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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - SevereTrinity - 10-15-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Vice Admiral Stephanie Malaign]
[Target: General Liberty Forces]

Right, ladies and gentleman, I am very tired, and only a bit bored, so I won't make this a lengthy explanation.

As you all know, Shad Winston has been with us since the Southern Alliance days, yet his full work towards us has not been recognized, so I am giving him this promotion, one that is long overdue.

Congratulations, Captain Shad Winston, make our enemies weep.

On a side note, William Darkmoor's current Rank is Lieutenant, to avoid future confusion.

[End Transmission]

Liberty Forces Message dump - DarkRupture - 10-15-2008

***Opening Comms***
***Begin Transmission***

ID: Captian Shad Winston
Loc: Bridge of the LNS Commonwealth
Subject: promotion

I could not be more honored by this promotion. I have worked hard for the LN and i will accept the challenge of being a Captian. I will do Liberty proud and become the best leader i can be too my peers and the pilots who look up to me.

Long Live Liberty

End Transmission
Closing Comms

Liberty Forces Message dump - Mike_Fire - 10-16-2008

Incoming Transmission
Enter code:*******
Comm ID: [LN]-Rick.Gunner.
Rank: Lieutenant
Subject: Report after action
Message engaged


Today I got report of an Order Vessel sighted near the Planet Manhattan. Fortunately, Captain Valence Harper launched from Manhattan while I was guarding the Zone 21 due to some activities in Alaska. The Captain Harper ordered the order vessel to turn back to his home. He escorted him to the Zone 21. It went well this time.
After a while of guarding, my orders were to patrol New York and California. There was nothing to report.

I told the Captain Harper that I could ensure the Trade Embargo at Texas.
While I engaged the Trade Lane to Houston I detected an Hostile rogue Peekaboo.Street. It was a fighter very fast and hard to hit. So I called for back up in the case I would had fail to take him down. It was not the case as I used every ways to destroy the rogue.

[Image: th_25-RoguePeekaboo1.png][Image: th_26-RoguePeekaboo2.png]

Later on the Captain Harper went off duty. And recruit Galen Anderson was under my command. While I was near Houston I was hearing a transmission from a possible hostile DD-Gneisenau. He was transmitting his mission: "Attack the Sugarland". He wanted to deliver some prisoner I think. So I ordered Recruit Anderson to come back at Houston while I was on my way to Sugarland.
[Image: th_27-DD-Gneisenau.png]

During my guard Recruit Anderson call me for back up as a Rogue Gunboat (Tom.Hayes) was pursing him. Also there was no sign of DD-Gneisenau. So I headed myself to trap the Rogue Gunboat at Planet Houston. During the dogfight DD-Gneisenau stated on transmission that he was at 20k of Sugarland. I guess his mission was a success.
Tom Hayes shot down Recruit Anderson. I was then shot down as I wasn't able to aim right the Gunboat.
Both of our escape pods landed safely on Planet Houston.

[Image: th_28-TomHayes1.png][Image: th_29-TomHayes2.png]

<div align="center]Day Summary

Congratulation to Captain Shad Winston !

Lt. Rick Gunner signing out

Message disengaged
Transmission Ended

Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 10-16-2008

Opening Comms
Begin Transmission

ID: Lt. Zachary Ryans

Patrol today was short lived, Galen was being engaged by Kaize Soze near Fort Bush, as well as an Outcast Destroyer. I responded to his call for aid, yet when I arrived the Destroyer was not present.

However damage had been done to Galen so I stepped in to assist against Kaize, fortunately it took only one pass to put a Supernova round into his ship.

I then shortly after engaged Nexx, a Maf member. However I was low on ammo, thusly the fight was extremely prolonged and I was unable to gain much of an advantage. After awhile he scored a hit, as his Inferno does not require ammunition as my paralyzers-long spent-did. I ejected and am currently waiting upon Baltimore for the arrival of a new Havok.

Disappointing day.

However on another note, I'm taking my small amount of Lt.'s shore leave to spend a long weekend with my girlfriend. I will report for duty again Monday.

Ryans out!

End Transmission
Closing Comms

// I'm actually heading up to college, same with the girlfriend, will be back in four or five days.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 10-16-2008

[Incoming transmission]
[ID: Seth Karlo]

Well sirs,

Recently an Order Osiris attempted to enter Zone 21, accompanied by a Taiidian bomber.

There was noone else around, so, I launched the San Francisco and engaged in the Zone 21 MineField.

Needless to say, the osiris was almost destroyed before fleeing through the gate, and the bomber continued to attack us. Knowing we would never be able to catch the Osiris, but knowing that they would have a large repair bill, we proceeded to destroy the bomber.

Apologies for my lack of reports, I prefer to let my actions be seen in space rather than in writing.

Seth out.
[Transmission ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 10-16-2008

**Incoming Coded Transmission**
**Decode Algorithm 4-A997-B**
--Message Reads as Follows--

Yesterday started off with a bang, with several pirates assaulting Liberty. Unfortunately i do not remember the attack, as i was knocked unconscious moments after entering battle. Apparently we won the battle and my ship had been saved somehow.

After getting cleared by doctors soon after and launching from Manhatten, i almost immediately ran into a smuggler named Caribe. Obviously new to the smuggling trade, he complied fully with our demands and it was decided not to charge him after he was so polite and compliant.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
Another smuggler by the name Antonyo Matoya was picked up a short time later smuggling Counterfeit Software. Unfortunately he got away, and there is now a warrant out for his arrest.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
LaChupacabra was the next smuggler to be found housing illegal goods. This time it was a huge haul of illegal artifacts. His unusual route surprised myself and Lt. Zachary Ryans, but we were both quick to act. Unfortunately, we couldn't stop him from rapid-docking with Manhatten. He escaped, but i am sure he will be caught soon. There is a $4mil fine now outstanding on LaChupacabra.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif]
Long Range Scanners picked up a number of ships in the Alaska system. As such, myself and some other officers went to investigate. We found a Corsair gunboat by the name 'CosmoNautti' and the smuggler 'Hauler_01'. Both were destroyed after the LNS-Erethre and a number of other officers helped bring them both down. Tobias Vaughn, a known smuggler who will always try to escape custody somehow made it through the blockade in Alaska, and proceeded to New York. Fortunately a squadron of ships were positioned on the other side of the Alaska jumpgate...he didn't last long.
[Image:][Image: thpix.gif][Image:][Image: thpix.gif][Image:][Image: thpix.gif][Image:][Image: thpix.gif]

Many officers then retired for the night, and i was left on the graveyard shift with a few other officers. FedEx took this as an opportunity to try and smuggle Artifacts across the border. The might of the Liberty Navy swooped down on him, and he was taken down after failing to comply with orders to stop, drop the cargo and pay the fine.

After successfully taking down a number of smugglers and pirates, a Mercenary thought i might be tired and not at my best fighting ability. Oh how wrong he was! The Merc, by the name Rawshank attacked when i returned to Battleship Missouri. There was an error in the targeting systems of the Battleship Missouri, and as such, she determined me to be the threat! Not only was a battling a Mercenary, but i was also trying to evade fire from the Missouri! Nevertheless, i managed to destroy the Mercenary, and finally get through to the Missouri and order her to stop firing.

I got a call that Bill Gates was attempting to smuggle through New York, and this simply wasn't going to happen. Yet somehow he evaded us, and managed to unload his illicit cargo on Manhatten. Myself and other officers were waiting for him outside Manhatten when he undocked. He immediately tried to run, and seeing as he had already breeched the perimeter of Zone-21, he was considered a severe security risk and was terminated on sight.

After re-fueling at Manhatten, I got the call from Lt. Darkmoor that he was under attack by an Outcast named Coyote. I responded ASAP, but was unable to save Darkmoor's ship from destruction. I did arrive in just enough time to retrieve the Lieutenants escape pod, and he suffered only very minor injuries. After Lt. Darkmoor fell, the target tried to flee, but was destroyed in the process.

After that, a small armada of Outcasts and Rogues gathered behind Manhatten, and Lt. Darkmoor ordered we attack them. Unfortunately, small subspace bursts of Kyon radiation caused a fluctuation in the space-time continuum by polarizing the photon escape matrix...well basically I had a time delay between what i experienced and the outside world. This contributed to the loss of my ship and all photographic evidence (the evidence presented in this report was uploaded a short time before the attack, when i landed on Manhatten for re-fueling).

In this report, i would like to further update Lt. Rick Gunner's report:
Quote:Hauler_01-STATUS UNKNOWN-did not followed orders, ESCAPED
Quote:Bill_Gates-SMUGGLING-awaiting proof of smuggling, ESCAPED
~Hauler_01 and Bill_Gates are now destroyed~

Day Summary:
  • CosmoNautti --CORSAIR-- --DESTROYED--
  • Hauler_01 --SMUGGLER-- --DESTROYED--
  • Tobias Vaughn --SMUGGLER-- --DESTROYED--
  • [Merc]Rawshank --HOSTILE MERCENARY-- --DESTROYED--
  • Bill Gates --SMUGGLER-- --DESTROYED--
  • Coyote --OUTCAST-- --DESTROYED--
I would like to wish Lt. Zachary Ryans a nice long weekend and congratulate Captain Shad Winston on the promotion.

Sub.Lt. Jack Davius Malrone

[Report Terminated]
--Message End--
**Connection Terminated**

Liberty Forces Message dump - Titan - 10-17-2008

Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Admiral John Talon
To: Liberty Forces

Men and women of Liberty, I am proud to say that Captain Valence Harper, a long standing member of our Navy, has proven himself in both his ability to command troops and coordinate actions, as well as his ability to stand toe to toe to the enemy, whether it is in his cockpit or behind his desk. I am hereby promoting him to the rank of Vice Admiral in the Liberty Navy. Good luck out there Vice Admiral Harper, and may you continue to serve the Navy and Liberty's citizens in the way you have shown us so far. You make us all proud to be part of Liberty.

Ending transmission..

Liberty Forces Message dump - VincentFerrex - 10-17-2008

|::Incoming Transmission::|
|::Comm ID: Vice Admiral Valence Harper::|
|::Opening Transmission::|

Thank you for the promotion, sir. It's truly an honor to work for the Liberty Navy. I vow to continue my work here, be it behind a desk or in my Avenger.

Vice Admiral Valence Harper, out.

|::Closing Transmission::|


|::Incoming Transmission::|
|::Comm ID: Vice Admiral Valence Harper::|
|::Opening Message::|


Due to his actions in space, Recruit Groval Andra has been removed from the ranks of the Liberty Navy. He is no longer a Liberty Navy officer. Any orders given by him should not be followed.

He is to remove the tag from his ship, and submit himself to be court marshalled. His failure to comply will deem him as a traitor to Liberty, and a kill-on-sight policy will be enacted on his being.


You got sanctioned on your first day of [LN] duty. Disappointing.

You brought this on yourself. Rename your [LN]-Groval.Andra character and remove the [LN] tag, before I ask an Admin to do it for you. As of this moment, you are KICKED/BOOTED from the Liberty Navy - [LN].

Liberty Forces Message dump - jimmy Patterson - 10-17-2008

==============MILLSAT LINK TRANSMISSION===========

location: 75th Marine guard base Zulu manhattan south continate

Encrypction engaged
Feed: zulu firebase to LM HQ(liberty military not milita)

ID: first Liutenant Tom "Foly" Mathers

officers of the military i submit this report to you anounceing the Battlecruiser Louisbourg is back in action after a routine overhaul combat systems remain the same internal computer systems reciverd the "ironcurtion 4 softwere Security Refit and the "Justice 6 vitural Intelagance scanners remain the same and we wil lbe starside in 3 days time once systems test and calabration is complete

also Valence congradulations on your promotion dont drown in all the Brass now,sir

Liberty Forces Message dump - AceofSpades - 10-17-2008

Congratulations Valence.

// I'm congratulating you while I'm on downtime for vacation, consider yourself especially fortunate and well-congratulated