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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 12-16-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

Darn it, now everyone is stealing my drinks (although I stole the Admiral's):P

On a more serious note, I am requesting that SF-SFFG-Tempest be re-assigned to Battlegroup Excalibur.

transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-16-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Welcome to SF, sunergos. I've added your fighter to the 1st Royal Squadron of the Cambridge Defense Fleet. And the Tempest has been reassigned to Battlegroup Excaliber as requested.

Just so everyone's aware, Ant has volunteered to do some recruiting for us in New York, I've already discussed things with him and I have the utmost confidence in his abilities to represent what we stand for well.

Still have cash btw for the Kusari Kill Hunt to give to those that participated. If not the cash will go towards an RP event I'm going to try to organize for during the Christmas break:cool:

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - thekillerppodl - 12-16-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: ppodl

neh you can keep mine and i need that 15 mil back of you any who

SF Message Dump - Ant - 12-17-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Harris, SFFG Exeter

Quiet patrol through Omega 5 and Omega 41.
Phantom detected on long range scanners in Omicron Theta.
Implied that said Phantom should come to Omicron Gamma for "negotiations". Phantom was left to think about vaporisation.

Nomads disintegrated in Unknown.

Return trip interrupted by solar flare in Omicron Gamma. Hoping electronics can be brought online again soon.

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-18-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: SFBS-Magnificent

SFFG-Exeter encountered a Nomad carrying Albatross Frigate in the Gamma Unknown. Chased from Gamma to Cambridge before the vessel was intercepted by the Magnificent and SFBS-Sierra. The frigate was destroyed, and its crew and cargo tractored aboard the Sierra. The captain faces criminal charges and is currently being questioned by the SF.

Awaiting chase report from the Exeter.

End of Transmission

OOC: To the frigate whom I shall withhold the name, no hard feelings, Exeter did warn you and you could of dropped the Nomads. Impressed you made it to Cambridge.

SF Message Dump - Ant - 12-18-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Harris, SFFG Exeter

Patrol report from Exeter.
Somewhat exciting patrol, no contacts on the way out. Nomads disintegrated as usual.

Contact sighted in Unknown.
Intercepted in Omicron Gamma. Identified as Frigate class Albatross.
Ship scanned and found to be carrying large numbers of Nomads. Ship asked to either purchase a license or pay the price.

Refusal led to pursuit.
Ship was pursued through Omega 41 and Omega 5. Cruise Disruptors were unable to allow instant vaporisation.

Arrival in Cambridge led to a true show of force.

The Assault Frigate Exeter was joined by Battleships Sierra and Magnificent.

Sierra was in position to prevent escape, however Magnificent successfully deployed cruise disruptors, and all three ships proceeded to utterly vaporise the Nomad infested vermin in under a minute.

The show of firepower was truly impressive, bolts of fire and destruction completely obliterating the sorry wreck of Nomad infested scum.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 12-18-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel, emphasis on Admiral Firebird, Lieutenant Ant, priority 3
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

Long Distance hails were sent to Killer Dave. Upon discussion, Killer Dave turned down the agreed 400,000 credits offered to him as reimbursement.

In addition, a ship known as $3R_Arris was caught with nomad in his hold; however, the captain of this ship did not know about Nomad licensing, thus I promptly explained it to him. He wishes to purchase a license, and I instructed him to Cambridge Research Institute (Firebird) in order to obtain one, and the facilities. OOC: I did not collect the nomads from him, as that would be downright mean.

transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-18-2006

' Wrote:Transmit to: All SF Personnel, emphasis on Admiral Firebird, Lieutenant Ant, priority 3
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

Long Distance hails were sent to Killer Dave. Upon discussion, Killer Dave turned down the agreed 400,000 credits offered to him as reimbursement.

In addition, a ship known as $3R_Arris was caught with nomad in his hold; however, the captain of this ship did not know about Nomad licensing, thus I promptly explained it to him. He wishes to purchase a license, and I instructed him to Cambridge Research Institute (Firebird) in order to obtain one, and the facilities. OOC: I did not collect the nomads from him, as that would be downright mean.

transmission ends...

Transmit to: Captain Hyperwave
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Good work Captain, continue current operations in Cambridge and along the Omega Trade Route.

OOC: Good on not collecting the nomads (don't like being mean either), future just force immediate landing at nearest base for reduced profit on first time violations. $3R_Arris has contacted me and his license has been issued.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - thekillerppodl - 12-19-2006

transmit to : all SF personal
Comm ID : ppodl

travelled to Cambridge after helping a BS member out I then asked all people in Cambridge there business one was trading ,one patroling omega system and the orther (named Erik) promptly open fire on me whe ni saw him I ordered him to stop or he e would be hostile he the nopened fire with a torpedo, considering hostile I turned around and made sure I wasnt shooting me again
After about a minute he took of from the planet again and shot attempted to kill me with missles however I kicked his but again but he ran I spent the next 10 minutes looking for him

After 2 hours he asked for help from corsairs in 4F I declinded due t ohis prevous actity and refusal to answer messages , nothing else happenign so far occsianl cosairs but nothing a sponse couldn't hanndel

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 12-19-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

We have a new recruit to the SF. Strange things about this one. Killer Dave, former smuggler, has been recruited into SF by SFBS-Sierra. After talking with him, he assisted us in the chasing of UFO out of Cambridge (Explained below). I believe that he is applying for the name change now, and working on rep in Dublin. I believe that Lieutentant Ant gave the referral for Dave; funny, I thought he had recruiting powers:wacko:

I believe his forum name is Killer_Dave (I saw him perusing our message dump last night):Pand I'm speculating here, but I assume that his name will be [SF]-SFFG-Killer Dave or [SF]-SFFG-x (variable, not actual x, as I have an idea, but once again, just speculation). I leave the first round of drinks to Ant, then I'll get the second round...

Battle Report:

Two UFO ships of Xeno nature were asked to leave Cambridge today. However, refusing to do so, we were forced to engage. SFBS-Sierra, SFF-Killerppodl, and SFF-Arawn of the SF assisted in the chasing of these two nomad vessels out of Cambridge. In addition, Killer Dave assisted us, be an instrumental part of the chasing, as he was one of only capital ships there. UFO left Cambridge to Omega-5 after being chased... and realizing that they were outnumbered.

Captain Hyperwave out...