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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-23-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Elbe Border Fortress
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Omega-7 operations, lone Corsair reinforcements & lawbreakers 22.01.830

Guten Tag Officers,

our operation within Omega-7 is taking up speed.

Parties interested in the Krüger installation there have reared their ugly heads yesterday and got what they deserved. The very first vessels we spotted were Hessian cruisers, unfortunately i suffered a critical malfunction of my vessel's operating systems and was unable to participate in that first skirmish. A group of pirates was present as well, but kept their distance from what i could still witness. Their tag reads as HRZ~ and apparently they know about the incoming attacks on the Kruger installation.

[Image: WLrNJ5g.png]

Several hours later i met an armed transport close to Elbe Border Fortress in Omega-7, the Masquerade. Its pilot, someone called Nenet, seemed to have an interest in the region. As she stuck around for a considerable while. Nenet kept out of engagements that were to take place later that day and at one occasion, probably even without knowing it was me, warned about incoming Corsair reinforcements heading for my location.

I boarded my scouting and interception vessel and headed for the Kruger base to begin my shift there. Soldatin Frieda Voigt was assigned to me, as i learned not much later upon arrival. Together with her i kept watch over the station, which kept attracting attention of nearby criminals. The first being a common pirate, callsign 'RAVE~Billy.Bones'. Masquerade was present as well, but did not interfere in any way. Said pirate intended to contract a Bounty Hunter, callsign 'Moon.' to look the other way before engaging, hunter refused the offer and took mine instead. Voigt was sent to keep an eye on the base, in case of this being a distraction. It was not, but a HRZ~ freighter decided to assist the first pirate. Prompting me to fire upon it and the prior target. Voigt was granted permission to engage, too. Both targets were taken out, Voigt and me returned to Elbe in order to refuel and rearm.

[Image: urYDiPb.png] [Image: FYLs9nq.png]

Voigt, proving herself to be a pleasently eager wingman, spotted an unusual sight and tracked its location up until i was able to reach the site as well. It was a Zoner "Aquilon" class carrier with a concerning IFF. It still checked out as Zoner, so no further steps were taken except a note and increased caution. A second vessel that undocked from the carrier had the same problematic IFF, but read as a Freelancer.

[Image: Jcp9dfM.png] [Image: Fw2DIUy.png] [Image: D9uo7Ge.png]

With our positions taken close to Kruger's base again, we did not have to wait particularly long. A Corsair showed up, callsign 'Sizeable.Pepe', only to vanish again. And then reappear. He was already hunted once by the Bounty Hunter we were told. Voigt chased him and relayed the location for me to join in. Around that time Masquerade warned me about a second Corsair incoming, Marcio.Arias. Their efforts proved too much for Voigt and me to handle, so i had to take her pod and bring her to safety. I used this opportunity to coordinate a hunting party. The Hitman Agency and 'Moon.' were brought in by me again to deal with the issue. The latter was overwhelmed in a particularly nasty stretch of the Walker Cloud, while both Hitman Agency assets, Agents 76 and 51, pressured present Corsair forces to attempt departure for Omega-5. I blocked the first attempt by Sizeable.Pepe after his comrade had already fled. Thus i found myself in Omega-5 with Marcio.Arias who naturally opened fire and we resumed our struggle. Without pause from prior engagements, my scouting vessel had taken considerable damage already and was taken down. I was brought to Stuttgart for recovery.

[Image: XqlM1OI.png] [Image: LEjjG19.png] [Image: jh23M24.png]

While recuperating in Stuttgart i coordinated efforts to scout Omega-7 and set Voigt on the right path for being added as a valuabe asset to the main fleet. Her conduct was exemplary up to this point and she only improved from here onwards. Bootsmann Beist reported no sightings around the installation and remained close for the time being, in case the situation was to change. A bit under an hour later the KKS-Koenig informed me about sightings of Corsair capital vessels, to which i sent in Voigt and two present Bounty Hunter gunboats for additional support.

As i was ordered to remain on Ulm to assist in further relocation of assets, my account of what transpired relies only on datalogs from the Schwarzach's bridge crew. The Corsair capital vessels retreated, instead a bomber wing with a smaller fighter escort made its way through the nebulae and asteroid formations. Forcing an advantage in their favour for the beginning of the fight, until their resolve seemed to dwindle more and more. With their losses apparently too costly to keep up they retreated, our own losses were miniscule in comparison. I received no direct communication logs.

[Image: is2vVFK.png] [Image: CuwLsNb.png]

As i was about to head for Planet Stuttgart to end my shift i met Voigt and Ridgenose close to the Westfalen. Receiving an account from both of what transpired in Omega-7 during my absence. Unfortunately Ridgenose never heeded prior warnings of mine to register his ship and weaponry for one reason or another, instead he opted to spew meaningless insults towards the Empire. With Voigt at my side i took the opportunity for a lesson in law and guided her through the process. Culprit being Ridgenose's use of equipment and ships manufactured by or belonging to factions considered hostile - Xenos in this case. As we were nearing the conclusion of this however, a Corsair Legate, the Lydia, entered Stuttgart's orbit and attempted to proceed towards Omega-7.
I ordered Voigt to keep it from activating its cruise engines while i ensured nearby trade lanes were unusable to it. For a brief moment it vanished from both our scanners, but reappeared moments later. This might have been nothing but an ion storm, yet i cannot be sure. With the Greifenstein en route from Omega-7 to Stuttgart, we kept the Lydia pinned down until she was rightfully dismantled then and there. The Greifenstein returned to her post in Omega-7 afterwards.

The previous lesson in law was to be resumed as Ridgenose received help in form of another Freelancer, Bull. After i had determined Ridgenose would not comply and rather cause trouble, i was forced to resort to force. To my confusion there was a Donau nearby, the Schnell, but her crew must have misunderstood my words and instead headed for Omega-7 as well. Bull aided Ridgenose against Voigt and me, Ridgenose being the one to land the disabling shot on my craft.

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[Image: qLHhWDB.png] [Image: fJCPJ96.png] [Image: xTuWjIe.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Barrier - 01-27-2023

[Image: K3c0wOg.png]
Source: Elbe Border Fortress, Omega-7
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Elias Beist
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Unioner contact, Core and Auxo engagement, Pirate activity

Guten Abend Offiziere.

Today I will briefly outline a number of events which occurred in Omega-7 during a combat patrol.

After emergency comms from the Kapitan of KKS-Greifenstein, me and Richard.Wafler proceeded to sweep the known jump anomalies in Omega-7. We were joined by Fl Siegel towards the end of our sweep. Both I and Herr Wafler detected blips of hostile vessels around sectors F-G6, but these were quickly swallowed up by the nebula. I decided to sweep the trade lanes to ensure that vessels were not lurking along their weak points. Upon returning to Elbe, I discovered that a small Core taskforce was in-system. The Kapitan of its battlecruiser put themselves at my disposal, though I knew that the likelihood of encountering other capital ships was small.

Right after the introductions, we all received a system-wide broadband message from the Kruger facility in sector E6. Upon investigating, I discovered a lone Unioner gunship near the station. Its Kapitan claimed that it was contracted to be there by Kruger officials, to provide additional security to the station. I immediately demanded that the vessel share any intel it had about previous attacks as a way to catch out a half-baked lie. Instead of a direct answer, the Kapitan offered to share intel, which I encouraged by suggesting a meeting at a neutral location. With Freistadt not 30K away, I didn't want to squander the opportunity for more information coming from another potential separatist.

Unfortunately, the situation was swiftly developing out of control in parallel with my brief interrogation. A number of Auxo vessels, along with an AI unit and the mouthy freelancer Ridgenose made themselves known. One of the Auxo pilots and Ridgenose took an aggressive stance towards the Unioner gunship, with ensured support from their comrades. It did not help that Fl Siegel took it upon herself to brand the Kapitan a terrorist, and to question my decision in front of no less than ten other vessels. Presuming that the situation was quickly turning towards becoming a battle zone where it would be the first target, I ordered the Unioner gunship to proceed to Freistadt, and gave a general command to all present not to fire upon the vessel. However, two Auxo snubcraft and Ridgenose took an offhand comment as approval for the Unioner's destruction, and promptly engaged the gunship. My appeals to cease fire had no effect on what I presume were young piloten shaking with the taste for the fight, and the gunship was quickly disabled.

Mere moments after, the Core taskforce commander gave the order I was expecting: to engage the Auxo. The arrival of an MND cruiser did nothing to cool matters, though its Kapitan also called for a cease of hostilities. With no actionable intel to acquire and no wish to get involved on either side, I ordered all military vessels to clear the combat area and ensure the safety of Elbe. At this point, a newcomer soldat (Theodoric.Kuhn) noticed some familiar scanner contacts - the HRZ pirate group. I immediately ordered the snubcraft to pursue and engage, and requested that the Kapitan of the MND cruiser stay and record the Auxo/Core engagement. Instead, the MND cruiser followed hot on our heels, and proceeded at flank speed towards the pirates as I was going through the motions of asking for their surrender. With such a large contact bearing on them, the pirates quickly vanished back into the nebula. In the course of this communication, the Auxo squad leader attempted to air their grievances to me on the public channel, but I pointed them to the established protocols.

With the pirates gone back into the nebula, and the Core - Auxo engagements at an end, I decided to do one last check of the Kruger installation, which was clear. Upon my return to Elbe, I received an urgent comm from Fl Voigt. We had a hostage situation on our hands with a Hessian pilot presiding. Even I am not jar-headed enough to attempt to negotiate with actual terrorists, so I ordered Voigt to engage, and promptly did the same. I should note that the freelancer Ridgenose, seemingly unsatisfied with my lack of engagement to his crude remarks and an easy fight against the Unioner gunship, attempted to secure a contract with the Hessian terrorist. Unfortunately, the combined skills of Fl Voigt and myself were not enough to take the Hessian down, and upon my vessel being disabled, Fl Voigt herself had to retreat to Elbe as well due to reinforcements.

My recommendations are as follows: contact representatives of the Core and the Auxo technocracy to decide on a potential neutrality pact within Rheinland and Rheinland-aligned space. The freelancer Ridgenose has repeatedly proven himself to be aligned against the interests of the Rheinwehr, and should be placed under close watch due to repeated violation of articles §2.5 and §2.6 of the Rheinland criminal code.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Elias Beist
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: nYqwS6c.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 01-28-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Catching a Corsair Smuggler

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

Since my transfer from the secondary fleet to the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr aboard the RNC Wodan, my first assignment was to patrol Rheinland and its borders.

I was soon alerted to the presence of a Corsair convoy traveling across Rheinland. With Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer as my partner, I plotted an intercept course, which led me to the Bering system.

After exploring the system for a while, I came upon two Corsair ships. One belonged to the Deterrence, but it immediately fled once I caught sight of it. The other one, an Essedarius (buzzi), was discovered hauling a load of Xeno Relics. The vessel immediately tried to flee as well, but was caught by my cruise disruptor. With my target in the vicinity, I ordered my crew to begin targeting the vessel. The captain of the Essedarius tried in vain to bribe me, which I was smart to ignore, and it was disabled quickly.

We coordinated afterwards with the Oberleutnant to find the Deterrence vessel, but it was nowhere to be seen. With my assignment complete, I returned to Planet New Berlin for further orders.

[Image: 9ZcqdTM.png]
[Image: V8diwkt.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 01-28-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Encounter with a Hessian Battlecruiser

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

I was contacted by Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer regarding a possible sighting of a Hessian vessel in the Frankfurt system.

The suspicions were true once I got aboard the RNC Wodan and headed to the Frankfurt system. While on my way to Mannheim Station, I encountered a Hessian battlecruiser (Verderber), plus a Corsair (Cesar`Gutierrez[TBH]) who immediately left the scene. Preliminary scans of the Hessian battlecruiser showed it had propaganda material on its cargo hold.

[Image: 5gtczAT.png]
[Image: NNwsYEG.png]

Knowing that my gunboat could not take on a vessel this big, I cautiously monitored the battlecruiser from afar. The Hessian tried to convince me using the propaganda, but I ignored it and continued, until backup arrived with two Fliegers, Frieda Volgt and Ignatz Schwann, and a soldat, Sven Schuberger. However, Flieger Volgt had some matters to take care off and departed from the scene, calling instead a Rheinwehr bomber ([RM]Vorschlaghammer-4) to assist us in the battle.

I began to engage the Hessian battlecruiser, which took a long time as it kept firing its guns on us. Slowly but surely, the Hessian battlecruiser was disabled, with my ship taking the last shot. While its words definitely ringed out, its combat prowess was no match to our combined strength, despite the bomber pilot's claim of poor performance during the battle.

[Image: zSg9Tx7.png]

I returned to Planet New Berlin with very light scratches on the Wodan's hull, which were easily repaired by maintenance crews.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-29-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM-0UT-TRG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Trade lane disruptions in New Berlin & Smuggling in Hamburg, 25.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

as i was informing our newest addition about frequented smuggling routes from and to the Rurhfeld, we received intel about trade lane disruptions in sector 4C.

With me were Bootsmann Fischer, Flieger Schwan and Voigt as well as Shafen. We adjusted course and headed out of the field, catching two pirates, callsigns HRZ~Terpentin and HRZ~Ulfhedinn, as well as Herr Botzler right near a disabled trade lane ring. The Wodan as well as Agent Lock attested to their interruptions, Botzler's attempts to wiggle out of being involved naturally fell on collectively deaf ears at this point. Still insisting on not having committed an attack on Rheinwehr personnel, despite it being clearly documented. I sent Shafen after Botzler as he attempted to flee, while my remaining squad was ordered to apprehend the pirates doing the same towards the Ruhrfeld. Inside the rubble of it they managed to disable my craft first.

[Image: z6UFhvW.png] [Image: l6ZgUIg.png]

Approximately two sirian standard hours later in Hamburg a prime opportunity to give Voigt some hands-on experience with applying our laws presented itself. A Freelancer, callsign Carlos-Benitez, left the trade lane to planet Hamburg early and headed towards Hudson instead. I managed to conduct a scan from afar and spotted 1500 units of Sorted Artifacts in the hold of his CT-100 "Grouse" transport. The order to intercept was given and successfully executed. While Shafen shook some sense into an overconfident pilot, Voigt prepared and continued to carry out her assigned task. For a yet unknown reason the pilot in possession of said artifacts dropped them himself and destroyed them - then went ahead to pay 48.500.000 SC more than the fine required him to. Refusing to remain and have that incorrect amount properly processed, Carlos-Benitez attempted and succeeded to vanish in the traffic around Altona station.

[Image: 9XjE6NF.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 01-31-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Battleship Schwerin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM-0UT-TRG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Relic Smuggler & Hessian Battlecruiser in Frankfurt, 27.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

during a routine patrol in Frankfurt i came across a familiar callsign, Carlos-Benitez.

Not having learned any lesson whatsoever, this time carrying 1500 units of Artifacts and heading towards the restricted Westerwald nebula. The pilot cut their engines and returned from the zone, but refused to cooperate. Before i could take action a Hessian battlecruiser showed up on my scanners, the Verderber, which was previously responding to the messages broadcasted system-wide. A Corsair, callsign Cesar`Gutierrez[TBH], appeared as well and allowed Benitez to leave by hindering me in my pursuit. Apparently Benitez was known to Gutierrez, but i could not find out more. Schuberger, a soldier arriving from New Berlin, pursued Gutierrez while i coordinated with the Wodan, which kept eyes on the Hessian capital vessel until reinforcements arrived. I, at this point, was headed for a nearby blip on radar very close to where Benitez had initially attempted to head to and kept watch for a potential ambush.

[Image: T9Fhfxx.png] [Image: 3Y1LjEI.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Traudel Habermeyer - 02-01-2023

[Image: 1oZ9o9U.png]
Source: Battleship Kolleda
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM-0UT-TRG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Traudel Habermeyer
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Night Shift, 30.01.830

Guten Abend Officers,

the Hitman Agency, MND and Rheinwehr have intercepted Corsair efforts within New Berlin during the earliest hours of the morning.

Ships of them were spotted entering from Hamburg, passing Essen Station and making their way to the Dresden jump gate. Coordinated channels allowed for intervention in sector D7, where i was awaiting part of their convoy cloaked. Disabling their cruise engines, i bought time for the rest of our forces to arrive. A Hitman gunboat was heavily damaged during the interaction, but drew fire and kept them from escaping long enough for the Wodan to arrive and finish the job. Meanwhile the MND operative Nebel and Voigt engaged the main Corsair vessel's escorts together with me. All targets were successfully taken out.

[Image: M9qxbNZ.png] [Image: bMgJFTq.png]

Restocking at Wildau lead to the discovery of a Freelancer, Lionel.Mutz, piloting a 'Loki', as well as a Zoner carrying Nomad material and restricted weaponry through Rheinland. While i took care of Mutz, Voigt was assigned to deal with the Zoner 'Varkodt - assisted by Nebel. Both tasks were successfully carried out, Mutz was informed about the procedures to be able to enter Rheinland again and escorted out. Voigt informed me the Zoner complied and handed over Nomad materials and any weaponry not mounted - then was brought out of Rheinland as well.

[Image: OfKVl6g.png] [Image: t5h29Os.png]

Shortly after having started our night shift in Thuringia again we spotted a Cryer transport hauling Helium to Omicron Theta. They did not breach any restricted zones, but were headed for the Frankfurt jump hole in sector E6. Knowing where that would put them once jumped, i suggested to their captain to not risk the legal repercussions of entering restricted space - that being the entirety of the Westerwald over in Frankfurt. Fortunately they heeded my warning, yet failed to comply with my navigational instructions. I regret to inform that the Cryer vessel 'Randy.Rhoads' suffered catastrophic damage and is now lost to Suhl. We did not start any rescue attempts, due to Suhls unpredictable nature. Forces in the system were informed to keep an eye on any potential chance at extracting escape pods, cargo or the vessel ... or parts of it ... itself.

[Image: hauJ5SH.png] [Image: 8l6Qm08.png]

Later a Samura transport entered Thuringia from Frankfurt - meaning a breach of the Westerwald restricted zone. I ordered Leutnant Kunrad and Fliegerin Voigt to surround it and keep it from escaping. Its cargo was 5000 units of Xeno Relics. They insisted on being forced to deliver these by alleged captors keeping their mother hostage. The will to provide any useful information in that regard to verify these claims was, as to be expected, not there. As the vessel's captain decided to flee instead of cooperate, MND forces that had arrived engaged. I ordered Bootsmann Fischer and Voigt to assist. The Samura vessel, callsign 'Interesting.Things', was disabled in Frankfurt.
Leutnant Kunrad was taking care of a Freelancer, 'Albagini, that carried Armaments and Light Arms exceeding the personal use limt of ten (10) units. Kunrad informed me they cooperated by handing over the contraband and paying the fine. As Voigt and me spotted another Freelancer, i was not present during that myself. Instead the MND and us gave chase, as the additional Freelancer, Alpha-12, was operating an unregistered 90-ARKM-N60E Disir together with Hornviper Mk II's. The pilot headed for Bering, claiming we were still in a state of war and hurled out accusations. In Bering he turned on present MND company, forcing our hand. The vessel was taken down.

[Image: pBzHZR6.png] [Image: W43Gxks.png] [Image: iDHNEDz.png] [Image: dZCibPu.png] [Image: VVZAN9g.png]

Regrouping at the Bayern led to a somewhat unpleasant conversation between MND and Rheinwehr, one that i left with Voigt in order to proceed with an extended patrol around Frankfurt and Sigma-15. Not without reminding our dear comrades about a few hints towards basic decency. There was little time to dwell on it, as a Daumann employee relayed the position of a Corsair cruiser to all available forces in reach. We followed the signature towards the Konstanz wreck and overwhelmed it there, returning the captured Police pilots and neutralizing the threat that cruiser posed.

[Image: YycZFr1.png] [Image: bpBHKX7.png]
[Image: aBpcmc0.png] [Image: AtWUR7N.png]

Voigt and me were to end our patrol by checking on the Kruger base in Omega-7 and surrounding borders. We found no traces of any movements in Omega-7 itself, but were trailed by a single Coalition vessel in Omega-48. With Omega-11 still on our list and the Hessian presence during the first days of the Omega-7 operation still present in my mind, i offered the Coalition pilot a chance to act in their best interest. Naturally that was not taken, so not only was the moral high ground won that day... but also the confrontation itself. Voigt begins to outshine herself slowly but surely, she landed a textbook example of a hit and took out the enemy craft with it.

[Image: BLOlkNO.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Traudel Habermeyer
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 02-01-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Catching a Corsair Smuggler

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

It seems that Corsairs have been frequenting Rheinland and its border systems. As they have been known for their egregious acts of piracy and terrorism towards the Rheinwehr, the Polizei, and civilian traffic in general, I was doing a routine patrol until I came upon a single Pilgrim Liner belonging to the Deterrence (DTR-Grey-Seiker), a sub-group within the Corsairs. My orders were to disable the vessel on sight, especially as it had a cruise disruptor in its arsenal.

[Image: MFUQEJ3.png]
[Image: ubMF5MO.png]

The captain of the Pilgrim Liner tried to assert that violence was not needed and that it tried to sue for peace. Given their reputation within Rheinland and its borders, I continued to engage the vessel and soon, it was disabled, where its captain and crew can be properly apprehended and sent into a prison for affiliating with the Corsairs.

[Image: 5Qoy1nd.png]

After this, I returned to Wildau Station for further orders.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 02-02-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: Planet Holstein
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Leutnant Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Patrol report

Guten tag officers,

A few days ago I was on a joint patrol with a few other pilots. I was observating an exercise for the new Fliegers in Thuringia.
Not too long after a Samura ship arrived with the tag Intersting.Things. The pilot was carrying 5000 pieces of Xeno Relics!
After being questioned by me and a few other pilots, the transport claimed his mother got kidnapped and they forced the relics on him to send it to a destination unknown to him.
Unfortunately his story didn't add up and he wanted to flee before we saw him. I was about to order to fire until the oberleutnant ordered me to fall back.

After that i went with another pilot to the Omega 7 system while the other kollegen continued question the Samura. There was a report from an OS&C vessel being pirated by a Freelancer ship with the callsign Masquerade. Unfortunately there was no visible proof of this happening, and the Masquerade ship said they had an argument but nothing else happened. Also, as this was Omega 7 we had no official authority there. We returned to Thuringia for further patrol.

As we returned, the transport was still being questioned. In the meantime some BDM agents arrived to the scene as well.
As the transport was still being questioned another ship entered. This time a freelancer Ferry under the tag Albagini was entering Thuringia without permission. Not mention some of the items the pilot was carrying was more than allowed by Rheinland law. Since he was cooperative and it was his first time, i let him off with a fine of 5 million. I tractored the Light Arms and the Arnaments. Then I escorted him back to whence he came and returned to the situation with the Samura. While the oberleutnant insisted on keeping up the questioning, the BDM seemed done with it and overruled it. They gave him a final warning to drop the cargo, but the Samura kept declining to cooperate. Thus the transport got destroyed together with the relics.

Below you can find footage of the patrol:

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: zZl6blY.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 02-04-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Catching a Corsair Smuggler

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

Responded to an emergency in New Berlin concerning a massive Corsair attack near Planet New Berlin.

I readied the RNC Wodan and came upon a very surprising sight. One Donau-class cruiser (RNC-Einbeck) was carrying Nomadic materials and was already engaged by our forces. Nevertheless, it was swiftly eliminated.

[Image: bFrrmNm.png]
[Image: pGd9x6y.png]

With the help of other reinforcements, I managed to eliminate all other hostile ships within area. Needless to say, this battle was a decisive victory for our Kaiserliche Rheinwehr forces and allies.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr