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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Ulon - 02-16-2022

Source: Stuttgart, Schlachtschiff Westfalen
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Leutnant Werner Joachim Roth
Recipient: Systemhauptquartier der Rheinwehr, Stuttgart
Subject: Orbit of Aalen

Guten Abend ans Hauptquartier,

During a routine courier task to the Westfalen around 2330, I picked up readings from behind moon Aalen. A number of Red Hessian and Farmer's Alliance vessels had taken position at the edge of the Ostnebel. I could listen in on an ongoing conversation, seemingly about the organizations current situation and strategies. There was also talk about the Unioners. I have intercepted their communications for a while and uploaded the full conversation log below. If there is no valuable intel to be taken, it at least makes for an interesting read.

Not long after arriving on the scene, I was joined by Inspektor Nordmann of the Reichspolizei. Nordmann seems to have a lot of experience and strong feelings about the criminal organizations in question, and shortly after provocative chatter began between both sides. Flieger Jurgen Fischer also arrived on the scene and joined our defensive formation of fighters in orbit.

Despite of our defensive intentions, both Nordmann and some of the criminals would soon after charge ahead into combat. It was clear that we had to come to his aid. Most of the Alliance vessels stood watching, but not joining the fight. Soldat of the secondary fleet Thomas Muller arrived on the scene during the ongoing battle, while one AFS ship was taken down. In the end, Red Hessian Fighter Ace Raudur Vindur destroyed several Rheinland vessels one by one, while our side could only inflict one casualty.

It is clear that further training of our forces is required to deal with the Hessian threat. It takes even the most skilled pilots of the Reichswehr to be on pair with what we encountered today.

With regret I have to report an overall loss of the engagement. Luckily attacks to installations and shipping in the area were averted.

[15.02.2022 23:31:55] AFS|Bernd.Felder: To an extent, The LWB movement simply acts under their banner with nothing but our ideology binding us together.
[15.02.2022 23:32:21] AFS|Bernd.Felder: That is good. The people of the coalition are well I hope.
[15.02.2022 23:33:37] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: And who knows how the Unioners would look up to that ideology
[15.02.2022 23:33:40] AFS|Bernd.Felder: With the organization crumbling to near dust prior to joining the Alliance, We had ignored the political shift in rheinland.
[15.02.2022 23:37:02] AFS|Bernd.Felder: It is an interesting turn indeed. We had little interest in Kusari assets in the past but that seems to have changed.
[15.02.2022 23:37:26] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: You've gained quite some influence over there it seems.
[15.02.2022 23:37:32] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Indeed.
[15.02.2022 23:38:08] AFS|Bernd.Felder: I firmly remember the Unioners being aquitences of the Hessians in the past, What happened?
[15.02.2022 23:38:18] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Let's keep it short.
[15.02.2022 23:38:31] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: One of our birds sang us a song how they sold us out to the Corsairs.
[15.02.2022 23:38:37] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: I don't think the Unioners were on our side
[15.02.2022 23:38:47] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: At somepoint they actually were.
[15.02.2022 23:39:01] AFS|Bernd.Felder: They work with the Corsairs as well? Thats troublesome indeed.
[15.02.2022 23:39:04] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: But that was before Corin Frei and his.. diplomatical adventures.
[15.02.2022 23:39:29] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: You know how we treat the Unioners if they ally with our enemy
[15.02.2022 23:39:46] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: You can ask the survivors of their base in Hamburg.
[15.02.2022 23:39:55] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: If there were any.
[15.02.2022 23:40:02] AFS|Bernd.Felder: I would hope so.
[15.02.2022 23:40:08] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: The Alster Feld is now their grave.
[15.02.2022 23:40:35] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: //Alsterfeld*
[15.02.2022 23:40:35] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Our Kusari allies work with the Corsairs ocassionally from what I hear, it is one of the major destabalizers within the Allianc
[15.02.2022 23:40:52] AFS|Bernd.Felder: We are strictly against working with anything Corsair, as its against our morals as Rheinlanders.
[15.02.2022 23:41:14] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Different people, different relations.
[15.02.2022 23:41:20] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: As long as they stay in Kusari.
[15.02.2022 23:41:35] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: But what was the agreement that led to the LWB joining the Alliance?
[15.02.2022 23:41:43] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: How did it come into fruition?
[15.02.2022 23:42:08] AFS|Bernd.Felder: A lot of us signed on to the Alliance to rally behind a new banner, A fresh start for the organization.
[15.02.2022 23:42:16] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Similiar ideology brought us together.
[15.02.2022 23:42:41] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: And when did that occur?
[15.02.2022 23:42:42] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Those who didnt join the Alliance, now find themselves among the ranks of Hessians and Unioners.
[15.02.2022 23:42:50] AFS|Bernd.Felder: I am uncertain of the exact date, but recently for sure.
[15.02.2022 23:43:11] AFS|Bernd.Felder: There wasn't any official documentation, other than the revitalization of the LWB.
[15.02.2022 23:43:36] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Interesting.
[15.02.2022 23:43:48] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: Now the third party comes
[15.02.2022 23:43:51] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Indeed. The organization is still regaining strength-
[15.02.2022 23:43:57] AFS|Bernd.Felder: It would seem so.
[15.02.2022 23:44:26] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Greetings Lt.Werner. seems we have some roaches around.
[15.02.2022 23:44:28] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: Ja. The ones sitting by Stuttgart
[15.02.2022 23:45:30] Lt-Werner.Roth: We have some serious gathering over there in the nebula.
[15.02.2022 23:45:30] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: The Alliance? I must be dreaming.
[15.02.2022 23:46:14] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: yeah, I saw. Im ready to die.
[15.02.2022 23:46:39] Lt-Werner.Roth: It's important to know when to fight. Intercepting their communications is good enough for now.
[15.02.2022 23:47:30] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Oh you were indeed right about the third party.
[15.02.2022 23:47:52] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Die Kaiserliche Polizei in their shiny new uniforms.
[15.02.2022 23:48:08] Lt-Werner.Roth: Besides, if we are lucky, reinforcements might show up, before it's too late. In that case, we can still clean up.
[15.02.2022 23:48:15] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: You like it? You could have one two... But well there you are.
[15.02.2022 23:48:18] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Looking dirty.
[15.02.2022 23:48:30] AFS|Bernd.Felder: As dirty as a farmer in a field here.
[15.02.2022 23:48:30] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: I physically cannot wear anything else but this suit.
[15.02.2022 23:48:42] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: Guten Tagn
[15.02.2022 23:48:43] AFS|Bernd.Felder: I almost forgot my hat, thank you for reminding me.
[15.02.2022 23:48:47] AFS|Grobe.Baumwolle: As dirty as the pigs on the farm.
[15.02.2022 23:49:03] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: The hell...
[15.02.2022 23:49:07] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Ugh... that's very dirty.
[15.02.2022 23:49:25] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: That's correct officer, we have serious company.
[15.02.2022 23:49:32] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Yeah, we know a lot about rheinland law enforcement not getting their hands dirty.
[15.02.2022 23:49:55] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Like when Synth foods increased the tempature of planet stuttgart and forced us off our land.
[15.02.2022 23:49:55] Lt-Werner.Roth: Salutations o7
[15.02.2022 23:50:16] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: greetings
[15.02.2022 23:50:26] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Not my problem that you decided become a criminal.
[15.02.2022 23:50:28] Lt-Werner.Roth: We have a suspicious gathering over there in the nebula. I have taken position between them and the installations.
[15.02.2022 23:50:43] AFS|Grobe.Baumwolle: They burned my Great Grandfathers cotten patch!
[15.02.2022 23:50:43] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Sometimes the Government of Rheinland simply supports the wrong side.
[15.02.2022 23:50:47] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Criminals only by force, Because the real criminals are the burocrats.
[15.02.2022 23:51:01] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Bad choise farmer. Also you should've studied something.
[15.02.2022 23:51:06] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: Indeed
[15.02.2022 23:51:28] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Studied? Perhaps you sohuld protect Rheinlands interests instead of selling it off to some Libertonian swindler.
[15.02.2022 23:51:34] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Not trhowing your life to the toilet because Synth Foods.
[15.02.2022 23:51:40] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Im already doing that.
[15.02.2022 23:51:50] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Harsh words Inspektor.
[15.02.2022 23:51:56] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: For your fellow Rheinlanders.
[15.02.2022 23:52:02] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: By not letting you getting too close to the civilization.
[15.02.2022 23:52:14] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Look at those Hessians.
[15.02.2022 23:52:19] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: Capitalism at its finest
[15.02.2022 23:52:30] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: All that pride, and for what... Living like caveman inside asteroids.
[15.02.2022 23:52:32] AFS|Bernd.Felder: We we're the backbone of our civilization before you let an oversized paste dispensor replace the lives of thousands.
[15.02.2022 23:53:04] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Well you sound like a person with repressed rage.
[15.02.2022 23:53:07] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: I'd rather live in a Asteroid before I bow before a puppet of Emperor.
[15.02.2022 23:53:11] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Ask your organization for some mental care.
[15.02.2022 23:53:27] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Unfortunately, The Government cut that funding too.
[15.02.2022 23:53:37] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Oof, big pride brother. That gonna lead you one way for sure.
[15.02.2022 23:53:40] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Death.
[15.02.2022 23:54:01] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: alright time to get fucked
[15.02.2022 23:54:02] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Are you here to talk the talk or are you here to walk the walk?
[15.02.2022 23:54:17] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: indeed
[15.02.2022 23:54:28] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Are you going to hide behind the Westfalen? Like many other did before you?
[15.02.2022 23:54:28] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Alright boys, let's clean this mess.
[15.02.2022 23:54:38] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Attack!
[15.02.2022 23:54:43] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: Yes lets powering weapons
[15.02.2022 23:54:48] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: I suppose you can't come out of that capitalist hole and be a real soldier
[15.02.2022 23:54:57] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Funny how the Polizei orders the Military around.
[15.02.2022 23:54:58] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: who is first target
[15.02.2022 23:54:59] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Raudur vindur first, lets do whatever we can, focus. good luck!
[15.02.2022 23:55:05] AFS|Bernd.Felder: I suppose its time to get this party started gentlemen?
[15.02.2022 23:55:16] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: We'll deal with them.
[15.02.2022 23:55:23] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: You dare insult us?
[15.02.2022 23:55:25] AFS|Bernd.Felder: You will? We appreciate it.
[15.02.2022 23:55:33] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: This is KPR Insp.Nordmann, engaging an hostile party near Planet Stuttgart, be advised, zone is hot.
[15.02.2022 23:55:35] Lt-Werner.Roth: Don't let them lure you into the nebula.
[15.02.2022 23:55:38] KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann: Going in
[15.02.2022 23:55:39] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Thought we will lend a hand if you need it.
[15.02.2022 23:55:42] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Weapons online.
[15.02.2022 23:55:49] [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur: Time to show them some Hessian pride.
[15.02.2022 23:55:51] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: Engaging
[15.02.2022 23:55:55] Lt-Werner.Roth: Our priority is to defend key installations, not hunt rabbits
[15.02.2022 23:57:13] Death: AFS|Hildebrand_Schmied was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[16.02.2022 00:00:13] Death: KPR|KP.Insp-Nordmann suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[16.02.2022 00:01:46] Thomas.Muller: Guten tag.
[16.02.2022 00:01:59] AFS|Bernd.Felder: Another Military ship.
[16.02.2022 00:02:00] [RHA]SOA-Jumjaz: I warn you now
[16.02.2022 00:02:04] AFS|Bernd.Felder: You certainly are plentiful today.
[16.02.2022 00:02:13] Thomas.Muller: I see this is handled.
[16.02.2022 00:02:16] AFS|Grobe.Baumwolle: More ant's to defend its queen.
[16.02.2022 00:02:19] Thomas.Muller: Maybe too handled.
[16.02.2022 00:02:19] Death: [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer was put out of action by [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur (Gun).
[16.02.2022 00:02:52] [RM]FL-Jurgen.Fischer: ouch
[16.02.2022 00:03:11] Thomas.Muller: So, who's up for a dance?
[16.02.2022 00:04:01] Thomas.Muller: I see the alliance lost its voice.
[16.02.2022 00:04:05] Death: Lt-Werner.Roth was put out of action by [RHA]SOA-Raudur.Vindur (Gun).

I take the implications of the incident serious, seeing that this was my first encounter under my command. I should have been more proactive in efforts to persuade the Inspektor not to engage. After all, no crimes had been committed on the scene that demanded immediate action and it was clear that early engagement would only be riskier, whereas a delay would have given us more forces to deal with the threat. There was too little to gain, and losses were taken perhaps unnecessarily.

Für Kaiser, Volk und Haus

gz. Werner Roth
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Ulon - 02-22-2022

Source: Hamburg, Carrier Soltau
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Leutnant Werner Joachim Roth
Recipient: Oberkommando
Subject: Ambassadorial Transfer in Hudson

Guten Abend an das Oberkommando,

Today I have to report about unusual circumstances which have transpired in the Hudson system.

While on a routine patrol in Hamburg at 1440 I received a transmission from Ensign Alex Dallas of the Liberty Navy, as I assume acting upon orders by Admiral Tanner. He informed me of a transport of two Rheinland diplomats that was inbound to Hudson. There he requested to hand them over to Rheinland authorities. The two diplomats in question had been missing since an incident in the orbit of Manhatten the day before, Monday the 21st of February.

As the officer of the Liberty navy reported, they had boarded a MND heavy fighter of the type Disir. The fighter was intercepted by ships of the 46th Fleet. Upon questioning, the pilot of the fighter stated that he was on special assignment coming directly from the Rheinland Foreign Ministry. The Liberty Navy vessels were unable to verify these claims, as no official communique had reached the Liberty government about this transport at that time. They also maintained that MND vessels had never been used for diplomatic tasks, and that this would be a RM privilege. They therefore accused the unknown MND vessel as partaking in espionage. While I can only speculate as to how a transport (official or not) carrying accredited Rheinland diplomats managed to get itself shot at and disabled by Liberty law enforcement, the immediate situation presented to me had to be resolved. The two diplomats had been transported to the 46th Fleet's Salt Lake HQ where they spent the next 20 hours, before being offered transport to the Rheinland border the next day, Tuesday the 22nd.

Due to ongoing engagements between the Liberty Navy and remnants of the Liberty Insurgency faction in the sector, the Liberty junior officer requested an immediate handover a the nearest time of convenience and therefore reached out to the highest-ranking Rheinland officer in proximity. Due to the time-critical nature of the task at hand (The Admiralty could not be reached in time for a quick response), I took it upon myself to organize a transport and escort on the spot.

For this task I chartered an independent transport vessel owned and maneuvered by a Herr Slevin Kelevra, Rheinland citizen. His ship offered adequate defensive capabilities and was suitably equipped for transport of civil officials. I also made a general call for assistant for nearby fighter vessels of Rheinland forces. A MND vessel was able to comply with the request and joined the task force. All three vessels rendezvoused in orbit of Hamburg planet, from where we made our way to Hudson. We could not make it in time for the initially agreed upon 1530, but neither did our Liberty counterpart. Around 1545 Ensign Dallas finally entered the system in a wing of heavy fighters. We only had to wait a few minutes.

Right about when the transfer was set to occur, the operation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a Liberty Insurgent vessel, call-sign "Romeo-2". Ensign Dallas' wing man by the name of Maverick Hawkins quickly moved to intercept the threat to our transfer. As the Insuregency ship made a very close pass to our transport ship, I made the decision to issue a verbal warning to the fighter vessel. While the pilot of the vessel insisted that he was only there "to watch", he quickly made another close pass. A close barrage was shot in response as a final warning to the uninvited party. The Insurgent ship then disappeared off the radar for a few minutes. Had it not done so, the next pass would have been his last.

This was more than enough time to complete the transfer of our diplomatic staff. Liberty Navy and Rheinland ship parted ways to their respective systems. Shortly before our escort left Hudson systems, we could hear about the distant destruction of the Insurgent vessel by Liberty forces. The chartered civilian transport was ordered to offload the ambassador at Carrier Soltau. I awarded the owner 1,5 million credits in total as reward for his participation and also as compensation for the associated risks and diversion from his commercial schedule.

Attached log:

[22.02.2022 15:36:38] Lt-Werner.Roth: We have to go to Hudson, the transfer will take place there
[22.02.2022 15:36:42] 2022-02-22 15:36:44 SMT  Traffic control alert: Angler has requested to dock
[22.02.2022 15:36:54] Slevin-Kelevra: I will follow you
[22.02.2022 15:40:19] Lt-Werner.Roth: Well... Where is the Liberty Navy
[22.02.2022 15:41:01] Slevin-Kelevra: What should I do now?
[22.02.2022 15:42:16] Lt-Werner.Roth: Let's hope that this Ensign Dallas arrives as agreed
[22.02.2022 15:43:40] /gc slevin-kelevra 200000
[22.02.2022 15:43:41] [2022-02-22] 15:43:42 You have sent 200.000 credits to Slevin-Kelevra.
[22.02.2022 15:45:10] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Herr leutnant, sorry for delay. I'm heading to Hudson as we speak
[22.02.2022 15:46:34] Lt-Werner.Roth: Hurra! Sie kommen
[22.02.2022 15:47:38] Lt-Werner.Roth: Wunderbar. We have chartered a civilian transport to receive you.
[22.02.2022 15:48:00] Lt-Werner.Roth: We are waiting in orbit at the agreed position.
[22.02.2022 15:48:21] Lt-Werner.Roth: He will be here any minute now.
[22.02.2022 15:49:41] Lt-Werner.Roth: Texas now, almsot here
[22.02.2022 15:52:48] Lt-Werner.Roth: Oh gosh, eh is SLOW
[22.02.2022 15:53:34] Lt-Werner.Roth: Er ist da!
[22.02.2022 15:54:39] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Greetings, herr leutnant
[22.02.2022 15:54:42] Maverick.Hawkins: Greetings everyone
[22.02.2022 15:54:51] Lt-Werner.Roth: Greetings Ensign
[22.02.2022 15:55:19] 46th|Alex.Dallas: We are ready for the transfer, which ship will accept ambassadors?
[22.02.2022 15:55:22] Lt-Werner.Roth: I see you have brought our diplomats unharmed and in good condition
[22.02.2022 15:55:26] Lt-Werner.Roth: Maverick...
[22.02.2022 15:55:28] Lt-Werner.Roth: Hold up
[22.02.2022 15:55:35] Romeo-2: What's that?
[22.02.2022 15:55:37] Maverick.Hawkins: Sorry
[22.02.2022 15:55:47] Romeo-2: A lot of Rheinland ships. TWO of them.
[22.02.2022 15:55:49] Maverick.Hawkins: What the heck
[22.02.2022 15:55:50] Romeo-2: How it's going guys?
[22.02.2022 15:56:14] Maverick.Hawkins: Officer Dallas want me to dispatch this Insurgent?
[22.02.2022 15:56:22] Romeo-2: Me?
[22.02.2022 15:56:26] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Yes, please
[22.02.2022 15:56:31] Maverick.Hawkins: Yes you Dumb ass
[22.02.2022 15:56:38] Romeo-2: Why so rude?
[22.02.2022 15:56:53] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Herr leutnant, situation is hot, where we should transfer ambassadors?
[22.02.2022 15:56:55] Maverick.Hawkins: Powering guns
[22.02.2022 15:56:57] Lt-Werner.Roth: We will not tolerate any threat to our diplomats. Insurgency vessel, clear the area immediately
[22.02.2022 15:57:18] Romeo-2: C'mon, Rheinland-man, I don't want to shoot.
[22.02.2022 15:57:21] Romeo-2: It's about watching
[22.02.2022 15:57:29] Maverick.Hawkins: Going hot
[22.02.2022 15:57:30] Lt-Werner.Roth: Slevin Kelevra is the civilian transport. That ship will receive them.
[22.02.2022 15:58:11] Lt-Werner.Roth: I will not give you another warning shot.
[22.02.2022 15:58:32] Lt-Werner.Roth: Clear the area or Rhineland ships are authorized to open fire.
[22.02.2022 15:58:50] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Ambassadors transfered succesfully
[22.02.2022 15:59:00] Maverick.Hawkins: Seems he has fled ....
[22.02.2022 15:59:14] Lt-Werner.Roth: A job well executed. We will return to Hamburg at once.
[22.02.2022 15:59:25] Maverick.Hawkins: Hawkins on standby officer
[22.02.2022 15:59:35] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Good journey, leutnant
[22.02.2022 15:59:39] Lt-Werner.Roth: Zurueck nach Hamburg
[22.02.2022 16:00:01] 46th|Alex.Dallas: Hawkins, let's leave this area at once and return to Liberty space
[22.02.2022 16:00:02] Lt-Werner.Roth: To you too Ensign.
[22.02.2022 16:00:19] Maverick.Hawkins: If the insurgent idiot comes back I will take him out
[22.02.2022 16:00:25] 46th|Alex.Dallas: He is, Hawkins
[22.02.2022 16:00:33] Maverick.Hawkins: Weapons hot
[22.02.2022 16:01:44] Death: Romeo-2 suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[22.02.2022 16:02:17] Lt-Werner.Roth: Soltau geht auch
[22.02.2022 16:02:27] Slevin-Kelevra: Okay
[22.02.2022 16:03:05] /gc slevin-kelevra 1300000
[22.02.2022 16:03:05] [2022-02-22] 16:03:07 You have sent 1.300.000 credits to Slevin-Kelevra.
[22.02.2022 16:03:13] 2022-02-22 16:03:15 SMT  Traffic control alert: Lt-Werner.Roth has requested to dock
[22.02.2022 16:03:28] Auto-Buy(Torpedos): Bought 1 unit(s), cost: 2.000$
[22.02.2022 16:04:17] Lt-Werner.Roth: Ok, Ich schreibe jetzt meinen Bericht. Danke fuer den Auftrag.
[22.02.2022 16:06:05] Slevin-Kelevra: Ich muss mich auch bedanken. Du kannst mich wegen solcher Auftraege immer anschreiben. Danke.

The immediate danger to our diplomats has been averted and they are now awaiting an official transport from Carrier Soltau. The question remains how they got themselves into this situation in the first place.

I do recommend an official inquiry into what caused the incident in Orbit of Manhatten. Whether there were mistakes made by the Foreign Ministry or the MND, the fighter pilot in charge of the transport, or whether this situation was caused by trigger-happy Liberty law enforcement or military vessels, I can not tell. A combination of several factors seems likely. The Liberty Navy officers encountered today at least, acted with professionalism and in good faith to prevent an escalation of the diplomatic incident.

Für Kaiser, Volk und Haus

gz. Werner Roth
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Alexander Arnold - 03-21-2022

[Image: a9210358ca1fb170bf0b7c053af4845e.png]
Source: Munich, [RM]KKS-Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Admiral Alexander Arnold
Subject: Omicron Xi

Guten Abend,

With no major oppositon, and the fight against GMG fought in Sigma-13 only that is problematic for capital assets I have lead an incursion into Omicron Xi to slow down the Corsairs, follow up on the Schwerin invasion.

We have caught the Corsairs off-guard as only their small assets were present,. My vessel has taken down five hostiles and we have cleared path for the assault.

Quote:[21.03.2022 14:46:17] Death: DTR-Aurelius was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).
[21.03.2022 14:46:04] Death: Odiseo was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).
[21.03.2022 14:44:24] Death: DTR-Carlo was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).
[21.03.2022 14:43:15] Death: DTR-Rafael.Perez was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).
[21.03.2022 14:38:12] Death: WarHog was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).

Quote:[21.03.2022 14:43:31] Death: Achelles was put out of action by KKS-Steinway (Gun).
[21.03.2022 14:37:36] Death: DTR-Adriano.Vasquez was put out of action by Admiral.Khrotchofe (Gun).

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Alexander Arnold
Admiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Ulon - 03-24-2022

Source: Raubling Station, München
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Leutnant Werner Joachim Roth
Recipient: Systemhauptquartier der Rheinwehr, München
Subject: Repelled Corsair intruders and sortie in Omicron Xi

Guten Tag ans Hauptquartier,

Yesterday on the 23rd of March, an intrusion of Corsair ships into Munich occurred. In response to this threat, a rapid response force was assembled under supervision of Admiral Alexander Arnold from aboard the KKS-Prinz.Adalbert.

The enemy force consisted of the Battleship CNS-Thalassa, Battlecruiser Dominas and another Corsair cruiser. The three ships lacked fighter or bomber support for their incursion and likely did not expect to face a fast response. The intruders were intercepted by two of our own battleships, notably the KKS-Prinz.Adalbert. To support our flotilla I boarded a Roc-class bomber from Raubling Station with the call-sign [RM]Schutz. After an exchange of shots, the intruders were quickly routed. Unfortunately we failed to pin them down with cruise disrupters, before they managed to withdraw.

Admiral Alexander Arnold noticed the opportunity for a quick retaliation and ordered our ships to pursue. In Omicron Xi, fighting had taken place between Corsair and Military vessels throughout Monday and Tuesday, which must have weakened the Corsair presence - especially with the severe damage inflicted upon Syros Shipyard. The capital ships that were noticeably absent on Monday's sortie were now left without fighter support. In the ensuing battle in orbit of Mykonos, friendly forces managed to destroy the Cruiser Dominas. The remaining enemy vessels then attempted a second retreat. This time, cruise disrupters could deny withdrawal of their lead ship, the CNS-Thalassa. Eventually, sustained barrages by our battleships and Nova torpedoes led to its destruction. I managed to claim the final blow with a torpedo hit on their engine systems. The remaining Corsair cruiser fled from the scene.

After the conclusion of the battle, Syros Shipyard repair efforts were targeted, before the flotilla regrouped and returned to Munich.

Comms Log:
[23.03.2022 11:15:06] RM-Friench.Gol.AInz: What Do u think Ur doing here
[23.03.2022 11:15:09] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Ey, Rheinlaender - is this solvable without bloodshed?
[23.03.2022 11:15:23] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Pest control?
[23.03.2022 11:15:38] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: It can be without ours
[23.03.2022 11:15:47] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: For the Emperor! For the People! For Rheinland!
[23.03.2022 11:16:04] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: Press forward
[23.03.2022 11:16:06] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Hermanos, these Rheinland dogs are out for blood.
[23.03.2022 11:16:09] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: Fire!
[23.03.2022 11:16:13] DTR-CNS>Adianoete_Niki: M: Damn...
[23.03.2022 11:16:19] RM-Friench.Gol.AInz: Enemy Spotted on Radar
[23.03.2022 11:16:22] RM-Friench.Gol.AInz: Weapons Are Hot Ready To Fight
[23.03.2022 11:16:28] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Tactical - target! Now! Gunnery - Open Fire!
[23.03.2022 11:16:33] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Ravenna Vult!
[23.03.2022 11:16:40] DTR-CNS>Adianoete_Niki: Powering weapons systems, preparing escape pods for imminent demise.
[23.03.2022 11:17:38] [RM]Schutz: Engaging intruders, weapons free
[23.03.2022 11:16:48] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: come fast
[23.03.2022 11:17:28] [RM]Schutz: Copy, almost there
[23.03.2022 11:17:38] [RM]Schutz: Engaging intruders, weapons free
[23.03.2022 11:20:30] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: *grunts* Retreat!
[23.03.2022 11:20:43] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert has set DTR-CNS>Thalassa as group target.
[23.03.2022 11:20:45] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: cruise
[23.03.2022 11:21:51] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: go cd
[23.03.2022 11:22:07] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: GO CD THEM
[23.03.2022 11:22:58] [RM]Schutz: going as fast as I can
[23.03.2022 11:23:01] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: The cowards are running
[23.03.2022 11:23:05] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: No spine on them
[23.03.2022 11:23:16] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: Destroy their planet   shipyard, kill everyone
[23.03.2022 11:23:29] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: come to xi
[23.03.2022 11:23:52] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Setting up defence here!
[23.03.2022 11:23:57] DTR-CNS>Thalassa: ?: Defend Syros!
[23.03.2022 11:24:07] Dominas: rogger
[23.03.2022 11:24:21] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert has set Dominas as group target.
[23.03.2022 11:24:44] Death: Dominas was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert (Gun).
[23.03.2022 11:25:15] RM-Friench.Gol.AInz: I keept That Cruiser Away
[23.03.2022 11:25:37] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: CD
[23.03.2022 11:25:53] [RM]Schutz: copy
[23.03.2022 11:26:00] RM-Friench.Gol.AInz: Lucky bastartd shield Was up Beforea sec Before TheMortart Hited him
[23.03.2022 11:26:47] Death: DTR-CNS>Thalassa was put out of action by [RM]Schutz (Missile/Torpedo).
[23.03.2022 11:27:06] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: Excellent job!"
[23.03.2022 11:27:12] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: Now fire on the Shipyard
[23.03.2022 11:27:16] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: Leave none alive
[23.03.2022 11:27:38] [RM]Schutz: Jawohl
[23.03.2022 11:29:34] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: what happened to that Cruiser in our flank?
[23.03.2022 11:30:11] [RM]KKS-Prinz.Adalbert: K: damage is done, return to Munich

As I am concluding this report, I have been called to partake in another raid by the secondary fleet. I look forward to report on more victories against the Corsair navy.
Für Kaiser, Volk und Haus!

Werner Joachim Roth
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: zZl6blY.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - elias_oriley - 04-07-2022

► Source: Kampfgruppe Keiler, Battleship Kolleda
► Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
► Submitter: Cadet Robert Braun
► Recipient: Systemhauptquartier der Rheinwehr, New Berlin
► Subject: smuggler escape/ Romeo.Delahoya

Guten Abend un Grüße an das Hauptquartier,

On 06.04.22 the Kadetenkampfgruppe Keiler consisting of Cadet Braun, Cadet Nordt and Cadet Greifenstein set out on a routine patrol in the
New Berlin sector.
At the Essen Station intersection, a freighter caught our eye. It was flying somewhat conspicuously when it had our battle group on radar.
After repeated requests to turn off the engines, he fled through a jump portal in the direction of Hamburg.
However, since we had already provided someone there to intercept, he fled again in an unknown direction. We then blocked all jump holes in the system.
After 30 minutes he radioed that he would like to meet us at Kreuzberg Station to negotiate a deal.
Cadet Greifenstein flew to the aforementioned location to check if the suspect was on site.
Once there, the freighter was on site and the rest of the group followed. We scanned the cargo hold and found 4300 xeno artifacts on board.
When addressing the cargo, Mr. Romeo.Delahoya tried to talk his way out of it, saying it was art treasures.
I then instructed him that the cargo was contraband according to paragraph 2.1 and that he should please turn it over to us and hand over 43000000SC.
Mr. Romeo.Delahoya then tried to bribe us, which we refused.
Subsequently, he said goodbye to us and docked at the Kreuzberg station in a rush.
Request search.

Robert Braun

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 04-08-2022

[Image: 082f0150659a32d59115d7cff9db8578.gif]
Source: New Berlin Infirmary
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Subject: Aliens in New Berlin!

Guten Abend,

I'd rather burn than see Rheinland be manipulated by the alien scum again. And so I did.

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 05-29-2022

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Stuttgart
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Recipient: High Command
Subject: Criminals

Guten Abend,

I have fined three vessels for breaches of §3.1.. Total of 11,700,000 of fines were collected.
Quote:[29.05.2022 15:07:39] [2022-05-29] 15:07:39 You have received 2.000.000 credits from CreepyCargo
[29.05.2022 14:42:33] [2022-05-29] 14:42:33 You have received 5.000.000 credits from Haystack
[29.05.2022 14:42:47] [2022-05-29] 14:42:47 You have received 10.000.000 credits from Fat.Kujira
[29.05.2022 14:43:00] [2022-05-29] 14:43:00 You have sent 5.300.000 credits to

Synth Foods were contacted as they were accused of inciting said transgressions.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Alexander Arnold - 05-31-2022

[Image: a9210358ca1fb170bf0b7c053af4845e.png]
Source: Munich, [RM]KKS-Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Admiral Alexander Arnold
Recipient: Rheinwehr
Subject: Omega-48 - Stuttgart connection lost

To all Rheinwehr units,

Know that the volcanic edge of the Walker Nebula in Omega-48 made the Stuttgart anomaly that was connecting to the system collapse.

Although this will cause our attempts at establishing control of the system as most difficult you still have the same orders. Your priority is to protect our corporations' resources acquiring operations while suppressing the activity of the unlawful elements in the system.

You are to use the Omega-7 connection to Omega-48 from now on, with Elbe Border Fortress as main re-supply and staging point, and the Core's Grand Vista Orbital as your in-system mooring point.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Alexander Arnold
Admiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 06-02-2022

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Omega-7
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Recipient: High Command
Subject: Criminal

Guten Abend,

Please set the following as enemy of Rheinland: Manticore|SA
Reason: Attack on Rheinland Forces
Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 06-03-2022

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Stuttgart
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Recipient: High Command
Subject: Duty

Guten Abend,

My Terraforming Gases and Filters regulation duty is in full swing. File of received fines to date:
Quote:[02.06.2022 16:48:58] [2022-06-02] 16:48:58 You have received 2.200.000 credits from PFS-Fluorocarbon
[02.06.2022 16:52:13] [2022-06-02] 16:52:13 You have received 2.500.000 credits from USV-Minnesota
[02.06.2022 16:56:46] [2022-06-02] 16:56:47 You have received 2.000.000 credits from Jamboree
[02.06.2022 16:57:13] [2022-06-02] 16:57:13 You have received 2.000.000 credits from Ulrich_Kramer
[02.06.2022 16:57:07] [2022-06-02] 16:57:08 You have received 2.000.000 credits from Space_player
[02.06.2022 23:19:53] [2022-06-02] 23:19:53 You have received 2.000.000 credits from [SMR]Fr.Kohler - shared fine
[03.06.2022 07:17:42] [2022-06-03] 07:17:42 You have received 2.000.000 credits from Jamboree
[03.06.2022 06:38:20] [2022-06-03] 06:38:20 You have received 5.500.000 credits from PFS-Fluorocarbon
[03.06.2022 06:32:58] [2022-06-03] 06:32:57 You have received 5.000.000 credits from USV-Minnesota
[03.06.2022 06:28:04] [2022-06-03] 06:28:03 You have received 5.000.001 credits from Bimini
[03.06.2022 08:26:07] [2022-06-03] 08:26:07 You have received 100.000 credits from NHI-T>Chuck_Owens
[03.06.2022 10:09:06] [2022-06-03] 10:09:05 You have received 2.000.000 credits from Jamboree
[03.06.2022 10:36:36] [2022-06-03] 10:36:35 You have received 1.000.000 credits from Jamboree
[03.06.2022 11:15:24] [2022-06-03] 11:15:23 You have received 250.000 credits from USV-Minnesota
[03.06.2022 11:19:05] [2022-06-03] 11:19:05 You have received 2.500.000 credits from Jamboree
[04.06.2022 05:12:42] [2022-06-04] 05:12:42 You have received 3.000.000 credits from PFS-Fluorocarbon
[04.06.2022 09:30:53] [2022-06-04] 09:30:53 You have received 4.000.000 credits from Bimini
[05.06.2022 14:38:24] [2022-06-05] 14:38:25 You have received 6.850.000 credits from TheGrandEntrance

I have also taken down two Xeno vessels, one time at my own ship's expense, our crew destroyed an aggressive Bretonia Armed Forces Cruiser and a Hessian Battlecruiser was disabled.

Quote:[02.06.2022 10:37:26] Death: BAF|HMS-Gay.Bruiser was put out of action by [RM]KKS-Spree (Gun).

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]