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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-22-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: General Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: LOW

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]

Lea McGreave,

Like every SCRA member that has come before, you have made the pilgrimage to the Hispania. The Hispania is much more than a simple wreck, it is a relic of our legacy and of times long past. I am pleased that you respect and honor it.

And like every SCRA member that has come before, you are hereby awarded the Hispania Memoriam for completing your pilgrimage.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Weras - 06-22-2013

ID: Junior Lt. Lea McGreave
Encryption: Medium

[Image: Undercut-hair-color.jpg]

***Incoming Message***

Today was an exiting day and a good one for the revolution aswell.
Me and comrade general Joseph Garcia did head out for a peak into the bretonian systems and maybe beyond.
We started by crossing the Omegas to Dublin without making a single contact.
In Dublin whatsoever we met members of the Mollies which seemed to be busy with quite important stuff... Because our 'allies' didn't even find a way to greet us.
More importantly we met a Militsia of the name Xin Huang. He reported that his squadron was busted in Gallia and he was the only one managing to survive.
He accompanied us to Leeds where we only found empty space aswell.
The comrade general made the wise decision to go on into the border systems. Passing Cortez we made our way to Coronado, where we checked the Freelancer Barrier Gate Station.
That's where the action kicked in. Multiple contacts closed in. An Outcast from the 'XTF' and 2 unidentified Freelancer transports.
The transports appeared to be slavers so we joined forces with the Colonial Military to free the slaves aboard the ships. After bording and evacuating the poor people, we blew the ships and their tyrannic owners to hell.
The Outcast though was out for blood and he payed a bloody mercenary to help him.
Deep in the heat of the fight the comrade general ordered me and the Militsia to back off, sacrificing his ship to ensure our safety since we were outgunned by far. Sadly, the Insurgent proved why we can't use him quite yet.
However I managed to rescue comrade general Garcias pod and make a run for Planet Peco.
Sadly the Militsia wasn't as lucky as I was. I couldn't find his pod.

Nontheless. We managed to safe the life of many slaves and gather informations about Bretonia and the standings in its borders. A single ship for hundreds of liberated slaves is a trade I would do everyday.

McGreave out - - -



RE: SCRA Communications Centre - t0l - 06-23-2013


Comm ID: Jacob Clark
Location: Zvednsy Gorodok...right?
Subject: My splendid vacation in Liberty.
Encryption: Ludicrous.

Greetings Friends!
I went back home to Liberty for propaganda. Little resistance was encountered. Enjoy.

Attached Files:

Clark out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 06-23-2013

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Lots of things
Priority: High

This is Julia.

Was far away from Omega 52 recently. Got myself involved in lots of fights in the name of Coalition. I have fought everyone - Royalists of Gallia and Bretonia, Kanzler dogs in face of Military, Pirates and Counter-Revolutionaires... I dont even remember what was first and what next so I will tell you all at once.

So fisrt let me say that I have fought in Liberty. Rheinlanders invaded it and I helped Navy to protect Civilians on board of stations that those Militars tried to attack. We had more numbers and defeated Rheinlanders easilly. I did not engaged at Navy folks and went to finish my other duties. But my wish to annihilate Libertonians was high...
I was in two major battles in Bretonia. I have fought Gallics and Bretonians. With Molly aid, weI took down severall ships of the Queen. Then with Colonial/Council aid more King's slaves joined those corpses. That was great fights.
Once I have fought Reaper of Sirius in Omega 50. I had all chances to win the fight, but then he gain upper hand over me somehow and I was forced to retreat to 52 to avoid death. Dangerous guys those Reapers...
On another patrol in Bretonia I saw Gallic Bomber destroyed Council trade ship for no reason. I could not forgive him slaughter of innocent civilians and killed that guy after few minutes of fight.
In Rheinland I once saw odd thing. Outcast on Werewolf, hauling Artifacs and GMG pilots. I stopped it and wanted to demand to drop them, but pirate engaged at me right after Cruiser Distruptor reached him. He was less skilled (and his ship is total piece of scrap metal anyway) so I SNACed his 'werewolf' easilly.

That is all. I hope I not forgot anything. Here is all guncam images I have: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Aphil - 06-23-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: General Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: MEDIUM

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]


Today is a glorious day in our history! Today we avenged the Havana!

I admit, it has been a long time coming but finally the conflict in Omicron-74 drew the Artemis out of hiding.

We struck quickly, taking it by complete surprise and it called out to the armada that had gathered in Omicron-74. It was ignored, much to my delight and the Zoners, Order and Artificial Intelligences in the area left it to its fate.

The Artemis was chased to Kappa where it tried to desperately flee to Omicron Gamma. It was crippled before it arrived and the resulting explosions could be seen from a distance.

You can be sure that the Corsairs will want revenge. Be prepared for a counter-attack at any minute.

That is all.

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^]
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 06-24-2013

[Image: jdtb.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCRA| Commander
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: Coalition, Military units
Subject: Fight in Rheinland
Priority: Medium

This is Julia.

Comrades, today I brought you another glorious victory. Libertonians decided to attack Rheinland, and I was there to stop them from doing this. The fight was great one. There was so many Navy ships so I didnt even bothered to count them. One I know for sure - there was lots of capitalships. When Rheinlanders arrived, I engaged at Liberty forces. With aid of RM Bombers, I took down severall ships. My biggest victory here is three capital ships - two Battlecruisers (1 2) and one Dreadnought. In the end, I had ''nice chat'' with Navy.

Nothing cant be destroyed if you use so powerful weapon as 'Tunguska' Antimatter Cannon. I always laugh at how naive these guys are - Capitalships cant save you from wrath of the Coalition. Cant wait for more of them to fall. That is why Im moving to Independent worlds - there is high chances to caught another Liberty/Rheinland fights. See you all in severall days. Will bring more kills.

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-24-2013

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*

TARGET ID: Coalition and Commissariat Assets

SUBJECT: A Reminder

[Image: HWE.png]



"Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades, Patriots and citizens of our glorious People's Republic, I am here to remind all those within our Fighter Corps that we are in a war, surrounded on all sides by those who seek to topple our worker's paradise and destroy our ideals in the name of the so-called 'Houses'.

However despite this war, this threat, it appears to me that some pilots are shirking their duties, refusing to patrol and even log reports, some of you do not have this issue and I applaud you for it, however the ones who I speak of are dragging down the entire Fighter Corps and making a mockery of what we fight for.

Sloth is a crime of the Houses, a tool used by lazy corporates to take the 'easy' way to maximum profits while sacrificing the physical and metal health of those it employs, it is a sickness that must be cut out and burned in the fires of revolution. To see such a thing growing within our People's Republic is not just a mere 'crime', it is an unholy abomination that must be purged at all costs.

Still His Watchful Eye is not without a heart, so I give those who are Slothful this one warning: Do your Patriotic Duty, Don't be as the Houses are.

That is all."

Unity Breeds Strength, Strength is Victory!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-25-2013

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*

TARGET ID: Coalition and Commissariat Assets

SUBJECT: Safety Reminder

[Image: HWE.png]



"Comrades I bare sad news, apparently Lieutenant Miyagi Akira was found in a coma in her quarters not more than a few minutes ago, the cause appears to be a freak accident involving a plunger, a toilet and a rubber ducky. I would go on however protocol forbids me from revealing the exact details to personnel who do not belong to High Command, however I will say this: It is apparent that she did not practice the safety drills found in the Ministry of Truth's brochure concerning toiletry.

Lieutenant Akira's loss thankfully was not a major loss as she had started to slip into the slothful behaviour I recently touched upon, refusing to file reports and fly her snub-fighter. Let this be a lesson to us all, we must be diligent and ensure that the creature known as Sloth does not overtake us as well, or others may suffer the fate of Lieutenant Akira and next time die in a tragic accident due to slothful behaviour. "

The Coalition lives on!!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - equinosz - 06-26-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
Comm ID: Commissar Simone Seidel
Location: Omega-52
Target ID: SCRA HC
Subject: Surveillance mission
Priority: High

[Image: 2lsaes1.jpg]

Comrades, I have just returned from my first mission as a commissar. The objective was a surveillance run of the Tohoku system. Apart from a few trader vessels the system was quiet. I can't confirm the possibility of Iseijin infiltration as I didn't have the chance to scan any military vessels in the system or get close enough to the Tohoku Planetary Arch or Haven's Gate. Attempted to run a few scans on the base itself as well, but it's defenses were too strong to penetrate. However enroute to home in Sigma-19 my sensors picked up a KNF vessel, which didn't respond to my calls and escaped to unknown location.

Attachments: [+] [+]

Awaiting further orders. Seidel out.

***Transmission ends***

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Weras - 06-28-2013

ID: Junior Lt. Lea McGreave
Encryption: Medium

[Image: Undercut-hair-color.jpg]

***Incoming Message***

Today we picked up messages about a large Gallic Royalist fleet, headed to Leeds.
Quickly, General Garcia formed a task force of bombers to head in and spoil the party.
Outside the orbit of planet Leeds, the battle commenced. The Bretonian Forces obviously weren't able to handle the situation alone, because next to one ugly "shrimp" Bretonia Battleship they put up poor defences. During the heat of the battle, our bomber squadron encountered multiple Gallic Capital ships. We managed to blow them to smithereens because of the advanced Coalition tech.
Not very suprisingly, the false counterrevolutionaries of the Gallic Council tried to get a piece of the cake aswell and they threw in two battleships on their own to fight the Royal Navy fleet.
As soon as the last royalist fell the surviving bretonians and council warships turned their weapons on us. But we were ready for it.
Taking heavy damage we managed to blow up one of the council battleships and scare the other one away. But the enemy never stops.
Liberty Navy pilots found their way into Leeds, obviously alarmed by the bretonians because they couldn't even fight off a bomber taskforce and a gunboat.
Even though their force was overwhelming, we managed to secure most of our fleet.
We lost three ships, but left the wrecks of over 5 capital ships in Leeds.
And again our enemies showed their incapacity of fighting us alone, or in an even matchup. They are scared, they know our power.
Today we made them fear us more. Today was a good day for the Es Cee Ar Ah.

McGreave out ~
