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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-11-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Oder gunboat RNC-Sprotte
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Report 10.09.829 - Hamburg system

Guten Abend Officers,

During a routine patrol aboard the RNC-Sprotte through the Hamburg system i came across something that, quite frankly, left me with more questions than answers.

Initially i conversed with an Orbital Spa and Cruise liner, the 'Red Velvet Club', under command of Frau Caitlyn Cross near Planet Hamburg. Nothing out of the ordinary there, scans showed various quality goods associated with luxury liners as well as countless travelers. The transcript of the conversation between Frau Cross and me can be added if requested.

An unidentified vessel approached quickly, maintaining radio silence while doing so. Its distinctive shape that of a Liberty Defender on closer yet unfortunately short inspection.
It passed both the Red Velvet Club as well as the RNC-Sprotte and proceeded to take the trade lane to Alster Shipyard, where i lost it. I checked the jump gate to New Berlin, but there were no traces.

Returning to the Red Velvet Club in order to ask for any potential footage from their side, the unidentified craft showed up again. After being instructed to halt, it instead proceeded to head for the Nordheide. I gave chase and ordered it to identify itself - which it refused.
I then opted to keep the pilot engaged in conversation with me, while the flight trajectory was being analyzed. Its course led to a jump hole - fearing it could escape before any useful intel could be secured, i decided to continue the pursuit despite the navigational challenges of the Nordheide.

As, at that time, interim kommandant of the RNC-Sprotte, i take full responsibility for potential damage to Rheinwehr property during this maneuver. Our shields withstood the barrage of asteroids and first damage reports turned up negative, while the sensor array managed to get a clear scan shortly after the first sign of compliance.

Now confirmed to be an LSF vessel armed with experimental Nomad technology, our conversation was suddenly cut short. Allegedly the mission had to be continued - so it jumped. We reluctantly followed - the jump hole connects to the Bering system. Once again, there were no traces of the LSF vessel in immediate vicinity of the jump hole. With no further option to reliably follow the target, we returned back to Hamburg and monitored the conventional jump gate for an extended period of time. For a third time the Red Velvet Club crossed our path, a chance i used to inquire about the LSF vessel. It had not been spotted by the cruise liner in my absence, therefore chances are said vessel left Rheinland space for the time being.
The occasional Freelancer aside, nothing noteworthy turned up on our scanners afterwards.

After the gathered data had been sufficiently compiled, i immediately filed this report.
I wish to point out Orbital Spa and Cruise's excellent cooperation during this encounter, as well as refer to Flieger Hans Klein and something he told me during an earlier patrol.
Hamburg seemed, according to Flieger Klein, uncharacteristically quiet.
This and the recent sighting of an LSF vessel in Hamburg might correlate.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Alpha.Wolf - 09-11-2022

[Image: i7cKCjD.png]
Source: Schlachtschiff Kaiserstolz, Stuttgart Orbit
Encryption: port RM-OKW-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau
Recipant: Traudel Habermeyer, Fliegerin
Subject: Re: Your Patrol

Frau Habermeyer.

Your Report has been noted and was read by the rest of the Oberkommando. The Presence of a ship with an ID card of a Liberty Intelligence Agency in combination with restricted technology being mounted on the ship has generated my attention.

I will forward the ID of this ship to the Reichskanzler, he will write an entry. This particular ship may be hunted out of Rheinland with use of force from this point, if seen in Rheinland House Space. Other LSF vessels are still to be treated with respect.

Danke und zurück an die Arbeit!

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Karl-Heinz von Thielau, Erzherzog zu Stuttgart
Großadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Governor of Stuttgart
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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-12-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Hamburg
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Fliegerin Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau; Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Followup Report 11.09.829 - Hamburg System

Orders received and understood, Herr Großadmiral!

I am deeply honored to have been addressed directly.
Your attention to the previous incident is reason for this forwarded report - the Leitstelle New Berlin received a copy as well.

In light of recent events, i have volunteered for a double shift and kept a close eye on the Hamburg System.
During my patrol i came across a civilian freighter carrying several Liberty Rogue as well as Xeno pilots in its hold, which were allegedly taken hostage by the freighter pilot under the name of 'Dany'. The main cargo was water for Manitoba Station in Hudson, a Bounty Hunters Guild installation. Dany planned to take the captured pilots there.
I lectured the freighter pilot about Rheinland law, yet issued only a warning as he was compliant and cooperative as well as not yet showing up in any prior reports. The Xeno pilots were taken in by Police on Planet Hamburg, after i had informed local authorities about an incoming number of criminals on the freighter.
The Liberty Rogues aboard the frighter, on the other hand, were to be escorted by me to Manitoba, to be handed over to the Bounty Hunters Guild - so they can in turn proceed with them as they see fit.

I used this opportunity to scan the outskirts of the Nordheide, as well as Hudson after jumping there. While at the same time questioning Dany about any irregularities that may have occurred on taken routes. Even though travel between Hudson and Hamburg had taken place recently, nothing matched the description of the LSF vessel according to Dany. I, of course, did not name it as such. Close to the jump gate to Hudson a Zoner vessel passed us, but it jumped before i could scan it. It kept mostly to itself in Hudson, where we encountered it again briefly. Outside of Rheinland Space however, i refrained from following to take a closer look.

The Liberty Rogues were handed over to Manitoba, i remained and ensured everything went according to protocol. Furthermore i took this opportunity, having delivered a group of wanted criminals, and asked about potential sightings of fired Nomad weaponry. Direct mentions of a LSF vessel were avoided. A notice from the Bounty Hunters Guild will most likely arrive after interrogation, if it has not already by the time of filing this report.
An eye will be kept on Dany, as the route to Hamburg seems to be taken regularly - the LSF vessel ignored most civilian craft during my first sighting. This could prove useful in locating it, should it return.

I have to report however, that parts of the flight recorder seem damaged. The direct scans of Liberty Rogue and Xeno pilots aboard the civilian freighter near Planet Hamburg have been lost. I'll have that repaired as soon as possible, Police on Planet Hamburg can confirm the contents of this report.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Fliegerin der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-12-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Fliegerin Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Omicron Xi Skirmish, 11.09.829

Guten Abend Officers,

Partaking in a precision strike against Corsair activity in Omicron Xi, i offered bomber support to present Rheinwehr forces gathering in Munich - that being the RNC-Wetzlar and RNC-Eisen.Hammer.
On our way through Omicron Xi, a Police unit joined the formation as well - Klaus Shulz.
Initially the area around the entry point to Omicron Xi seemed clear, we sheered out a few clicks to cover more area with our sensors. Not long and the first hostiles were detected.
Compliance was, as to be expected, exceedingly lacking. Subsequently the first engagement took place and quickly evolved into more.

Through an opening, created by coordinated fire from RNC-Wetzlar and RNC-Eisen.Hammer, i managed to land a debilitating blow against one of the larger Corsair vessels. As valiantly as the Rheinwehr fought, the Corsair's numbers did not waver considerably. A healthy stream of reinforcements from their side leads me to believe they were safeguarding something of value at the time of our arrival.
Due to prolonged heavy fire, the tide of battle turned to the Corsair's favor. For now they may revel in this short-lived 'victory' we kindly offered them.
It is as hollow as their very future.

While an armored finger of the Kaiser alone poked far enough to stir up a hornet's nest, an opportunity for the ironclad fist to squash the erratic buzzing altogether presents itself now.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Fliegerin der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-12-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Fliegerin Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Bundschuh Presence, 11.09.829

Guten Abend Officers,

After returning from Oder Shipyard to get my flight recorder replaced, Flieger Hans Klein and me went on patrol.
We combed the Aachenfeld for any unwanted activity - but found nothing that would warrant direct involvement. A system wide broadcast caught our attention, as it aimed to slander Rheinland's great name. While i was about to quickly shut it down, Flieger Klein was more inclined to let it unfold and even turn it around.
Narrowing the source of the broadcast down to Bonn Stations immediate surroundings, Flieger Klein and me altered course and found a member of the Bundschuh waiting for us.
We encountered an unaffiliated pilot at the scene as well, according to own statements merely there to listen.

Considering my wingman at that time was one of the longest-serving veterans known to me, i left the majority of talking to him and kept watch.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Fliegerin der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - BobMacaroni - 09-12-2022

Source: Battleship Schwerin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jurgen Schmidt
Recipient: Rheinwehr command
Subject: Liberty spotted in Thuringia. 12.09.829

Guten Abend Command.

I come bearing troubling and unfortunate news. On a patrol in the Thuringia system, I came across an unknown transmission, stating the vessel was lost in an unknown system. Cruising to the estimated location of the transmission, I came across a damaged Liberty gunboat, the LNS-Slayer. Belonging to the First Armada. The gunboat claimed to have been lead here by a Rogue smuggler. His proof being the remains and cardamine in front of me. I took him with suspicion, due to his presence in the classified Thuringia system. I called an alert, and waited for reinforcements to arrive. He tried to ask questions as to where our location was, but I made sure not to give away anything. Sure enough, the RNC Hamburg and some fighter escorts came to my signal. After we interrogated him on his intentions in the area, we escorted him out of the system. However, we made sure to wipe all navigational data, recordings, and anything else that could lead to knowledge of the system.

This encounter has been very concerning, that a Liberty vessel, no less a Gunboat, could stumble into the system randomly. The logs of the encounter has been set down below.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

[12.09.2022 18:23:48] 1st|LNS-Slayer: To all Innhabitants of this unknown system, we have apprehended a criminal we followed from Bering
[12.09.2022 18:24:06] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: ?: Unknown transmission, identify yourself at once or you will be hunted and killed
[12.09.2022 18:24:20] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: ?: This is restricted space.
[12.09.2022 18:25:03] 1st|LNS-Slayer: This is The First Armada Patrol Vessel Slayer, we are unaware of what this system is
[12.09.2022 18:25:34] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are cirrently in sector 1-C
[12.09.2022 18:25:40] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Rheinlander: Libertarian, turn yourself in at the Bering jump hole
[12.09.2022 18:26:15] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are guarding evidence in sector 1-C
[12.09.2022 18:27:37] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Rheinlander: The MND and Military are on their way, from there we will decide the fate of your vessel
[12.09.2022 18:28:09] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Like I said, we have no idea where we are, we have merely intercepted a smuggler who lead us here.
[12.09.2022 18:28:27] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Good Day!
[12.09.2022 18:28:35] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: This is Flieger Jurgen Schmidt of the Rheinland Military
[12.09.2022 18:28:39] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Excellent!
[12.09.2022 18:28:53] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We have followed a Cardamine smuggler through an unknown jumphole
[12.09.2022 18:28:56] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Do you have any idea of this space?
[12.09.2022 18:29:01] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Negative
[12.09.2022 18:29:11] 1st|LNS-Slayer: The jump hole was uncharted, we merely followed the dangerous smuggler
[12.09.2022 18:29:21] 1st|LNS-Slayer: As you can see there is evidence left after the vessel
[12.09.2022 18:29:35] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Where might we find ourselves presently please?
[12.09.2022 18:30:13] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: We will wait for the others, "The Hamburg" will arrive, and it shall decide upon our next actions
[12.09.2022 18:30:21] 1st|LNS-Slayer: And our location is?
[12.09.2022 18:30:29] 1st|LNS-Slayer: I am assuming with your presence we are near Rheinland?
[12.09.2022 18:30:33] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: That is classified, as I said
[12.09.2022 18:30:47] 1st|LNS-Slayer: :lifts hands: no need for us to know, we got the smuggler
[12.09.2022 18:31:05] 1st|LNS-Slayer: You may collect the Cardamine and Liberty Rogues as Evidence for your files
[12.09.2022 18:31:34] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Hey
[12.09.2022 18:31:41] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Do not move your vessel
[12.09.2022 18:32:11] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Stay put, we will help you soon enough
[12.09.2022 18:32:39] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Excellent, we lost our navigational array in the hard fought battle
[12.09.2022 18:32:51] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Well, that makes my job a lot easier
[12.09.2022 18:33:08] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Well, we cannot get back without you, so we are in your hands
[12.09.2022 18:33:22] 1st|LNS-Slayer: It was an unknown jump hole previously uncharted we followed the Rogue through
[12.09.2022 18:33:26] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Guten tag, Hamburg
[12.09.2022 18:33:30] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Guten tag, Flieger your reinforcements arrived.
[12.09.2022 18:34:02] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Sehr gut, this libertarian said he was following a smuggler
[12.09.2022 18:34:07] 1st|LNS-Slayer: CO: Good day! May I please speak to the Commanding Officer
[12.09.2022 18:34:55] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Just continue the comm with Herrn Schmidt.
[12.09.2022 18:35:08] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Guten tag, Herr Habermeyer
[12.09.2022 18:35:12] 1st|LNS-Slayer: I believe we have given the encounter recorded
[12.09.2022 18:35:25] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We have engaged a Liberty Rogue Heavily Armed Frigate in Bering
[12.09.2022 18:35:41] 1st|LNS-Slayer: The battle continued through to us an unknown uncharted Jump Hole
[12.09.2022 18:35:54] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We have emerged victorious as you can see, with our navigational array damaged
[12.09.2022 18:36:06] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Present is evidence of the dispatched smuggler, Cardamine and Liberty Rogues
[12.09.2022 18:36:27] 1st|LNS-Slayer: By your presence I assume we might have entered unknowingly Rheinland space mid battle
[12.09.2022 18:36:56] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Cardamine and Liberty Rogues are present, to be collected for evidence
[12.09.2022 18:37:16] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are awaiting your instructions, we have been briefed that we will not be told what system this is
[12.09.2022 18:37:31] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Checking Cargo.
[12.09.2022 18:37:57] 1st|LNS-Slayer: As you can imagine, we just couldn't let him flee with this stuff
[12.09.2022 18:38:07] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: What concerns me is the smugglers knowledge of this system...
[12.09.2022 18:38:10] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Thousands of people could become addicted or worse
[12.09.2022 18:38:32] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Not Libertonian intelligence, simple smugglers...
[12.09.2022 18:38:35] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Well, seems like it, the jump hole was uncharted - we disabled the smuggler, now we just want to get back
[12.09.2022 18:38:50] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: I think this Navy guy speaks the trueth
[12.09.2022 18:38:56] 1st|LNS-Slayer: And we still do not know where we are...and let's face it, our job is done, we don't need to know
[12.09.2022 18:39:06] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: How far did you get into the system?
[12.09.2022 18:39:07] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Our patrol path is Bering
[12.09.2022 18:39:17] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Sector D4 around Bering Jump Hole is secure. No further contacts there. Standing by.
[12.09.2022 18:39:20] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We entered it and the battle ended here
[12.09.2022 18:39:32] 1st|LNS-Slayer: So wherever the uncharted hole is to this area where we won the hard fought battle
[12.09.2022 18:40:02] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: How far did you get into the system?
[12.09.2022 18:40:14] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Right here
[12.09.2022 18:40:22] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: I don't like the fact that they could RP a discovery of the system
[12.09.2022 18:40:32] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Where we fought the Frigate, as you can probably tell by the Debris, evidence and damage done to our vessel
[12.09.2022 18:41:02] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Where the jump hole is, we do not know, our navigational array was damaged
[12.09.2022 18:41:06] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Thoughts, Hamburg?
[12.09.2022 18:41:21] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We traversed the distance from it to here as the Rogue Smuggler Frigate was fleeing mid battle
[12.09.2022 18:41:39] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Also, for my knowledge this sounds all clear.
[12.09.2022 18:42:08] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We apologise if we over stepped our boundaries, the jump hole was uncharted, and this much cardamine could do a lot of damage
[12.09.2022 18:42:09] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: I would be inclined to run a scan through the navigational array, then let him go
[12.09.2022 18:42:22] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: With, of course, a watchlist on the sector in Bering
[12.09.2022 18:42:24] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We will require an escort to Bering or Hudson if possible
[12.09.2022 18:42:25] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: With a small Strafe you can get your way home.
[12.09.2022 18:42:32] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: And increased patrols for the time being
[12.09.2022 18:42:37] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Our navigational array has been damaged
[12.09.2022 18:42:46] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Feel free to keep the present evidence for your files
[12.09.2022 18:42:52] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: You will be escorted, for sure.
[12.09.2022 18:43:05] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Sir - if i may suggest? What little nav-data the array may have gathered. It should be wiped, before we depart ways.
[12.09.2022 18:43:05] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Very well then
[12.09.2022 18:43:14] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We do not know where we are
[12.09.2022 18:43:19] 1st|LNS-Slayer: but the little we do know can be wiped
[12.09.2022 18:43:26] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are not opposed to being boarded if you deem so necessary
[12.09.2022 18:43:47] 1st|LNS-Slayer: I may also suggest not to leave the cardamine in space to be found by other stray criminals
[12.09.2022 18:44:07] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Evidence taken, we will terminate it after, libertonian.
[12.09.2022 18:44:26] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Excellent, standing by for orders.
[12.09.2022 18:44:29] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Permission to authorize a navigational wipe?
[12.09.2022 18:44:37] 1st|LNS-Slayer: You are free to board the vessel
[12.09.2022 18:44:39] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: To ensure proper wiping of any and all related nav-data to this system - Rheinland personal should be present to oversee.
[12.09.2022 18:44:43] 1st|LNS-Slayer: If you wish to do so yourself
[12.09.2022 18:45:14] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Feel free you are following to Rheinland law's.
[12.09.2022 18:45:35] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Herr Schmidt.
[12.09.2022 18:45:45] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Very well, data files wiped
[12.09.2022 18:45:59] NirFoo: H: *keeps a close eye*
[12.09.2022 18:46:09] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Do we have permission to log this conversation or should the records be wiped also
[12.09.2022 18:46:18] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Hamburg?
[12.09.2022 18:46:26] 1st|LNS-Slayer: ]For our internal files of course
[12.09.2022 18:46:38] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Everything you have seen here has to be termited.
[12.09.2022 18:46:55] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Comms, Video materials. Everything.
[12.09.2022 18:47:07] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: If not, we have a problem.
[12.09.2022 18:47:10] NirFoo: why was he here?
[12.09.2022 18:47:15] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Very well - wiping all records :::erasing databanks and conversation logs:::
[12.09.2022 18:47:18] 1st|LNS-Slayer: :::recording off:::
[12.09.2022 18:47:21] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: chasing a smuggler
[12.09.2022 18:47:40] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Shall we escort him out of the system, Hamburg?
[12.09.2022 18:47:41] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: And be sure, if we will find somewhere something from here.. well better dont ask.
[12.09.2022 18:47:43] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are in the dark
[12.09.2022 18:47:50] 1st|LNS-Slayer: understood
[12.09.2022 18:47:53] NirFoo: H: Next time there is a smuggler in our territory, report to us bitte.
[12.09.2022 18:48:04] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Of course, as you can see, he was hard to take down
[12.09.2022 18:48:13] 1st|LNS-Slayer: And we had no idea we where the uncharted hole lead
[12.09.2022 18:48:22] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Sure if the Liberatonian can pay a small escort payment of 500.000 S.C.
[12.09.2022 18:48:24] 1st|LNS-Slayer: And as we are deleting the logs, we will not know
[12.09.2022 18:48:44] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Fee transferred
[12.09.2022 18:49:06] NirFoo: H: Danke fur your coorperation LNS-Slayer
[12.09.2022 18:49:12] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Got it, Herr Schmidt you can Escort this vessel out of here!
[12.09.2022 18:49:17] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We thank you
[12.09.2022 18:49:18] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Very well then
[12.09.2022 18:49:23] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Follow us
[12.09.2022 18:49:29] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Understood
[12.09.2022 18:49:33] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Herr Habermeyer, you may also come
[12.09.2022 18:49:34] 1st|LNS-Slayer: All logs are purged
[12.09.2022 18:49:47] NirFoo: und ich?
[12.09.2022 18:49:57] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Well, all escorts may come aswell
[12.09.2022 18:50:07] [RM]KKS-Hamburg: K: Give Schmidt a hand.
[12.09.2022 18:50:56] 1st|LNS-Slayer: This we know! Thank you for the assistance
[12.09.2022 18:51:09] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We have detected large Smuggling rate increase in Liberty
[12.09.2022 18:51:14] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Sehr gut. You shall proceed then to the Texas system
[12.09.2022 18:51:14] 1st|LNS-Slayer: It is well possible Bering is affected
[12.09.2022 18:51:32] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Of course, we require repairs after the battle
[12.09.2022 18:51:34] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: If there are any reports of smuggling, please report them to us.
[12.09.2022 18:51:40] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Guten abend, Libertonian!
[12.09.2022 18:51:42] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: We'll keep an eye on this among our own borders.Your compliance has ben noted.
[12.09.2022 18:51:44] 1st|LNS-Slayer: We are trying tro catch them in California mostly
[12.09.2022 18:51:51] NirFoo: Safe skies, Libertonian
[12.09.2022 18:51:51] 1st|LNS-Slayer: But they must come from *somewhere*
[12.09.2022 18:51:58] 1st|LNS-Slayer: Thank you for the assistance!

[12.09.2022 18:53:07] NirFoo: *Returning patrol*
[12.09.2022 18:54:11] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Herr Schneider? *The woman sounds thoughtful* ... this is concerning for several reasons.
[12.09.2022 18:54:21] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Very...
[12.09.2022 18:54:28] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: I did not like that at all.
[12.09.2022 18:54:44] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Have you already read a former report of mine from the Hamburg incident?
[12.09.2022 18:55:02] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: I found the document, yes
[12.09.2022 18:55:15] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer:  ... LSF presence in Hamburg. Now Navy here.
[12.09.2022 18:55:19] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: I found the report of LSF patrol in Hamburg disturbing, at least
[12.09.2022 18:56:08] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: This will be required to be handed to the higher-ups, although increased patrols we be in order, I assume
[12.09.2022 18:56:36] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: I even encountered Bundschuh with Herr Klein yesterday in New Berlin. Something might be amiss.
[12.09.2022 18:57:27] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: That aswell as the increase in Bering patrols
[12.09.2022 18:57:35] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: And... the unfortunate leaked documents...
[12.09.2022 18:57:57] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Le-... *She cuts herself off.*
[12.09.2022 18:58:08] MFN|Michael: M:Guten Tag [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer!
[12.09.2022 18:58:10] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Aswell as the Insurgency campaign, this has all been very disturbing. And will require further investigation by the MND.
[12.09.2022 18:58:12] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Guten Tag, Daumann vessel.
[12.09.2022 18:59:03] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Liberty appears to be attempting to amount itself to a superpower
[12.09.2022 18:59:35] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Who doesn't? But they seem to be doing that in the wrong direction. This is our space.
[12.09.2022 18:59:56] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: It very much is. It would be the equivalent of our vessels entering Zone-21
[12.09.2022 19:00:15] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: However, I must report it
[12.09.2022 19:00:22] [RM]Fl.Jurgen.Schmidt: Guten abend, Habermeyer
[12.09.2022 19:00:27] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: The evidence was there, granted. I scanned it. Yet that could've been fabricated.
[12.09.2022 19:00:33] [RM]Fl.Traud.Habermeyer: Guten Abend, Herr Schmidt.

Jurgen Schmidt
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-13-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Hamburg
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Fliegerin Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau; Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: LSF Incident, 12.09.829

Großadmiral von Thielau,

this is a priority report regarding the previous LSF incident.
As usual, a copy has been sent to New Berlin.

I have encountered the same LSF vessel from previous reports, this time in the heart of Rheinland. New Berlin itself, sector D2.
Immediately upon noticing me, it charged its cruise engines and headed for the Ruhrfeld. Once again it refused to comply with my initial orders, instead heading for a jump hole inside the asteroid field. Giving chase i quickly jumped, mere moments after my target did so.
In Hamburg we left the Südheide, the LSF vessel following a course to the Kielfeld and yet another jump hole. Even though it refused to give details or any sort of meaningful insights, it did not, at any point, stopped on its way out of Rheinland space. Furthermore it took no detours and headed for the nearest exit points.
Therefore i saw no need to make use of authorized force against this particular craft just yet.

Ensuring the LSF vessel would not simply return at yet another entry point, i remained as cordial as i deemed necessary and struck a seemingly harmless conversation for a considerable while. I made sure to leave my feed open for prolonged periods of time - hopefully the MND can make good use of the recorded interaction as well as background noise.
Speech patterns, potential codewords, hidden messages or supressed transmissions going in and out during moments of our exchange. Whatever may prove useful to them, i hope i could deliver it.
Pilot itself seemed to open up slighty to me, which may not mean much considering his affiliation to the LSF.

Lastly i was granted another scan while in Hudson, Nomad tech from the previous encounter had been replaced with regular armaments.
Close to the Texas jump gate we parted ways.
I have included the full data as customary, ready to be reviewed at your leisure, Herr Großadmiral.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Fliegerin der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 09-16-2022

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Fliegerin Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Unioner Gunboat in New Berlin, 16.09.829

Guten Abend Officers,

during a routine patrol through New Berlin i picked up a single ping, originating from somewhere close to the Ruhrfeld in sector C4. Upon investigating, i came across a Unioner gunboat. It confirmed having sent the ping, but before i could even inquire what the purpose was... the Unioner vessel made its intent abundantly clear. Firing at me, stripping my craft of all shields in a single volley. While taking evasive action to allow my shields to recharge, a Bounty Hunter arrived at the scene - causing the Unioner ship to cease firing. Apparently the Gunboat had followed him and others since Bering. That alone made the encounter all the more dubious.
With the intent of getting any useable information out of the Unioner i questioned him again, to no avail.

As it opened fire again, i authorized the Bounty Hunter to engage and did so as well. We quickly developed an effective strategy - him drawing most of the fire, while i whittled away at shields and hull when i saw an opening. Each time the Bounty Hunter needed a moment to get a better position or recover, i acted as bait to instead draw fire. Some damage was sustained, but we both prevailed and in the end he landed the decisive blow.
I suggest a compensation for the damage received.

Offering to escort the Bounty Hunter to either Wildau or Oder Shipyard, his employer arrived to check upon us for a short moment. Afterwards we continued our way to Oder Shipyard without further incidents and took care of any damages.
The Bounty Hunter turned out to be an unknown form of combat AI, at least nothing i ever saw before. The ship being able to alter its shape seemingly at will.
His ... or its ... employer transferred a sum of 1.000.000 credits to me, i suspect for the destruction of the Unioner gunboat. The transferred funds have not yet been moved by me again - as i do not intend to keep them. All i did was my duty. Thus, i will attempt to contact the trader in question again and clarify the situation.

About an hour later Flieger Rossmann was assigned to me, so i took him with me on the next patrol. We started from New Berlin, went to Essen Station and headed straight to Hamburg. I began informing my wingman about the current dealings in this system, as well as the occurrence in Thuringia. I do believe i mistakenly called the Liberty Navy craft a cruiser instead of a gunboat in that particular conversation - the full transcript is, as always, part of this report.
Seeing as Flieger Rossmann had just recently returned to a more direct way of serving, i saw fit to test his flying abilites and took him to Hudson - expanding the patrol route, while at the same time showing him which jump holes the LSF craft had taken in the past. Rossmann was able to keep up with me without issues, even in the denser parts of asteroid fields filled with wrecks of the past.

Returning to Hamburg via jump hole from Hudson, the Bering jump hole was next on the list. Even if i had tried, i would've not been able to shake Flieger Rossmann in the Kielfeld or the Nordheide. Instead of jumping to Bering, i made sure he knows the location for future patrols - as our path led back from Altona Station to Alster Shipyard and onwards to New Berlin.
A Zoner vessel was my last task for Rossmann, a simple cargo check after i had done the talking. Nothing out of the ordinary and no irregular sightings.
Patrol ended at New Berlin again.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Fliegerin der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Wolverine518 - 09-16-2022

[img](img here MAX 250)[/img]
Source: (location)
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jurgen Fischer
Recipient: Rheinwehr Leitstelle, New Berlin
Subject: Corsairs in Munich

Guten Abend officers,

I was coming onto patrol in Stuttgart when one of my fellow Rheinwer members mentioned a Unioner in the Bering system. I set a course and was coming on the Hamburg jump gate and he lost the Unioner. Another Rheinwer member mentioned some Corsairs in Munich. I quickly changed course and met up with them mid-fight. I joined in and helped to take down the invading forces.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jurgen Fischer
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 09-17-2022

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Thuringia
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Flieger Jonas Wagner
Recipient: Rheinwehr
Subject: Strange vessel in restricted space

Guten Abend,

I have encountered a strangely aggressive Pelican Dodo in Thuringia!

Two Rheinwehr officers have come to assist against the vessel, but we lost trail somewhere in the labyrinth of the Valhalla wreckage.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: X3VgnL4.png]