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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 11-04-2013

-ID: Captain Ivan Petrov-

[Image: 3d04a610.jpg]

Another day in Omega-52. I was flying around Jiang Xi as suddenly an urgent call from Field Marshal Joseph Garcia came: "Comrade Petrov, meet me at Omega-5 Jumphole, Joseph out-". I knew that an action was waiting for me, since the call was from our great Field Marshal Joseph Garcia. Seeing Senor Lieutenant Alex Krukov and so around, it was clear, our Field Marshal was planning a raid. We moved into Omicron Gamma, intel report said that there was a war going on between the Outcasts and Corsairs, obviously the Maltese scum raided the Corsairs.

[Image: h3tv.png]

Our beloved Field Marshal Joseph Garcia gave us the "go" for engaging the enemy and we started engaging both. It seems like the Outcasts were already about to die, as we engaged the Corsairs.

[Image: e72r.png]

We had to be careful though, there was a Corsair Osiris in the battle. After some kills we decided to move back. The Corsairs hunted us till Omega-5 as we managed to shake them off there and entered Omega-52. Was a rough day but full of adventure! Petrov Out-


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 11-06-2013

-ID: Captain Ivan Petrov-
Priority: LOW
[Image: 3d04a610.jpg]
Another day... Like always *sighs* in Omega-52. I went on a patroul in my "Radek" Destroyer with Junior Lieutenant Prokopiy Stanislav and Field Marshal Joseph Garcia into Omega-41.
[Image: ylk.gif]
There we met a Captain of a Jormungand. After that we went into Omicron Gamma. We encountered a low force of a small Fleet and a Squadron, which we destroyed. No other activities has been seen as we moved back to Omega-5, I departed from Junior Lieutenant Prokopiy Stanislav and Field Marshal Joseph Garcia. I moved to Cambridge for a small scouting. I've cloaked the "Radek" and moved around Planet Cambridge. No activities has been seen. I've moved 20k away from Cambridge where I cloaked my ship. Petrov out-

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Aphil - 11-09-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: SCRA High Command, Mykolaiv Research Senior Staff
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades, the following information is considered CLASSIFIED. You will treat it as such or face severe consequences.

I was contacted by a Researcher who identified himself as Dr. Atticus Komm. He wished to meet in Omega-5 in order to discuss a matter with me. I must admit, I wanted to dismiss him however I decided that there was no harm in seeing what he wanted.

What we conversed about was quite interesting. You will find attached the audio-logs of our conversation. You are also advised to expect a formal communication with this doctor.

We will see where this takes us. From what he said, it seems he wishes to use us to his own ends. Perhaps we can do the same.

That is all.

Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tankman - 12-02-2013

***Incoming Transmission***
***Sender: Junior Lieutenant Prokopiy Stanislav***
***Priority: Low***

Greetings Comrades, today I post my first mission report. I had the privilege in flying with the Field Marshal Joseph Garcia today as well as Nikita Tabakov and Captain Han Xu on a fairly long parol (Although Han had to leave for other matters). I am happy to say that we have all come back in one peice...although I can't say the same for my neck.

*He stretches a bit then lies back in his chair*

Well let me get right down to business. First off we headed over to Pennsylvania to spread our word. We encountered a few civilians along the way. After that we headed over to New York.

*He winces and starts rubbing the back of his neck*

There we found a rather foolish fellow that wanted to gather the bounty on us. Apparently he couldn't see past his blood-lust and started attacking us in his Sabre. After awhile he got the idea and started running.

We grew sick of chasing him around and so we proceeded to head back through Pennsylvania. On the way, we encountered a filthy slaver condemning 600 lives to misery. Then suddenly out of the blue, a rouge came and interrupted us allowing him to escape. Horrified with this act we decided to destroy him.

Once we got through the jump-gate we then encountered a Outcast pirate transport and intercepted it. An LPI then appeared and we allowed him to assist us in disposing of the filth. When that was done we parted ways without incident.

*He sits back in the chair*

Attached are the combined gun-cam photos from our trip. Long live the Coalition!

***Attached Files: 12345678***
***Transmission Lost***

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-02-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades of the SCRA,

I am pleased to relay the following information to you. Some of you may remember them, others may not but I am pleased to announce that Han Xu and Petko Dimitrov are returning to active duty, both at the rank of Captain.

I'm certain that you will show them the utmost respect and will listen to what they have to say.

In light of the return of capable officers such as these, it is my pleasure to recognize Comrade Prokopiy Stanislav. He has proven himself a loyal and capable member of the SCRA and I am pleased to promote him to the rank of Lieutenant.

As as side note, I have attached guncams of a battle that I was a part of a few days ago. I am pleased to say that against all odds, I managed to be victorious downing 2 VHF's and a Liberty Gunboat alone in my Bomber. I hope that you will all be inspired by this and will strive to perform such acts yourselves.

Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[Message Ends]

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 12-07-2013

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*

TARGET ID: S.C.R.A. Assets
SUBJECT: Congradulations

[Image: HWE.png]



"It is not often a Commissar survives the rigors of the Ministry of Truth to celebrate his or her Birthday amongst us. To commemorate this occasion all personnel will receive an extra bottle of Vodka to their ration.

However this does not permit the following: Clinking of glasses in a loud manner, drunken debutchery between male/female combat personnel, drunken insults against the Ministry of Truth and/or celebratory gunfire [ In the past such gunfire has endangered no less than 23 spectators, General Warner during a visit to Volgograd, a class of school children and a rare transplanted family of Gaian Sea-Monkys on JiangXi.]

Remember, while the Fighter Corps may say that 'SCRA is a Party', this does not mean endangering others during such celebrations is required.

Congratulations Commissar Tabakov, we expect you bright and early in the morning for work."

Another Year goes on for our comrade!

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Aphil - 12-07-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]


It has often been said that the odds are against us, that there is no possibility of success against the overwhelming force of our enemies.

I am here to tell you that nothing could be further from the truth.

In the past few days myself and other brave pilots of the Fighter Corps have time and time again proven that despite it all, the SCRA can triumph in ways that put the enemy to shame. You could say that this weeks theme has been victory against all odds.

In Leeds myself and Dubovik took on a Gallic armada and despite all odds managed to take down two of their fighters before my bomber was damaged. We gave more than we got.

In Cortez I tangoed with several fighters in my lone Partisan before managing to defeat one of the Liberty Navy's Primary Fleet Pilots.

And now, finally in California one of our greatest triumphs of all. Comrades, four Bombers from your glorious Revolutionary Army moved to California in order to engage in skirmishes with the Liberty Navy. Needless to say the Liberty Navy responded as expected and one vessel quickly turned to three and then six and then ten and more and more. Comrades, we faced in total more than twenty enemies with the peak being just over ten at us at one point.

And still Comrades we persisted, we fought, we never faltered and our aim was true. Despite losing two of our Comrades we managed to destroy two gunboats, one LABC and ten fighters including one belong to a high-ranking Liberty Navy Officer.

It is through this dedication, this bravery and this skill of arms that we managed to be victorious despite everything. Take heart Comrades, you may be outnumbered and outgunned but you will never be outmatched for you are members of one of the mightiest Militaries that Sirius has ever known. It is through your bravery, skill and patriotism that we will constantly reign supreme over the battlefield.

Comrades, on this day I am proud to consider myself a member of the SCRA.

Field Marshal Joseph Garcia
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^]
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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Pacific - 12-07-2013

COMM ID: Captain Petko.Dimitrov

[Image: 0S1Fe0s.jpg]

Добър ден my glorious comrades today our actions were beneficial to ourselves and to the coalition people.In a daring attack lead by our comrade Field Marshal Joseph Garcia, As we approached the Reverside station we were intercepted by an enemy bomber that called in for a gunboat support. Without question the Libretonians engaged us,they keept coming from their donut shops in great numbers but our shields and hammers crashed their vessels dreams and hopes.

We managed to hit down 13 targets one of witch was the Admiral of the Librety navy giving the Liberty navy a reminder of what the Coalition Army can do and that not even their great numbers and warships can mach the wrath of the people, Keep up the fight другари.

Attached Files 3

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционна Армия на Коалицията във Сириус

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Flash™ - 12-07-2013

>>>>-Incoming Transmission-<<<<

[Image: Dr.-Vitali-Klitschko.jpg]

Comm ID: Senior Lieutenant Alex Krukov
Subject: Battle Report
Encryption: Medium
Priority: Low

Privet comrades!

Today was a intense day. We headed out from Baffin, from where we were invited from, and headed to Liberty. Mr Garcia, leading us into this, we encountered numerous pilots of the Navy, a long with Capital ship commanders. Field Marshal Joseph Garcia led us to a victory over the Libertonian forces, killing thirteen of their pilots, and some commanders, and losing only two of our pilots who are safe and sound at home. The pilots included in this battle were the following: Joseph Garcias, Petkov Dimitrov, Vladimir Chekov, Nikita Tabakov, and myself. Field Marshal Joseph Garcia has, I believe, shown all guncams of the battle, so I will only show mine. I am uploading them as I speak....

*--Uploading Guncam Shots--*

[Image: dfJXi8J.png]


[Image: KM2GiBu.png]


[Image: Qz3T38B.png]


[Image: ovhJzQS.png]


[Image: jfDrep0.png]

*--Guncams Uploaded--*

That will be all for today...

Senior Lieutenant Krukov

>>>>-Transmission Terminated-<<<<

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sirius Coalition - 12-07-2013

[Transmission Begins]

From: The SCRA High Command
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]

Comrades of the Revolution,

On behalf of the High Command of the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army I am proud to recognize the following pilot: Joseph Garcia, Alex Krukov, Petko Dimitrov, Vladimir Chekov and Nikita Tabakov.

All pilots involved in the California brawl are hereby awarded the following:

The Red Halo of Valor for fearlessness and bravery against overwhelming odds.
The Crimson Hammer for defeating and overcoming said overwhelming odds.

All pilots of the Revolution Bombers involved will also receive the Eagle's Eye for their near legendary display of marksmanship that led to this glorious victory.

For defending the Bombers and supporting their fight to victory, Nikita Tabakov will receive the Shield of the Proletariat to honor his efforts.

You should all be proud of yourselves Comrades, because of your efforts every member of the Fighter Corps will receive double Vodka rations for the next three days in order to celebrate.

We trust you will all continue to bring glory to the SCRA.

High Command
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[Message Ends]

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