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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 02-28-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Fighting Corsairs in Xi

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

This time I was called upon to serve as a crewmember of one of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr's battlecruisers, the KKS Gutland. Our immediate order, as relayed by the Kapitän, was to prepare the ship for combat duty in the Munich system, due to the buildup of Corsair forces within the area surrounding the jumphole to Omicron Xi.

Upon entering the Munich system and rendezvousing with the fleet, it became apparent that the Corsairs had began to retreat to the Omicron Xi system. However, the Gutland was forced to moor at Raubling Station due to an orientation by the Kapitän. I was assigned the task of Weapons Officer, and I was confident we could win the battle.

Initially, our fleet suffered some losses, but fortunately, reinforcments came in. As a result, we were able to rout the Corsairs and defeat them, but not before an interesting sight came up.

[Image: OF4cngn.png]
[Image: CSWrX1B.png]
[Image: lCaOnmz.png]

There was a Nomad present within the system, which alerted us to some degree, including me, but it didn't seem to be actively attacking us. When the battle was over, it disappeared from our sensors and the Gutland rendezvoused with the remaining Rheinwehr forces to celebrate a victory against the Corsair menace.

[Image: JjWiaKS.png]
[Image: 0Q25bQE.png]

That will be all for today.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 02-28-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Ostkantone
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Oberleutnant Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Omicron Xi incursion

Guten tag Offiziere,

We received reports of large Corsair activity in München. Only the ship I was a crewmember of, the KKS-Deuter and limited reinforcements were available. We rushed and grouped up in München. As soon as the Corsairs noticed us they felt back to Syros to get reinforcements. We decided to head into Xi for a pre-emptive attack. We were outnumbered and it looked like a suicide mission at first.

Then we got more comms coming in for reinforcements. With all this sudden good news we realized we actually stood a chance. We pushed and grouped up in Xi. When most reinforcements arrived we pushed towards the Corsair fleet. Our Bismarck KKS-Deuter leading the charge of the assault as acting Flagship. My former trainee Klaus Schwartz was a crewmember of the [RM]KKS-Wodan. The gunboat where he was operating in diverted enemy fire very well from the cruisers. Again i'm proud of him. We stayed together and covered each other. In the beginning it looked grim as we received some losses. Then, We decided then to push hard and go all-in. This proved to be a good decision, as we picked off their capital ships one by one. The KKS-Deuter received some damage but the hull was holding. We scattered them in the end and disabled many of their ships. It was a gut victory für the Kaiser!

The fleet returned back to Passau Outpost and some of us stayed to celebrate with good ol' Rheinbier! Fleet and battle footage can be found below.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]
[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: AUr0fgK.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png][Image: Z4HeSEl.png]
[Image: sizsZuT.png][Image: phOUJJO.png][Image: e0DpjVU.png][Image: 54uNcrk.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 03-01-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Situation in Munich

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

I was called again to the KKS Gutland in response to a Corsair invasion of Munich. This time, their fleet was small and our forces managed to easily repel the invasion, but not before one of our battleships took serious damage in the process.

After the battle, the KKS Gutland returned to base.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Barrier - 03-06-2023

[Image: JoUqS1D.png]
Source: Passau Outpost, Munich
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Leutnant Elias Beist
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Human trafficker, Thuringia warning and engagement

Guten Abend Offiziere.
After assisting with repelling a raid in Munich by the Corsairs, I proceeded to fly a patrol leg towards Thuringia. I reasoned that with the relatively recent expansion of the exclusion zone to the whole system, there may still be individual captains under false assumptions.

Upon proceeding away from the Munich jump gate into the trade lane, my scanners detected an incoming Samura-tagged transport vessel (designation: Star.way - ERROR:Scan_data_unavailable). As a matter of habit, I scanned its hold and was surprised to discover as many as 1,000 lifeforms aboard! My system immediately pinged me about high-profile kidnapping links, but I was too busy ending the trade lane sequence to fly in pursuit of the transport. My demand to halt on the system-wide band naturally went unanswered.

Upon transitioning back into Munich, I detected the vessel approximately 9K away, on a relatively straight course towards the Xi jump anomaly. However, upon my closer approach, it completely disappeared from scanners! While the dark matter storm could cause interference, I have enough experience in its confines to conclude that this was certainly a cloaking device. I proceeded to the last known location of the vessel, and then towards the Xi jump anomaly with no additional sightings. I also retransmitted a system-wide message, offering the captain a chance to land their "cargo" on Passau, but this naturally did not occur.

I proceeded back to my original route to Thuringia after some additional time of blocking the jump anomaly. This time my journey was uneventful until I actually jumped into Thuringia. As I approached Bayern, my long-ranged scanners detected a Zoner-tagged large transport (designation: Toxictrasher). A closer scan revealed it to be carrying 5,000 units of Helium. My command to halt was obeyed, and I proceeded to interrogate the captain. Seeing as the vessel complied with my demands and seemed willing to describe its trading route, I decided to let them off with a warning.

After this encounter, I decided to make a long loop past the Bering jump anomaly and return to Bayern. However, when I was at the apex of the leg, I was urgently contacted by a fighter on standby on the Bayern (designation: Phoenix). It detected a signature following my route, and proceeded to intercept. This turned out to be a Bundschuh fighter (designation: Moroda), which it promptly engaged. Unfortunately, my revenant loadout did not allow for effective engagement parameters against agile ships. I did my best with the tools I had available, but ultimately both me and Phoenix were forced to retreat to the Bayern to avoid sustaining heavy damage.

This encounter has solidified my growing assurance that the Bundschuh are fully committed to their belligerent status inside Rheinland, and will therefore be treated by me accordingly in the future. Additionally, I recommend a complete blacklist of the vessel Star.way, and a potential fact-finding communication to be established with Samura Industries.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Elias Beist
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: zZl6blY.png]
[Image: tfMtFht.png] [Image: 8gIGBaJ.png] [Image: 7yZQdYJ.png] [Image: Z4HeSEl.png] [Image: phOUJJO.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 03-12-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Ostkantone
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-GKR-BLG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Dublin Debut Race

Guten tag Offiziere,

A week ago I found an internal message on the Rheinwehr Neural Net from Konteradmiral Henze looking for volunteers for a race event in Bretonia. I applied and got the honor of representing the Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr at the AWES organised race in Dublin. This was my first ever race, but I was allowed to prepare as much as a I could in the flight simulators at the Hauptquartier.

The first race didn't go as well as i'd hoped as a thruster failure made me fall behind in the race and I ended up last. While still not doing honor to our Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr. Dankfully, I managed to slowly make better progress in the next races. I slowly moved up in the ranks until I finally got a podiumplatz as 3rd in the vorletzten race. It was a photofinish with the 2nd placed Tala! The race got on hold for a few minutes as a Molly tried to disrupt the event. Luckily, the Bretonian Armed Forces were present en masse and dealt quickly with the intruder. In the last race it was more about endurance and survival than finishing, as there were no laps counting at this point and the track turrets were firing full force. Finally I could use my military experience in this race. I managed to hold out long, but just missed a podiumplatz as I got focused down by 2 opponents, taking out my cruise engines. In turn it was only a matter of time before the track turrets took me down.

I apologise if I disappointed the leadership of our Rheinwehr and will use this experience to be better in the future, should you ever have need of my services for this kind of events again. Also I'd like to danke Kapitanleutnant Boll fur supporting and coaching me during the event. Below you can find footage of the race made by our Rheinwehr und AWES.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]
[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: AUr0fgK.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png][Image: Z4HeSEl.png]
[Image: sizsZuT.png][Image: phOUJJO.png][Image: e0DpjVU.png][Image: 54uNcrk.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 03-21-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Kolleda
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-GKR-BLG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Nomad intelligence and Unioner documents

Guten tag Offiziere,

After hearing reports of Outcast forces massing in Omicron Xi, I was ordered to scout the system to see if any of these rumors were true. Unfortunately I didn't find any Outcast forces. Should these rumours be true, it would certainly weaken our Corsair enemies in the long run. The enemy of my enemy is my friend is as the saying goes? Unfortunately while scouting I got spotted by a capital ship named the CNS-Ravenna's.Sword. After ignoring their warnings it launched 2 fighters to make chase behind me.

After a brief chase I managed to lose them in a nebula cloud further north of the system. I ended up near planet Knossos. Since I was compromised in the system and they were probably blocking my way out to Munich, I decided to continue exploring this side of the system.

I found an atmospheric entry point to the planet. I'm not one to be called a scientist but the looks of it resembled Nomad technology. Turns out this planet was more of a cocoon of some sorts!. I must admit I was quite hesitant to continue, but my curiosity got the better of me. Pushing on, I noticed an old structure. After getting closer it looked Nomad-esque as well. It seemed destroyed and abandoned a long time ago. The main structure looked like a station while the side structures seemed something like a stationary turret tower or some kind of generator. I added the footage in this file in the hopes our intelligence and scientists can make more out of it than I can. Close to the main structure I found and tractorbeamed a pile of artifacts. I kept them in a sealed of and secured part of my cargo hold.

About to return to open space, I saw another large structure far away. Again, my curiosity got the better of me. As I already was far deterred from my initial goal, I thought I might as well go all the way. Getting closer it seemed like another old structure. This triangle shaped building looked very different and seemed like it had no relation with the other structure.

When inspecting it more closely I must have accidently activated it as suddenly got sucked into it! For a few seconds I jumped out into an unknown system. The area looked all green and blurry. Seemed like there was another reason to panic as the jumpgate sucked me back in. Jumping out in the same place I initially started, I flew away from that wretched jumpgate as fast as possible in case that thing activated itself again.

I returned to open space in Omicron Xi and while going back to the Munich jumphole I tried taking some footage of Corsair bases near Planet Mykonos and Santorini. The quality wasn't that great though as I had to keep evading turret fire from their defenses. Thank God the dreadnought didn't linger any longer at the jumphole.

Returning to Munich, I dropped off the footage and Alien relics at battleship Schwerin for research purposes. Continuing to New Berlin I cargo checked an OSC-vessel under the nametag "Cordial". The captain of that ship was certainly talkative and too curious for her own good. While initially only seeing luxury products, I noticed propaganda papers on her ship. She claimed to have no idea what it was. Checking one of the papers it had pictures of our military ships and parades on it. The text was coded and indescribable to me. The OSC Captain finally seemed to remember she got this from a Unioner. As Unioners can't be fully trusted, this was highly suspicious.

Before I could resume questioning the OSC vessel, I got a hostile incoming on my scanner. Seemed like a Corsair under the nametag "Tiberius" wanted revenge for the battle that happened in Munich a day earlier. I rushed to the battleship Kolleda as my first priority was to secure this intel. I managed to reach it and docked before the Corsair could catch up on me. Let's hope the decryptors can make more of these papers than I do.

Giving the papers, I went back into space to deal with the Corsair treat. Despite dealing some damage to the ship I got bested and my ship got disabled. Luckily the Kolleda was close enough to tractor my pod before the Corsair could capture me.

It was an eventful day and I hope that both intel can be of any use our beloved Rheinwehr. I finished off the day with a Rheinbier at Kolleda while my ship is being repaired by their lovely crew.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]
[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: AUr0fgK.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png][Image: Z4HeSEl.png]
[Image: sizsZuT.png][Image: phOUJJO.png][Image: e0DpjVU.png][Image: 54uNcrk.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - monmarfori - 03-27-2023

Source: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin system
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Bootsmann Klaus Schwartz
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ, Kolonnenplatz Neu Berlin
Subject: Patrol near Planet New Berlin

Guten tag, officers of the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr.

While undocking from Planet New Berlin, I encountered Oberleutnant Gunter Kunrad, a Technocrat going by the name of Revenant, and Caliban. Initially, things were uneventful for a while until a freelancer (Points) came in. This time, however, it was found that the ship contained six (6) units of counterfeit software and one (1) alien remains, a breach of Section 2.2 of Article 2 of the laws of Rheinland.

[Image: 4r2PnN6.png]
[Image: O2TNpq3.png]

Initial questioning of Points was, however, made difficult due to attempts by both Caliban and Revenant to interfere with the situation, but eventually listened to our orders. Points's rationale for having the counterfeit software was quite intriguing, stating that one (1) was from a recent skirmish and the remaining five (5) comprised the components for the fighter's recon modules. Revenant again stepped in, inquiring about how the software can be possibly counterfeit. Further scans showed that their licenses did not correspond to any legitimate copies and were possibly manufactured illicitly.

I immediately gave the order to destroy the alien remains, followed by confiscating the counterfeit software. Points complied to the orders and I reminded him not to break the laws of Rheinland again. Then the discussion shifted to wine-based products and nothing eventful happened as I finished my patrol.

[Image: vVbQePf.png]
[Image: p99Mz5R.png]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Klaus Schwartz
Bootsmann der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - BobMacaroni - 04-02-2023

Source: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Leutnant Jurgen Schmidt
Recipient: Oberkommando
Subject: New Recruit Training

Guten Tag, Offizieres.

Recently I was given the honor of training new recruits of our Rheinland Military. I have been training him and we have been patrolling our borders and defending it. This is my report to Oberkommando of our progress.

Our first patrol begun in the New Berlin System, outside of the planet. The recruit flew a bomber, with the codename Murderer. We ventured toward the Frankfurt System, and then on to the Sigma 15 system, which had become an irregularity in recent times. Everything was secure, thankfully. We returned to base and bid eachother good day.

The next patrol began in New Berlin again. We made our way to the Stuttgart system. From there we found a trader, the US|USV-Highlander. The target did not seem intent on stopping, even when we disrupted the lanes, it refused to hold for a cargo scan. The recruit handled the talks with the transport, and we made sure to check it's bays for contraband, which there was none. The recruit also asked him where he was going, which the transport stated it was none of our business. If he was not hauling normal materials, I would have been suspicious.

From there we ventured to the Omega 11 system. We made a quick check, and returned back. From there we ventured to Munich and battled Corsairs. That is all for now. The logs of the second patrol will be below.

[28.03.2023 21:55:57] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Guten tag, Offizier
[28.03.2023 21:56:20] Murderer: Guten tag captain!
[28.03.2023 21:57:10] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: We are going to take a trip to the Omegas today
[28.03.2023 21:57:31] Murderer: great...lets do it
[28.03.2023 21:57:34] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Reports have been held of an increase of pirates in the area
[28.03.2023 21:58:42] Murderer: all the omegas are RMs ZOI?
[28.03.2023 21:58:59] Murderer: i think its for BDMs
[28.03.2023 21:59:24] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: // btw remember to keep things inRP
[28.03.2023 21:59:35] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: // for ooRP chat it can just go in group chat
[28.03.2023 21:59:54] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: I believe the Rheinland Military does have interest in the Omega 7 and Omega 48 systems
[28.03.2023 21:59:56] Murderer: // :D....ok
[28.03.2023 22:00:13] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: As well as Omega 11, but that falls more under the reigns of Kruger
[28.03.2023 22:00:30] Murderer: aha correct

(Enters Stuttgart)

[28.03.2023 22:03:09] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: This is Leutnant Jurgen Schmidt. Please hold for a scan, US vessel
[28.03.2023 22:03:09] Murderer: Guten tag captain......please stop for scanning
[28.03.2023 22:03:23] US|USV-Highlander: Hallo
[28.03.2023 22:03:35] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Commencing cargo scan
[28.03.2023 22:03:38] Murderer: wait please
[28.03.2023 22:03:50] Murderer: ok
[28.03.2023 22:04:04] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: You are all clear. Theres nothing here illegal
[28.03.2023 22:04:06] Murderer: where is your destination?
[28.03.2023 22:04:35] US|USV-Highlander: no concern of yours
[28.03.2023 22:04:42] US|USV-Highlander: my flight plan is filed as needed
[28.03.2023 22:05:30] Murderer: ok it seems ok...have a safe flight
[28.03.2023 22:06:03] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Quite the untalkative pilot
[28.03.2023 22:08:20] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: This area comes under frequent attacks by the Red Hessians. Stay on your guard as we pass through
[28.03.2023 22:08:35] Murderer: roger that
[28.03.2023 22:10:07] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Kruger has a mining site around here. The construction is not yet finished however
[28.03.2023 22:11:01] Murderer: oh i see
[28.03.2023 22:11:46] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Clear
[28.03.2023 22:12:48] [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt: Lets return promptly, unless we find ourselves ambushed
[28.03.2023 22:13:07] Murderer: sure

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jurgen Schmidt
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - [MHS] - 04-04-2023

Source: Planet Stuttgart, Stuttgart System
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Reza Pasha
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Training to join Rheinland Military

Guten Tag, Offizieres.
As the officer Leutnant Jurgen Schmidt said, I have been training under his supervision for a while to become an official member of the Rheinland Military. The trainings were complete and comprehensive and I spent a good time with him and it was very informative for me.
I hope that appropriate measures will be taken into account to confirm my qualification.
In the end, it is worth mentioning that I would like to thank and appreciate all those who helped me in the Rheinland Military in any situation and position......I will not name them because I might forget someone and be ashamed of them.
My ship has been outfitted and equipped with military grade technology, and I am ready for assignment, wherever it may be.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Rekrut der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 04-05-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Ostkantone
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-GKR-BLG
Submitter: Oberleutnant Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Sigma 13 Scouting

Guten tag Offiziere,

Since there haven't been much reports from the Sigma's, I decided to do some scouting in Sigma 13. I took some footage of Gas Miner Guild assets in the area.
While I didn't find anything new that our intelligence didn't know about, I made footage of Helgoland Station and some Gas Miners. It might not be much, but maybe our research division can spot some technology unknowing to me.

I continued my reconnaissance looking for other interesting anomalies. The nebula helpt keeping my presence low. I did a quick check on Newport Station and the Junker's Madrid base.
About to give up finding something of use I found a jumphole. Not knowing what's behind it I decided to make the jump. I scouted the nearby area, and from the data from my navmap, i'm quite positive I ended up in Sigma 19! I made some quick footage and left soon after, not knowing what could be lurking nearby. Unfortunately the jumphole interfered with the data logging and I couldn't save the location of said jumphole.

Returning to Sigma 13 I got reports of possible GMG vessels patrolling nearby. I decided to retreat back to Frankfurt to not compromise my presence there.
I transferred the intel to Battleship Schwerin and will let the intelligence and research departments do their jobs.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]
[Image: HpIs3GZ.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: AUr0fgK.png][Image: 8gIGBaJ.png][Image: Z4HeSEl.png]
[Image: sizsZuT.png][Image: phOUJJO.png][Image: e0DpjVU.png][Image: 54uNcrk.png]