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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 03-10-2009

--Transmission to Bretonian Fleet--
--HMS Suffolk--

As you are all aware, our situation in Leeds has taken a turn for the worst. Stokes and the Tau Gate are lost, at least for the time being, and I must warn against any BAF pilots launching reckless counterattacks seeking vengence, as that would not serve our purpose. A War Cabinet combining the Admiralty Board and Government has been formed to direct our war effort, and it is they who shall be guiding BAF policy. I have been instructed to relay to you today the first of their War Cabinet Directives to the BAF which reads as follows:

Primary objectives for BAF at present:
1. Consolidate defences around Derby and York in Leeds system, halt any further Kusari advances
2. Hold open supply route through the Edinburgh - Tau 31 Jump Hole to Planet Harris that supplies may reach Harris
3. Escort any traders entering the Leeds system, to ensure that they do not attempt to breach our blockade and supply the Kusari. People taking any supplies to KNF bases are to be turned back.

I also have been instructed to forward the following recording of the Prime Minister's stirring speech to the Bretonian Parliament to all comms channels.

Lord Mountbatten's Speech to the Bretonian Parliament Wrote:My Lords, Members of the House of Commons, and Citizens of Bretonia,

I know many of you have seen the reports or heard rumors from the BAF forces in the Leeds system. I regret that I must confirm those reports. The Battle of the Taus is over, and the Battle of Leeds has just begun. Earlier today, Kusari forces began a massive offensive through the Tau-31 gate, and have taken the upper part of the Leeds system despite a valiant defense by the BAF, BPA, and Bowex forces stationed in the system. Our stalwart defense has halted the Kusari advance before they could reach Planet Leeds itself.

As dire as our circumstances may seem, I assure you that we are far from defeated! Measures are now being put in place to fortify our defences around Leeds, and meanwhile we are taking steps to build up our forces ready to one day strike back against our enemy. But to do so, we must mobilise all our available forces, and be prepared to endure great sacrifices. We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind. We have before us many, many long months of struggle and of suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by space, air and land, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.

To aid in that victory, the entirety of the Bretonian economy and it's populace must be dedicated to the war effort. Every citizen, whether in Leeds or elsewhere in Bretonia, must stand ready to defend our worlds against Kusari aggression. Leeds shall not fall! Bretonia will not be defeated!

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Leeds, we shall fight in orbit and in the atmospheres, we shall fight hand to hand on our space stations and battleships, we shall defend our systems, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the Planets' surface, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, Leeds or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire across the stars, armed and guarded by the Bretonian Armed Forces, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, foreign fleets of our allies, with all their power and might, step forth to the rescue and the liberation of Bretonia.

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the Bretonian Realm and its Empire last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'

--End Transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Nitrocdh - 03-11-2009

Transmission to: BAF command
ID: Ensign Dennis Harris

Firstly it made me very sad to hear about Stokes and the current battle waging in our own space, I believe they shall come to fear the Ferocity of a cornered Bretonian.

Secondly I do have somewhat of a battle report to send in,
This afternoon HMS Redbreast engaged two KNF pilots at Stokes. I soon joined the battle and eliminated the KNF known as [KNF]Kiyoshi.Raidon.Sadly soon after my ship was destroyed by a pilot named Drow who was assisting the KNF. I believe that the KNF retreated as well as Drow but the Redbreast would know more about the outcome than I would as I was sitting in it's hold at the time.

We face a formidable foe, but they are not at all unbeatable and they shall suffer for threatening Bretonia!

-Transmission Terminated-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 03-11-2009

incoming message:
ensign tom ramey.

well. this week there has been a huge amount of people trying to break the tau embargo.

ensign dave silverton found a peice of kishiro scum. in the edenburgh system.
by the time i got there ritsuka. the kishiro employee. had opened fire. i made quick work of him with my sn

well. the kusari got my ship.......*sighs*

but i got them back in a new one i "borrowed for the day" untill i get a new one.

bad new. the kusari are supplying the gaians with advanced weapons and ships.

*looks in small bottle*
hmmmm... i need to go get more pills.


*he accidentily leaves the camera running for a few minutes. he wanders off *
end of transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Specter597 - 03-11-2009

-=Incoming Transmission=-


From: ISSC [Interstellar Science & Cartography] Capt. Marcus of the Science Vessel Constellation
To: BAF Military Command
Subject: Tau Space, Diplomatic Issues, & Bretonian Space.

Official Communique Regarding Access to Restricted and Non-Restricted Space

This is to officially request scientific access to non-military areas of Bretonia Space and the Tau regions.

Dear Sir/Madam,
Given the unfortunate events that have transpired in the last year between the House Kusari and Bretonia we have found it difficult to conduct our scientific mission in an unmolested fashion. We understand the necessity of martial law in times of trial and would like to make an appeal to conduct our experiments in a normal manner within Bretonian space.

I Capt. Marcus of the Science Vessel Constellation "ISSC|Constellation" hereby request travel permits to the Tau and Orkney systems as well as unrestricted travel through the non-military systems of Bretonia.

Please understand that while we have access to vessels from various corporations throughout the Sirius system ours is a purely scientific mission. I have been charged to continue sensor sweeps of the gas pockets and mineral deposits of Tau 31 as well as scans of newly opened space through the Orkney system.

I hope we can find an understanding.
-Capt. Marcus


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 03-13-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm Id : Fortunatus Wright
Target : Bretonian Armed Forces

What with all the problems we've got in Leeds at the moment, the following little thing completely slipped my mind. It wasn't until I was reviewing my logs that I ran across this. Here follows a transmission I received whilst running some missions with Ensign Ramey. I've no idea who the person is, but somehow he was able to direct his communique directly to me from Languedoc, which I assume is one of the systems in the recently revealed Gallic house. I will be forwarding this on to the diplomatic department as well.

[Image: message1u.jpg]

Fortunatus out

Transmission Ends

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 03-14-2009

Incoming Transmission

Comm Id : Fleet Admiral Nelles
Target : Bretonian Armed Forces Flag Officer Staff
Re : Pilots sentenced to the Brig

For bizarre behaviour and drunkenness during a routine patrol of the Leeds System, Ensign Austin Goodman and Lieutenant Tom Ramey have been sentenced to the Brig in Salisbury, at Winchester Station.

I have decided to be somewhat lenient on these officers, as I am advised that they have personally taken very hard the fall of Glasgow Station, and the deaths of friends and family there. Ensign Goodman is especially hard hit.

Having said that, nothing is better than time in the Templar's saddle to cure the blues, so those boys are to be on patrol immediately tomorrow morn, hung over or no.

Transmission Ends

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 03-14-2009

Incoming transmission
ID: Lieutentant Jacob Carter
Subject: Short report from yesterday

Another bunch of paperwork again... yesterday was quite successfull day, as we managed to catch Molly supply transport in the western cloud in Leeds. He was heading from Dublin to Cambridge. I was surprised by his cargo, I thought he is full of contraband of some kind, but what I found was even better I say. Look at the scan records:
[Image: 2vcu6nm.png]
[Image: if9xn9.png]

Load of Trefoils and graviton shields. The Molly has given up and said its a shipment for Hessians, which give them their own weaponry in return. Quite odd. I found no big use of the Trefoils, so I fined them for 2 million credits, and confiscated the shields, which may help a bit in our war. Lieutentant Ramey has them now onboard his bomber I believe, they should be given to Armoury as soon as possible. The 2 million fine was sent to Armoury, as seen below in camera record.
[Image: 2i99v6.png]

Paladin field tests

Later that day, we had Colonials in Tau 31. Three of us, me, Lieutentant Ring and Lieutentant Commander Frost were flying our new Paladins. Ramey and his Templar were shot down in first minutes of the fight. While we were fighting, privateer force arrived to aid us in the battle. Unfortunately, few of our ships had some malfunctions, and Lieutentant Commander Hobart ordered to retreat. Privateers stayed and continued on fighting. Paladin testing in field was not completed.

When we arrived back to Leeds, two Molly Werewolves were flying around the planet. They soon left to chase slaver which ran from Ramey to Edinburgh. At least they help with the blockade sometimes. We decided to watch over them, and test Paladins again if needed to. Me, Ring and Frost deployed on patrol to Edinburgh. Mollies were not successfull in catching the slaver of course, but two Gaians showed up there, and it was looking like they shall fight each other.

However, third Molly, Micheal Carruth, arrived. I wonder how many lives he has. The last nuclear mine wasnt enough for him I guess, and he wanted revenge. Other Mollies left the hippies for good and they all engaged us near Aberdeen. Frost took down one of them. Mr Carruth was caught in ions probably, or had a ship malfunction, so he flown his ship far away from battle, leaving his mate Patrick Quinlain against three Paladins. He received lots of damage, but in the end he ran.

We resupplied at Aberdeen, and went to take a look at two hippies which were watching whole fight. One of them in new civilian bomber Roc, and other in Eagle. We warned them, and told them to go smoke weed on Islay, or we shall use force. Silly chaps started crying out loud something about people's rights. So we engaged. Both hippies were ripped to pieces. Bloody good teamwork of Paladins I say.
[Image: 6ye4qr.png]

Paladins proved themselves as reliable fighters in group. I personally recommend them for larger fights. Still... I should get some practice in duels with that thing *coughs*

Lieutentant Carter, finishing report.

End of transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 03-14-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Jack Frost
Patrol Report

After a quick patrol of Leeds i came across a chap in what looked like a Liberty transport with a very fishy IFF

After my cruise disrupter failed to stop him, an annoying thing thats happened a lot lately, must have the techs look into that, i gave chase into Newcastle.

The chap then had a fool idea of approaching an OC base there. Strange they never shot at him !!

My cruise disrupter continued to malfunction so i headed back to Leeds for tea and scones.

Frost out
...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 03-17-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source ID: Lt. Robert Jones---
---Source Location, Battleship Derby---
Well, today was rather hectic, starting off with a Benitez in New london, who Carter destroyed, followed by a madman in an outcast dreadnaught swearing to take revenge on Bretonia for something or other, apparently he was on the sleeper ship when it left Sol. Well, after trying to convince him to leave, we were forced to engage, Hobart telling everyone except him to stay back, although we were later given the order to engage. The dreadnaught was, amazingly, forced to retreat by two Challengers and Hobart's Templar, although I seem to remember one of our destroyers moving in to assist, and Major Triton Abyss of our reserve corps moving to intercept him as he fled, although orders from our destroyer curbed his pursuit. Unfortunately, one of the couplings in my Challenger's left engine came undone, and I was forced to land on Leeds despite the appearance of the Silent.Night.

When the engine was fixed, I returned to space to find three mollies and a Lane Hacker embroiled in combat with a few of our men, and Major Triton Avyss. I engaged, and managed to get a lucky shot on the hacker, destroying him, then we started tearing apart the molly forces, although one took down the Major, until only one was left, dueling Hobart. Suddenly, my IFF transponder picked up a zoner signal, moving towards the fight at cruise speeds. I thought that it was odd, but when the ship came closer, I saw that it was a corsair cruiser! The IFF signal must have been designed as a trap! However, the corsair didn't want to fight us, and instead wanted to attack the one remaining Molly. However, as I'm sure we're all aware, flying a corsair cruiser in Bretonian space is punishable by the impounding of said cruiser, which Captain Brinkley authorised us to do. As we had recieved some reinforcements, we decided to swarm the cruiser, and we took it down through sheer weight of numbers (And the occasional SN shot from my challenger)

---Sortie reports---
1 Outcast dreadnaught repulsed, lightly damaged
2 Molly ships, unknown classes destroyed
1 lane hacker Bayonet destroyed
1 corsair cruiser destroyed
1 Bretonian destroyer lost
a number of templars and challengers lightly damaged
---Transmission ends---
---Attached files: 1---
---Loading file---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aneksi - 03-18-2009

Incoming Transmission
From Abbie Eaton
To: BAF Headquarters

Hi There:

Um, I hope it's ok to leave a message here. I just wanted to say Thank You to Commander Hobart and Ensign Roland Gilead for helping me with my ship.

You guys are really nice.

Have a nice day,

Abbie Eaton