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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 05-23-2007

' Wrote:Comm. ID: Reinhardt

I have received numerous reports on the SPF, nothing too conclusive. However, I believe that since they have stolen a Rheinland Battleship (How did they get that, I wonder...:dry:), and have been threatening and possibly attacking our allies and ships within and around Rheinland itself, I am being forced to act.

All [SPF] tagged forces are to be given one chance to leave Rheinland, if found. After that, your orders are to execute with extreme prejudice. We will make example of these people. You follow our laws in Rheinland!... Or you pay with your life.

Commander Lieder, you are under obligation to get a gunboat and have the choice to keep a Rheinland Fighter and or Bomber in your personal armada.

The Flagship Alzette is currently in orbit around planet New Berlin and the Rheinland Cruiser Blitzkrieg (a cruiser version of Admiral Krieg's flagship) is under contruction.

If possible, I would also like to see our most famous bomber pilot, Zerstoren, to return from retirement.

Jack Archer Here,

I have understood orders and will make sure that they are followed out. I may not be your famous Ace, but I have taken down a pirate Battleship or 2 before. If I see this ship I will make sure not a scrap remains.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 05-24-2007


I read your orders loud and clear Admiral! They will not remain in Rheinland long enough to see another New Berlin sunrise! My gunboat is in New Berlin system and I have my personal bomber in the storage bay. not too mention my good friend Lance is ready to fight at a moments notice.

Fur Den Kanzler! Fur Rheinland!
Axel Topf out

Axel's Quote 'The enemies commint a thousand heresies and will be punnished for each one'

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 05-25-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Rheinland Military
CommID: Meric Freelamen on board The Vineta

Ah ha! Congratulations to Admiral Hiltraud on her promotion... Though the SCRA thought they could ruin it? Very amusing...

The Vineta was outside Planet New Berlin with Admiral Hiltraud when aN SCRA Light Fighter attacked...

I engaged the target with no questions asked, though a fast little bugger this one was.

Target continued to attack both myself and Hiltraud, then I made a major hit.

Target ran at that point towards the ring where he was cut off by a Rheinland Battleship patrol.

He then yelled out a suicidal scream and came at full speed towards me, an final blast of my turret destroyed the SHIP

All for now.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dog-Soldier - 05-25-2007

My ship is armed and ready for the SPF fight.....I will ensure my fighter is available to offer bomber or gunship suppport in any necessary attack!

In the mean time I will continue patrols and report all SPF encounters here Sir!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kane - 05-27-2007

Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: BDM Officer 'Feuer'
Target ID: RMHC
Encryption: BDM Delta 5
Re: After Action Report

Two pirates terminated today.

HF vessel, 'Vulture' and Helghast vessel 'Tommy.'

Both were dispatched with help from supporting RM and IND units.

Battleship ARCHANGEL, Order Guard, assisted at Planet New Berlin. Assumed to be Black Squadron supporter. No action taken.

No other information to report.

Message ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 05-27-2007


The Kormoran has had its first real test of fire today as the Corsair Cruiser Kramshaw decided my orders to leave Rheinland space were too good the captain. He turned toward me fired but the agility of the Kormoran was sufficent and prevent me and my crew from being killed. I spun my ship and followed her from her rear. Her captain failed to get back on course and he is now in my Brig, with the ship in peices orbiting New Berlin.

[Image: screen415.jpg]

[Image: screen416.jpg]

Fur Den Kanzler!

Axel Topf Out!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dog-Soldier - 05-27-2007

That is a bea-u-tiful sight Axel-Topf Sir....beautiful!!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 05-27-2007

Message to: RM

Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud Kaiser

First off, good work Commander Topf.

The battleship Westphalia is currently under construction at Oder. Approximate delivery to RM is two weeks. The Westphalia will be christened at Planet New Berlin shortly after completion.

Until then, I resume my patrols throughout the system.

Hiltraud out.

----message ends----

Rheinland Military Message Dump - TankTarget - 05-27-2007

Comm ID: Erik Lieder
To: RM

"It is a shame I could not be there...congratulations on the promotion Admiral Kaiser. I should be back on patrol soon."

Erik out

EDIT: Strictly OOC, can I keep flying my fighter and the gunboat (which I am getting money for at the moment) because that would be nice...that or my wrath goes untagged RM so that I can keep it...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 05-27-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to "RM"
CommID: Meric Freelamen

Extra protection around Oder shipyard has been sent to prevent any harmful events in the build of The Westphalia.

Returning to patrols.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

OOC:@TT: Just give you ship a single name (Example: Westphalia), and make Erik Lieder the Captain.