepedent of his or his wingmen's will.

Still, a little reminder can't hurt. Be extremely careful around weapon systems, especially if you're in charge of a bomber craft. These are weapons meant to bring down battleships ; I will not tolerate any other approximation of this sort. Friendly fire has never occured in the history of the SCRA and never will. I trust I made myself clear.

Sudoplatov, out.

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 04-19-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: Medium

Greetings, Comrades.

A brief report for last week patrols. Used to fly mostly in Omegas. And mostly met common civilian ships - miners, traders, recearchers and so on. There is only three ships I wanted to talk about.

First one is Unioner bomber [1]. Its pilot is gone Rouge or something, but he wasnt even pirating ships he met but attacking them on sight. I was able to scare it off from local IMG| ships that he was threating with death. Then it dissappeared and I never saw it again. IMG| ships thanked me for helping them.

Secound is Artificial Intelligence Drone [2]. It appeared near Falster and got attacked by its defence. He decided to hide behind me, so I got myself under fire line and get damage. That angered me much, so I destroyed that Drone [3] for placing me in danger like that.

Third one was Corsair cannibal [4]. And Im not joking on that, he killed Hessian and sent his corpse to be cooked at grill. I grabbed my Insurgent to destroy it, but was anable to deal him critical damage before my ship was disabled. Jump hole to Omega 52 was close I returned it to Zvezdny for repairs running it on emergency systems.

That is all. Dubovik out.

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-04-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: General Alvarez and SCRA
Security: High

Greetings, Comrades.

By the order of High Command, I was assigned for three missions: 1) to infiltrate Corsair capital system and scan for hostile ships activity and Planet Crete status. 2) to make complete maps of Rheinlad systems that have Civilian population. 3) to establish contact with Blood Dragoons and to see their current status.

First mission was complete in a matter of minutes. It was not hard to collect data - all Corsairs was right near Crete orbit. I've got all them scanned [1 2 3 4 5], and collected new information [6] from probes that was left on Crete's surface long time ago. Corsairs tried to stop me, but failed all the time. Once I was done scanning, I moved to Rheinland space.

Mapping of all inhabited systems of Rheinland space was long mission. I spent hours on flying all over empty and not space, uploading new coordinated to neural net. That was boring, but interesting as well. I learned some new bases that was hidden in clouds or asteroids, and I am sure that information will be of value to us. When message ends you will get access to maps [1-7].

Third mission was rather... Interesting... Blood Dragons was not much happy to see me near their space. Im not really happy to see them stuck with redicilously odd traditions instead of following the reason. Down there is saved message channel I got with them [1].

With it, my mission is complete. I shall await in Kalashnikov bar untill firther orders.

Dubovik out.

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 05-04-2013

COMM ID: Citizen Katz
LOCATION: UnImportant

TARGET ID: Captain Dmitriy Vitalievich

[Image: Katzcommx.png]

It is good to have you home Comrade Dmitriy, and your valiant crew as well. My personal communications received notification of your arrival, as well as several old friends at the Commissariat.

You have been gone a long time, storm winds have blown through our great and glorious Coalition, as the militants rise again to threaten the will of the people with their usual rhetoric of war, and fear moungering.

I urge you to be wary comrade, for while the military control is shaky at best over a people best ruled by the People's Party of the Coalition, and the duly appointed representatives to the Commissar's Duma. They still wield significant power.

But in the past the Coalition has been shaped by the pitchfork, the hammer, and the barricade, and never by the gun nor bombs of those that wield terror as their primary means of control.

I will speak to you more when you return at my Dacha on Volgograd.

Citizen Alvin Katz


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 05-05-2013

COMM ID: Citizen Katz
LOCATION: The Kremlin Dome


[Image: Katzcommx.png]

I am the Ikon of Ikons,

True Leader of the Coalition

State your allegiance, or be branded a supporter of the fascist dictator that has usurped the rightful peace of our political process.

The will of the people, as unshakeable and unstoppable as a tide, will not stand the shackals of yet another despotic leadership. Premier and Commandant, these words used to hold meaning, titles of honour that have been twisted to form a cage in which OUR PEOPLE find themselves bound.

I will not stand idly by and watch this continue.

Inept and incompetence will not rule the Coalition, nor shall it sunder that which we have crafted, I have guided, and you have toiled for. We worked to build this place, together. And I will be damned if WE allow yet another fascist power here.

Your time is over, the People have spoken, you have twenty four hours to resign, or you will find our guns aimed at you, and our will crushing down upon you.

I am the Ikon

I am YOUR Ikon.

Citizen Alvin Katz


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 05-05-2013

[Image: KatyaMessageHeaderColonel.jpg]

SUBJECT: ------

Tovarisch is regrettable that it had to come to this, though I am glad to see that you are still a motivated and patriotic man. I apologize for being unable to succeed as an interim leader to our people.

I sought to find a middle ground between your social polices and the leadership of a powerful military command structure, though ultimately I was unable to make it work, and so I stepped back, ceding power to Meier, and now here we are.

I had believed that Meier's inexperience would be outweighed by his patriotism...though, I suppose what has transpired speaks for itself.

If you wish to see me punished for the lack of better judgement on my behalf, and any damages that may have been done to our home and her people because of me, I will understand this, and I will not resist it.

I do hope however, that you will understand that everything that I sought to achieve, was for the benefit of The Coalition People. My only regret is that I lacked the energy and willpower to lead our people from the top with a benevolent and guiding hand.

I did not believe that my stepping down would cause the situation to worsen...but I digress, I will move onto the original point of my transmission, Premier.

As current General Of The Coalition, you have my word that the combined forces of the Coalition Army and Marine Corps have been ordered not to obstruct you, should you attempt to enter the Duma complex, have you not already done so.

It is my desire to see The Coalition remain strong and united, and so as I said, units under my command will not obstruct your movements or actions.

For the Glory of The Coalition, Vaschenko Out.


RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 05-05-2013

To: All SCRA Military Forces
Comm. ID: General Ricardo Alvarez
Priority: Medium
Subject: JUSTICE

---Communications Opened---

[Image: alvarezcomm.png]

Salud, Comradas!

Hermanos, it appears that forces retirement does not suit me, eh? Rhade, couldn't put an old dog down, and now we take the rabid out of the Rhade, and put it back where it belongs, in our veins Hermanos!

See to it that Bretonia burns, let them know that the Dawn has come to greet them early. Prey upon their weak-willed and foolish pride. Tear into their soft flesh and rip the beating Bretonian heart from their chests.

I will be watching, and waiting, always orchestrating!

Mi Amigos, now is your time.

For the Ikon!

To our victory, mi comradas!
For the Revolucion, for Katz!

Alvarez out!

El viejo Coyote

---Communications Terminated--

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-05-2013

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: Alvin Katz

Greetings, Comrade.

All the good words that only exists are not enough to say how I am glad to see you, comrade Katz. I hope you remember me - I was the one who was sent on a mission to scout path for you while you was going to Drezden to meet Hessians. Unfortunatly I got caught, and mission was denied right at that moment. I dont know what was happening back in Coalition, but I was told that Rhade was involved. Now Im returned and the Coalition was very different from what I knew.

But now, I guess we shall return to old ways! For too long our glorious SCRA was falling apart, first with loss of Rhade, then with retirement of Vaschenko, and now I was told that Meier is abandoned his place and ran from Coalition territory.

Comrade Alvin Katz, you have my full support and sympathy! I shall follow you in any way you want me to. I know that in your careful hands the Coalition will rise from this ruins that we had for so long. Just call me if you will need any help, and I shall gladly assist you.

Dubovik out.

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - t0l - 05-05-2013

Incoming Transmission and all that jazz.
ID: Jason "Hiccup" Clark
Target: Alvin Katz
Encryption: LUDACRIS.

Good day, coomra...comrah...comrade.

I have heard great things about you and have read about what you have done for the SCRA and the Coalition.

I hope that with your help, we can return the Coalition to its former glory.

Witty ending line.


Transmission Terminated and all that jazz.