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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-13-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM-0UT-TRG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Rheinland Government; Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Priority Report#2 - Additional CWW installation, 13.01.830

Guten Abend esteemed Representatives,

as per order of Admiral von Herzsprung, i swept the area where the group of illegal stations was first spotted. Agent Lock accompanied me once more.

Their previous loose formation has been adjusted into a more defensible grid pattern. And, to my surprise, they managed to establish yet another base there. Lock and me did not remain long, as there could have been more activity of theirs in the sector.
However they managed to pull this one off, they must have a reliable way of supply at the ready.

[Image: wiGbNZe.png] [Image: GlCLyG1.png] [Image: VWralCI.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Barrier - 01-13-2023

[Image: K3c0wOg.png]
Source: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Elias Beist
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: A conversation with Charlie Jukins

Guten Abend Offiziere.
I believe we have the potential of securing a valuable source of information in the form of Herr Jukins.

After reading through yet another transgression of this individual on the internal channels, I decided to attempt to track him down if he was still in orbit of Neu Berlin. Fortunately, Herr Jukins seemed to be waiting for someone or something near Bonn station.

I proceeded to tell Herr Jukins, in no uncertain terms, that his freedom in lawful Rheinland is coming to an end. Instead of his regular denials, it seemed to me that Herr Jukins began to seriously consider my interrogation offer. Indeed, in an uncharacteristic manner, he indirectly admitted to having information about the location and interior of multiple Bundschuh bases in the asteroid fields.

After noting this, I decided to make herr Jukins a simple offer of having 72 hours to consider his situation. Herr Jukins may choose to open a private communication to us to facilitate pickup. I propose that a retrieval team is formed during this time - and I volunteer to be part of that team, or to fly as escort.

I should also note that towards the end of my conversation, a small-time trader contacted me with a sighting of a Corsair capital ship en route to Frankfurt. Immediately after I was finished with Herr Jukins, I proceeded to investigate, but found no sign of such vessel. However, I encouraged the freelancer to continue reporting any potentially useful sightings in the future.

Finally, the conversation with Herr Jukins took place over short-range comms instead of a private channel to avoid potential denial of this information by this individual. Proprietary comm logs of Bonn, Neu Berlin, Oder, and The Ring should all confirm this conversation in the case of any legal proceedings launched against the Rheinwehr.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Elias Beist
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: nYqwS6c.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-14-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Battleship Schwerin, Frankfurt
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Order Osiris in Frankfurt, 08.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

during an evening which plainy put lacks proper explanation, basically several civilians talking about all kinds of topics and some flared tempers, Revenant informed me about the presence of an Order battleship in Thuringia.

My systems suffered from a nearby ion storm, so i had to ask again and was told they were apparently conducting scans on the Suhl anomaly. While keeping an eye on the current situation near Planet Holstein and the Schwerin i relayed said information but found no suitable forces to engage a battleship on my own. A Freelancer, callsign Sundew, arrived and carried a single Military Vehicle in their cargo hold. Seeing the amount as most likely not indend to profit and smuggle, i issued only a formal warning. Further questioning of where and when the object was procured had to wait however, as an Order battleship arrived via trade lane close to Planet Holstein. It proceeded to head for Stulingen, adjusted course and remained in sector C3 outside of the Westerwald cloud and in medium distance to the trade lane towards Sigma-13.

Lacking proper means to take on such a threat, i used my cloaking device and headed to Carrier Saar in order to place a safe priority transmission for reinforcements. Soldat Undying appeared only moments after my return, but even together we remained severely outgunned. Thus the course of action was to keep it from potentially fleeing until the fleet would arrived. While doing so another Freelancer showed up, callsign Fortune's.Favour. Undying noticed Nomad remains in their cargo hold, at a later stage they had even managed to hold two Police pilots hostage. Their ships's identification appeared somewhat dodgy on my earlier scans, which at this stage made a lot more sense. It must've been a pirate vessel in disguise. Their own confession wanting to extort money from Rheinland's corporations and attempt to side with the present Order battleship led to Undying engaging them, while i stood by in case intervention was required. Fortune's.Favour was put out of action successfully.

The Unity, the Order Osiris under command of someone called 'Lundgren', kept out of this and claimed to not be here to interfere. They admitted to what Revenant told me earlier - having been into Thuringia and conducting some sort of research together. What was new was the apparent presence of at least another party or person, as the Unity was assisting an expedition. In addition they told me the Fortune's.Favor had helped the Order in the past. While bystanders started to leave one after the other, i was left with the Unity. Seeing as no backup was to be expected after a considerable amount of time, i eventually made use of their own surprising offer to be escorted out of Rheinland.

I took the liberty of adding a modified set of flight recorder data, which only kept the most crucial information.
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Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-14-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Cargo Inspection & unteachable Smuggler in New Berlin, 11.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

while on duty near Planet New Berlin in sector F5 i controlled a Sirian Express Postal vessel en route to Dock 145 in New Berlin.

Their cargo hold contained two restricted commodities above the private use limit of ten units (10), that being Side Arms and Armaments. Caravan-N900FE was informed about this, understood and handed over the excess without incident. Given the low amount of two units (2) of restricted cargo in total, i gave a formal warning and allowed them to proceed with their route.

[Image: 8qnIejj.png] [Image: C51fSgM.png]

Shortly after this pleasant exchange a known smuggler and lawbreaker appeared on scanners, Charlie,Jukins. This time carrying a damning amount of illicit goods and hostages, alien material among it. Jukins was ordered to hand over all contraband immediately, which of course he declined. Revenant of the Technocracy of Auxo successfully retrieved all eleven units (11) of Artifacts and the single unit of Nomad Fighter Remains from Jukins, which i let happen given prior assistance towards Rheinwehr forces and myself in every way. The opportunity to investigate those particular alien materials Jukins had with him were secured that way, instead of risking them being destroyed during what was inevitable from this point onwards. Every additional attempt from nearby Freelancers as well as Revenant was subsequently turned down by Jukins, he insisted on his usual demeanor. Even admitted to dealing Cardamine in the past. I refrained from prosecuting these specific attempts at obtaining Jukins' contraband, as they offered the best chance to get his entire cargo hold undamaged for thorough investigation - if Jukins' had seen reason. At the same time i denied actual payment in form of Sirian Credits for the entire hold by a nearby Freelancer, Maroon.Specter. There was no reward to be had for such behaviour anymore. For refusal to comply with a direct order and every instance of his behaviour prior to this, i opened fire on Jukins. Present Technocracy forces, Revenant and Lazurith, aided me yet another time.

Their help led to successful retrieval of Jukins' remaining cargo, which was picked up by all three of us as my hold was at maximum capacity. Revenant immediately intended to hand over what she had picked up, yet i could not safely secure additional contraband aboard my Valkyrie. Given numerous prior instances of aid by the Technocracy of Auxo, i allowed temporary possession for transit to a suitable containment side. Having reached Mainz Storage Facility in Frankfurt, i got rid of less critical contraband and took what Revenant had carried for me up to this point. The Core pilots were released there as well. All contraband was brought to Thuringia by me in the end.

During the whole encounter in New Berlin i was forwarded information by a SEO vessel about a Lane Hacker sighting in Stuttgart, but was unable to follow up on it. They also offered their security assets should the need arise.

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Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-14-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Forwarded information regarding Charlie,Jukins, 14.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

i have been given two additional pieces of information in regards to a known smuggler.

The Schwarzach had encountered Charlie,Jukins twice, first time during her preparations in Munich and subsequent route to our current operation within the Frankfurt system four days ago, scan has been provided. Jukins was found carrying thirty three units (33) of Nuclear Devices with him to an unknown location. In addition Freelancer Richards was ordered by the Schwarzach to perform a scan on Jukins, as he was present close to the CWW installations just this very morning in Frankfurt. His findings have been attached as well, there were no more Nuclear Devices to be found or any other cargo, but illicit Nomad equipment is still used by him. The very first instance of this being reported is more than a month ago, as documented in Rheinwehr Report #2575.

[Image: 74y6Vb0.png] [Image: mYodV31.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Felipe - 01-14-2023

Source: Schlachtschiff Altenburg
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Admiral Otto Schaeffer
Recipant: Oberkommando
Subject: Re: Bismarck rumors

Guten Tag fellow Admirals,

i've heard rumours that one of our Bismarck-class battleships went missing in the Hamburg system, failed to respond to any communication form, and that the search teams sent to locate the ship found nothing but Unioner scouts.

While i've dismissed it as "cold feet" of new members of the crew, apparently we indeed have a part of Soltau group missing after pitched engagement, specifically Badenburg ship, so i request a formal report about. Maybe its time to reinforce Soltau group? Unioners, Hessians and Coalition criminals show no sign of reducing activity, and our wings apparently met more resistance than expected.

As governor of the system, i really think i should've been immediately informed about such a serious issue.

Otto Schaeffer, Erzherzog zu Hamburg
Admiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Governor of Hamburg
[Image: YISHxEs.png][Image: Hx9OxKe.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-16-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Piracy and Subversion, 18.12.829

Guten Abend Officers,

less than a month ago an opportunity opened itself to me due to a prevented piracy attempt by Hessians i Frankfurt.

I apologize for the delay in this report, it must have slipped my mind while compiling similar submissions like this one. While on patrol in New Berlin i received a distress call from a Kruger vessel and proceeded to jump to Frankfurt. I found a Hessian DL-A "Armadillo" transport, the Elberfeld, close to the Kruger vessel. Not particularly long after my arrival Paul Botzler showed up, prompting me to alter strategy after recent encounters between him and Rheinwehr personnel. I urged the Hessian to leave, while the Mainz was en route to my location and arrived not long after. Taking the chance to escape with their lives, the Elberfeld retreated to the asteroid fields - Botzler followed suit. A seed, an idea, had been planted at this stage.

To secure our corporate interests the Mainz and me escorted the Kruger vessel towards its destination, Hausenfeld's mineable zones. As Bootsmann Wagner arrived, i instructed him about my plans and cloaked. Leaving the area to seek Botzler and the Hessian, assuming they might conduct business away from our eyes. What i found instead was, yet again, Charlie,Jukins. Carrying sixty-one units (61) of Black Market Munitions, still having illegal equipment based on Nomad tech mounted as well as various hostages. To my shame i have to admit i was unable to retrieve them without seriously endangering them by a firefight in which i would have been outnumbered, due to Botzler and an unknown Alliance member arriving at the scene. The Mainz' point defense systems could have allowed me to seek cover, but there was merely a slim chance to effectively turn a combat situation into a positive outcome for me. Thus i opted to gain all i could by way of words instead. Jukins was happy to sell his contraband on while in the open, Botzler went on to question and criticize Rheinland's ruling body and the Alliance pilot, Ferdinand.Traxler, had hostages with him as well. Botzler, in the end, offered me a 'way out' by telling me his group's doors would always be open.

I followed Jukins to the Sigma-15 gate in the end, ensured he left and returned to the Schwerin together with the Mainz for maintenance.

[Image: anPLbAD.png] [Image: 45FBLhF.png] [Image: WlUBH7n.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-17-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Exclusion zone breach, 17.01.830

Guten Tag Officers,

the Trier's comms officer transmitted a call for reinforcements as they were hindered in their duties within the temporary exclusion zone.

A Bundschuh bomber entered the perimeter and assisted CWW defenses, thus rendering itself a target for persecution and subsequent destruction. They stopped their attacks and headed for New Berlin as soon as fighter wings were dispatched. Combined forces of the Büro and the Rheinwehr searched surrounding sectors, locked down exits and managed to drive the bomber back towards the Frankfurt gate. Where i already waited. Engaging the immediately hostile individual, i received assistance by Flieger Zimmermann and later Operative Forseti. Zimmermann's ship was disabled in the firefight, i ensured to bring his pod back to the nearest medical station. The Bundschuh bomber was subdued and then destroyed.

[Image: hvSufn8.png] [Image: ISyBCTx.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-17-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Illegal equipment found within exclusion zone, 17.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

the Schwarzach's bridge crew submitted another finding of theirs.

A Unioner using Corsair weaponry on a civilian gunboat, found entering the temporary exclusion zone while dismantlement was ongoing. The vessel kept its distance as the Schwarzach repositioned. Other crews engaged in slight verbal skirmish. A scan performed by the Schwarzach's sensor array has been attached, as well as communication logs. The exchange and encounter were a rather short one.

[Image: y2E4Rzh.png] [Image: KU4P1pG.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Barrier - 01-18-2023

[Image: K3c0wOg.png]
Source: Mannheim Station, Frankfurt
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Elias Beist
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Nomad incursion into the exclusion zone

Guten Abend Offiziere.

I apologize for the lateness of this report, and I realize that some of the information in it will have reached your offices by now. I will attempt to put everything into perspective regarding the nomad ambush our taskforce experienced during the siege of the rogue freelancer installation.

With the siege ongoing, I and the freelancer Jonathan.Moyer were tracking a potential cloaked resupply transport en route to the installation. We split up to cover the approach from the Hausenfeld, and I ended up doing a flyby of the Neuss factory. With the administrator assuring me that docking privileges for the rogue freelancers were revoked, I proceeded back towards the siege. I planned to resume my jamming of the targeting systems, as my fuel reserves were recently replenished.

Upon my return, I detected a small nomad signature, though with an oversized power-core - their version of the Revenant class. This vessel (designation: Es'ole) seemed to be circling around our force, without approaching directly. As I proceeded to engage, the vessel dove after our repair ship (designation: C-57), which had to take swift evasive maneuvers. Additionally, another nomad fighter approached from the direction of the New Berlin anomaly (designation: Shaesstra). At this point, the rogue freelancers scrambled a reinforced gunship out of the base (designation: Experience), forcing me to seek cover near the battleships for time, until I could resume my engagement. Indeed, this gunship did not fire a single shot towards the nomads, preferring to engage myself and Herr Moyer, who by now has rejoined the fight. Though I do not presume to confirm idle speculation by the enlisted, my combat logs point to the rogue freelancers working with the nomads.

Things got worse from there. The Kapitans of the Greifenstein and the von Braun deemed our position manageable, and continued to bombard the station, occasionally engaging point defenses for CQB. Not a minute later, two massive signatures made the appearance on my scanners. The nomads were sniffing after our hyperspace coordinates, and their heavies managed to make a flawless jump! What's more, one of the vessels seemed to be a repurposed Bretonian warship (callsign: Majestic) of considerable power. The other vessel (callsign: Sascya) was of the same class we recently disabled in Sigma-15, though no less deadly for all that. With the bismarcks switching targeting priority and attempting to disengage from the base defense systems, the nomad bomber managed to come in close and destroy the repair ship. Meanwhile, the nomad capital ships engaged in effective group firing on the von Braun, which needed additional time to reposition. It was swiftly disabled, and began drifting away from the battle.

The arrival of another Rheinwehr recruit (designation: Ragnar.Gunnarsson) was unfortunately not enough to turn the tide of the battle. Though we managed to keep the bomber at bay, it was still two to one in terms of the heavies. Greifenstein sustained heavy damage while performing a fighting retreat. Herr Moyer and I decided to disengage soon after that, with the rookie not heeding a direct order by me to do the same. At he very least, he made it back to Mannheim with a severely damaged Valkyrie and a complete lack of concern over his potential fate. By the time I managed to switch to my revenant and prep it for launch, the nomads were long gone, likely performing a jump back to their godforsaken home systems in Sirius.

I would like to commend Jonathan.Moyer for his quick thinking during the fight, and his fearless yet smart approach to engaging the nomads.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Elias Beist
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: nYqwS6c.png]