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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-06-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


Delivery confirmation, the Buro has assisted in our endeavour:

Quote:BDM|LV-Hrimfaxi: 3485
LV-Arcturus: 4015

Delivered: 7,500
Total: 23,770 / 40,000


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-09-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


Delivery confirmation, the Azurite manifest is near completion. Some minor complications on obtaining the resources, an Order vessel was eavesdropping:

Quote:LV-Atlas: 4000
LV-Arcturus: 4015
LV-Pyxis: 4070

Delivered: 12,085
Total: 35,855 / 40,000


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Karst - 02-09-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Initiate Bluefin


So, I did that patrol thing I was supposed to do as an Initiate. I thought this might be really boring, but Vagrant.Melia and A/)-Krauklis accompanied me and it turned out to be pretty comfortable, even though we didn't find anything. I'm working on myself and maybe it's getting a little easier now.

I've flown around the southern Liberty corridor occasionally before, but I've definitely found some new places this time. It's too early to say anything concrete, but so far I'm unusually comfortable with this.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-11-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


A report has come in from the 6th Logistics Corp Vessel Eridanus, they have delivered the following items to the Insurgency to help them in their endeavours for reconstruction efforts.

Quote:55,055 - Basic Alloy
2117 - Ship Hull Panels
4235 - Ablative Armor Plating


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-13-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


The Pyxis has delivered another load. The manifest is nearing completion.

Quote:LV-Pyxis - 4070 - Azurite Gas

39,925 / 40,000 remaining


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-15-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


Confirmation of manifest completion. Research Vessel Verdite has returned the final components, finalizing the requirements.

Quote:RV-Verdite - 102 - Azurite Gas

40,027 / 40,000 remaining


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-23-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


A reconnaissance probe has returned, localized data in the Coronado system shows the Sabah Research Station is compromised and is slowly decaying from the lack of logistical care.

[Image: unknown.png]

It may be worth to check upon the facility for potential vulnerabilities.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 03-03-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Paladin Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


We have obtained a "Nomad Prototype" specimen from the Liberty Rogues for a fee of 100,000,000 credits. We are uncertain how the Freelancer they demolished obtained the weapon, but at least it is within our hands now.

>>Retrieving the goods

It has been deposited into the Vault for further studies into adapted technology.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - ONIKS - 03-19-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Venator Onyx Statuette

[Image: unknown.png]


The surveying operation in Coronado is going according to plan. Military Arm excursion from SYMI PROTOCOL threshold has brought some uncontemplated yet very welcoming results.

Crayterian forces in Coronado has been distracted from the south side of Coronado and have amassed sizeable defense force at Yuma and haphazardly bolstered the planetary defenses. The substantial presence of mobilized Yellowstone fleet and Bretonian Forces capital ships also suggests that Crayterians have requested support from their sovereigns. In total, they have equivalent of one mobile battlegroup stationed at the Yuma Defensive Grid. While this wasn't really planned, Directorate can see that those ships burning down Crayterian supplies might be beneficious and eventually they won't have a proper supply line to sustain both House and Crayterian forces. This will safeguard our surveys in the Coronado sector.

Overall, their perfomance are lacking. Military Arm doesn't have resources to launch a full-scale operation against that battlegroup but the paramilitaries were doing a great job at destroying most of their fighter wings. We have no confirmation of NATO forces getting reinforcements but if they do - we can continue on constraining them. Technocracy's External Public Relation Teams are preparing agitprom to cause localized political discontent amongst the House and Crayterian population, especially in Bretonia.

About the main survey. While Jericho still has token forces consisting of one battlecruiser with no fighter wings attached and by careful route planning it is easy to avoid detection - appeal to instruction TMA-RI-C-612A for directions how to use local ionization for masking the ship emissions from radars.

[Image: olHWd60.png]

The area around Jericho is heavily irradiated, ambient radiation recorded at 1,450 mSv and 2,600 mSv at the south pole, and the planetside levels according to approximations can climb up to 5,400 mSv which renders most of our generally-used screening equipment unusable and direct expeditions exteremely dangerous. The heavy-duty ultra-long wave medium-range scanners, similar to those used in the Alberta surveys, recorded several hotspots of planetside ionization (offset to the center due to interferences) with the highest concetration at the south pole. Whilst we still haven't got the direct evidence of rumored wreck there, the ionization data can suggest that this might be location of said wreckage. Other than than we got crude and distorted scans of the planet surface - we can't use those now but filtering is currently on-going and we will get more results as we survey the planet more.

We will be ready to send reconnaissance drones when we will set up good approach to the site and we will decide, how to counter the heavy ionization.

Continue pinning down the NATO forces at Yuma and thin out their supplies. Direct confortation is inadvised to the sheer amount of stationed ship there and their willingness to use them. Continue monitoring the SYMI threshold and establish perimeter. In case the battlegroup starts moving out, apply the according procedures.

Be pernicious and be impetous, brothers and sisters.

Onyx Statuette, out.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Hemlocke - 03-28-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Warden Xarexis


Nanobotic organism designated "Xarexis" attaching to informational nodes.

:|: Uplink Relay Protocol Online :|:

This Frontline Banisher Unit responded to an enemy breach within the star system designated "Inverness", aiding the Achlys in a deep space interception that resulted in the death of an enemy dreadnaught. Shortly thereafter, more signals appeared in system, unknown in origin... this nanobotic organism recognizes them, many software errors occurred while in their presence, yet this unit owes its life to the Technocracy, thereby overriding the errors in software to intercept the warship, and aid in its annihilation. Many enemies suffered Banishment following previously established protocol stipulation.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream