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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-11-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Freeport 5, Omega-41
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

The FP5 supply contract is done.
Goods delivered:
Consumer goods - 10 000 cargo units /7500 per contract/ 1 2
Pharmaceuticals - 5 000 cargo units 1
H-fuel - 10 000 cargo units 1 2

Nothing interesting during deliveries - just as I like it. Met a couple TAZ fellows - Zen_Clipper in the Omegas and Tau.Ceti.Center in the Sigmas and Omicrons. Strange fellows...

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[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-11-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Freeport 1, Omega-3
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

The FP1 supply contract is done.
Goods delivered:
Food Rations - 5 000 cargo units - 1
Water - 5 000 cargo units - 1
Oxygen - 5 000 cargo units - 1
Consumer Goods - 5 000 cargo units - 1
Pharmaceuticals - 5 000 cargo units - 1
Ship Hull Panels - 5 000 cargo units - 1 2
Fertilizers - 5 000 cargo units - 1

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-11-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Freeport 6, Tau-29
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

Did some work on the The FP6 supply contract.
Goods delivered: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Oxygen - 10 000 cargo units
Consumer goods - 5 000 cargo units
Pharmaceuticals - 2 000 cargo units
Engine Components - 3 000 cargo units

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sylvie557 - 06-12-2011

[Image: lokitrans.png]


Wow, Zebedia Vale... You have been keeping busy haven't you. Glad to not be doing all the work around here. I'd like to report the completion of the Freeport 6 contract.

Freeport 6
  • 10000 units of Food Rations // Cargo Manifests: One Two
  • 10000 units of Water // Cargo Manifests: One Two
  • 5000 units of H-Fuel // Cargo Manifest
Loki Valmir

[Image: transmissionomicronbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-13-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Planet Curacao, Cortez system
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

Mr. Valmir, it is my pleasure to keep myself busy.
Reporting some work on the The FP2 and Ames RS supply contracts.
FP2 goods gelivered:
Water - 5 000 cargo units - 1

Ames RS goods delivered
Food Rations - 2 500 cargo units; Water - 2 500 cargo units - 1
Oxygen - 5 000 cargo units - 1

Liberty is unnaturaly quiet. Feels eerie, gives me the creeps. No incidents to report. Almost nobody out there...

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-14-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Planet Curacao, Cortez system
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

Reporting some work on the The IMG supply contract.
Holman outpost goods gelivered:
Food rations- 5 000 cargo units - 1
Consumer goods - 5 000 cargo units - 1

Got some interesting encounters today. First some funny STO| people in Bafin - a Barge and a BWT, zoners. Sounded like husband and wife - well the BWT pilot - the apparent wife - was the only one talking, so ... I don't really know...
Then a pair of very strange birds - Unioner pirates - stopped me in Callifornia/go figure/ between Mojave and the NY Gate. I was carrying pineals, which they found amuzing and not worth the trouble, so they let me go tax free. I got the impresion that they were after specific cargo types.
Also got checked by a LN ship in NY - no trouble there. We were both very polite and went on to our separate bussiness.

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[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - fencore - 06-16-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]

Here's the reports from my pilots on the latest contract for the Reavers.
Reavers-NLH Contract
Basic Alloy - Total 10,764 - 1 | 2 | 3
Super Alloy - Total 10,764 - 1 | 2 | 3
Superconductors - Total 3588 - 1
High-Temperature Alloy - Total 4088 - 1 | 2
Optronics - Total 2044 - 1
Optical Chips - Total 3588 - 1

Once we get the last few reports from the others, we can square this off.

Gheis Mace
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 06-16-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Luxury Liner Shetland, Edinburg system
Subject: Supply Contract Fulfilment Report
Message begins

My humble effort to the Reavers contract
Goods delivered:
Optical chips -3 600 cargo units - 1

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 06-16-2011

[Image: bethtrans.png]
Ahh paperwork....

Reaver contract
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sylvie557 - 06-18-2011

[Image: lokitrans.png]


Started the first of the Kiretsu contract on board the Loki's Influence without any difficulties with the Kusari government. Took the supplies from the Honshu system through the Okinawa Jumphole to Battleship Matsuda.

Battleship Matsuda Loki Valmir

[Image: transmissionomicronbottom.png]