Do you like the avatar above me? - VoluptaBox - 09-12-2011
Looks cool.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Jazz - 09-12-2011
Birdeh! A robin?
Do you like the avatar above me? - VoluptaBox - 09-12-2011
I liked your old one more:P
Do you like the avatar above me? - Jazz - 09-12-2011
' Wrote:I liked your old one more:P
You mean Santa-Super-Nietzche? I hadn't changed him in over a year. And Felix the Cat is not only one of the first, but one of the most famous Animated characters of all time :3
Same birdeh, I used to have a feeder outside my window.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Craig Ferguson - 09-12-2011
Do you like the avatar above me? - VoluptaBox - 09-12-2011
Ye, but Felix is also used by...Felix...(Prowler).
Not bad, but still liked old one more.
:@ bloody ninjas
Do you like the avatar above me? - Jazz - 09-12-2011
' Wrote:But...
LOL I had never seen him. Is he still active? If he is then Ill change it.
On a more related note: I watch his show, my favorite late night show evah. "Wha'cha! My frisky leetle monkehs!!" *snaps invisible whip at audience*
Edit: GAH! Ninja'd by a garden burd!
Edit2: Santa-Super-Nietzsche is back!
Do you like the avatar above me? - VoluptaBox - 09-12-2011
and yes, prowler is active.
that avy is so much win :laugh:
Do you like the avatar above me? - Jazz - 09-12-2011
Well, I suppose win deserves to stay ^.^
Do you like the avatar above me? - Captain - 09-12-2011